服务合同范本service agreement




BEIJING COMPANY LTD, corporation organized and existing under the

laws of the People’s Republic of China, with its principal place of business at Beijing, in this act represented by its authorized representatives, according to the Company’s By-laws, hereinafter referred to as

_________________________________________, corporation organized and existing under the laws

of ..............., with its principal place of business at ......................, in ......................., ..............., in

this act represented by its authorized representatives, according to the Company’s By-laws, hereinafter

referred to as ................;




The PARTIES resolved to agree this Service Agreement for the supply and application of the SERVICES,

as described hereunder, in accordance with the following clauses and conditions:



This AGREEMENT aims the rendering, on a non-exclusive basis, of specific labor force to be contracted

by ______________, for the execution of ______________________________, hereinafter referred to as

“SERVICES”, according to the Commercial and/or Technical Specification n.? ________ of

_______________, and the General Conditions of _____________ being the latter document registered at

the Notary’s Public Office of ..........., PRC, under n.?................., page ..........., book ............. and the _________________, on ....................... All aforementioned documents are attached hereto and are

considered as an integral part of this AGREEMENT, and in case of conflict between the provisions of the

General Conditions and those contained in the other documents aforementioned and in this AGREEMENT,

the provisions of the General Conditions will prevail.

第一条 服务范围



订单,并且基于________于______日发表的《建议书》和《预算书》,向 提供





第二条 价格、履行和付款


2.1 Price and delivery conditions will be negotiated by the PARTIES for each specific Purchase Order to related to the SERVICES described in Clause I, hereinabove, based on the

Proposal and Budget Estimate issued by _________________

2.1 双方将根据_________提交的《建议书》和《预算书》,对述的服务的每一份订单的价格和履行进行协商。

2.2. In case the Proposal and Budget Estimate issued by _________________ is approved by it will issue the respective Purchase Order, being this the only document which releases the acquisition of

the SERVICES, subject to the clauses and conditions of this AGREEMENT. __________提交的《建议书》和《预算书》,就将发出相应的订单,该等订


day of the month following the receipt of the respective invoice issued by _________________.

2.3 双方明确同意___________开具的付款通知单的次月的第15日内付款。

2.4 Payment releases in relation to the SERVICES rendered by ____________ are conditioned to previous accordance with conditions provided in this AGREEMENT. In the case the SERVICES were not executed will have the right to suspend

the payment releases until _____________ has cured its default, by remaking them at its own expenses.

Additionally, in case there is a debit/ credit account between the PARTIES, eventual existing credit balance

in favour of ______________ will be used to compensate and reimburse ’s evidenced losses

originated by _______________ default. 在就服务是否按照本合同条款严格执行作出评估并认可其符合约定后才对________提供



首先用来赔偿和补偿 因___________的过错导致的损失。

2.5 The obligations for tax, fiscal, social security and well-fare assessment legislation incurred by the

execution of this AGREEMENT will be the responsibility of the Party as determined by the prevailing laws,

and the cost thereof will be included in the price of the SERVICES as provided in Clause 2.1 hareinabove.

2.5 因履行本合同发生的有关纳税、财务、社会保险和福利等义务均应根据有关法律规定负担,相


2.6 The price established at the Purchase Order shall prevail until the respective SERVICE is totally 2.6 订单约定的价格在相关服务已经________履行完毕并经


第三条 保证

3.1 __________________ warrants the SERVICES free of defects and failures, and therefore they will be

rendered with due care and diligence, on a timely basis and to an acceptable standard. The warranty terms

are applicable as follows:

3.1 ______________保证所提供的服务不含任何瑕疵与疏漏,并且将尽充分之注意并努力按时提



( ) facilities/buildings construction SERVICES – warranty for a 5 (five) year period, as of the date of conclusion of the SERVICES; or

( ) other SERVICES - warranty for a 1 (one) year period, as of the date of the conclusion of the SERVICES.



3.2. During the warranty periods established under Clause 3.1 hereinabove, in case any defects, failures, differences or any other irregularities are detected on the SERVIES now contracted, _________________ binds itself to promptly remake, correct, restore, reform, re-establish and/or replace the SERVICES by its 3.2 在本合同第3.1条规定的保证期内,如发现有关于本合同约定的服务的任何瑕疵、疏漏、差异以及其他任何不符,_____负责自费对该等不符及时进行重作、更正、恢复、改造、重建和/或重新提供服务,并且不得要求 承担因此增加的任何费用。

3.3 ______________, agrees to indemnify and hold harmless EMBRACO SNOWFLAKE from and against all liability, arising out of the death or injury to any person, or damage to property, by whomsoever suffered, resulting or claimed to have resulted from any breach of _____________’s warranty obligations herein or any use or operation of any SERVICE rendered hereunder.

3.3 为抵御本第3条所述的风险,_________应进行必要的保险(商务和服务责任保险)并将使该等保险持续至本合同终止后至少5年。服务责任保险必须包括第三者(含雇员)责任险,最低保险金额如下:

3.4 To cover the risks mentioned in Article 3 hereunder, ____________ shall take out the necessary insurance policies (business and service liability insurance) and shall maintain them for at least 5 years following termination of the AGREEMENT. The amounts insured of the service liability insurance policy, costs of third parties (employees), must have the following minimum cover:

Personal injury: US$ ..................... -- for the occurrence

US$ ..................... -- for individual persons

Damage to property: US$ ..................... -- for the occurrence

_______________ shall provide with proof of the insurance cover by submitting the policy on demand.

3.4 为抵御本第3条所述的风险,_________应进行必要的保险(商务和服务责任保险)并将使该等保险持续至本合同终止后至少5年。服务责任保险必须包括第三者(含雇员)责任险,最低保险金额如下:







第四条 有效期和终止

4.1 This AGREEMENT shall expire ........... (.............) .......... from the date written below. Nevertheless, the term of this AGREEMENT may be extended by mutual written consent.

4.1 本合同有效期(),自双方签字日期起算。双方也可以书面约定延长本合同的期限。

4.2 In the event that one party has breached this AGREEMENT, the other party may require that the breaching party correct its mistake within certain time by a notice in writing. If the breaching party doesn’t correct its mistake in time, the noticing party is entitled to terminate this agreement.

4.2 任何一方违反本合同的约定,另一方可以书面通知该违约方要求其在合理期间内改正其违约行为。如果违约法未能及时改正,另一方有权终止本合同。

4.3 This AGREEMENT will automatically be terminated, independently of previous written notice, in the event of breach of contract,bankruptcy, winding-up or financial difficulties which could affect either of the PARTIES capacity to accomplish its obligations under this AGREEMENT.

4.3 本合同也可因任何一方的违约、破产、解散或财务困难而致影响其履行本合同能力而无须事先之书面通知而自行终止。

4.4 In the event that conditions occur that would entitle any of the PARTIES to terminate this AGREEMENT, even if it decides not to enforce this right, it could at its own discretion suspend the effectiveness of this AGREEMENT, until the other Party fully cures the breached provision under this AGREEMENT.

4.4 如发生任何一方得行使对合同的终止权的情形,该方如果决定不行使该项权利,则可以暂停履行本合同,直至对方更正其违反本合同行为为止。

4.5 The PARTIES will close down the final accounts, eventually pending, up the date of termination of this AGREEMENT.

4.5 双方将于本合同终止之日清结所有未结款项。

4.6 The obligations set forth in the sections dealing with warranties, indemnities, confidentiality and penalties shall survive the expiration or earlier termination of the AGREEMENT.

4.6 本合同终止后,有关保证、赔偿、保密和惩罚的条款中的义务继续有效。

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this instrument to be executed by their duly authorized officers and their corporate seals affixed as of the date written below.


Beijing, __________________ 2000.



Name: Title:


_________________________ _________________________

Name: Name: Title: Title:


1. __________________ 2. _______________________ Name: Name: ID: ID:

