

情人节产品销售口号30条 1. 巧克力:将爱含在嘴里 2. 美容院:情系新春,礼表爱意 3. 不一样(特别)的礼物,送给不一样(特别)的你! 4. 音乐盒:最是那一汪柔情 5. 音乐盒始终是女孩子喜欢的礼物,特别是偏文静类女孩。 6.巧克力:捧在手中,甜在心中! 7. 这个情人节,要有点不一样! 8. 爱要有‘礼’才完美 9. 温暖围巾:暖的感觉在心里 10. 水晶:晶莹剔透,藏着甜蜜 11. QQ礼物:纪念浪漫的网络情缘 12. 珠宝首饰:轻轻藏着我的爱 13. 可以没有情人,不能没有礼物 14. 餐厅:甜蜜情侣套餐,超值惊喜超级浪漫 15. 备足礼物 让爱情公告全世界 16. 爱之物语 巧手表爱意 17. 让我们成双成对 18. 今天为爱而换位 19. 共同的日子天天都是情人节 20. “情”你准备爱我 21. 酒店情人节促销广告语 22. 我们为您准备浪漫,您准备好了吗? 23. “长久”酒店一直为您守候 24. “情”寻色香味 25. 激情绽放 时代有爱 26. 三星硬盘:要的就是稳定 27. 导航手机:姻缘一“信”牵 28. 巧克力情人:我们属于彼此,你和蜜。 29. 书店:玫瑰心情 30. 吃又合适的礼物。含着巧克力过情人节让人有幸福的感觉。



情人节Valentine's Day

Today is February 14, 2016, a day that young men and women like---valentine's day. Valentine's day originated in the west.That is a festival which is about love, romance ,flowers, chocolate and greeting card. Men and women friends give gifts to each other on this day to express love or friendship. Valentine's day dinner date usually represent the key of the development of the relationship. Already became Europe and the United States youth favorite holiday, other countries have also started to pop. In China, the Chinese valentine's day, one of the traditional festival the same day as the girls pay attention to, which is called the Chinese valentine's day. Due to express the common human feelings, all across countries explore its own "valentine's day". Generally speaking, in China, we have two valentine's day. Frankly speaking, to some extent, valentine's day is an opportunity to express love. I think as long as there is love in the heart, every day is valentine's day. Finally, I want to say to everybody that "Happy valentine's day! Best wishes for you!"

今天是20xx年2月14号,一个青年男女都喜欢的日子——情人节。情人节起源于西方,这是一个关于爱、浪漫以及花、巧克力、贺卡的节日 。男女朋友在这一天互送礼物用以表达爱意或友好。情人节一起约会吃晚餐常常是情侣关系的重要一点。现在已成为欧美各国年轻人喜欢的节日,其他国家也逐渐开始流行。而在中国,传统节日之一的七夕节也是年轻人重视的日子,因此七夕被称为中国的情人节。由于都是来表达相同的感情,各国各地纷纷发明创造了属于自己国家的“情人节”。总的来说,在中国,我们有两个情人节。坦率讲,从某种程度上看,情人节只是表达爱意的一个机会。我认为只要心中有爱,每天都会是情人节。最后,我想对每一个说“情人节快乐!最好的祝福送给你!