
Unit 4 I can play basketball 第一课时Story time


《义务教育教科书?英语?四年级上册》Unit 4 I can play basketball 第一课时Story time



2、能听懂、会说、会读、会写词组:play basketball,have a try,



I can...我会……


—Can you...你会……吗?

—Yes,I can. 是的,我会。

—No,I can’t.不,我不会。



Nice!Very well! Cool!Great!Yeah!

2、当你想让别人尝试一下时会说:Have a try.




Step1、Warming up

Greeting and free talk

T :Good morning,class.

Ss:Good morning,Miss An.

T :Nice to meet you,class.

Ss:Nice to meet you,Miss An.



(1.) I can read and act the story.

我能阅读并表演story time的内容。

(2.) I can use “Can you...? ”to ask questions.

我能用“Can you...?”提问。

(3.) I can use “Yes, I can./No, I can’t.” to answer the questions. 我能用“Yes, I can./No, I can’t.” ”回答问题。

2.T :I like the English songs ,Do you enjoy the English song ?

Ss: Yes, I do .

播放歌曲I can skate and I can jump让学生跟着哼唱

T:What did you hear from the song ?学生回答

教授run, swim, skate, jump.

3.T:I can run. Can you run?


T:You can say “Yes, I can.”[句型教授]

S:Yes, I can.

4.T:Very good. Look at me!I can high![跳高到黑板上我画的糖果,教授jump,操练动作和句型]

Can you jump high?


T:You can say “No, I can’t.”[句型教授]

S:No, I can’t.



A: Can you …?

B: Yes, I can./No, I can’t.


T:It’s circle, we often play it at PE lesson. What’s this? S:It’s a basketball. T:Yes,it’s a basketball.

[教授basket+ball basketball ,注意k在这的读音 ,齐读,个别读,分四小组读]

T: This is a basketball.(做拍篮球动作)Look. I can play basketball.

a、[教授 play basketball,带上投篮动作进行操练,先示范,再单独学生,再集体操练,最后分小组,一组对着另一组边说边做动作]

b、[教授句型 I can play basketball,先示范,再单独学生,再集体操练,最后分小组,一组对着另一组边说边做动作] 揭题 T: Today, We’re going to learn Unit 4 I can play basketball.

T:Can you play basketball?你会打篮球吗?

S1:No, I can’t.

T:Can you play basketball?你会打篮球吗?

S2:Yes,I can.


6.出示姚明图片,教授Can Yaoming play baketball?

Yes, he can.He can play basketball very well(非常好).教读very well并理解其意思。

Step3、Story time

1、T:We can run. We can jump. We can play basketball in the playground .Look!Who are they?

Q: Who are they?

They’re Liu Tao, Wang Bing and Mike.

2、T:Yes, you’re right. They are playing basketball .Let’s watch the cartoon and find the answers.

Q1:Can Wang Bing play basketball?(A)

A、Yes, he can.

B、No, he can’t.

Q2:Can Mike play basketball?(A)

A、Yes, he can.

B、No, he can’t.

3、T:You did a good job today. I have another two questions. Let’s read and find the answer.

Q3:Can Liu Tao play basketball at first(首先)?(B)

A、Yes, he can.

B、No, he can’t.

Q4:Can Liu Tao play basketball at last(最后)?(A)

A、Yes, he can.

B、No, he can’t.

4、T: Now read by yourself and find the answers in your book. Underline the sentences.


Nice!Very well!Cool!Great!Yeah!

b、当你想让别人尝试一下时,你可以说:Have a try.

5、Let’s read after the computer.

6、Let’s read read by yourselves

a. Read after one(跟一个学生读) b. Read in roles(分角色读)

c. Read together(齐读) d. Do dubbing(配音)

7、Let’s complete the dialogues.单个学生朗读,其余同学跟读一遍。 Can you ______ _________,Wang Bing?

Yes, I ____.


_______ Mike play basketball?

Yes, _____ can. He can ______ _________ very well. Look!


What about _____,Liu Tao?_____ ______ play basketball?

No, I ______.

______ a______, Liu Tao.

Yeah!I can ______ _________.


8、Summary 本节课你学到了什么?

a、我会打篮球,用英语怎么表达?I can play basketball.

b、问别人会不会打篮球,可以说:Can you play basketball?

c、我们能用什么方式来赞美别人呢?Nice!Cool!Great!Very well! e、当你想劝别人尝试一下时,你可以说:Have a try.


9.Enjoy a song《I can skate and I can jump》[根据时间放,可选] 作业设计

1、Read story time 5 times.

2、Copy the new words 4 times.


Unit 4 I can play basketball

I can play basketball.

Can you play basketball?

Yes, I can.

No, I can’t.

【Wang Bing、Liu Tao,Mike代替you he 代替 I



学校:601 授课教师:姜河滨 年级:4 时间:9.2



板书设计: Where is it?

It’s near the window. What’s in the classroom?

One blackboard, one TV, many desks and chairs.


运用对比教学生 ‘what’ ‘where’.学生在上个学期中学过这两个表示事物或地点的疑问词。我再利用今天所学的有关单词提问指着近处的一本书说 ‘ where is the book?’,再指着远处的一本书 where is the window?’。 通过比较掌握所学单词 。这是比较直接的方法。学生很容易接受。