

1.outside a muffler shop: "no appointment necessary, we hear you coming."


2.outside a hotel: "help! we need inn-experienced people." 酒店门外:"帮帮忙!我们缺少常住小酒馆的人。"

3.on a desk in a reception room: "we shoot every 3rd salesman, and the 2nd one just left."


4.in a veterinarians waiting room: "be back in 5 minutes, sit! stay!"


5.at the electric company: "we would be de-lighted if you send in your bill. however, if you don't you will be."


6.on the door of a computer store: "out for a quick byte." 电脑专卖店门上:"出去找一个更快的字节。"

7.in a restaurant window: "don't stand there and be hungry, come on in and get fed up."


8.inside a bowling alley: "please be quiet, we need to hear a pin drop."


9.in the front yard of a funeral home: "drive carefully, we'll wait."


10.in a counselors office: "growing old is mandatory, growing wise is optional.





毕 业 论 文

题 目: 《英语广告口号语的特点》

专 业: 英 语 指导教师: 王菲

学生姓名: 梁帅男 班级-学号: 英商112

2015 年 5 月



Contents .......................................................................................................................................... i 摘要 ................................................................................................................................................ iv Abstract.......................................................................................................................................... v I. Introduction ......................................................................................................................... - 6 -

1.1 Definition of Advertising Slogans ......................................................................... - 6 -

1.2 Function of Advertising Slogan ........................................................................... - 7 - 1.3The research achievement on English advertising slogan..............................- 7 - II. The lexical features of English advertising slogan ................................................. - 8 -

2.1Use wrong spelling to appeal to the reading ......................................................... - 8 - 2.1.1. The wrong usage of numbers ............................................................................. - 9 - 2.2.2 The wrong usage of Adjectives and adverbs .................................................. - 10 - 2.2.3 The wrong usage of verbs .................................................................................. - 12 -

2. 2 Using the exotic qualifier ..................................................................................... - 12 - III. Phonological features of advertising slogan language .................................... - 13 -

3.1 End rhyme ................................................................................................................. - 14 -

3.2 Alliterate .................................................................................................................... - 15 -

3.3 Onomatopoeia .......................................................................................................... - 15 - V. The rhetorical features of advertising slogan language...................................... - 16 -

4.1 Analogy ..................................................................................................................... - 16 -

4.2 Punning...................................................................................................................... - 17 -

4.3 Parallelism ................................................................................................................ - 17 - IV. The stylistic features of advertising slogan language ......................................... - 19 -

5.1 Simple Sentence ........................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

5.2 Imperative Sentence .................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。 IIV. Conclusion ....................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 References ............................................................................................................................ - 21 - Acknowledgements .............................................................................................................. - 23 - ii







Advertising language functionally divided into slogan, brand and trademark, exposition of three parts, the advertising slogan language is the most essential part of English language, the most fully embodies the language of the text feature. Advertising slogans from the graphic, phonological, lexical, syntactic and rhetorical aspects display language features of advertising language This thesis presents an analytical study of the linguistic features of slogan languages in English advertisements at lexical, syntactic and rhetoric levels and states some affects of this study towards human life. This article is divided into five parts, part 1 and part 5 overall introduction and conclusion, respectively; Part 2 the slogan language of graphics features; Third and fourth part is the core part, respectively for the slogan language in vocabulary, syntax, rhetoric analysis of three levels; . Analysis in this paper, the author sincerely hopes that this paper can give English advertisements, especially slogan language writers, learners and merchants to offer help.

Key Words: rhetoric, graphics, phonological and language



The Language Features of English Advertising Slogans

I. Introduction

Advertisements can be seen everywhere, it has become the people to understand the outside world in the development of a fast and convenient way. Many slogans because of its classical, and become a familiar phrase. Advertising delay sex, decide it is not means convey feedback of the instant communication. Because it does not have the vivid characteristics of instant communication, and the operator in order to achieve the result of the communication and purpose, have to change in communication, the method, by way of language qualities and convey the processing to achieve the goal of the sales pitch. Have any special interest relations, commodity operators and consumers make advertisements more elegant in language form. The charm of advertising language is the soul of the advertisement.

1.1 Definition of Advertising Slogans

The word "slogan" originally came from the Gaelic phrase, "slugh gairm". It means "battle cry". The slogan is different from the other kinds of writing because it is designed to be remembered and repeated word for word, to impress its brand and its message on the customers. "People sometimes pick up slogans or catch phrases from advertising purely for use in conversation. Later, they find themselves making important market choices on the basis of these same compelling words." (Lucas and Britt, 1950:67) So, the slogan has done its job in merchandising the product as part of the overall plan. “Advertising slogans are short, often memorable phrases used in advertising campaigns. They are claimed to be the most effective means of drawing attention to one or more aspects of a product. A stripling is a British term used as a secondary sentence an attached to a brand name. Its purpose is to emphasize a phrase that the company wishes to be remembered by, particularly for marketing a specific corporate image of connection to a product or consumer base.”Obviously, the advertising slogan should be easy to remember even to sing, so the listeners and - 6 -


readers can remember the merchandise.

One of the major elements used in producing an effective advertising campaign is to achieve continuity throughout all media used in the campaign. A slogan is often used to unify the campaign. It is a device which is a conscious or unconscious effort to hook into the reader's subconscious. Used effectively, it can succeed as no other single element in advertising can. A major concern of effective advertising is to make sure the product is remembered. One of the best and helpful devices is the use of a good slogan.

1.2 Function of Advertising Slogan

The ultimate purpose of an advertising slogan is to arouse the consumer’s desire to make purchase. It influences not only the consumer’s economic decisions but also his\her social values and personal life. Therefore, an advertising slogan has two main functions: providing information and persuading the consumers to make purchase. The advertising slogan informs the consumer of the advantages or unique features of a certain product or service. It delivers how, or from which aspects, the product can serve the needs of the consumers: when the buying desire of the consumer is aroused, the purchase action would probably be taken. Different kinds of products require different strategies for making advertising slogans. Advertising slogans are usually geared to one of two generally accepted response dimensions, namely, thinking versus feeling, or cognitive versus emotional response. A cognitive strategy focuses on information; it is usually favored by the marketing of “hard-sell” products or service such as houses, cars, or an insurance policy where rational thinking and economic considerations prevail. For instance, “feel like a million for $970,000 less. It cost less than a breakfast at the White House.”(Mercedes Bents). Other products at a mundane level using a cognitive approach include household items, such as washing power, toilet paper, and food. Emotional strategy caters to “soft-sell” purchases such as cosmetics and jewelry and also those which appeal to immediate sensory gratification. Such as beverages, cigarettes, alcohol and sweets, etc. In “Shadow born of light and - 7 -


out of shadow, light” (an advertising slogan for cosmetics), the copywriter or advertiser tries to evoke the emotional response and resonance from the consumer rather than mentioning any factual information. No matter how persuasive the adverting slogan is, it should never sound too obtrusive to offend the consumer.

1.3The Research Achievement on English advertising slogan

Slogans and posters have a long history, and they have also had a profound impact in the history of Chinese civilization, which represents an important cultural characteristic. In modern times, outdoor slogans and posters not only affect people’s daily language life, but influence people's consciousness and behavior, so they represent an important communication phenomenon.Since the founding of New China, slogans and posters have been widely applied,While the data to be analyzed is composed of a large number of English advertising slogans, which were originally written in English and translated into Chinese. Translation skills and strategies are likely to be drawn on the preliminary level after studying these translations. All the selected advertising slogans came from the following four works: (1) “A Practical Course in English-Chinese Translation” 《实用英汉翻译教程》,edited by He Sanning (何三宁) and published by Southeast University Press (东南大学出版社),2005.

(2)“Advertisement English-Reading and Appreciation” 《广告英语阅读与欣赏》,edited by Song Hong(宋宏) and published by National Defense Industry Press (国防工业出版社),2006.(3) “English Advertising” 《广告英语》, edited by Wang Yanxi (王燕希) and published by University of International Business and Economics Press(对外经济贸易大学),2004.(4) “A New Course Book on Pragmatic Translation” 《新编实用翻译教程》,edited by Chen Xiaowen( 陈小慰) and published by Economic Science Press(经济科学出版社),2006.

II. The lexical features of English advertising slogan

The words and phrases in the English advertising are colorful and lively. The only purpose of choosing a word in the slogan is to promote the products. One-syllable words accord with the feature of advertising slogan, which are simple, vivid and readable. These words are mostly used in English advertising slogan such as make, go, trust, love, take, start, have and so on. These - 8 -


words have different meanings. Some of them show the relationship between the products and consumers. For example, “Trust us for life ”, the word “trust”is a one-syllable word, and it expresses that the consumers should believe this product, it is worthy of buying it. Of course, this is the slogan of American International Assurrance. So it successfully delivered the information and the consumers will feel reassuring. Also, some show that people want to have the product. Such as the example 10,“Take Toshiba, take the world. It is a hyperbole, says that the Toshiba computer dominates this trade in the world. And the consumer will think it is so good that they should have it.

2.1 Use wrong spelling to appeal to the reading

This deliberately wrong spelling errors or letter combinations are often in order to form a format in the title, the product brand is a kind of balance, in order to achieve the purpose of the outstanding brand and easy to remember.


The ultimate All Inslusive One Brice Sunkissed holiday.

In this title, this is an advertisement that provide couples of vacation tourism.Twogether is the wrong spelling of together.The "Two" instead of "To" emphasize that the joy of couple share their holiday.Or: "We know eggsactly How to sell dense eggs ", "eggsactly" was "exactly" deformation,Correspond to the "egg" on the form, so as to deepen the impression. The advertisement also be good at innovation. advertisers are good at using Word Games change the spelling, the intentionally misspelled word or words that people are familiar with, or the new synthetic word prefix or suffix. While the new words differ from the original Word form, but without losing the original meaning, but also adds a new, purpose of the use of ambiguity for implied and sell products. Create new words not only the effective dissemination of information, and gives advertising a great deal of charm. If you have a beverage ad is written:

The Orangemostest Drink in the World. Orangemostest is made up of Orange+most+EST, this orange juice beverage of high quality.

There is also a hotel ad: Going East, Staying Westin. (Westin hotel). In - 9 -


this advertisement advertisers deliberately written in Western Westin, to novel, made a deep impression to consumers.

2.1.1. The wrong usage of numbers

Numerals more precise, but the significance of its expression is often blurred. Numerals used in advertising language is commonplace, but numbers do not represent a specific amount of time to lose the sense of quantity, but also has the image of meaning, which is a number of semantic blurring. Numerals generated fuzzy sense always makes consumer tastes and again, which is widely used in commercials, for example:

Two months’ salary too much to spend for something that lasts forever?

This is a diamond ad, in which case the ad, two months' salary, although the exact figure, but it cannot be accurately described the two-month salary in the end what is a number of different people and two months’ salary is not same, the difference would be even great; and diamond products to the users to enjoy the spirit is vague, uncertain, and therefore can only be used to express vague semantics; its fuzzy semantics shows spend a small amount of money to give bring permanent spiritual enjoyment.

This Christmas which surprises him with a dozen presents.

In the ad, a dozen presents is not exactly mean "Twelve" a gift, but a imaginary, imaginary blur once, they cannot actually refers to, otherwise they will be persistent and misunderstood the original figure.

In Taipei...1+1+1+1=ONE

This is the commercial center of Taipei World advertising, had four in one plus one equals four and the answer can be given advertising is one. On the one hand entice readers eager to know the true intentions of advertising, while inspired the imagination of readers. Actually we realized in the form of advertising from the number of changes to the image. Advertisements four 1 refers to the four parts of the commercial center, the four parts together will constitute a complete business center, described as a wonderful idea.

2.2.2 The wrong usage of Adjectives and adverbs

- 10 -


Adjectives and adverbs are usually vague words, adjectives describing the product plays in advertising language, the role of ideas expressed, words appropriate to achieve lifelike effect; adverbs in English is primarily used as adverbial, they can be used modify verbs, adjectives and adverbs, sometimes modifying the whole sentence. Because of the diversity of their location flexibility and functionality, with the use of the adverb to express vague sense in advertising is quite frequent. Adjectives such as: new, beautiful, super, good, great, natural; adverbs much, really, and so on, almost no clear expression of the concept of extension, for example:

Big, big selection; low, low price.

This advertisement two evaluative adjectives semantic ambiguity, however, was able to induce the reader's imagination.

In perfect shape. For unlimited times.

In this case, the advertisement has a perfect and unlimited adjectives are vague concept of what constitutes the shape of the watch is perfect difficult to have a precise standards; watch how long regarded as durable and also does not have a measurable scale, so perfect both the extension and unlimited vague, ambiguous meaning of words in order to appropriately express the characteristics of this watch, but also to show the perfect shape of the goods out.

This advertisement clearly depicts the characteristics of the product but only vaguely express its function. Reading this advertisement, the first feeling is that consumers can use this product to achieve their desired effect, but the color cannot be determined to what extent the real, how to measure, but the simplicity of this advertisement was to give the impression that the language impressed, but true to play a finishing touch fuzzy semantic role, greatly enhancing the advertising effect.

The clean look: It’s the fresh, natural look of clean make-up.

This is a very popular American cosmetics ad, the ad with the four adjectives, natural, clean as a propaganda theme, do not stress makeup, making the product does not feel unattainable, we can see from the adjective in English Advertisements a pivotal role.

Isher skin really this beautiful?

- 11 -


Advertising adverbs really makes only a vague sense of beauty skin of thin air to imagine to what extent, however, this ad has played a purpose to promote the marketing, causing the desire of people to buy;

It Just Feels Right!

This is the car ad adverbs right semantic ambiguity, but it can cause people endless source of fascination to attract people to buy and understand.

2.2.3 The wrong usage of verbs

Modern English verb advertising with caution, but some verbs ambiguity should not be overlooked. Some people have done to statistics, more typical 75% of English verbs fuzzy ads used help. In addition there are a number of people expressed a feeling of vague words such as: look, taste, feel, smell and so on. Such words can represent a subjective idea, feeling it was "invisible, intangible, and cannot be measured." Such words can make things seem too vague, and so the tone is not so absolute, thus leaving room for maneuver for advertisers. For example:

It makes you look much younger.

Anyone want to be forever young, advertisers took advantage of the people of this general psychology, declaring his goods can make you "look" young, extremely vague semantics, because each person's perspective is not the same or even very different , but to meet the needs of consumers, but also for advertisers to leave a lot of room for maneuver.

This tooth paste helps prevent caries.

People know, any kind of toothpaste cannot be a panacea, if not the word help, advertising content will be very exaggerated, making it difficult for consumers to be convinced, so advertisers cleverly subtle means of fuzzy semantic word help, so the effect is quite different advertisement, indicating that the product cannot directly play some secondary role, so that, no matter to what extent exaggerated back help, advertisers can justify.

2. 2 Using the exotic qualifier

Advertising vivid language requirements, in order to highlight the advantages of - 12 -


the product, the ad writing process, a lot of compliment modifiers are widely used in order to enhance their descriptive and attractive. According to the British linguist GH Leech statistics, the most commonly used English ad twenty adjectives are:

1.new;2.good/ better/ best;3.free;4.fresh;5.delicious;6.full;7.sure;8.clean;


18.extra;19.safe;20.rich.In addition,exceptional, fantastic, perfect, magic,amazing,only,unique,reliable, safe,comfortable, gentle and so on. Consistent with the public for the goods and services of high quality, comfortable and psychological needs of commendatory adjectives often appear in English advertisements. For example:

Priceless training, free thinking.

Bring us free thinking and we will give you invaluable training for a unique career. (Training advertisement)

Fantastic job opportunity in it. (Recruiting advertisement)

You cannot get better than a Kwik-Fit fitter! (Repairing advertisement)

Why our special teas make your precious moments even more precious? (Lip ton tea)

From the above examples we can see that advertising through the use of "free", "invaluable", "unique", "fantastic", "better", "special", "precious" and so has the praise of modifiers can be reached beautify products and services aim to stimulate consumer desire to buy.

III. Phonological features of advertising slogan language

It has been found that to appreciate and translate English ad slogans accurately can furthest transmit the meaning and the beauty of English ad slogans. An advertising sentence, whether spoken or written, has some phonological features. The advertiser seeks the musicality sound by purposeful arrangement of syllables, feet and pauses and various rhyming methods to keep readers’ interest. Numerous figures of phonology are existed in English, such as alliteration, reverse rhyme and so on. These devices make use of sounds to achieve musical effects and vividness.

- 13 -


3.1 End rhyme

Rhyme refers to the repetition of identical sound existing between the accented syllables occupying corresponding positions with two or more lines with verse. The correspondence of sound is based on the vowels and succeeding consonants of the accented syllables, which must, for a perfect rhyme, be preceded by different consonants. For example, “ lake” and “fake” constitutes perfect rhyme.

(1) Moisten your mouth. Freshen your breath.

(2) With foldable, reversible, removable and continuously adjustable seating … the new Espace is the ultimate luxury.-----Renault cars

(3) PC chewing gum, penny for packet

First you chew it, then you crack it.

Then you stick it to your jacket

PC chewing gum, penny for packet

The above ones respectively use the initial rhyme, which occurs in the first syllable of verse; internal rhyme, which occurs at some position after the beginning and before the closing syllable; and end rhyme, which occurs at the end of the line. Advertisers use thymes to emphasize their promised qualities of the product and impress the customers deeply with the fluent and rhymed sentences.

In addition, a special rhyme, the reverse rhyme is also employed in advertisements. For example,

(4) Give the gift of good health this holiday season…. Nordick Track

Reverse rhyme formed by the same initial consonants and the same vowels in a stress syllable, is put to use in (4), and the plosive / g / and short vowel / i / both make a lovely impression on customers and result inthe association of the agility of the steps of the runner. From these examples, we may see rhyme which is used to enhance the persuasive effect and affectivity of advertising serves to make the reading effect of the language used in advertising better.

The phonological devices used above add lifelikeness and musical beauty to English advertising, so as to appeal more attention from consumers.

- 14 -



SECOND TO NONE (Purina One---Dongs &Cats’ food)

(2) Feel good. Fast food.

In example (2), the method adopts the end rhyme.

3.2 Alliterate

English alliteration the word comes from Latin, to reuse the same letter. It was the main rhyme in the Old English poetry forms, is now widely used in poetry, prose and other genres.

According to Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English with Chine.se Translation (1989: 38), “The occurrence of the same letter or sound at the beginning of two or more words in succession is called alliteration. Now let's see another definition of alliteration, which is more definite in my opinion, "It has to do with the sound rather than the sense of words for effect. It is a device that repeats the same sound at frequent intervals and since the sound repeated is usually the initial consonant sound, it is also called `front rhyme'. For instance, the fair breeze blew, the white foam flew, the furrow followed free." Alliteration is a common technique used in poetry. but advertisements often transplant it to achieve beauty and rhythm in the language of advertising. In order to produce a special effect, the copy writer sometimes makes much effort to build up a pattern of similarity in advertising texts. That is why alliteration is often used. e.g.:

Best in Business. (Swissair)

Sea, sun, sand, and seclusion———and Spain!

3.3 Onomatopoeia

Onomatopoeia is the imitation of natural sounds by means of words or groups of words. The function of it in advertising cannot be ignored.

Imitating the sound associated with the thing concerned. Therefore it is widely used in English advertising for such products as beer, can opener,and some equipment. We can take some advertisements as examples. For instance,

(1) On A Searly Posturepedic

- 15 -


You Will Sleep Like This,


Just ask one of our customers about his Searly Posturepedic.

You may hear a sound like sewing wood.


More people sleep on Searly Posturepedic.

(2) Just pour it in , brush , let it stand ten minute , then flush.

The (1) is a mattress advertisement . The onomatopoeia used in it describes a sound sleeper vividly. The pronunciation of “Z”, against the setting of sleeping, makes the consumers to imagine how comfortable the mattress is. The (2) uses brush and flush to imitate the sound of cleanser washing the toilet lively, then let the customers cannot help laughing.

V. The rhetorical features of advertising slogan language

Advertising slogans is to sum up the characteristics of the goods, and to attract the attention of the audience. Therefore, for advertising slogans, author will use refined language, and use some rhetorical devices.

4.1 Analogy

Here use the metaphor of the original technique, compared the excellence of the product to the muscles of the body, because the muscle is the source of power; Will be clumsy in older models compared to the body's fat, because fat is a symbol of a part of the useless and burdensome. Notebook computer itself is a kind of small multi-function portable computer products, the advertisement through the comparison of products into a strong and handsome strong athletes, show strong audience refining, no encumbrances product image. Translation to take into account the clever conception of the original, the use of Chinese idioms communicated, both simple and refined, have to the original text in the form.

(1) Light as a breeze, soft as a cloud.

(2) Looks like a pump, feels like a sneaker.

- 16 -



In the sample (1), the advertise designer regard the clothes as soft wind and cloud which enable people to fell relax.

4.2 Punning

Pun has rhetorical effects such as concise, humorous and soliciting imagination. If it is used properly, it will enable advertiser to reach an unexpected new, astonishing, funny and beautiful level that makes people feel impressive and memorable "kill two birds with one" charm therefore it is popular among the producers. The following is an outdoor advertising sign for British Lloyds Bank. “Money doesn't grow on trees. But it blossoms at our branches”. This advertisement has used stylistic pun. That is the word “branch” has two meanings. The first level is the literal meaning: branches; the second meaning is various branches of the bank. The deep signification of the advertisement is that if customers deposit money in their bank then the money will keep on growing. This lively and interesting pun is reasonable and rationale. The advertisement can be literally translated: 树上长不出钱来,但它在我们的树枝上却会开花结果. There are a lot of English idioms and proverbs. They reflect all aspects of English-speaking countries the environment, life, and culture. The BERD’s in hand. BERD is the abbreviation of The Bank of European Reconstruction and Development. This has quoted the proverb “A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush”(一鸟在手不如双鸟在林). It alleges that if you have a BERD device you will do not take your time to look for other banks. It is the typical idiom pun. Moreover, there are some other rhetoric features in the advertising slogan, such as alliteration, consonance, parallelism, parody, irony, and antithesis. They have played an important role in the various slogans.

4.3 Parallelism

"Formal schemes, or parallelisms, are often `rhetorical' in a familiar sense of the word, in that they heighten the emotional tone of the message, giving insistent emphasis to points of strategic importance" (Leech, 1966:190). Parallelism also could be thought as a kind of repetition due to accompaniment of repetition, but - 17 -


phrases or sentences with the same or similar structure, relative meaning and consistent mood are coordinately used in the sentence. It can show strong feelings easily, stress the information and strengthen the vigor of language. Meanwhile, its orderly pattern drills, trenchant rhythm can add to the rhyme of advertising language. Parallelism is a powerful rhetorical device frequently employed in English advertisements. Let's analyze some examples.

(1) On this planet, more people get their news from Time than any other single source---over 30 million people, worldwide.

We'll tell you the odds before they are out.

We'll publish what other publications dare not.

We'll give you inside information you won’t find elsewhere.

(2) It is made differently.

It is made using skills and techniques that others have lost or forgotten.

It is made with attention to detail very few people would notice.

It is made, we have to admit, with a total disregard for time.

In the above-quoted advertisements, example (1) is the body copy of a press advertisement. It consists of four sentences, three of which begin with we'll and forma typical parallel structure, which sounds rhythmical and powerful. Appropriate application of parallelism underlines the characteristic of the magazine and builds up a good image of the advertiser. Example (2) is the body copy of a clock advertisement. The parallelism is supported by repetition of It is made. Appropriate application of parallelism reinforces the traditional characteristic in the clock manufacturing. In this advertisement, perfection in appears four times. The parallelism involved in this example, together with the repetition, builds up a wonderful image of the effect of using this cosmetic in the readers' minds. In this advertisement, the conjunction and the main clause you will win are repeated seven times. The parallelism involved in this example, together with the repetition builds up a wonderful image of the car in the readers' mind, which will deeply impress the prospective consumers and stimulate their desire to get it. Parallelism is widely found in English advertisements, where parallel sentences usually build up to a climax. By - 18 -


applying parallelism, the copy-writer intends to heighten the emotional tone of the advertising theme, to project the main idea, or to create a good and reliable image of the product or the service being advertised.

IV. The stylistic features of advertising slogan language

5.1 Simple Sentence

Conciseness is a common characteristic of most advertisements. Advertisement slogan is made for public, so it requires using simple and short sentence in order to strike the public senses of sight and hearing and cause their attention. Complex sentence is not easy to understand and it will dull the readers’ interests. This is true of English advertising slogan. Therefore it is likely to use simple and brief sentences, which are readable and comfortable. For example,“Fresh-Up with Seven-up.”is translated as“请饮七喜,倍添精神”.It is the slogan of beverage. The copywriter used just four words to highlight the excellence of the products. This slogan is not only easy to remember but also boosting the brand’s image. The translator uses Chinese four-character structure in the slogan so that the Chinese versions are as succinct, readable as the original. Another example is“I’m more satisfied”,it is translated as “我更加满意”.It is an American brand name MORE—a kind of cigarette. This kind of cigarette is slightness and soft, it is very popular for women. MORE has the same pronunciation with more, but different meanings. The consumer will be likely to connect these two words together. So, though it is a simple sentence and easy to read, to remember, it plays an important role for the promotion.

5.2 Imperative Sentence

The purpose of the slogan is to appeal to customers to buy the advised product. The use of imperative sentence enhances the appellative function of the slogan, and good use of imperative sentence will give people the sense of intimacy and confidence. Take “Let’s make things better”as an example ,it is translated as“让我们做得更好”. It is a slogan of mobile phone. It used one –syllable word “ - 19 -


make”and the adjective word“better”at the same time, and also used “let us”to arouse people’s attention. It successfully conveyed two meanings, one is the company wants to tell consumer that they will offer better and better products. The other is the consumer who has this mobile phone will become more successful. So it gives the consumer imagination to appreciate the products.

For another example, “Live life with a smile”is translated as “笑对生活”.It is a slogan of cosmetic. Using this imperative sentence is to persuade people to take a positive attitude to life. While at the same time, the translator conveys the product ‘s effective function successfully. It is also keeps the original meaning accurate and touches the consumers who take the cosmetic things very serious

English advertising slogans is to use a short sentence to show commodity characteristics, advertisement, attract the attention of consumers; On the print advertisement, always printed in bold font, in order to attract people's attention; In television or radio, usually appears at the end of a period of advertising, to attract people's attention. Good advertising slogan should be able to reflect the brand of goods in a short sentence and characteristics, and to make the customer deeply Through the above title and slogan for English advertising language features analysis, we can get the whole picture of English advertising language characteristics, basically because the advertising title and slogan in advertising language is the most interesting, most condensed advertising creators’ part of wisdom, and the most fully embodies the stylistic features of the text.

IIV. Conclusion

Advertising slogan language as a special kind of language is very different from common language. It has its own features in lexical, phonological, and rhetorical devices. Simple and attractive are two general features of English advertising slogan . Because there are different types of advertisements slogan, and they are differed in the way of writing according to their target audience, the product or other aspects. Therefore, we must analyze the features of different kinds of advertisements slogan, in order to find a proper position for our own advertisement, and choose methods fit it - 20 -


best. In the statistics of four groups of advertisements slogan I find that: consumer advertising uses the widest range of forms and devices, whose main task is to attract readers and urge them to buy the product; business advertising, on the contrary, needn’t put much effort in attracting its readers, its words are more practical; service advertising has the similar feature as consumer advertising in the use of words, but the former describes more about its product in some imaginable way; public interest advertising is a nonprofit action, which however still needs to attract readers’ attention, tries to strike the reader in emotional way and urges them to take action immediately


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This paper would have been impossible without the sterling efforts of many warm-hearted professors, in particular my academic supervisor Miss Han. Her valuable comments made me grasp the issues involved in my paper and helped me steer my work in the right direction. I benefit from her knowledge and understanding of language and literature. Meanwhile, I am profoundly indebted to her warm-hearted support and encouragement. She has walked me through all the stages of the writing of this paper. Without her consistent and illuminating instruction, this paper could not have reached its present form. In addition I owe my sincere gratitude to my friends and my fellow classmates who help me work out my problems during the difficult course of the paper.

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