

A09营销 张瑞 090802123








我常常扪心自问,毕业之后我要做什么,我要做一个怎样的人,面对巨大的就业压力我又该如何调整心态迎难而上。有人问:“你的人生观、价值观是什么?如何坚守?” 我想,即使是在社会生存竞争如此激励的现在,也不要忘记了自己做人的标准和原则。在物欲横流的闹市中坚持人情味,坚持自己最初的原则与梦想。不在浮躁的外环境下丢弃自己的灵魂,不在欣赏和追逐中迷失自己当初的理想。




一个购物狂的自白 Confessions of a Shopaholic 双语剧本

When I was a little girl,


there were real prices and mom prices.


Real prices got you shiny, sparkly things that lasted three weeks, 原价是能让你耀眼三周的东西

and mom prices got you brown things...


... that lasted forever.


You notice they were 50 percent off?


Look at...

- 看看...

But when I looked into shop windows,


I saw another world.


A dreamy world full of perfect things.


A world where grown-up girls got what they wanted. 一个成年女子能拥有一切的世界

They were beautiful.


Like fairies or princesses.


They didn't even need any money, they had magic cards. 她们甚至不需要钱 她们有魔法卡

I wanted one.


Little did I know...


... I would end up with 12.


Rebecca Bloomwood. Occupation: Journalist.

Rebecca Bloomwood 职业:记者

Jacket: Visa. Dress: AMEX.

外套:Visa卡 连衣裙:AMEX卡

Belt: MasterCard.


It's vintage. And I got one percent cash back.

这是古典款式 我还得到1%的现金回馈

Bag: Gucci!


And worth every penny.


Moving to New York, I met guys.

搬到纽约来 我会遇上一些男人

And that kind of put things in perspective.


'Cause you know that thing, when you see someone cute and he smiles, 因为当你遇到一帅哥 他对着你笑

and your heart kind of goes


like warm butter sliding down hot toast?


Well, that's what it's like when I see a store.

嗯 这就是我看到商店的感觉

Only it's better.


You see, a man will never love you

你知道 男人永远不会像

or treat you as well as a store.

商店那样子爱你 款待你

If a man doesn't fit, you can't exchange him seven days later 要是男人不合适 你也不能7天内退货

for a gorgeous cashmere sweater.


And a store always smells good.


A store can awaken a lust for things


you never even knew you needed.


And when your fingers grasp those shiny, new bags...


Oh, yes! Oh, yes!

噢 就是这样!噢 就是这样!

Oh, no... I spent $900.

噢 不...我花了900元

So you are covering the yard and tool expo, right?

你负责报道园艺及工具博览会 对吧?

I'm on it.


OK, don't panic.

好吧 别惊慌

Calm. Calm. Bloomingdale's.

冷静 冷静 Bloomingdale's(美国奢侈品连锁店) Well, that would be the pants.

嗯 那是裤子

I had to get the pants to match the...


- Oh, shoes. - I...

- 噢 鞋子 - 我...

Hold on...


- Somebody's stolen my credit card! - Oh, my God. - 有人偷了我的信用卡! - 噢 天呀

Somebody has stolen my credit card and gone 有人偷了我的信用卡

on an insane spending spree around New York. 而且在纽约到处乱花钱

- No! - Yeah!

- 不! - 是呀!

Outdoor World? I've never been to Outdoor World. 户外世界?我从来没去过户外世界

Yes, you have.

不 你去过

- You bought that tent, remember? - No, I didn't. - 你买了个帐篷 记得吗? - 不 我没有

- For Kristen's going-away present. - Never seen a tent. - 是Kristen的欢送礼物 - 我从没见过帐篷

I organized the collection and gave you the money. 我负责筹款 然后把钱给你了



"Special skills: Fencing"? Fluent in Finnish? "特殊技能: 剑术?" 芬兰语流利?

What? Who doesn't pad their resume?


Shoe! Thanks.


Why can't you get changed in your own office? 你怎么不在自己的办公室里换衣服?

And let everyone at Gardening Today


know I've secretly arranged an interview at Alette magazine?


Did I mention I have an interview at Alette magazine? 我提到我要去<Alette>杂志面试了吗?

Only about a billion times.


- OK... - It's kind of a leap, isn't it?

- 好吧... - 感觉这变化有点大 对吧?

Gardening to fashion?


I mean, not that I meant you couldn't do it...

我是说 不是说你做不到...

Suze... since I was 14 I wanted to work at Alette magazine. Suze...14岁开始 我就想替<Alette>杂志工作

If I can just get this job I will be happy forever.

要是我能得到这份工作 我就能永远都开开心心了 Wow.

Rebecca, you just got a credit card bill of $900.

Rebecca 你才收到900美元的信用卡账单

You do not need a scarf.


Then again...


...who needs a scarf?


Wrap some old jeans around your neck, that'll keep you warm. 在脖子上围条旧牛仔裤 就能保暖了

That's what your mother would do.


You're right, she would.

说得对 她就是这么做的

The point about this scarf is that


it would become part of a definition of your...


Of your psyche.


Do you see what I mean?


No, I do. Keep talking.

嗯 我明白 继续说

It would make your eyes look bigger.




It would make my haircut look more expensive. 它会让我的发型看上去更昂贵

You'd wear it with everything.


It would be an investment.


You would walk into that interview confident. 这样你面试时会充满自信

- Confident. - And poised.

- 自信 - 而且泰然自若

- Poised. - The girl in the green scarf.

- 泰然自若 - 那个围绿色围巾的女孩

The green scarf, please.

我要这条绿色围巾 谢谢

Good choice. It's the last one.

选得好 这是最后一条了

That'll be $120. How would you like to pay?

谢谢你120元 你想怎么付款呢?

Here's $50 in cash, can you put 30 on this card... 给你50元现金 这张卡刷30元...

Ten on that.


Twenty on that.


- It's so cute. - Declined.

- 它太好看了 - 被拒了

Really? Could you just... Could you try it again? 什么?你能不能... 你能不能再试一次?

Really declined.


- Could you put this to one side? - I can't hold sale items. - 你能不能把它放到一边...? - 打折商品无法保留 - Excuse me. It's an emergency. - Back of the line! - 让一下 紧急情况 - 到后面排队!

Excuse me, this is an emergency. Excuse you, excuse me! 不好意思 这是紧急情况 你让一让 不好意思! - Do you do cash back? - What?

- 你能兑现吗? - 什么?

If I give you a check for $23, will you give me 要是我给你一张23元的支票 你能不能给我 one of your hot dogs and $20 cash back, please? 一个热狗和20块现金 拜托你了?

- Do I look like a bank? - I have an interview.

- 我看上去像银行吗? - 我待会有个面试

They don't hold items. It's a desperately important scarf. 但他们不能保留打折商品 那是条极重要的围巾 Desperately important scarf.


Know what? It's for my great-aunt. She's in the hospital. 你知道吧? 是送给我婶祖母 她住院了

Can you ask them to turn the heating up?


Want mustard with that?


Please. I will buy all of your hot dogs.

求求你了 我买下你所有的热狗

- You'll take 97 hot dogs? - Done.

- 你97个热狗都买了? - 成交

Who do I make it...


That means you just paid $23 for a hot dog!


You want your scarf, I want my hot dog.

你想要你的围巾 我想要我的热狗

Cost and worth are very different things.


Thank you! My aunt will really appreciate it.


- Hi. - Hi.

- Hi. - 嗨

- 嗨

I'm here for the interview at Alette magazine.


Alette... Oh, filled, internally. Yesterday.

<Alette>...噢 满了 昨天说内部招到人了

They did post it on the Web. Let's see, who got the job? 他们在网页贴了出来 让我看看 是谁得到了这份工作? Oh... Speak of the devil.


Alicia... Billington.

Alicia... Billington.

She has the longest legs in the world.


She notes resentfully.


Great. Faulty.

好极了 包都出问题了

- Nice scarf. - Thanks. I bought it for the interview. - 围巾很不错 - 谢谢 我为了面试买的

Scusi... Come on.


As we speak, interviews are being held

这会儿 正好有个面试

at Successful Saving.


- The money magazine? - Snort not, sweet child. - 金融杂志? - 不要小看它 孩子

Alette may be your Emerald City,


but Successful Saving could be your yellow-brick road. 但是<成功理财>可以成为你的踏脚石

Dantay-West is a family of magazines that acts like a family. Dantay-West是像大家庭一样的出版集团

Deeply nepotistic. Ugh.


So my advice to you, dear Dorothy,

我给你的意见是 亲爱的桃乐西

is thus... Once you're in... you're in.


I'm in.


Hello, Successful Saving.

你好 <成功理财>

Ms. Bloomwood?


So what form does this interview take?


Is it just mainly a general chat, hobbies...

是概况的了解 兴趣什么的...

Oh, no, no, no. It's very specific on finance.

噢 不 不 不 就是专门谈论金融方面的

Butterfly investments, futures. That sort of thing. 投資的蝴蝶效应 期货 之类的东西

- But he's worth 1.2 billion... - Good luck.

- 但是它值12亿元... - 祝你好运

- Thanks. - We talked and talked. Said nothing.

- 谢谢 - 我们谈了那么久 一点用也没有

Yeah, of course I did. He understands the rules. 对 当然了 他明白规则是怎样的

It's always... Of course we got the bill.


Listen, I've got to go. I'm interviewing.

听着 我得挂了 我得面试

Mm-mm. Yeah, no, not me... Bye.

嗯 对 不 不是我...再见

Sorry about that. Right, um, Rebecca...

抱歉 好了 嗯 Rebecca...

- Ah! We met! - Hi! We did. Thank you.

- 噢!我们见过面了! - 嗨!我们见过了 谢谢你 Sick aunt, scarf. Yep. Did you get it to her?

生病的婶婶 围巾 对吧 你把围巾给她了吗?

I did. And when a stranger is kind like that, it's just... 给了 一个陌生人像你那么友善 实在是... - Wow. - That's lovely. Um...

- 哇 - 那很好 嗯...

- Do you have a resume for me? - I do. Yes, I do! - 你带简历来了吗? - 我带了 嗯 我带来! Ah...


I... could pretty much just tell you.


My name is Rebecca Bloomwood,

我名字叫Rebecca Bloomwood

I've been a journalist for five years.


I'm very comfortable juggling numbers,


I speak fluent Finnish, I know...

我会说流利的芬兰语 我知道...

- Finnish? - Yes, Finnish.

- 芬兰语? - 对 芬兰语

- I'm also... - That's interesting. Why Finnish? - 我也... - 这很有趣 你怎么会芬兰语? What's behind you?


- Um... - Oh, my God.

- 嗯 - 噢 天呀

Oh, it's a naked man. Oh, sorry.

噢 是个赤裸的男人 很抱歉

It gave me such a fright. I, uh...

我吓到了 我...

I didn't know what it was. Clearly, he's beheaded. 我不知道那是什么 显然他头被砍了

Who would do that to him?


Well, a few questions.

嗯 我有几个问题

But, look! Makes you wonder

但是 看呀!会让你想知道

what they're looking at on the fifth floor, right?

5楼的人会看到啥 对吧?

You could turn your desk around and just stare at it all day. 你可以把桌子转过去 就能整天对着他

I would.


- Not. - Ms. Bloomwood.

- 不会 - Bloodwood小姐

I'm not a pervert.


Sit down.


I'm sorry, I'm terrible at interviews.

我很抱歉 我面试太糟糕了

Any financial stories that have caught your eye recently?


Yes. And I am glad that you brought that up.

嗯 我很高兴你这么问

Because I am furious. No, I really am.

因为我很愤怒 是的 说真的

No, I mean, what is the story with the recent fish crisis?

我是说 最近的鱼类危机是怎么回事?

Fish crisis?


- Fiscal... crisis. - Fiscal crisis.

- 国库...危机 - 国库危机

- Terrifying. Fiscally, I mean. - How so?

- 太可怕了 国库的 我是说 - 为什么呢?

- For the fiscal family. - I'm sorry.

- 因为在国库里 - 对不起

- Not a moment too soon. - Ms. Bloomwood, you dropped your scarf. - 没关系 - Bloodwood小姐 你的围巾掉了

She died.


Oh, Ms. Bloomwood, you have had a very, very tough 25 minutes. 噢 Bloodwood小姐 刚才的25分钟可真难熬啊

I'm glad you understand! So many people just... Right.


OK, so I would propose we curtail...

好吧 我想我们可以缩短...

Did you just scrub my name off?


- Oh, no. Routine. - That seems premature.

- 噢 不 惯例而已 - 这太过早了吧

OK, I'm gonna propose that we curtail this interview forthwith. 好吧 我提议我们马上结束这次面试

So I'll leave you and your numbers,

我会离开 留下你和你的数字

but thank you very much for seeing me,


and I appreciate... Oh!


I appreciate everything. Good day.

我很感激一切 祝你顺利

Good day.


Come on. Let's go give Mrs. Great Outdoors her tent. 别这样 让我们把帐篷给Great太太吧

She's not retiring.


- What? - She's abandoning a sinking ship.

- 什么? - 她是离弃一艘沉船

That little rat! The magazine's folding and she knew! 那个卑鄙小人! 杂志社要倒闭了 她知道的!

She knew and she didn't tell anybody.

她知道 但是她不告诉我们

Well, on the bright side, you hated working for that magazine. 嗯 从好的方面来看 你讨厌在那工作呀

It was my income, Suze. I need my income!

那是我的收入来源 Suze 我需要收入!

OK, Bex, the most important thing is not to panic.

好吧 Bex 最重要的是别惊慌

- Don't answer the phone! - No!

- 别接电话! - 不!

- It might be a debt collector! - Hello?

- 也许是债务人! - 你好?

- It's Derek Smeath. - The list. Get the list!

- 是Derek Smeath - 列表 把列表拿来!

- I think I saw it over here. - Take the lamp!

- 我想我看到它在那里 - 拿着这台灯

- It's here! - Bloomingdale's...

- 在这里! - BIoomingdaIe's连锁店...

- Hospital for depression. - Detained in Finland on work. - 去医院治疗抑郁 - 因工作滞留在芬兰

Visa, dead dog.


All City Debt Collection. You have to do it.

城市债务追讨公司 你来说

- Hello! Hi! - Ms. Bloomwood?

- 你好! 嗨! - Bloodwood小姐?

- Hello. - I'm sorry. It's actually not.

- 你好 - 很抱歉 我不是她

She's still recovering from... You know... OK.


I'll have her call you as soon as...


- Yes? - As soon as she's come back

- 对 - 只要她一回来

- from... From... - Finland! Finland!

- 从...从... - 芬兰!芬兰!

- Clearly she's not too... - Aah!

- 显然她还没有... - 呃!

Why do so many of your excuses involve Finland? 怎么你那么多借口都和芬兰有关?

'Cause no one checks up on Finland, Tarkie.

因为没有人会去芬兰查 Tarkie

How am I going to pay you the rent now?


Well, I'm ripping up your rent check!

嗯 我马上把你的房租支票撕掉!

No, Suze, you can't do it again.

不 Suze 你不能再这么做了

It's my apartment, well, my parent's apartment,

这是我的公寓 嗯 其实是我父母的

- but it's my rules. - I'm gonna buy you the biggest present. - 但是规矩是我定的 - 我要给你买一份最大的礼物

I am! I know where I'm going to go. There's a sale at Macy's! 是的!我知道去哪儿最好 梅西百货正在大减价! Tarkie...


I'll be at my place.


Thanks, baby. Bex, I'll get the tequila, you get the bills. 谢谢你 宝贝 Bex 我去拿龙舌兰酒 你去拿账单 I'll do this. It can't be that bad.

我来吧 不会那么糟的

It's just like a Band-Aid. It's gonna be fine.

这就像是撕创可贴 会没事的

Bex! Two hundred dollars on Marc Jacobs underwear? Bex!你在Marc Jacobs 花了2百美元买内衣?

Oh, underwear is a basic human right.

噢 内衣是基本人权呀

Seventy-eight dollars on lavender honey!


I felt sorry for the shop assistant. She had a lazy eye. 我替商店助理感到抱歉 她眼神太懒散了

I didn't know which way she was looking. It was so sad. 我不知道她在看哪个方向 太糟糕了

I can't even talk about this one.


A foot spa? What were you doing at a foot spa?


Let's take a break.


They said I was a valued customer.


Now they send me hate mail.




Oh, God...

噢 天呀...

How are you going to pay off sixteen thousand twelve hundred 你怎么能还得了16262.70元?

and 62 dollars and 70 cents with no job?


I could win the lottery.


Maybe you should have a backup plan.


Oh! Backup plan, I got it, I got it. Backup plan.

噢! B计划 我想到了 我想到了 B计划

OK. When Tarkie thought of his dream job,

好吧 当Tarkie想到他梦想的工作

he, um, wrote this proposal just about him, you know, 他会写个自己的计划 你知道吧

what he's made of and that's what you can do.

写写他真实的自我 你也可以啊

You can write a fashion piece and send it to Alette. 你可以写篇时尚文稿 寄到<Alette>

Like, "Hey, Alette, look what I can do!"

就像说"嘿 <Alette> 看看我能做什么!"

You just gotta figure out what to write about.


"Consider your shoe an investment.


Everything is resting upon it.


The most important point is that every shoe


should earn its place in your..."


Bex, this is so funny. You're so smart.

Bex 这太有趣了 你太聪明了

- You're the best writer ever! - Do you like it?

- 你是史上最好的作者! - 你喜欢吗?

- You're fabulous! - Wait! Another one.

- 你太难以置信了! - 等一下!再写一封

To that guy at that savings thingy magazine who didn't hire me. 给<成功理财>那个不请我的男人

"Dear Uptight Editor...


- You can stick your job up your ass." - Man on a bike! - 那份工作你留着放屁吧" - 骑单车的男人!



"Here's $20. Buy yourself some decent clothes."

"这里有20元 给自己买点得体的衣服吧"

I'm back!


Oh, my God. Oh, my God.

噢 天呀 噢 天呀

This is for Alette magazine.


Please, please. Kiss it for good luck.

拜托了 拜托了亲吻它 祈求好运

- Mwah! - And this one...

- 还有这个...

...is for Mr. Successful Saving.


Bleah... Money, money, money.

恶...钱 钱 钱

I better get the job, I've got no money.

我最好得到那份工作 我没有钱了

I've got no money.


# You put the lime in the coconut...

* 你把石灰撒到椰子上... *

Doesn't this just cheer you up?


- It's not working, Mom. - Come on, you'll get another job. - 没效果 妈妈 - 别这样 你会得到另一份工作的 Life is like a swap meet. You never know

生活就像旧物交换会 你永远不知道

when great riches...


...are going to turn up unexpectedly.


What can I get for a quarter?




- Comme son - It's fantastic.

- 是吗? - 好看极了

- What are they gettin' for that? - It's growing on me. - 那个要多少钱? - 越看越喜欢

- How much for this? - Twenty dollars.

- 这个多少钱? - 20元

- Oh! - Ola?

- 噢! - 你好?

Um, Rebecca. Luke Brandon, Successful Saving. Rebecca 我是<成功理财>的Luke Brandon



Sorry to call so early, but I got your letter.

抱歉那么早打给你 但是我收到你的信件了 And I have to say it was a bit of a surprise.


Well, I hope I made my point.

嗯 我希望我表明了我的观点

Oh, you did. You did. Very well.

哦 确实 你写得十分清楚

The whole metaphor. Very clever.

尤其是隐喻部分 非常机智

Yes, wasn't it. The whole metaphor was...

那可不 对吧 这个比隐喻简直是...

Wait... What? I'm sorry...

等等... 什么? 抱歉没听清...

Describing the principles of security investment 形容证券投资的准则

in terms of the way different women purchase different shoes 从不同女性选择鞋子的角度入手

was... different.

真是很... 别出心裁

Hello? Sounds like you might be in the middle of something. 喂? 听着你那边很嘈杂啊

I was trying to say that it gave me an idea.


Would you like to come in? I don't...

你想加入我们吗? 我并不是...

Can I help you, dear?

宝贝 有什么想买的吗?

I think I just sent the editor of Alette magazine $20


to buy herself decent clothes and stick her job up her ass. 来买点体面的衣服 保住饭碗

These go...


- Hey, clothes for Alette. - I'll call her assistant.

- 嘿 AIette需要的衣服 - 我会打给她的助理的

Hi. Clothes are here for Alette's approval.

嘿 衣服先放这儿等待AIette挑选

She'll be right out.


What do you think about you and me going out on Friday night? 周五晚上跟我出去约会怎样?

- Ooh... - I mean, if you want to.

- 哦... - 我是说 如果你愿意的话

Would you like to go out on Friday night?


I don't know. I might have plans.

我还不知道呢 可能会有计划吧

You might... Do you ever wear any of this stuff?

你可以... 你有穿过这里的衣服吗?

Some of it's a little far out for me.


- Totally far out. - Yeah.

- 太不合适了 - 没错

It's crazy, but I guess that's the world of high fashion? 太疯狂了 我想这就是时尚吧?

- Yes. - Yeah, I know about that.

- 没错 - 对 我知道的

I am one of the best. I don't let this out of my sight.

我做得很好 不会失职的

I guard it with my life.


A lot of pressure on me


to make sure everyone gets these letters...


- Get them there on time. - Got to get my job done. - 准时送达 - 必须要完成我的工作

See, I take my job very seriously.

瞧 我严谨得对待我的工作

- Yes. And to deliver... - Oh, really?

- 没错 要投递... - 哦 真的?

And to deliver the mail, but as the mail carrier

要投递信件 作为一个邮递员

it's a lot of pressure on me to get people their letters, 把信送到大家手上对我来说压力很大

I've never lost a letter yet.


I want no more vertical buttonholes.


I'm so bored with vertical buttonholes.


Is this for the Kaleidoscope shoot with Paolo?


Oh, but this!

哦 这件不要!

Cavalli. He has read my mind.

Cavalli 他太了解我了

It's marvelous. We can use it all.

太棒了 这些衣服都可以用

Take it in.


Oh, God. What are you doing?

哦 天啊 你怎么在这儿?

This is Alette. Is this where you should be?

这是Alette杂志社 这是你该来的地方吗?

Oh, yes. Oh, yes.

哦 对 哦 对

Dantay-West didn't hire me to be an editor of this magazine. Dantay West并不仅仅是 邀我来出任这本杂志的编辑

They hired me to throw it a rope and pull it out of the swamp. 他们希望我拯救它脱离泥沼

And that's...


Hi, everyone. I'm Rebecca Bloomwood.

大家好 我是Rebecca Bloomwood

Sit down, Rebecca.

坐下 Rebecca

What makes a magazine move from the newsstands? 是什么使得一本杂志在报刊亭中脱颖而出?

Real, unvarnished stories,

是真实的 质朴的故事

whether the people that we are writing about like them or not. 这在于我们描写的人物是否逼真

Successful Saving is currently the People magazine

成功理财杂志现在是 财经报业中的"人物杂志"

of financial journalism, and this is where that ends. 这也是终极目标

From now...




From now on we don't copy, we examine.

从今天起 我们不再模仿 我们去试验

- We probe. - Ooh!

- 我们去调查 - 哦!

I liked your piece. I said that on the phone.

我喜欢你那篇稿子 我电话里提过了

- Good. Good. - Hayley!

- 好 好 - HayIey!

What do you say a three-week trial.


- And give her this cubicle. - Oh, this one's lovely.

- 给她这张办公桌 - 哦 真不错啊

They're all three by six.


You can start with a thousand words on the effect of changing 你可以先写一篇关于利率变化

interest rate on store card APRs.

对信用卡的年利率的影响 一千字



You still have the label on your new glasses.


What? Oh.

什么? 哦

You took a job at a savings magazine? You?

你在理财财经杂志上班? 你?

I know it sounds bad, but it is, in fact,

我也知道听着挺怪的 但确实如此 已成事实

part of a very structured plan.


Yeah, that's great, but then in a lot of ways

没错 这很棒 但从很多方面来说

it's kinda not great. What do they call it

也不见得是个美差 那句话怎么说来着?

when an animal rights person gets trampled to death by a cow? 就像是动物保护协会的人 被头牛踩死的时候?

I don't think there is a word for that.


"Ironic." Ironic that Rebecca Bloomwood

''讽刺'' 对于Rebecca Bloomwood来说

is advising people on how to handle money.

她要教大家如何理财 真是讽刺

But I guess it would be nice


if my maid of honor could afford her own dress.


- He asked? - Yes!

- 他求婚了? - 对!

Oh, my God! You should've been there.

哦 天啊! 你真该也在那儿的

- How did he say it? - Hey!

- 他怎么说的? - 嘿!

The, uh, credit limit on your card was reached.


You know, I think I want my husband- to-be to propose to me in Barneys. 我希望我未来老公 能在巴尼斯纽约精品店跟我求婚

- What are you doing? - Nothing.

- 你在干嘛? - 没啥

- Yes, you are. - I just found the perfect book for you.

- 不 你有干啥 - 我给你找到这本最适合你的书

Control Your Urge to Shop, with Garrett E. Barton.

控制你的购物欲 由Garrett E. Barton主讲

That's me.


Do you find yourself constantly drawn toward stores?


- Yes. - Nope.

- 对 - 没有

Does your heart quicken when you see new merchandise


in neatly stacked piles?


- Yes! This guy's good. - No.

- 对! 这人说得没错 - 不

Did you answer no to these questions and are consequently in denial? 对这些问题你是否回答"不" 也在抵制?

- Yes. - No!

- 是的 - 不!

Did you just say "no" again?


- No. - Yes.

- 不 - 是的

Step one: de-clutter your life. Throw it all out.

第一步: 清理你的生活 统统丢弃

Just box it up and toss it!

装起来 丢了!

Simplicity and order are your new watchwords.


Excuse me. Hello?

抱歉 你好?

It's a fresh start calling.


And it's for you.


On your way to work,


ignore the siren call of the store window.


Your new mantra is, "Do I need this?"

你的新祷告文是 ''我需要这个吗?''



What's this?


A thousand words on store card APRs?


Which looks as if it's been copied straight out of Money for Dummies. 看着像是从"傻瓜理财"书上直接抄下来的

No, I wanted a thousand words on APRs from an angle.

不 我要的是你从某个角度 来写信用卡的年利率变化

Is that not an angle?


Not unless you call "head-on" an angle.


- No, I don't. - Try it again.

- 不 我没有 - 重写

- Remind me why I hired you. - OK.

- 就当提醒我为啥要雇用你 - 好的



Did you just type "good angles on APRs" into Google?

你刚刚是否拿谷歌搜 ''写年利率的好角度''?

Yes. I Googled.

是的 我拿谷歌搜了

- Am I fired? - Get your coat.

- 我被炒了? - 拿起你的外套

You know these guys, right?

你认识这些人 对吧?

Comintex? Communications company?

Comintex ? 通信公司?

Yes. Absolutely.

是的 当然

This year has been a year of unparalleled growth


in the communications industry.


Overall, pal. Not in your company.

总体来说 伙计 你们公司可不是这样的

For us, at Comintex,


profits reflect that this has been a year of acquisitions, 利润反映出今年公司所得

both of APL and of the Dutch fiber-optic company, Zandak. 对于APL以及荷兰的光线公司Zandak都是一样的

Neatly masking the 24 million in bonuses


- these guys paid themselves. - Hmph. I know.

- 他们发给自己 - 呣 可不是嘛

Now, what we have here, Rebecca, is a situation in which someone 现在 我们所需做的 Rebecca 在这种情况下就是需要有人 needs to be asking some very hard questions.


- Absolutely. - Put your hand up.

- 必须的 - 快举手

- What? No! - Put your hand up.

- 什么? 不要! - 快举手

I don't have hard-hitting questions.


- I'll give you questions. - I'm gonna take notes.

- 我告诉你几个问题 - 我还是做笔记吧

- No, Put your hand up. - I'm more of a student.

- 不 快举手 - 我不过是个新手而已

You'll be fine. Put your hand up.

你没问题的 快举手

Hello. Hi. Hello.

哈罗 你好 哈罗

- He's not listening. He can't hear me. - Louder. Stand up. - 他没听见 他听不见 - 大声点 站起来

- Rebecca Bloomwood! ...should see a...

- Rebecca Bloomwood! - ...应该会看到一个...



- From. From. From. From. - Hi, from Successful Saving. - 我是 我是 我是 - 你好 我是"成功理财"的记者 It's a magazine.


We'll be taking questions after the report.

在报告结束后 我们会有提问环节

Good. Uh...

好的 呣...

- Ask him how much he earns. - How much do you burn? - 问他 他的薪水是多少 - 你烧伤多少?

- Earn. - Earn.

- 薪水 - 薪水

- Excuse me? - Louder.

- 抱歉? - 大声点

What do you earn?


- We'll take questions after. - Why award themselves bonuses... - 我们稍后才能进行提问 - 为何要给自己发奖金... Why did you award yourself bonuses...


...twenty-four million... ...of 23...

- ...2千4百万... - ...2千3...

- Twenty-four. Million. ...billion...

- 2千 4百万 - ...亿...

- Million dollars... ...while investors lost eight percent? - 百万美元... - 尤其是当投资者损失8%资产的时候 ...while your investors lost eight percent?


As I said, I'll be happy to answer questions...

正如我说过的 我很乐意回答提问...

Is that true?


A long pause and no answer.

长时间的犹豫 没有给出答案

- Long pause, no answer. - No, no...

- 长时间的犹豫 没有给出答案 - 不 不...

OK. You know why we did that?


Some kind of cruel initiation rite?


Listen to this.


"Security can mean different things to different people. ''对于不同的人而言 证券的意义是不同的

For some, it's going to a party wearing the right shoes. 对于某些人 这就像是穿着合适的鞋子去参加派对 This might leave you feeling secure for an evening,


but have a crippling effect on you in later life."


- I wrote that. - You wrote that.

- 我写的 - 是你写的

Now, what firms like Comintex

现在 像Comintex这种公司

thrive on is an endemic lack of public understanding. 它们的虚假繁荣是建立在群众无知上的

They get away with murder because...


Maisie with a root beer and a $200 investment portfolio, Maisie爱喝汽水 投资了200美元

what does she know?


What does she actually know about what those guys are doing? 她怎么才能知道那些人真正干了什么呢?

What she's told.


And if the magazines she looks to for answers


aren't asking the right questions,


it isn't good for Maisie.


I want you to tell the truth in a way that Maisie can understand. 我希望你能用一种Maisie 也能明白的方式来阐释真相

Now, go home, write me an initial outline

现在回家去吧 给我写一份初步的概要

and e-mail it to me by 3:00. OK?

3点之前发邮件给我 好吧?

Oh, no.

哦 不

Oh, yeah. Nice!

哦 耶 很好!

You know, I just got a call from Jeff Kanter at Comintex.

我刚接到Comintex公司的Jeff Kanter的电话

They're having their stockholders' meeting.


- Yes, I sent someone. - Yeah, you did.

- 对 我派人去了 - 没错 你是派人去了

A real find, actually, the girl I sent.

我眼光独到啊 真的 我派去的那个女孩儿

She's sparky, honest.

她很犀利 诚恳

Exactly the type that I was hoping to find.


I assume that's why Edgar West got you to recruit me.

我想这就是为什么 Edgar West让你雇用我的原因

- Damn it! - Ooh. Slice.

- 该死! - 哦 右曲球啊

I hired you to fix the bottom line of this magazine,


and we know the key to that is advertising revenue.


Now, you hired me to create a product that sells,

现在 你雇用我是要创造和销售一种产品

- not to sell a product. - What if I'm with Edgar West.

- 而不是单单去卖旧产品 - 如果我倒向Edgar West这边呢

We're playing golf, and he just turns to me, sort of nonchalantly, and says, 我们一起打高尔夫 他刚冷淡地跟我说

"Hey, I'd like to know why Luke Brandon decided to hire

''嘿 我想知道为什么 Luke Brandon会决定雇用

a journalist who could damage the commercial interests of Dantay-West." 一个会损害Dantay-West商业利益的记者''

- What do you think about that? - I haven't, because she won't. - 你感觉如何? - 我不会的 她也不会这样做的

I feel like I've run a marathon.


They have Galliano!


They have Gucci half off, Calvin Klein half off!

他们的Gucci对折 CK对折!

You'll get your turn, just be patient.

会轮到你的 耐心等着吧

At every point I will ask, "Do I need this?"


There's another entrance this way!


Well, these cashmere gloves I need

哇 我需要这个羊绒手套

as it is winter and I have... hands.

因为这是冬天 而我长有一双手

So that's all.


I'll buy these and these alone.


My gosh, Missoni!

天啊 米索尼!

Now walk away, strong and frugal.

现在就离开 坚定且节俭

Oh, my God! Pucci boots.

哦 天啊! 璞琪的靴子

Fifty percent off?


Do I need these?


Do I need these? Do I need these?



Jeannie, Pucci boots!

Jeannie , 璞琪的靴子!

Uh, oh, I'm so sorry. I had 'em first.

哦 很抱歉 我先抢到的

But you put them down.


No, I know I did, but I saw 'em first, so I'm gonna take 'em. 不 我知道我放下了 但是是我先看到的 所以我要买 Then you took your hands off them.


Give me the boots, and no one gets hurt!

把靴子给我 免得有人要受伤!

Give me the boots. Give me the boots!

把靴子给我 把靴子给我!

Look! There's a sale on Burberry!

看! Burberry搞特价啦!

That's the oldest trick in the book!


- Give 'em! - Don't you tell me...

- 给我! - 你竟敢...

Give me the boots!


I waited in line all morning for this!


Ah! Ha-ha!

啊! 哈哈!

"Your store card is like a 50 percent-off cashmere coat. ''你的信用卡就像是一件对折的羊绒大衣

The first time you meet,


it promises to be your best friend.


Until you look closely and realize it's not real cashmere." 直到你看仔细 才意识到它其实不是纯羊绒的'' You've been ripped off.


Right. You get it? You get it.

对 你听明白了? 你听明白了

- We get it. Now go away. - Ha!

- 我们都听明白了 现在你走吧 - 哈!

"Then, as winter comes, you discover that your coat ''然后 冬天来临 你发现那件大衣

isn't actually a friend at all.


You should have read the fine print.


Should look more closely what you're getting into." 应该仔细看清楚 自己要买的是什么东西'' You should put a picture in that.


It's a present. Haven't got 'round to filling it yet. 这是个礼物 还没来得及放照片进去呢

My mom bought me this exact one from a thrift store. 我妈从打折店里给我买过一个一样的

Probably paid half what you paid,


not that they often shop at thrift stores.


- What? - This is good.

- 怎么了? - 写的很好

- Really? - Mmm.

- 真的? - 呣

Is it by Rebecca Bloomwood?

是Rebecca Bloomwood写的?

Yes! My friend Suze saw me writing it.

当然! 我的朋友Suze亲眼看见我写的

I mean, is that how you want your name to appear? 我是说 你想用这个名字发表吗?

- "By Rebecca Bloomwood"? - Oh, right.

- ''作者 Rebecca Bloomwood''? - 哦 好吧

I don't want to be too associated with this magazine. 我不想跟这份杂志有太多关联



Because I just think it would be better


to be slightly more of an everyman.


Um, a little more ooh-ooh-ohh.

呣 就是一点神秘兮兮

Mysterious, rather than just... Becky? Hmm. 神秘 而不是... Becky? 呣


"The Girl in the Green Scarf. Thank you.

''戴绿色围巾的女孩 谢谢

I bought your magazine this morning and have already 今早我买了你的杂志

told three stores where to stick their credit cards." 并且告知三家商场 如何死守它们的信用卡'' Oh! Hey, check it out:

哦! 嘿 来看看

Jay Brogan, Queens, via e-mail:

皇后区的Jay Brogan写来邮件说:

"Man, is it easy to feel those guys do it for your benefit. ''天啊 很容易就以为这些人是为你好

- You never check the APR." - Call him from my desk - 你从未查过年利率'' - 去我那打电话给他吧 - if you want. Oh. - No, no. I'm OK.

- 如果你愿意的话 - 不 不 我很好

"I'll tell you what, I have now. Thanks, Mrs. Green Scarf." ''我跟你们说 我现在这样做了 谢谢你 绿围巾女士''

We never get this kind of response.


Excuse me, sir. Edgar West.

抱歉 先生 Edgar West的电话

That's not good. He hates us.

这下遭了 他讨厌我们

Luke Brandon.

Luke Brandon

I've just spent a few minutes rather wrapped up

我刚花了几分钟时间 好好研究了下

in your "Green Scarf."

你们 ''绿围巾小姐''的文章

I like it.


Uh, she obviously has a passion for personal finance. 显然她对个人理财方面很有热情

Excuse me, I'm sorry, but he is really being persistent. 抱歉 但他真的很坚持

He needs to talk to you.


Could you tell him that I'm busy, please.

能否跟他说我很忙 谢谢啦

You're a lucky man, Mr. Brandon.

你很幸运 Brandon先生

It's this charity that I'm the chairperson of, it's...


Thank you, sir. It seems that he liked the column so much 谢谢您 先生 看来他很喜欢这个专栏啊

that he's sending extra copies of the magazine to his children. 还把杂志复印件给他的孩子看了

Oh, my God. I can't believe that.

哦 天啊 我真不敢相信

I'm really sorry, sir. There's a man holding on line two, 我真的很抱歉 先生 2号线有个男士打电话来

and he says it's a matter of life or death.


- What's his name? - Um, Derek Smeath.

- 他叫什么名字? - 呣 Derek Smeath

- Derek Smeath. - Oh! No!

- Derek Smeath - 哦! 不!



Exactly how long has this ex-boyfriend been stalking you? 这个前男友缠着你多久了?

Ever since the relationship ended.


He's been following me around pretending to be a debt collector. 他跟踪我 假装是我的债主

I was once stalked...


...by a dog.


OK. Look, take the rest of the day

好吧 听着 今天你就放假吧

and block all future calls from Derek Smeath.

拒接Derek Smeath所有电话

Yes, sir.

好的 先生

Spend it wisely, huh?


Oh, God. Dad?

哦 天啊 老爸

Money... is what I came to talk to you about.


Oh, yeah? Hey, honey?

是吗? 亲爱的?

- Yeah? - Becau...

- 是吗? - 因为...

- You got them wings? - Coming.

- 烤翅好了没? - 来喽

It's funny because your mom and I


were gonna call you over here today


to talk about pretty much the exact same thing. Money. 谈谈钱的事

- Savings. - Our money. Our life savings.

- 我们的积蓄 - 我们这辈子的积蓄



All our married life, we've been the kind of people


that we just don't spend, we save.


We've built up quite a little nest egg.


- Of money. - A big nest egg of money.

- 有个小金库 - 大金库吧

- Of dough. - Yeah, we do.

- 有点小钱 - 是的

And so, we decided...


That we wanted to call you here,


our only beautiful,


lovely daughter to tell you that, well...


We spent it!


Every last cent.


He's still just getting the hang of it.


Isn't she a babe?


He's wanted one of these since the day I met him.


It's got a built-in blender, four electric fans,

里面有食品搅拌器 四台电风扇

and a thermal sewage disposal.


Kathy and Gordon, in England,


you know the ones whose pool collapsed because of the mold? 他们两家的游泳池被霉菌毁了

- Kathy with the beard? - Yep.

- 大胡子Kathy吗? - 是的

Yes, she had electrolysis.


They sent us this off the Web. It's an article about... 他们把这网页发给我们

Makes you think about money.


- About what it's really worth. - Security in your old age? - 怎样让做到物有所值 - 买养老保险?

Or is it investing in what you love?


You have got to read it.


It's by someone called The Girl in the Green Scarf.


She's a genius.


Oh, my God. Guys! We're international! 天哪 伙计们 我们进军国际市场了 Yes!


Luke, we've taken Asia.

Luke 我们进驻亚洲了

Russell, how's that article on mortgage brokers? RusseII 论按揭经纪人的文章写好了没? - It's gonna be huge. - Paycheck.

- 一定会引起轰动的 - 账单

- Uh, Rebecca? - Thank you.

- Rebecca? - 谢谢

- Yes? - I want you to come with me

- 什么事? - 我想你下周

to the APA Conference next week.

跟我去参加APA(美国新闻协会)会议 Absolutely. What's the APA Conference? 好的 APA会议是什么?

The biggest magazine event of the year. 一年一度的最大的新闻界盛会

In Miami.


Oh, Luke. I think I should definitely be there. Luke 我觉得我们应该早点去

Early, I mean, and you know, make sure that 早点去找好旅店 饭馆

the hotel's OK and find good restaurants in case 以防到时大家都累了

anyone wants to relax. Not that I intend to, 也许不一定累了

but you never know, some people might. 但谁知道呢

I'm glad you're enthusiastic about it. 很高兴你对此很感兴趣

- I'm kind of excited myself. - Oh. You are? - 我自己也有些兴奋 - 是吗?

Yeah, I mean because a lot of people 我是说

are very excited to meet you.


You've opened up a whole new demographic. 你开拓了一块新读者人群

- You're opening up his what? - Demographic.

- 他说你开拓了什么? - 读者人群

- Mm-hmm. - Which is why he wants to

- 哦 - 这就是为什么他想带我出去度假

take me to the beach. I mean the conference.


Aren't you supposed to be getting to Alette?


I'm on my way. Once you're in, you're in.


- You're in as a finance guru. - I give great financial advice.

- 你现在是经济学大师了 - 我给大家提了很多相当棒的建议 Bex, have you ever considered taking your own advice?

Bex 何不给自己点建议呢?

- Oh! - Mom, calm.

- 哇 - 妈妈 别闹了

Like, what would The Girl in the Green Scarf


say about hiding Visa bills under your bed?


- That is not relevant. - That is so relevant.

- 这两者毫无瓜葛 - 错

It's the most relevant thing in the world.


- Ah! - There isn't another reason

- 啊! - 为什么你这么急着去迈阿密

why you want to go to Miami?


- No! - Maybe it rhymes with Fluke?

- 没啦! - 是不是对FIuke有感觉?



- Wha... - That's it.

- 怎么啦 - 我猜中了吧

- You're making that face. - What face?

- 你在掩饰 - 掩饰什么?

Bex! You like him! This is terrible!

不可思议 Bex 你喜欢上他了

No, no. No, no. But hypothetically...

不可能 假设...

Hypothetically you're being a big, fat liar!


You're advising people about debt, and you're up to your eyeballs in it. 建议别人怎样理财 自己却深陷其中

Yeah, hide under there.

好的 你藏起来吧

Ooh, Monsieur Sherman.

Sherman先生 你好

My name is Brandon. My mother's name is Sherman. 我姓Brandon 我妈妈才姓Sherman

Yes. Monsieur discret. Mm-hmm.

没错 低调先生


- You saved me. - Not at all.

- 谢谢 - 没关系

Oh, gosh!


You work at Successful Saving.


- Yes. - We should have dinner.

- 是的 - 我该请你吃顿饭

OK, what am I supposed to do?


Just be yourself.


- Luke, how are you? - Hey, Luke.

- Luke 你好 - 嗨 Luke

They let you out of prison. That's fantastic.

真是太好了 你被释放了

- Alicia. - Luke.

- AIicia - Luke

Can I introduce Rebecca Bloomwood?

容我介绍一下 Rebecca Bloomwood

You may have read The Girl in the Green Scarf. 也许你们都读过绿围巾女孩的文章吧

What's the name of your column?


"Risky investment is like a pair of platform boots." "风险投资就像一双厚底高跟鞋''

Wait, nobody has ever quoted me back to me before. 天哪 以前从没人这样抬举过我

- Luke. Got a second? - Yeah. Sure.

- Luke 聊聊可以吗? - 好的

Wait, what were you in prison for?

对了 你为什么被关押?

- Oh, that was trumped-up. - People out there trust you. - 被人栽赃的 - 人们很信任你

Butterfly investments.


- Thanks. - Pleasure.

- 谢谢 - 不客气

- Champagne, please. - Right away, sir.

- 来杯香槟 - 马上 先生

Hi. Are you from the United North Bank?

嗨 你在北方联合银行上班吧?

- I run it. - I was walking past your bank.

- 我负责这家银行 - 我去过那

You have the most boring window displays in the world. 你们的橱窗很乏味

- She means the opposite. - I'm serious.

- 她说的是反语 - 我认真的

It's as if somebody hit the snooze button in my brain, 感觉就像瞌睡虫爬进了脑袋

and told me it was OK to sleep another ten minutes. 让人昏昏欲睡

- Really. - Yes.

- 是吗 - 真的

You need to put some pretty pink umbrellas or something 放几把可爱的粉红雨伞之类的

- to get people in. - Mr. Lewis, look here.

- 吸引人 - Lewis先生 我跟你说

Know what else you could do?


- You could have a sale. - A sale?

- 可以搞个促销活动 - 促销?

Yes. Fee reductions. And free doughnuts.

可以降价促销 免费发甜甜圈之类的

She writes a humorous column, humor is part of her language. 她是个幽默的专栏作家 幽默就是她的风格

- I'll get another. - Unusual ideas.

- 再来杯 - 真是奇思妙想

Luke, your writer, she's out of control.

Luke 你的作家有点失态了

Keep her on a leash. She's damaging the magazine. 你得管管她 不然会坏大事的

She doesn't need a leash, I'd say quite the contrary. 正好相反 她知道自己在干什么

What was the piece of tabloid sensationalism you sent me? 你给我的那份耸人听闻的小报是关于什么的?

The Jon Goldman expose?

揭露Jon GoIdma的吗?

A well-researched, supported article.


His organization is corrupt, full of financial holes.

报道说他很腐败 满是经济问题

Not running the piece. His company's worth two million to Dantay-West. 他的公司对Dantay-West来说至少值200万

- Ryan. - Mr. Lewis.

- Ryan - Lewis先生

Luke, that columnist of yours said the most outrageous things. Luke 你那专栏作家可真能侃

I'd like to apologize for our company.


Outrageous, yet brilliant things.


She's like a breath of fresh air.

她真像一缕清风 很新鲜

- I couldn't agree more. - Totally agree too.

- 我同意 - 同意

- He couldn't agree more. - Our displays are boring.

- 他不可能认可 - 我们的橱窗真没意思

- Aren't they? - She's right.

- 是吗? - 她说得对

She's honest. The doughnut idea I loved.

她很直爽 我喜欢她新奇的想法

I'll be talking to you about advertising.


- Great. - Great.

- 好呢 - 好

- OK. - OK.

- 很好 - 不错

No, you're doing great.


There's one more person that you really ought to meet.


- Hmm. - This one's pretty crucial,

- 呃 - 这人很挑剔

but having the language in common should help.


Hmm. Language?


Yeah, I want you to meet Janne Virtanen from Nokia.

来见见诺基亚的Janne Virtanen

I told him you're part Finnish,


and he's very excited to meet you. Janne.




- Ah. - Hey, hey, hey.

- 嗨 - 嗨

That's how you do it in Finland.

在芬兰 人们就是这样做的

- Luke! Luke Brandon! - He's really funny.

- Luke! Luke Brandon! - 他真会搞笑

- I can't even translate that. - Long time no see, buddy. - 我翻不出那个味来 - 兄弟 很久不见

Men like you are the reason I left Finland.


- Ola? - Ms. Bloomwood?

- 你好? - 是Bloomwood小姐吗?

It's Derek Smeath from All City Debt Collection.

我是城市债务公司的Derek Smeath

- At last we meet. - Uh.

- 总算找到你了 - 啊

How's your leg? Still broken?

你的腿咋样了? 好了没?

Uh... it's, um. It's much better.

呃 好多了

- Mr. Brandon. - Yes.

- Brandon先生 - 呃

We Scandinavians...


...like her. A lot.


Good. Then kindly limp, stagger, or crawl

很好 那你下午就来我办公室

to my office this afternoon.


Um, absolutely, I would love to.




- Except... Oh, my God. - What?

- 但... - 又怎样了?

My aunt has just fallen from the sky in a freak skydiving accident. 我姨妈跳伞时出了点意外

Enough! Unless the outstanding balance is transferred from 够了

your account first thing 9:00 on Monday morning...


- Mr. Smeath, uh... ...the next step will be... - Smeath先生 - 不然

...personal contact.


Absolutely, 9:00 on Monday morning.

好的 周一早上九点

I have to go. I'm so sorry. I've got to go.

我得挂了 真对不住

You are getting your own ringtone.


Do not answer this call, it's Derek Smeath. Derek Smeath来电 不要接

- Do not... - Rebecca. Oh!

- 不要接 - Rebecca

- Thanks. - I have something to tell you. - 谢谢 - 跟你说个事

I have something to tell you, too.




You first.


Well, Edgar West has taken a table at the Edgar Westhas要举行

Print Association Charity Ball,


and guess which two people from Successful Saving 猜猜我们杂志哪两个

have been invited as representatives?


It's a huge mark of respect.


This puts us in the major league,

这就意味着我们进入了主流杂志的行列 and that is mainly down to you.


- Huh... - Are you OK?

- 哇 - 你没事吧?

- This isn't easy. - OK.

- 有点难以启齿 - 没事 说吧

Your tie does not go with your shirt.


Try to enjoy yourself. No, no, you have to savor shopping.

好好享受吧 享受购物的乐趣

No, you don't.


You have to strike with precision and get out. 你得直击目标然后赶紧走人

- Hi. - Hello.

- 嗨 - 你好

We're looking for clothes for my boss.


Absolutely. Were you thinking maybe a suit or a jacket? 知道 是要套装还是夹克?

I'm actually thinking about everything.


Oh, well, we can do everything.

好的 我们竭诚为您服务

Pink. Oh, my gosh, I love pink on a guy. Is that bad? 天哪 我喜欢男士穿粉红色的 这个怎么样? - That pink is great. - It's gorgeous.

- 这件不错 - 太棒了

- Would he do pink? - I think so.

- 他适合粉红吗? - 适合

Think he'd do it with like a white pant?


- He'd do that. - Actually!

- 很搭 - 事实上

What I really need is a, uh, tuxedo,


say three buttons, size 48 regular,

三扣的的无尾礼服 48号

a white dress shirt, I'll try the blue as well,

白衬衣 蓝色的也要

and a black vernice shoe in a size ten. And two Advil. 十号黑皮鞋

You speak Prada?




But if you know how to dress well,


why do you come to the office looking like? 为什么穿成这样?

I don't want to be defined by clothes or labels or family. 我不想别人根据穿着 牌子 家族来评价我 Why would you be defined by family?


My mother is Elinor Sherman, New York socialite.

我妈妈是纽约社会名流EIinor Sherman

Excuse me, did you just say that your mother is Elinor Sherman? 不好意思 你刚才说 你母亲是EIinor Sherman吗? Did she tell you that we dressed her for the Met gala? 她有提过她在欢乐之夜上 穿的衣服是我们的吗? Oh, she just looked stunning.


Well, congratulations on having such a fabulous mother. 恭喜你 有这样棒的母亲

My, uh, parents are divorced.

呃 我父母离婚了的

I grew up in England with my dad.

我在英国长大 跟我爸爸住一起

He's great.


Very down-to-earth, totally different from my mother. 跟妈妈不同 爸爸很务实

Anyway, she wasn't interested until I was an adult.


At which point it was assumed that I'd just fall into line. 也许仅仅是因为她需要我

For the throne?


Uh, no, for the, um... for the family business.


What's the business?


Owning stuff. Real estate, um,


Internet businesses, um...


- Cable companies... - Oh, sorry. Oh, sorry.

- 有线电视公司 - 对不起

I chose to succeed on my own terms,


not kowtow to some controlling family.


What's Dantay-West?


Do you have a take on everything in life?


- Yes. - Yes.

- 是的 - 很好

Well, what would your take be on... me?


Go on.


What would The Girl in the Green Scarf's take be on Luke Brandon? 绿围巾女孩会怎样看Luke Brandon呢?

As an investment, you pretty much suck.

作为一个投资者 你不咋样滴

- What? - You're a workaholic.

- 为什么? - 你是个工作狂

You put in all these hours, but you don't reap the rewards. 你只会全身心地投入工作 却不懂怎样享用成果

It goes into someone else's pocket.


But you're a great editor.


And now...


...you look like one.


Drank a lot of mojitos. I drank too many mojitos.


It wasn't always work and no play.


- Gracias. - Gracias.

- 谢谢 - 谢谢

- Cheers! - Mmm.

- 干杯 - 干

Oh, por favor. Pick one.

大婶 买一把

- Mmm? Are you serious? - Mm-hmm.

- 真的么? - 真的

Oh, my God, I love this one. But look at the red one.

天哪 我爱死这把了看这把红色的

- The red one's cute. - Pick one.

- 很可爱 - 挑一把吧

- 緾u醤to cuesta? - Tres d髄ares.

- 多少钱? - 三元

No, this is gorgeous. Simple.

这把很不错 简单

- Perfect. - Wait, why'd you buy me a fan?

- 很好 - 为什么给我买扇子?

Because we're going to dance.


Oh, I don't know how to do this kind of dancing.


I do.




Just follow me.


- No... - Oh.


You know, my instinct is that you should have your own business. 我觉得你应该自己做生意

- That's your instinct? - Yes.

- 你觉得? - 是的

Your delivery has arrived, sir. Shall I send it up?

先生 有你的邮包 需要送上去吗?

- No, I'll take that. - OK.

- 不用 我自己带上去 - 好的

Thank you.


My other instinct is that I should take this to the ball. 我还觉得 应该把这个带去舞会

No? What do you think?


Yeah, you know, Rebecca, about the ball, there's, um... Rebecca

There's something that I need...


Well, finally.


Luke, where have you been?

Luke 你去哪儿了?

I've been looking for you. We have a dinner reservation. 我一直在找你 我们约好了一起吃饭的

Did you go shopping?


Oh, oh, yes. Yes, Rebecca's been helping me

是的 Rebecca帮我参考

pick something out for the... ball.


Oh, that's perfect. I went shopping, too.

很好 我也去购物了

We're gonna look so major together.


Aren't you glad I convinced you to go with me?

拉你陪我 你不会不高兴吧?

That's what I was trying to...


Oh. Oh, great, well, it'll be so much fun.

很好 购物很愉快

I'm gonna... I'm gonna go. Great.


Oh, wait, wait, Rebecca. Don't go.

Rebecca 别急 等等

Just, come out for a drink. You know Alicia, and...

我们只是出去喝点东西 AIicia 你认识的

- Yes, come out for a drink. - I would. I'd love to.

- 一起去吧 - 我很乐意

I just, um, I have to make some calls.


- I'll see you in New York. - Too bad.

- 我们纽约见 - 真是不凑巧

- See ya. - Good night.

- 再会 - 晚安

- Hey, Suze. - Don't come home!

- Suze 你好 - 不要回家

I am home.


Well, don't come to the front door! It's Derek Smeath. 不要从前门走 Derek Smeath来了

- Keep driving! - Rebecca Bloomwood.

- 继续走 - Rebecca Bloomwood

- God, oh, God, oh, God. - Don't panic.

- 天哪 - 不急

- Oh, God. - What'd you tell him?

- 天哪 - 你跟他怎么说的?

OK. I told him that your Aunt Ermintrude died of malaria. 我跟他说Ermintrude姨妈死于痢疾

She died in a skydiving accident.


Her parachute didn't open.


How am I supposed to know? She doesn't even exist! 我怎么知道 你根本就没姨妈

I know I've made some mistakes, but I'm turning my life around. 我犯错了 但我相信生活会好起来的

I've got it planned. I'm gonna go to the ball.

我已经计划好了 我要去舞会

Impress Alette Naylor.

先给AIette NayIor留个好印象

Here! All I have to do first is buy a new dress. 拿着! 现在我要做的就是买条新裙子

Bex, no! Absolutely not.

Bex 不行! 不能再买了

You've 10,000 dresses already.


What? You exaggerate.

什么? 你太夸张了

I know the dress. It's perfect. You got it at the thing. 我记得有条很漂亮的裙子 不知道你什么时候买的 Know what I'm talking about? Where is it? 知道我说的哪条吗? 放哪了?

I hope we didn't throw it away at the de-cluttering. 希望没有在那次"大扫除"的时候扔掉

Oh, Bex. Imagine you wearing this dress.

噢 Bex 想想你穿这个会有多靓

Walk past the mirror. Would you be jealous? 穿起来秀一秀 是不是想想都很嫉妒?

- Yes! - Yes.

- 当然! - 是的

Oh, my gosh, I forgot I even had this dress. 噢 天呐 我完全忘记这宝贝了

And Fluke would love you in that dress.


Don't talk about Fluke.


Why? What happened?

怎么了? 出什么事了?

Alicia Bitch Longlegs is what happened.


I hate her. Who is she?

我讨厌她 她是哪位?

She's the girl with the perfect everything. 一个有长相 有身材的完美女人

Well, well, Luke is a raging moron.

天哪 Luke就是个大白痴

He's gonna be so bummed when you show up 等你穿着这身衣服闪亮登场的时候

at the ball looking like a total knockout in that dress. 他肯定会后悔莫及

You're gonna be a total hottie.


It's perfect. All I have to do now is buy a new bag.

这件太棒了 那现在我得买个新包包来搭

Oh, my God. Bex, there has to be a bag somewhere in this room. 噢 天呐 Bex 这房间里肯定会有那么个包包的

Suze, do not open that closet!

Suze 别打开衣柜!

Oh, Suze! Suze!

噢 Suze! Suze!

Suze, are you there? Oh. Oh, my God.

Suze, 你还好吗? 噢 我的老天

You didn't throw anything away, did you?

原来你一件都没扔 是吗?

I'm sorry.


OK. I know what you need.

那好 我知道你该去干嘛了

My name is Joyce, and I'm a shopaholic.

我叫Joyce 我是个购物狂

- Hi, Joyce. - How's it going?

- 你好 Joyce - 说说你的故事

Thank you. I'm the wife of a textile importer.

谢谢 我是一个纺织品进口商的妻子

My husband found my secret stash in the linen closet. 我丈夫在衣橱里发现了我的秘密

Yeah, he found all of my cruisewear,

对 他发现了我所有的旅行装

and now he says that there won't be a cruise!

现在他说 再不会有旅行了!

- Oh. - OK, hang in there, Joyce.

- 噢 - 好了 先到这儿吧 Joyce

What about you, Ryuichi? How was your week?

Ryuichi 你呢? 这周怎么样?

My name is Ryuichi, and I'm shopaholic.

我叫Ryuichi, 我是个购物狂

Hi, Ryuichi.

你好 Ryuichi

It is six months, three weeks


and four days since I last used my credit card.

6个月 3周 4天了

- Oh! - Ryuichi!

- 天呐! - Ryuichi!

That is just wonderful. You're an inspiration to all of us.

真是太棒了 你是我们大家的榜样

Did you hear that, Joyce?

你听到了吗 Joyce?

What about you, Mr. Freak?

那么你呢 Freak先生?

My name is D. Freak. Uh, I'm a shopaholic.

我叫D. Freak 嗯 我是个购物狂

- Hi, Freak. - Welcome.

- 你好 Freak - 欢迎

I'm also a former NBA player.


We'll get back to that. Um, I cracked at Cartier today.

言归正传 今天我在卡地亚又失去控制了

How many did you buy this time?


Uh... I got seven.


One for every different day of the week.


See, I got the Santos. And I got...

看 这个Santos腕表 还有...

Keep comin' back, OK? Give him some support. Keep comin' back. 还是言归正传 好吗? 给他一点鼓励 我们继续

Which store?


Rebecca, why don't you share your story.

Rebecca 到你来说说了

Um... Hello, everybody. Uh, I'm Rebecca Bloomwood.

嗯... 大家好 嗯 我是Rebecca Bloomwood

Hi, Rebecca.

你好 Rebecca

I just actually came here as a favor to a friend.


Uh, I mean, I like shopping.

嗯 我的意思是 我喜欢购物

Is there anything so wrong with that?


I mean, stores are put there to enjoy.


Uh, the experience is enjoyable.

嗯 买东西的感觉太棒了

Well, more than enjoyable.

哇 不止是太棒

It's... It's beautiful.


The sheen of silk, draped across a mannequin.


Oh, the smell of new Italian leather shoes.


Italian leather shoes, that's the best.

意大利皮鞋 那是最棒的

Oh... The rush you feel when you swipe your card.


And it's approved. And it all belongs to you!

只要刷了卡 就都属于自己了!

OK, Rebecca. Thank you for sharing.

好了 Rebecca 谢谢你的故事

The joy you feel when you've bought something,

当你买了什么的时候 就会非常快乐

and it's just you and the shopping.


- You and shopping. - Ryuichi!

- 购物就是天堂 - Ryuichi!

All you have to do is hand over a little card.


- Yes! - Pull it together!

- 太对了! - 别说了!

Isn't that the best feeling in the world?


- Yeah. - Don't you wanna

- 是的 - 甚至想...

- shout it from the mountaintops? - That's real talk.

- 跑到山顶大呼过瘾 - 就是这种感觉

And you feel so... confident and alive...

你感觉如此地... 自信并且活力四射...

- And happy? - And happy!

- 开心? - 对 开心!

- And warm. - And warm!

- 温暖 - 还有温暖!

- What's going on here? - I need to buy a new bag.

- 大家都怎么了? - 我要买个新包包

- I have to impress Alette Naylor. - Get a watch to go with that bag. - 我得给AIette NayIor留下完美印象 - 再买块手表搭配 Oh, there's a sale at Catherine Malandrino.

哦 Catherine MaIandrino在打折

- You're like my soul sister. - Don't let her...

- 我就是这么想的 - 别让她...

I have to go. Good luck, everybody.

我得抓紧时间了 大伙再见

They have shoe?


- You sit down. - My will is strong.

- 你们坐下 - 我要坚定意志

My wallet is closed. I do not want to shop.

我要看好钱包 我不要购物



Oh, what's in this box? Have I seen absolutely everything? 噢 这盒子里是什么? 还会有惊喜吗?

Sparkles. Oh, I love sparkles.

Sparkles(诗伯高) 噢 我爱死Sparkles了

Do you have any more in the back?


You. You! Oh!

是你! 噢!

I'm sorry.


Get it away from me! Get it all away from me! 把这些都拿走! 都拿走!

Not those! Oh, my God.

这双不用! 噢 我的上帝

Alicia! Mmm. You look stunning.

AIicia! 你可真是星光闪耀

Hey. I want you to meet Luke Brandon.

嘿 介绍一下 这位是Luke Brandon

- From Successful Saving. - The magazine looks great now. - "成功理财"杂志社的 - 那本杂志很不错

There she is. OK, do not panic.

她就在那儿 好的 别紧张

Hello, Alette.

你好 Alette

Since I was 14 I wanted to work at your magazine... 我14岁就想到你的杂志社工作...

Rebecca. You look so cute.

Rebecca 你挺可爱啊

- You're unraveling. - What?

- 衣服脱线了 - 什么?

- What? - Tsk. Shame.

- 见鬼 - 丢人呐





I'm sorry.


Oh, please. Oh, no. Oh, no.

我的天呐 天呐 天呐

- Isn't she adorable? - Uh, yes. Adorable.

- 她很可爱 不是吗? - 是的 很可爱

Oh, oh, oh!

噢 噢!



Now, dear. I need a glass of champagne right now. 亲爱的 给我来杯香槟

- Coming right up. - And I'll have a gin and tonic. - 马上就来 - 我要加汤力水的杜松子酒



I'm intrigued to meet this Girl in the Green Scarf. 我可是非常想见那位"戴绿围巾的女孩"

- Potential TV star, I hear. - That's right, yes.

- 听说会是未来的电视明星 - 对 是的

They want her on the Morning Coffee show.


I think Rebecca would be great on television. Rebecca上电视肯定会非常漂亮

She's... She's hard to ignore.


- Excuse me! - Are those plates presentable? - 打扰一下! - 那些菜都装好盘了?

- Plates are beautiful. - Do not talk back! Take it and go! - 装得很好 - 不用说话! 快上菜!

Bus your tables, come right back! Move it!

然后收拾好餐桌 动作快点! 快点!

I should read this Green Scarf Girl.


It seems she's very ?la mode, hmm?

她现在好像很火 嗯?

- Real poise. - Hey!

- 是这样 - 嘿!

What are you? What are you doing?

你是谁? 你在干嘛?

Oh. I need a gin and tonic and some champagne, please. 噢 我要加汤力水的杜松子酒 还有一些香槟 What are you, a drunk? Put that back!

你是谁 酒鬼? 把酒放回去!

On your feet, Goldilocks.

快过来 金发姑娘

Do you know how short-staffed we are?


- I need food on tables now. Go! - No, no, no. I need to get... - 快去上菜 快去! - 不 不 我得...

- Six more, please! - Oh! I'm not a waitress.

- 再来6盘! - 噢! 我不是服务员

I know you're not, honey. You're an actress. I get it.

宝贝 我知道你不是 你是演员 我明白

I do. Now go, go, go, go, go!

我明白了 快去 快 快!

What are you doing? Go out there and serve the fish! 还杵在这干嘛? 把鱼拿给客人!

- Oh! - You! Serve this table. Do it.

- 噢! - 你! 给这桌上菜 快点

- Ms. Bloomwood. - Yes.

- Bloomwood小姐 - 是

- I'll have the trout, please. - I'll have the salmon.

- 我要鳟鱼 - 我要三文鱼

- Do you have low-fat dressing? - I'm not a waitress.

- 哪种低脂调料做的鱼吗? - 我不是服务员

- Ms. Bloomwood! - OK. Salmon here.

- Bloomwood小姐! - 给 三文鱼

- This is the famous Ms. Bloomwood? - The waitress? - 这就是大名鼎鼎的Bloomwood小姐? - 服务员小姐? Ms. Bloomwood! Just put it down and sit!

Bloomwood小姐! 把那些放下 过来坐!

Sit. Oh!

坐 噢!

I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Sorry. Oh!

对不起 对不起 太抱歉了 噢!

- Sit down, Rebecca. - Jacket!

- 坐下Rebecca - Jacket!

Right, uh, ladies and gentlemen, tonight we will be serving... 好了 女士们先生们 今晚我们供应...

...the, uh, brook trout and wild smoked salmon.

嗯 溪红点鲑 和烟熏三文鱼

Mrs. West, you'll be pleased to hear that the fish from this region West太太 您肯定会很高兴

is a particularly powerful aphrodisiac.


- Oh. - Mmm. Give her two.

- 噢 - 嗯 给她两份

Oh, Mr. Brandon, you serve as if you've served all your life. Brandon先生 你当服务员也相当专业啊

Oh, paid my way through college waiting tables. 噢 我的大学学费就是当服务生挣的

Coincidentally, that fish weighs the same

而且很巧 这鱼和您上一期的封面女郎

- as the girl on your last cover. - Ooh!

- 是一样重的 - 噢!

Oh, Alicia, remind me. Were you a salmon or a trout? 噢 AIicia 你是鳟鱼还是三文鱼来着?

You were a trout.


Oh... Thanks for saving me in there.


So have you filled your photo frames yet?


No. Not yet.

不 还没有

You could put a picture of Alicia in one.


Except there probably wouldn't be room


for her spidery long legs.


You know, I've always felt that

你知道吗 我总觉得

spidery long legs were vastly overrated.


I thought she was your girlfriend.


No. She's not my girlfriend.

不 不是

She's not you.


Erica, you get her on the phone,

Erica 你打电话给她

you pretend she's your best friend in the world. 假装她是你全世界最好的朋友

You find out how she got in this terrible situation. 然后弄明白她是怎么搞成现在这样子

How did she get so far behind?


Then you take that information and you use it against her.

都弄明白了之后 就用那些攻击她

What are her motivators? Pride?

她为什么那么做? 是骄傲?

Integrity? Honor? Fear?

诚实? 荣誉? 还是恐惧?

Tell her she'll lose everything. Slap a lien on her house. 告诉她 她将会一无所有 把她的房子弄来抵押

Tell her we'll print it in the papers.


Gotta take her to the edge of the cliff.


Let her think you're gonna push her over and at the last minute, 让她以为你会把她推下去 然后在最后一秒 把她拉回来 pull her back and get what you want out of her.


That, Erica, is how you earn a commission.

而且Erica 你的佣金就是这么来的

Lesson over. I need Successful Saving.

就到这 "成功理财"杂志社在几楼?

Excuse me.


Derek Smeath. Hello? Hello...

我是Derek Smeath 喂? 喂...

Elevators. Thank goodness for redial.

信号还真差 电梯里面

Do not answer this call, it's Derek Smeath.

别接电话 是Derek Smeath

Do not answer this call, it's Derek Smeath.

别接电话 是Derek Smeath

Do not answer this call, it...

别接电话 是...

No, he doesn't know it yet, but he will. All right.

不 他还不知道 但是会的 好的

- Speak to you then. - Luke! Luke.

- 回头再说 - Luke! Luke

- Good morning. - Hi.

- 早上好 - 你好

- Hi. - Excusez-moi.

- 你好 - 打扰一下

Am I interrupting something? Hmm?

我来的不是时候? 嗯?

- No. Mm-mm. - No, no.

- 不 嗯 - 不 不

I've come for the Green Scarf Girl.


- Me? - Our esteemed Monsieur West

- 我? - 我们尊敬的Monsieur West先生 has asked me to dress you for your TV debut. 让我为你挑套衣服 迎接荧幕初亮相

I have one hour to shop.


Oh, uh, I'm sorry, excuse me,

哦 抱歉打扰

but, Rebecca, Derek Smeath is here.

Rebecca Derek Smeath来了

God. Um... I, uh...

天呐 嗯... 我 嗯...

Rebecca is being stalked.


So exciting at Successful Saving.


I've had enough of this clown. I'll see him. 我受够这小丑了 我去见他

Whoa! Luke! No! I never want you to meet him, ever. 哇! Luke! 不! 我不想让你见他 不

Don't worry. I've already called security.

别担心 我已经叫了保安

See? She called security.

听见了? 她叫了保安

Voil? Shall we go? Mmm?

那我们可以走了吗? 嗯?

No. No, no, no, no.

不 不 不 不

This is outrageous! I have every right to be here. 这太野蛮了! 我有权利呆在这里

So after the ball, I, myself, actually

那个舞会之后 实际上我自己

read Successful Saving. Your piece was very good. 读了你们的杂志 你的文章的确不错

I have been observing you


and it seems you have natural street fashion, 你好像是个街头潮流先锋

but... do you have genuine style?

但是... 你有自己真正的风格吗?

Dressing is like any worthwhile endeavor. 穿着打扮也是一件非常值得做的事

It is an art, but also a challenge.

是艺术 也是挑战



This dress is good for you, huh?

这件很适合你 是吗?

With maybe... this jacket over.


Oh, that's genius, Alette. Parfait.

哇 太棒了AIette

I think that is a great dress, um, but I was thinking... 那套很不错 嗯 但是我觉得...

...a little more...


...of something... like this?

...像这件... 也不错?

I mean, I'd pair it with a new Yves Saint Laurent coat. 然后配上Yves Saint Laurent的外套

Show me.


So, Rebecca, hmm.

Rebecca 嗯

Take her bag.


You are sure of your choice?


- Yeah. - Hmm. We'll see.

- 对 - 好吧 穿来看看

Do not answer this call, it's Derek Smeath.

别接电话 是Derek Smeath

Do not answer this call, it's Derek Smeath.

别接电话 是Derek Smeath

Do not answer this call, it's...

别接电话 是...


Ah, yes. Is perfect.

啊 很不错

So, unfortunately, I cannot stay.

好了 现在我得走了

But I am looking forward to seeing how you accessorize it 但我很期待看你怎么搭配

- for your TV debut. Hmm? - Oh, thank you.

- 去上电视 嗯? - 哦 谢谢



- Oh, God. - Is there a problem?

- 噢 天哪 - 太贵了?

Pretty much my entire first month's salary.


Mmm. But isn't it worth it?

嗯 但是很值 不是吗?

OK, no peeking. Don't peek. Can you see? OK. Get up here. 好的 不要偷看 别偷看 你看得见吗? 站上来

Now turn this way. OK, don't peek. Don't peek. OK, open! 转过来 好了 别偷看哦 别偷看 好了 看呐! Oh, and look, look, look! The best part!

哦 看看 看看! 最漂亮的地方!

- Do you love it? - It's so her!

- 你喜欢吗? - 太合适了!

Oh, Bex. This is so exciting.

哦 Bex 我太高兴了

I'm getting married and you love your dress,

我要结婚了 你也喜欢你的伴娘裙

and you're getting to Alette, and...

而且你也要为Alette工作了 还有...

What's in that bag?


Oh, that's just a dress that Alette chose for me

噢 是AIette为我选的衣服

for the TV show.


Mom, can you go get a cupcake?

妈妈 你能去拿个杯形蛋糕吗?

How much did it cost?


Alette gets an incredible discount.


Still going to Shopaholics Anonymous?




- 'Cause you promised. - I know!

- 你说过会去的 - 我知道!

Oh, excuse me. Are you going to the shopaholics meeting? 噢 不好意思 你是去购物狂"聚会"吗?


Could you do me a favor and stow these in your trunk?

你能帮我个忙 暂时把这个放到你的车里吗?

Doesn't look good entering a self-help shopping group 拿着Barneys的袋袋到克制消费的团队里

carrying a Barneys bag.


Oh! I know exactly what you mean.

噢! 我懂你的意思

- Leave it to me. - OK.

- 给我吧 - 好的

- Hey, save me a seat, huh? - OK.

- 嘿 给我占个座 - 好的

Thank you!


My name is Ms. Korch. I am your new group leader. 我是Korch女士 我是你们这个团队新的负责人 I do things differently.


Ms. Bloomwood?


You're willing to give away your money for things 你愿意花钱买一些

that you don't need, so why not try giving away 你不需要的东西 那么怎么不试试

the things you don't need for no money.


But here's the thing: I really need those things. 但这个是例外: 我真的很需要这个

I'll show you who really needs them.


Steady! Steady. Courage, woman.

冷静! 冷静 勇敢点 女士

- Oh, my. Colorful. - This is my bridesmaid's dress. - 噢 色彩斑斓 - 这是我的伴娘裙

Please! How many of us have used that one before, hmm? 好了! 有多少人用过这个理由 嗯?

OK. I just want you to take these clothes and... do good. 那么 你把这条裙子拿了 然后... 做点好事 Ms. Bloomwood, wasn't that liberating? Bravo! Bloomwood小姐 是不是感觉解脱了? 太棒了!

My will is strong. My wallet is closed. I don't want to shop! 我要坚定意志 我要看好钱包 我不想购物!

Back to the basement. I couldn't be prouder.

我们回去 真是太高兴了

There's been a mistake. The dresses I gave in?

关于我捐的那两条裙子 可能有点误会

- Hmm. I need it back. - I see. Mm-hmm. Christy! - 嗯 我想要回来 - 我知道了 Christy!



Can't sell those two dresses. There's been a mistake. 那两条裙子不能卖了

- No returns. - I really need these dresses! - 不能退的 - 我真的需要那些裙子!

I'd bring back something tomorrow.


- Something better. - No exchanges.

- 更好的 - 我们不换

- OK, so, um, I'll buy 'em. - You will? Oh, that's great. - 好 那我买回来 - 真的? 太好了

Oh, really. We need every cent here.


- OK. How much? - A hundred and ten.

- 多少钱? - 110

What? How is this a charity store?

什么? 慈善商店还这么贵?

This is from Barneys.


I know. OK, I don't have enough for both.

我知道 我的钱不够买两件

- This one's twenty. - Maybe come back for this one? - 这件才20 - 要不你下次再来买这件?

Which is more important?


Got money issues? Who hasn't?

您有理财烦恼吗? 谁没有呢?

Oh! Tarkie, Tarkie, Tarkie, she's on!

啊! Tarkie... 到她了!

- This is her? - Yeah.

- 就是这个节目? - 嗯哪

The Girl in the Green Scarf, Rebecca Bloomwood, 绿围巾女孩 Rebecca Bloomwood

Oh, she looks like an expert. How are her accessories? 她看起来很象专家 对不 她戴的配饰怎么样? Hey, Janice. She's in the... Whoa. What channel? 嘿 Janice 她在... 哪个频道?

... finance. Not my thing.

理财 我一点不在行

- Jane. - Yeah?

- Jane - 什么事?

- Janey. Janey! - What?

- Janey Janey! - 怎么了?

... then I read your columns, and I'm like...

然后我读了你的专栏 感觉就象...

"Wow. I get it."

"天哪 终于开窍了"

Right. Which is exactly the point.


Because so much financial journalism is really...


- Is really boring. - I'm with ya on that!

- 都很无趣 - 真是深有同感!

Yes! Go, Bex!

说得好! 继续 Bex!

It's not accessible.


But it's ordinary people that have the most money in savings. 但需要理财的还是普通老百姓

It is. It's people like my mom and dad.

确实 就象我父母一样的普通人



Tell us about the coat. Tell the audience what you wrote 你专栏中写到大衣 和我们说说...

about the cashmere coat and worth.


- Well, that's you. - No, no.

- 还是你来说吧 - 不 不

- He inspired me. - Aw...

- 是他给我的灵感 - 哦...

It's the difference between cost and worth.


Essentially, something you can't see, can't touch,

从本质上来说 价值看不见摸不着

but it's actually the most valuable commodity in America. 实际上 美国最无价的商品

- And that's... - Trust.

- 是... - 信任

Trust. I'm loving you guys.

信任 我超爱你们

Who knew that debt could be so much fun, huh? 谁会想到债务也能这么有趣呢

But we just have a little bit more time.


We wanna get questions from the audience. 留给观众提问

Is there anybody out there


with any financial issues that would like...

有理财烦恼 想与...

Yes, you, sir.

好 就你吧 先生

Well... I'm having trouble with debt.


OK. Mortgage debt, car debt?

好 房贷 车贷?

- Ms. Bloomwood's debt. - Ms. Bloomwood's debt. - Bloomwood小姐的债务 - Bloomwood小姐的债务 That's right.


I'm from the All City Debt Collection Agency. 我来自"城市收债代理机构"

- My name is Derek Smeath. - Alrighty.

- 我叫Derek Smeath - 好

Now, look, for God's sake, can I just say that this man 上帝啊 这个人

has been stalking Rebecca for the past year. 对Rebecca纠缠一年之久

Yes, I have.


To recover unrepaid credit on a store card totaling 就是想结清她的信用卡所欠款项

$9,412 and a quarter.


Is this for real?


No, I'm sorry, because he is her ex-boyfriend. 不好意思 他是她的前男友



No wonder she didn't bring him home.


That's good. I tell ya,


the more you look at me, the funnier that gets. 看看我 你们相信我是她前男友吗?

OK, well, uh, my ex-girlfriend

好吧 我的前女友

told me she couldn't meet me today


because I might risk contamination with an infection 因为她在芬兰染上了传染病

- she picked up in Finland. - Oh!

- 可能会传染给我 - 哦!

Know she was part Finnish?


OK, we're on limited time.

好 我们时间不多了

Anybody else like to ask...


No, no, no. The best is yet to come.

别 别 精彩的还在后面呢

Oh, God!


Did you realize our Ms. Bloomwood here


is in the hospital with depression?


Currently in the hospital with gallstones.


"Check is in the mail" 14 times.

"支票已寄" 14次

Check is lost in the mail 14 times.

- "支票在邮递中丢失" 14次 - 有没有其他观众提问? Recovering from a chemical fruit acid peel.


Called back for second tour of duty in Basra.

被召回再次出差 目的地:巴士拉 (伊拉克东南部港市) Which of these excuses is true?


Are any of them?


Will the real Rebecca Bloomwood please stand up? 请真实的Rebecca Bloomwood起立

Well, at least I don't have to worry about you being stalked! 起码我不用再担心你被纠缠之事了!

Luke, you don't understand!

Luke 你不明白!

No, you're right, I don't!

没错 我是不明白!

So do what I hired you to do, Rebecca,

发挥一下职业精神 Rebecca

and make the truth clear


to somebody who absolutely doesn't understand. 给完全不明白的我一个交待

I shop.


Oh, so you lie because you shop.


OK, OK. Why do you shop?

好 你为什么喜欢购物?

- Well, I... - Come on, come on!

- 我... - 说啊!

Well, you're not giving me time...


For what? To make something up?

给你时间作什么? 让你再胡编乱造?

Just, for once in your life, tell me the truth. 你就不能说一次真话?

Because when I shop, the world gets better. 因为购物时 世界变得更美好

The world is better.


And then it's not anymore. And I need to do it again. 但后来又不美好了 我就再去购物

Well, what about honesty?


What about credibility?


Well, I wanted to tell you,


but I only took the job to get to Alette.

但我接受这份工作只是为了要进Alette Well, I wish you all the best with that.


Luke, I'm so sorry.

Luke 真是对不起

No, no. I understand. The whole thing was a lie. 不用 我了解 整件事就是一个谎言

That absolutely makes sense.


# You're breaking my heart You're tearing it apart * 你伤了我的心 你将它撕碎 *

# Woo, woo

* 呜 呜 *

# Now I've gone insane

* 现在我已变得疯狂 *

# And you're breaking my glasses, too, OK? * 你把我的眼镜也打碎 好吗? *

Is she wearing my bridesmaid's dress?




That, I can absolutely explain!


OK! Explain.

好! 解释吧






Mr. West. I like Luke Brandon.

West先生 我很喜欢Luke Brandon

But it would seem on recent evidence, Mr. Brandon 但依最近的态势看来 Brandon先生

allowed his objectivity to lapse.


Mr. Brandon?


Rebecca Bloomwood...

Rebecca Bloomwood...

Rebecca Bloomwood was the most vivacious, Rebecca Bloomwood是我见过的 最有生气的 funny, inspiring woman I have ever met. 最有趣最能鼓舞人心的女子

And she lived a lie. We know that now.

现在我们知道 她的生活是个谎言

But what she wrote in her columns was the truth. 但她在专栏中写的都是事实

She had a voice.


She spoke to people who never believed 她能让那些不懂财经的人读懂

that they could understand, and who loved it when 而他们一旦读懂

they found that they could. And I loved it. 就爱上她的文章 我也超爱

Rebecca Bloomwood let me down.

Rebecca Bloomwood让我失望

But the Girl in the Green Scarf never did.


As for you, if Luke Brandon and his attitude

至于你 如果Luke Brandon及其态度

aren't fitting in at Dantay-West,


there's really only ever one solution.


Maybe we should start a new magazine.


A magazine driven purely by the voices of its writers. 一家完全发表作家见解的杂志

A part of the company, but outside the gates, you know? 隶属于公司 但另立门户 明白么?

Yeah, sounds... Sounds great.


Yeah. It's unexpected, but, you know.

让人意外 但 你知道...

You have drive, Mr. Brandon, and vision.

你有干劲 Brandon先生 也有远见

I've been impressed.


Oh, it'll be tough going to start,


but that's the way Cy and I built this company.


On the day that we put that sign up over the door, Dantay-West. 我们把公司名挂在门上的那一天 Dantay-West

That was when we knew that we'd made the right decision. 就知道这一决定是正确的

So here's to our new venture.


Well, I, um. I can't...

呃 我...

I cannot believe it. I'm going to kill her.

真不敢相信 我要杀了她

Mr. West, when you put that sign above the door,

West先生 当您把公司名挂在门上时

you wanted to make your name in the world, didn't you? 您是想让它享誉全球吧?

- Oh, more than anything else. - So do I.

- 这是我最大的愿望 - 我也是

Sweetie, she's gonna be fine.

亲爱的 她会没事的

And when you talk to her, don't...

你去和她谈时 不要...

Sweetie, honestly, do you think it's too...

亲爱的 实话实说 你觉得...

"Raising Financially Fit Kids."


Do you think it's too late for this?


Never too late. Aren't you glad we went to that book fair? 亡羊补牢 犹为未晚 去书展难道你不高兴吗? Pretty amazing, ain't it?

很美 是不是?

That's why your mother and I love coming out here. 所以你妈和我就爱来这儿

Reminds us of our childhood in Finland.


Your mom and I think,


if the American economy can be billions in debt 美国经济欠债几十亿

and still survive, so can you.

都能挺过难关 你也能

- The RV's worth about 13... - No. Dad.

- 那车大约值13... - 不行 爸爸

We want to.


I will kill you if you sell it.

如果你把车卖了 我就杀了你

It completely defines you. Completely.

车诠释了你 你的全部

Nothing defines me, except you and your mother. 没有东西能诠释我 除了你和你妈

"婚前去父母家 你的烂东西都在你房间"

So she really did it? And it all worked.

她真是这样? 而且还达到目的了

What do you mean?


You mean you don't know.


Oh, this is good.


Alette Naylor is going to see the little green scarf girl

AIette NayIor要去见这位绿围巾女孩

to give her the one thing that she wants most in all the world. 把她最想要的工作给她

And now I'm stuck with her.


I'm very happy to have found you.


- I went to Mr. West to... - Hot.

- 我去找了West先生... - 小心烫

Ah. Thank you. Charles et Diana.

谢谢 哦 查尔斯和黛安娜

No, no. They're not from Indiana, they're from England. 不 不是印第安那人 是英国人 (老爸听错了)

No, Dad, she said Charles and Diana.

不是 爸爸 她是说查尔斯和黛安娜

Yes. Well, I went to see Mr. West to petition for clemency... 我去找West先生 让他宽大处理

...which he gave. - And is Luke Brandon OK?

- 他同意了 - Luke Brandon还好吗?

Unfortunately, Monsieur Brandon is no longer with Dantay-West. 很不幸 Brandon先生不再为Dantay-West效力了 But he'll land on his feet.


He's a Sherman, after all. Rebecca...

怎么说他也是Sherman家族的人 Rebecca...

You may not know this, but your appearance

你可能还不知道 你在电视上的露面

on that TV show has struck a nerve with many, many girls. 引发了许...多女孩的同感

They identify with you.


Your column will be Affordable Fashion.


Five hundred words once a month. Welcome to Alette. 每月一文 500字 欢迎加入Alette

I can do affordable fashion.


I mean, I know where all the sales are.


Yes, yes, she does. Oh!

没错 她知道的

In fact, she got that from me.

实际上 都是我告诉她的

No, I didn't. I didn't. I didn't, I didn't, I didn't.

不是 不是...

- Oh, cake? - Yes.

- 来点蛋糕? - 好

Oh, no, no, no, no, no!

别 别!

Tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny.

要小 小 非常小

- Oh. - No, tiny. Tiny! Tiny!

- 好 - 再小一点! 再小一点!


Thank you.


You will make your column personal.



You'll take pieces from your own wardrobe,


like this for example. This is very pretty.

就象这个 这很漂亮

- They're swell. - This season, I believe.

- 很入时 - 当季流行款 我相信

Um, well, they're Louboutins,


so, I mean, well, they're not affordable fashion. 不能算是实惠时尚

Fear not. Chez Alette, we print the prices very small. 别担心 我们会把价格印得小小的

And after all, what are credit cards for, huh?

毕竟 要信用卡是作什么用的呢?

You must know that.


Yeah, wow.


Yeah, no, I, um... I know all about credit cards.


And final notices and debt collectors.

最后通告 催债人

Um, they should print that in the fashion magazines. Right? 时尚杂志应该把这个也印上 对不?


Rebecca, you have a moral conscience.

Rebecca 你有道德良知

But if you want to work for my magazine...


No, no, I really... I wanna work at Alette.

不 不 我非常想为Alette工作

What's the matter, baby?

怎么了 宝贝?

I just, I have that really annoying feeling in the pit of my stomach. 只不过 我的内心深处有种讨厌的感觉

You know that feeling when?


Yes. I get it... I get it in the back of my head.

我知道 我知道 我脑中也会有这种感觉

Yeah, when... You know what I mean?

就是... 你知道不?

You wanna do something, but you sort of feel like you shouldn't? 你想做某事 但又觉着你不该那么做?

- That's it! - I get heartburn.

- 就是那样! - 我懂了 就是心病

I just... I have made so many mistakes,


and I feel like taking this job would be another one.

我觉得 接受这份工作会是又一个错误

Before you make your decision, you should know this. 在你做决定之前 你应该知道

When I leave this house, the opportunity leave with me. 当我离开这里 机会也会随我而去

Well, then you should both go.


C'est la vie.


You're a Sherman.


Can't you finance this yourself?


I'm asking if you will back me.

我想知道 你是否会支持我

I'm asking if I am a good investment.

我想知道 你是否觉得我有投资价值

All right, people, this is it. I want you to think of it

好 伙计们 就这样 你们要把它看作

as a toxic little monkey on your back.


Do it, Freak! But anybody who cries

快动手 疯子! 谁掉眼泪

will have to cut two cards.


I'm Rebecca Bloomwood and I'm a shopaholic.

我叫Rebecca Bloomwood 我是购物狂

Hi, Rebecca.

嗨 Rebecca

I destroyed my career on national television.


I lied to the man I love. I hurt my best friend.

我欺骗了深爱的男人 伤害了最好的朋友

I invented a stalker, and I don't even speak Finnish. 我凭空捏造出一个跟踪狂 我根本不会说芬兰语 But I have a plan, and I need your help.

但我决心改过 我需要你们的帮助

Who's with me?


Shut up. Sale of the century.

不会吧 世纪甩卖

Forward to all employees. Send.

转发给所有员工 "发送"

Oh, uh, Luke, sorry. Um, may I take a long lunch? Luke 不好意思哦 今天午饭时间能不能长点? Sure. What are you doing?

当然 你要干嘛?

Oh! Oh, uh, I have an appointment.


- With whom? - A person.

- 和谁? - 一个人



Uh, I suppose she has to, uh, clear the decks.

我猜 她不得不清仓

You know, make room for all those free clothes from Alette. 腾出空间放置Alette的免费服饰

Go, Hayley.

去吧 HayIey

May I?


- Bags! - Ready!

- 包包! - 就绪!

- Accessories! - Ready!

- 配饰! - 就绪!

- Shoes! - Ready.

- 鞋子! - 就绪!

- Millinery. - What you call me?

- 女帽 - 你说什么?

- Hats. - Oh!

- 帽子 - 哦!

I hope they've got shoes!


They're gettin' antsy out there.


Ready when you are, Ms. Bloomwood. 就等你一声令下 Bloomwood小姐 Open the doors, Dad!

开门 老爸!

There's plenty for everyone.


Just, take your...


You'll note the delicious color,


the smart collar and these classic buttons. 时髦的衣领 经典的扣子

Thirty dollars is my final offer.

一口价 30美元

I'll give you $30 to get away from my table. 我给你30元 你赶紧走吧

What about your mother? What would she like? 你母亲呢? 她喜欢什么?



- I think it's... - It's a lucky top.

- 我觉得... - 这可是幸运罩衫

These are real Prada shoes, ladies.

这是Prada正品鞋 女士们

They go with the same pink as this scarf. 正好配这粉色的围巾

And the handbag. Oh. And the gloves. 还有这个包包 这副手套

OK, you know what, not for sale. Not for sale. 不卖了 不卖了

- Ms. Ptaszinski! - I'm OK.

- Ptaszinski小姐! - 好吧

And now...


The green scarf!


An icon.


Supple, sensual, the color of money.

柔软 手感好 象征着金钱的颜色

Rebecca always had such fabulous taste.


No wonder she wound up at Alette magazine.


Oh, Becky didn't end up at Alette magazine.


She turned that "hoppertunity" down.


- What? Why? - Yes, Jane Bloomwood, hi.

- 什么? 为啥? - 我是Jane Bloomwood 你好

Oh, hi.


Now who will be the next Girl in the Green Scarf?


- Fifty dollars! - Anyone else?

- 50元! - 其他报价?

- Seventy. - I have 70!

- 70 - 有人出价70!

- Ninety dollars. - Ninety dollars right here!

- 90元 - 这位出价90!

- Excuse me. - Sure.

- 失陪 - 好

I have a bidder on the phone. One hundred and twenty dollars. 我有位电话投标人 120元

One-twenty for the beautiful, famous, elegant...


- One-fifty! - Don't sell it.

- 150! - 别卖

You've sold so much already.


- Two hundred dollars. - Two hundred and fifty dollars. - 200元 - 250元

Two-fifty! I have 250. The bid is against you at 250.

250! 有人报价250 你的对手出价250

- Well? - Three hundred dollars!

- 怎么样? - 300!

You can tell your friend on the phone, I'll match anything they bid. 告诉你电话里的朋友 出啥价我都奉陪

She's like an assassin.


Three hundred dollars. Going once.


- Going twice. - My bidder withdraws.

- 第二次 - 我的投标人退出

Sold for 300 to the lady in pink.

300元成交 这位粉色衣裙的小姐





- Don't wear it with yellow. - Never.

- 别和黄色搭配 - 绝不会的

- It could bring you love. - Thank you.

- 它会给你带来爱情 - 谢谢

One, two, three, four. That's another thousand.

一二三四 又是一千元


$16,586, 72 cents.


You are a winner, babe!

你发了 宝贝!

Oh, my God.


Mr. Smeath.


What the hell is this? What are you doing?

见鬼 这是什么? 你在这儿干嘛?

I'm doing exactly what you did to me on that television show, Derek. 你怎么在节目上对我 我怎么对你 Derek

I'm just giving you what you deserve.


But in the most inconvenient way possible.


And that, I think, makes 9,412.


Oh. And a quarter.

哦 还有25分

I've got it. I've got it.


OK. Ladies, it's time!

姑娘们 时间到!

- How'd you get it back? - I did a deal.

- 你怎么拿回来的? - 我做了笔交易

Get her some flowers.


- Sorry. OK. - Go, go, go, go, go.

- 不好意思 - 去 赶紧去

- Ready, sweetie? - Bex!

- 准备好没 甜心? - Bex!

Come here.



See you at the reception!


You sold all your clothes and kept that?

你把所有衣服卖了 却独独留了这件?

- It's Suze's wedding... - Wedding. I know.

- Suze的婚礼... - 婚礼 我知道

I'm an investigative journalist, Rebecca.

我现在是调查新闻记者 Rebecca

Give me some credit.


You really sold it all?


You have nothing left.


I mean, I wouldn't put it like that.


Neither would I.


The bidder on the phone was you.


But you lost!


Both bidders were me.


It's a desperately important scarf.


Name: Rebecca Bloomwood.

姓名: Rebecca Bloomwood

Occupation: I am a columnist for Luke's new magazine. 职业: Luke新杂志的专栏作家

Dress: Borrowed from Suze as I am a reformed shopaholic. 衣着: 向Suze借的 因为我是改过自新的购物狂 - Here, Ryuichi. - Wow!

- 给你 Ryuichi - 哇!

It is amazing what you have time to do

不购物时 能有时间做

when you're not shopping.


For example, I actually learned Finnish.

比如 我真的学了芬兰语



And instead of a relationship with my credit card, 我不再经营和信用卡的感情

I have a relationship with someone who loves me back. 而是经营和爱人的恋情

And never declines me.


Where do you get your moves?


Who knows? It just comes naturally.

谁知道呢? 就是自然而然想到的

Oh, you're right. It's a mystery.

没错 谁知道呢 这将是个谜
