



抽纱 地毯 首饰 特艺 金属工艺 科教仪器 房地产业 商业贸易 环境艺术 旅游服务 广告出版 文化教育


电话:5121807 4313673




联系人:李由 张宏伟

1. Beijing Gongmei Group specializes mainly in arts and crafts. It is an economic complex combining scientific research, production, marketing, education and publication. Under the group are over 50 industrial and commercial enterprises, including 21Sino-foreign joint ventures and a trade agency abroad. The group manufactures products according to clients’ samples or designs, or using clients’ materials and conducts

compensation trade. Over 50 of its products have won intemational or

domestic prizes, including special handicrafts, carpets and drawn work. It imports and exports 10,000 products in 60 categories, and its products are sold to 130 countries and regions on five continents.

Beijing Gongmei Group aims to make a better world.

Business Scope

Drawnwork, carpets, ornaments, special handicrafts, metal arts and crafts, scientific and educational instruments, real estate, commerce and trade, environmental art, tourism sevices, advertisement and publication culture and education

President and General Manager: Wang Zhen

Telephone: 5121807 4123673

Address: 14 Beichizi Street, Dongcheng District, Beijing, China


Fax: 5135835

Contact: Li You, Zhang Hongwei


2. Beijing Gongmei Group is an economic complex which specializes in arts and crafts and diversifies into various related businesses and services, including products development and manufacture, marketing, training and publication. Under the group are over 50 industrial and commercial enterprises, including 21 Sino-foreign joint ventures and a

trade agency abroad. The group manufactures products according to clients’ samples or designs or using clients’ materials and conducts compensation trade. Over 50 of its products, including special handicrafts, carpets and drawn work, have won international or domestic prizes. It imports and exports 10,000 commodities in 60 categories, and its products are sold to over 130 countries and regions on five continents.

Beijing Gongmei Group aims to make the world a better and more beautiful place.

Business Scope

Products: drawn work, carpets, ornaments, special handicrafts, metal arts

and crafts, scientific and educational instruments;

Services: real estate, commerce and trade, environmental art, tourism

services, advertising and publishing, culture and education.

Contact details:

President & General Manager of Beijing Gongmei Group:Wang Zhen Public relation office: Call to Mr. Li ,You or Mr. Zhang, Hongwei Tel: 5121807/ 4123673

Fax: 5135835

Address: 14 Beichizi Street, Dongcheng District, Beijing, China

Postcode: 100006

(XTC revised)


1. 原北京市工艺美术品公司

Formerly Beijing Arts and Crafts Company (Co.)

2. 多元经济联合体

Conglomerate: (多种经营的)联合大企业,企业集团a large business

organization consisting of several companies

Group: several companies that all have the same owner

3. 金额表达

人民币:13亿元 RMB¥1.3 billion 1.3 billion yuan(RMB) 美元:US$1.3 billion 1.3 billion US dollars

港元:HK$1.3 billion 1.3 billion HK dollars

英镑:£1.3 billion

For reference

公司命名方式 香港 美丽华 酒店 有限公司

(注册地) (公司名) (经营范围) (公司性质)

Hotel Miramar Co.,Ltd.,Hongkong 中国 东方 科学仪器 进出口公司 总公司

-- General Motors Corporation(美国)通用汽车公司

-- General Electric Company(美国)通用电气公司

-- Shanghai General Machinery (Group) Corporation


-- Daqing Petrochemical Industry General Factory大庆石油化工总厂 -- China National Chemicals Import & Export Corporation


-- China Resources National Corporation中国华润总公司

-- China National Cereals, Oils and Foodstuffs Import & Export


-- China Foreign Trade Storage Corporation中国对外贸易仓储总公司 -- China Petrochemical Corporation中国石油化工总公司

-- Shanghai Bearing Corporation上海轴承总公司


-- China Shaanxi Machinery Import & Export Corp.


-- Sullair Corporation, Subsidiary of Sunstran Corporation


-- China Resources Trade & Development Co., Ltd. 华润贸发进出口公司

-- Sino-Resources (Australia) Co., Ltd. 华润(悉尼)有限公司 -- 中国轻工业品进出口总公司广东省分公司东莞支公司

China National Light Industrial Products Import & Export Corporation,

Guangdong Brach, Dongguan Office

-- 中国银行(深圳分行):Bank of China (Shenzhen Branch)

-- 巴黎国家银行(香港):National Bank of Paris(Hongkong)

-- 华润(集团)有限公司:China Resources (Group/Holdings) Co., Ltd. (Holdings 控股)

实业系指“工商”企业,因此,Industry and Commercial Corp./Co.


1. Generally, a complete print advertisement consists of five parts: title,

slogan, trademark, body copy and illustration (logo).标题、口号、商


2. Most often, slogan and headline are combined (they are supposed to be unique, enticing, relevant and colloquial).

1) As a declarative:

Only Gas gives you thankful and thankful of hot water 3 times faster.


2) As a question:

Why Gas gives you thankful and thankful of hot water 3 times faster?

3) Ellipsis:

They laughed when I sat down

At the piano.

But when I started to play! (音乐学校广告)

4)Deliberate malapropism:

Ugly is only skin-deep.(Volkswagen) 其貌不扬(大众汽车)

5) Meme:A Mars a day keeps you work, rest and play. (Mars 巧克力)

( Adapted to “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.”)

6)Other rhetorical forms:

--- A deal with us means a good deal to you. (Pun)

--- Vandermint

It isn’t good because it’s imported;

It is imported because it is good. (Repitition)


--- You’re better off under the umbrella. (Metaphor: 旅游公司广告) --- 百闻不如一尝Tasting is believing.(浙江粮油进出口公司

广告:套用英语成语Seeing is believing.)

--- The relentless pursuit of perfection


--- We lead, others copy. 我们领先,他人仿效。(Ricoh 理光复印) --- Communication unlimited 沟通无极限 (Motorola)

--- Intel Inside (Intel Pentium)给电脑一颗奔腾的“芯”(英特尔奔腾) --- Connecting people (Norkia) 科技以人为本 诺基亚

3. Trademarks (the brand name and name of the manufacturer which is supposed to be novel, functional hint, descriptive and marketing-oriented. For example: OIC (Oh, I see.) (美国眼镜厂)

Translation techniques

1) Transliteration (音译)

英汉:Ford→ 福特 Rolls Royce→劳斯莱斯

汉英:春兰→Chunlan 万家乐→Wan Jia Le

2) Creative naming (谐音联想)


华生(电扇)→Watson 美加净(牙膏)→ MAXAM 添美食(快餐店)→Timmy’s 四通(公司)→ Stone



Benz→奔驰(汽车) Canon→佳能(复印机)

Colgate→高露洁(牙膏) Coca-Cola→可口可乐(饮料)

3) Free translation(意译)

蚊子杀杀杀(雷达牌驱蚊剂)→Mosquito Bye Bye Bye

Volkswagen →大众汽车 Camel →骆驼(香烟)

Apple →苹果(电脑) Shell → 壳牌(石油)

小天鹅(洗衣机) → Little Swan 蝴蝶牌(缝纫机) → Butterfly 双喜(香烟) → Double Happiness 熊猫(电子) → Panda

4. Body copy正文

体裁:陈述体、说明体、独白体、书信体、问答体、幽默散文体、诗歌体 技巧:说明,权威证明,描写,叙述,对比,介绍,反证…..





我们经验丰富的售货员将竭诚地为您服务! 王府井百货商场

这家华美的大商铺将您来西安的愿望全包了。 西安华美商场

名流家饰城向您展示一个五彩缤纷的世界! 红鹰商场

在台北,1+1+1+1=1。这不过是一个事实,并非数学上的奇迹:四个世界级的商业设施结合在一起组成了台北首屈一指的商业中心--台北世界贸易中心 台北世界贸易中心

春季的浪漫与奔放,源自冬日凝聚的愿望,广百为您酝酿了最时尚的芬芳。 广州百货公司

白燕步步为赢的法术:诚、信、实、慎。 白燕百货公司

买家电到长安。 长安商场广告

买空调,到爱华;省时省力,无忧无虑! 爱华商场

华联暧锅,温暖您我! 华联商场

华联男士便服------无悔的选择! 华联商场

时装潮流,源头在华联! 华联商场

习习凉风,来自华联! 华联商场

清凉世界,购物天堂,日用佳品,惟我华联! 华联商场

如此辉煌,如此温馨,华联家具给您一个最合意的家! 华联商场

华联饰品------使女性夏日更添魅力! 华联商场

共享一片祥云,共塑一个国魂! 祥云国货

圣诞老人的慈爱,来自“大江南“! 大江南购物中心

圣诞老人的美好礼物,节日夜晚的好去处! 大江南购物中心

七百知君心,虹彩迎嘉宾! 第七百货商场

来自二百的惊喜。。。。。。60万巨奖大酬宾! 第二百货商场

到“一百“给太太买金饰品,最放心! 第一百货商场饰品

“新潮“时装更新潮! 新潮服装商场

买空调到申艺------实惠! 申艺电器商场

通达、通达,电器精华! 通达电器行

传说神奇的故事发生在石梅湾,据悉绝秘的行情总源于万国商场! 万国商场 天天到“兴浦“,日日有新意! 兴浦商场

翔鹰盖飞天! 翔鹰皮草行

“万佳“更上一层楼,您不想光顾了吗? 万佳商场

买“兴华“的商品,就是买放心! 兴华商场

完美、优质属派力! 派力商场

宝大祥的羊毛衬衫,定会给您好兆头! 宝大祥商厦

宝大祥商厦,时装天地! 宝大祥商厦

宝大祥保吉祥,吉祥自宝大祥! 宝大祥商厦

日出东方,万千气象! 东方商场

要买空调请到虹叶! 虹叶家电商场

买友谊买满意! 友谊商场

称心实在友谊风采! 友谊商场

敞开销售货架之最新创举,组合方法之最新突破! 天客隆自选商场

环境一流、商品一流、服务一流! 北京燕莎商场

诚信为本,誉满京城。 城外城家具城

富豪床褥:出身豪门,平易近人! 富豪家具商场

家具还是老牌子可靠! 光明家具商场

生活需要光明,光明家具给你带来温馨! 光明家具商场

永兴家具商夏,家长的风范! 永兴家具商场

天外有天! 环宇家具商场

以其高雅听品味,走进千家万户! 环宇家具商场

菱方圆家具------新、奇、全! 菱方圆家具商场

真皮沙发,惟有永华! 永华家具商场

这里不再老一套! 春中扛商场

“春中扛“让您居室春意盎然,令您办公室锦上添花! 春中扛商场

金马奔腾万家,万家篷壁添光彩! 金马家具商场

寻找您爱之归宿的忠实伴侣! 金马家具商场

独此一家,别无他号! 金马家具商场

选择金马,享受一生! 金马家具商场

好运气在东风! 东风家具商场

东风家具圆您美梦! 东风家具商场

亲临东风家具店,好运气就在东风! 东风家具商场

真皮高档沙发,全市最优价! 东风家具商场

拥有东风卧室家具,便拥有了诗人的情怀! 东风家具商场

欧州家具,劲吹摩登风! 富都家具商场

座下首选,舍我取谁! 富都家具商场

美好居家新天地,百里挑一家具城! 富都家具商场

为您带来每一个清新舒畅的早晨! 富都家具商场

伴您大业早成! 富都家具商场

名优家什,价格跌破极限! 富都家具商场

富都家具,口碑完美! 富都家具商场

件件精心制作,款款新颖不凡!“大行动“豪华家具------特价家具。 南天家具商场 滨河家具超时实的享受! 滨河家具商场

夜逛一条街,好运伴随你! 北京商业街

购物的天堂! 北京商业街

一个让消费者祈盼的季节;一个令市民们心动的时刻;一个给你与他省钱的机会;即日起,“新大新“您共同演绎一部真实而动人的换季大减价故事。。。。。。 新大新百货公司 第一百货,温馨万家! 北京百货商场

请您潇洒走一回! 北京百货商场
