

甲方: (以下简称“甲方”)




































1) 定投公司原则上按年度分红,分红金额为当年可分配利润的90%。若当年股本收益率不超过10%,则当年收益全部归定投公司股东所有,若当年股本收益率超过10%,超过部分先用于弥补以前年度股本收益率不足10%的部分(该弥补的收益归定投公司股东所有),弥补后剩余收益提取x%作为超额奖励以利润分配方式支付给委托管理人。

2) 定投公司当年股本收益率的计算公式为:


3) 收益分配时所发生的银行转账或其他手续费用由投资人自行承担;

4) 法律法规或监督机构另有规定的从其规定。








1. 各方有按本协议的约定对该定投公司出资的义务。

2. 各方有权通过委托管理人充分了解xxxx的具体信息。

3. 项目投资后,其余各方有权监督委托管理人投资后管理情况,跟踪了解xxxx的经营情况。







1 .本协议未尽事宜,各方可签订补充协议。补充协议为本协议不可分割的一部分,与本协议具有同等法律效力。










签约地: 杭州 签约日期:4 年 月 日




Supply Agreement


WHEREAS, Supplier desires to supply_______to Buyer, and,


WHEREAS, Buyer desires to purchase from Supplier certain which show in attached A (the “Products”) and Supplier desires to manufacture and sell to Buyer such Products and,


WHEREAS, Both Buyer and Supplier understand the relative risks and rewards associated with their respective business undertakings and that Buyer’s needs for Products will be dependant upon Buyer’s customer volume requirements.


NOW THEREFORE: In consideration of the mutual promises and covenants set forth herein, Buyer agrees to purchase and Supplier agrees to supply Products to Buyer (as defined in Paragraph 2 herein) subject to the following terms and conditions.

1. 期间,合同 Term, Contract.


This Agreement will be in effect for three years from the above Effective Date and may be renewed for additional 12 month periods upon written agreement of the parties, unless otherwise specified in Schedule A. Each 12-month period hereunder is a "Contract Year." During the term of this Agreement Buyer will purchase Products (as defined in Paragraph 2 below) from Supplier and Supplier will supply Buyer with its requirements of Products on an exclusive basis.

2. 合格买方Eligible Purchasers.


As used in this Agreement, “Buyer” means

3. 最惠条款 Competitive Clause.

在本协议期间, 供货方同意在交货、质量和服务方面提供有竞争力的条件,并将供货方给予以类似数量和种类购买相同产品的任何其他顾客的最优惠价格提供给买方。供货方进一步同意它将向买方提供其给予任一买方(买方的任何公司或关联企业)的最低价格。供货方向买方保证不存在阻止其履行本最惠承诺的任何契约性义务或法律限制。

During the term of this Agreement, Supplier agrees to be competitive in terms of delivery, quality and service and to give Buyer the best prices it offers to any other customer purchasing the same product in comparable volume and mix. Supplier further agrees to sell Products to Buyer at the lowest price offered by Supplier to any Buyer (any one of Buyer’s companies or affiliates). Supplier warrants to Buyer that it is under no contractual obligations or legal disabilities that would prevent it from undertaking this commitment.

4. 价格 Prices.

在本协议期间,产品的价格将是附件A中所列明的价格。供货方保证,附件A 中所列的价格是完整的,且在未经买方的书面明示同意的情况下,供货方不会增加任何类型的额外收费。此后增加入附件A的任何产品的价格将由双方另行协商同意确定。

During the term of this Agreement, the prices for Products will be those prices listed in Schedule A. Supplier warrants that the prices shown in Schedule A are complete and that no additional charges of any type will be added without Buyer’s express written consent. The prices for any Products which are hereafter added to Schedule A will be as mutually agreed by the Parties.

5. 包装和运输 Packing and Shipment.


Supplier will pack and ship Products in accordance with Buyer’s instructions, furnish all shipping documents required by Buyer, and plainly mark Buyer’s name on all packages and documents. Discrepancies in count greater than +/- 10% will be discussed by the Parties and mutually resolved. Buyer’s count will be final and conclusive on discrepancies within +/- 10% parameters.Unless specified in Schedule A, Supplier is responsible for delivering product to the designated point with packaging adequate to ensure clean, rust free, undamaged product.

6. 成本节约目标/折扣 Cost Savings Goal/Rebates.

a. 根据买方对供货方每年的成本节约要求,供货方承诺在本协议期间,产品的价格将按以下降幅执行:


In accordance with Buyer’s annual cost saving request, Supplier covenants that during the term of this Agreement, the following price reduction will be provided:

In the first Contract Year, the pricing set forth in the Schedule A will be implemented, and cost reductions implemented as shown in Schedule A.;


b. 所有新采购的、新的或目前的买方业务,都取决于成功的生产零件批准流程(“PPAP”)。买方将诚信地与供货方合作,以达成成功的生产零件批准流程。对所有授予供货方的买方的新业务和新采购业务,买方将与供货方合作,在该等信息披露不会导致买方违反任何法律或违背任何契约条款的前提下,提供所有使供货方得以从事新业务或新采购业务所需的一切可获得的关于质量记录、加工、模具信息和其他相关信息。

All resourced, new and current Buyer business, is contingent on a successful Production Part Approval Process (“PPAP”). Buyer will work in good faith with Supplier toward a successful PPAP. For all new and resourced Buyer business awarded to Supplier, Buyer will cooperate by providing Supplier with all available information on quality history, processing, tooling information and other relevant information necessary to allow Supplier to undertake the new or resourced business, so long as Buyer will not be in violation of any laws or in breach of any contractual provisions if such information is disclosed to Supplier.

c. 初期模具费用按单独的模具协议执行;模具正常磨损发生的重置费用已经包括在产品单价中。

Initial tooling cost is covered by separate tooling contract. Cost of tooling replacement required by normal wear is included in piece price..

7. 订单的发出 Order Entry.


Buyer will issue purchase orders and/or releases to Supplier from time to time to order Products hereunder. There will be no minimum order requirements. If purchases are to be made hereunder by means of electronic data interchange ("EDI"), the Parties will attach an additional schedule to this Agreement setting out the mutually acceptable terms for conducting such transactions.

8. 发票和付款条款Invoice and Payment Terms.

a. 供货方将就每次已装运的购买产品出具形式令买方接受的发票,并且买方将在收到正确发票后的七十五(75)天内支付所有无异议的货款,但附件A中另行规定的除外。

Supplier will submit an invoice for each purchase as shipped in a form acceptable to Buyer and Buyer will pay all undisputed amounts within 75 days of receipt of a correct invoice, unless other payment terms are documented in Schedule A.

b. 买方对任何有缺陷或不合约定的产品不承担付款义务。

Payment will not constitute acceptance of any defective or non-conforming Products.

9. 返还、不合乎约定产品 Returns, Nonconforming Goods.


If any Products are defective or not in conformity with Buyer’s order, Buyer may return the Products at any time for a full refund of the purchase price or replacement of the Products, at Buyer’s option, and Supplier will promptly reimburse Buyer for the costs of return and/or cover.


If the defective quantity of any individual Products exceeds the Value Added Scrap Targets established in Schedule A, Buyer will also be reimbursed by Supplier for the actual cost (Value Added) invested by the Buyer in processing the portion of defective product which exceeds the target.


From time to time, Buyer will notify the Supplier of the quantity of defective material. This will normally happen weekly. Notification will be in the form of a Return Authorization Request (RAR). The RAR will identify the nonconforming material by part number, quantity, defect condition, and cast date code when applicable and feasible.


Supplier will have the right to come to the Buyers facility to confirm the quantity and nature of the defects before issuing the Return Authorization (RAR). This is expected to happen within two weeks of issuing the RAR. At any event, four weeks after the RAR has been issued, authorization will be assumed and the defective material will be returned to the Supplier for credit.


Reimbursement for defective material will be issued as a debit against the Suppliers invoice and will reference the Suppliers Return Authorization.


Reimbursement for Value Added of excessive defective material will be calculated and reconciled monthly as part of the Suppliers monthly report (see 17b) and issued as a debit against the Suppliers invoice.

10. 交付 Delivery.


Supplier keeps ownership and responsibility for product until delivered to Buyer (i.e. terms are designated point).


Any premium freight associated with Buyer scheduling rules changes will be discussed and remedy mutually agreed upon by the Parties. This refers to Products on Schedule A.


11. 贸易信用,原产地 Trade Credits, Country of Origin.


All trade credits, export credits, customs drawbacks, tax and fee rebates and the like relating to this Agreement will belong to Buyer. Supplier will cooperate with Buyer in obtaining these benefits and credits. Supplier will furnish Buyer with such documentation establishing the country of origin and value of Products as Buyer may request, including, as applicable, affidavits of manufacture and NAFTA certificate of origin. Any extraordinary costs to process credits for Buyer will be discussed and mutually agreed upon between the Parties.

12. 工作分配 Allocation.


If Supplier is unable, at any time, to supply the entire quantity of Product ordered by Buyer, Supplier will meet all of Buyer’s requirements using any extraordinary means that include overtime, premium freight and temporary resourcing using Supplier’s best efforts. Exceptions to this are short dated orders by Buyer. For this purpose short dated is defined as less than ”normal leadtime” notice for new releases, as defined in Schedule A.

13. 检验 Inspections.


Buyer may inspect and/or test Products (including all tools and materials used in the manufacture of Products) at any time at its own expense and Supplier will, at no charge, make its premises available for this purpose and provide any necessary assistance to make the procedures safe and convenient for Buyer. No inspections and/or tests by Buyer will relieve Supplier of its obligations to inspect and test Products. If Buyer finds any Products to be defective or not in conformity with its specifications or requirements, after providing Supplier with an opportunity within a reasonable period of time to rework or repair the Products as required to conform with specifications and requirements and Supplier has failed to complete the rework or repair within such reasonable period of time, it may rework or repair them itself or through third parties, in which event Supplier will reimburse Buyer for all resulting costs. In such cases Buyer will provide Supplier with cost estimates in advance.

14. 劳动纠纷 Labor Disputes.


Supplier will notify Buyer immediately of any actual or potential labor dispute delaying or threatening to delay timely performance of this Agreement, and will provide all relevant information to Buyer. .

15. 产品保证 Product Warranty.


Supplier warrants:

a. 提供给本协议的买方的产品和服务应当是 (i) 新的;(ii) 不受任何留置或者财产抵押地交付给买方的;(iii) 在材料和工艺上没有任何缺陷的;(iv) 适于销售的;(v) 符合所有订单要求、规格、图纸和/或由买方或供货方提供的样本或其他描述,以及产品的标签和/或包装上所示的产品描述的;(vi) 处于良好的适销状况,符合产品的预期用途的;(vii) 每批次附有原材料材质报告或合格证的,每半年提供拉伸试棒的;

That all Products and services furnished to Buyer hereunder will be (i) new; (ii) delivered to Buyer free and clear of all liens and encumbrances; (iii) free from defects in material and workmanship; (iv) merchantable; (v) in conformity with all purchaser order requirements, specifications, drawings and/or samples or other descriptions furnished by Buyer or Supplier and with the product description on the label and/or package; (vi) in good merchantable condition, fit for Products’ intended purposes; (vii) Material test report or COC of every batch and tensile test specimens of every six months;

b. 保证期的到期时间应当与买方(就本第16条的所有目的,应包括买方的授权和指定代表、分销商、关联企业和受让人)向其客户提供的产品保证的到期时间一致。供货方是否违反本条款规定的保证将由买方对被主张因供货方过错导致有缺陷的部件的样本进行分析后决定。供货方将根据买方的程序参与该分析。买方将审核并确定是否供货方存在过错。供货方应接受买方确定的主张数据;

That the warranty term will be coterminous with the warranty extended by Buyer (which, for all purposes of this entire Paragraph 16, shall include its authorized and designated representatives, distributors, affiliates, and assigns) to its customers. Supplier’s liability for a breach of the warranties given herein will be determined by Buyer’s analysis of a sample of parts against which claims are made that the parts are defective due to fault of Supplier. Supplier will participate in such analysis in accordance with Buyer procedures. Buyer will review and establish fault with Supplier. Supplier shall accept Buyer’s claim data;

c. 供货方应当依买方的选择修理或更换所交付的不符合本第15条所述保证的任何产品,并不给买方造成任何额外成本支出。此外,如果买方遭受任何因供货方违反本第15条所述的保证而直接产生的任何损害或损失,买方和供货方将会合评估买方根据本第15条段落b而作的供货方过错分析,并且如果该分析最后确定了供货方的过错,双方将善意协商达成协议,以使买方能对其所遭受的损失和损害得到公平的赔偿。

Supplier shall repair or replace, at Buyer’s option, any Products delivered that do not conform to the warranties of this Paragraph 15 at no additional cost to Buyer. Further, in the event Buyer incurs damages or costs that arise directly from Supplier’s breach of the warranties of this Paragraph 15, Buyer and Supplier will meet to evaluate Buyer’s analysis of Supplier’s fault undertaken pursuant to subparagraph b. of this Paragraph 15 and if such analysis conclusively establishes Supplier’s fault, the Parties will negotiate in good faith a settlement such that Buyer is equitably reimbursed for its costs and damages.

16. 账目管理 Account Administration.

a. 为管理本协议的目的(但不是为发出或管理买方的订单的目的),双方的商务代表是:

For purposes of administering this Agreement (but not for purposes of issuing or administering purchase orders by Buyer), the Parties' Business Representatives will be:


Either Party may change its Business Representative at any time by written notice to the other.

b. 供货方商务代表将就每一买方机构向买方商务代表每月提供一份产品采购报告,并且代表们将召开例会以审核买方的采购并讨论任何一方关于本协议所可能有的问题或疑问。

Supplier's Business Representative will provide Buyer's Business Representative with a monthly report of Products purchases by each Buyer facility and the representatives will meet periodically to review Buyer's purchases and to discuss any issues or concerns either Party may have with respect to this Agreement.

c. 关于本协议有关的所有通知和通讯将用书面形式,并在专人送达一方代表或以隔夜快递或成功收到的传真发送至上述地址或该方指定的其他地址时,视为送达。

All notices and communications relating to this Agreement will be in writing and will be deemed given when delivered to a Party’s representative in person or by established overnight courier, or via receipted facsimile transmission, addressed to the address above or such other address as the Party has designated.

17. 保密 Confidentiality.


During the Term and thereafter, except as required by law or as reasonably necessary to perform this Agreement or with the written consent of the disclosing Party, neither Party will disclose to any person or entity, or use for any purpose other than performance under this Agreement, any proprietary or confidential information disclosed to it in writing (or orally, if subsequently confirmed in writing) hereunder, including, without limitation, information relating to the disclosing Party’s finances, Suppliers, customers, products, processes, operations, equipment, organizations, know-how, patents and trademarks. The foregoing provisions do not apply to information which is known by the Party receiving it at the time it is disclosed by the other; to information which is or later becomes public knowledge other than through disclosure by the Party to whom it is disclosed hereunder; to information which is lawfully disclosed to the receiving Party by a party not under an obligation of confidentiality with respect thereto; or to information that is required to be disclosed by law or legal process.

18. 质量 Quality.

供货方应遵守ISO 9001:2000质量体系要求和买方在定价确立之时所提供并记录在附件A中的任何其他质量标准和程序。对该ISO 9001:2000质量标准的更新和提高是持续进行的,并将及时与供货方沟通。

Supplier will comply with the ISO 9001:2000 Quality System Requirements and any other quality standards and procedures furnished by Buyer at the time pricing is established and recorded in Schedule A. Updates and improvements to ISO 9001:2000 standards are ongoing and will be communicated to Supplier on a timely basis.

19. 特殊模具 Special Tooling.


All dies, jigs, fixtures, drawings, molds, patterns, templates, gauges, and the like that Buyer provides to Supplier or pays Supplier to make or buy for use in performing this Agreement (collectively “Tooling”) are the personal property of Buyer or Buyer’s customers, as the case may be. Buyer will not be obligated to pay for tooling until Buyer has accepted the Tooling or the first run of Products manufactured or assembled therewith. Any special terms will be detailed in the tooling purchase order to Supplier. Supplier will label the Tooling in accordance with Buyer’s instructions to permit accurate identification and will segregate it from other tooling in Supplier’s possession to the extent practicable. At its own expense, Supplier will repair and maintain the Tooling, keep it in good working condition. Supplier will use the Tooling exclusively to produce Products for Buyer hereunder and for no other purpose. Upon expiration, cancellation, or termination of this Agreement, Supplier will hold the Tooling and any operation sheets, process data, or other information necessary to show its use, at no charge, pending receipt within a reasonable period of time of Buyer’s instructions about its removal or disposition, which will be at Buyer’s expense. Upon payment for the Tooling per Buyer purchase order conditions Supplier hereby grants Buyer and Buyer’s customers, as applicable, a security interest in the Tooling and all accessories and attachments thereto, substitutes and replacements therefore and proceeds there from. Supplier also expressly authorizes Buyer or its agent to retrieve said Tooling from Supplier’s premises at Buyer’s option within a reasonable period of time not to exceed 90 days upon written notice to Supplier.

20. 买方财产 Buyer’s Property.


Buyer’s Property shall at all times be properly housed and maintained by Supplier, at its expense, shall not be used by Supplier for any purpose other than the performance of this Agreement; shall be deemed to be Buyer’s personal property; shall be conspicuously marked by Supplier as the property of Buyer in accordance with Buyer procedures; and shall not be moved from Supplier’s premises without Buyer’s prior written approval. Buyer shall have the right to enter Supplier’s and/or sub-Supplier’s premises at all times to inspect, retrieve, or recover such property and Supplier’s records with respect thereto. Upon the request of Buyer, Buyer’s Property shall be immediately released to Buyer or delivered to Buyer by Supplier, properly packed and marked in accordance with the requirements of the carrier selected by Buyer to transport such property to any location designated by Buyer. Buyer shall pay to Supplier the reasonable costs of delivering such property to such location. When permitted by law, Supplier waives any lien or other rights that Supplier might otherwise have on any of Buyer’s Property for work performed on such property or otherwise.

21. 买方名称的使用 Use of Buyer’s Name.


Supplier will not, without the prior written consent of Buyer, in any manner publish the fact that Supplier has furnished or contracted to furnish Buyer Products and/or services, or use the name or trademarks of Buyer, its products, or any of its associated or majority-owned companies in Supplier's advertising or other publications. Supplier will not place its, or any third party's trademark or other designation on any part if the part bears a Buyer trademark or an identifying mark specified by Buyer, or if the part is specific or proprietary to Buyer's design ("Marked Parts"). Supplier will sell Marked Parts, only to Buyer and will not sell Marked Parts to third parties without Buyer's prior written consent.

22. 法律合规和商业操守 Legal Compliance and Business Conduct.


Supplier warrants that it will comply with and show evidence of compliance with all applicable laws, regulations and orders in doing any business with Buyer.


Supplier further represents that neither it nor any of its subcontractors will utilize slave, prisoner or any other form of forced or involuntary labor in the supply of Products or provision of services under this Agreement. At Buyer’s request, Supplier shall certify in writing its compliance with the foregoing.


Supplier shall indemnify and hold Buyer harmless from and against any liability claims, damages, costs, demands or expenses of any kind or nature (including attorney’s or other professional fees) arising from or relating to Supplier’s noncompliance with the terms of this Paragraph 24.

23. 审计权利 Audit Rights.

买方有权在任何合理时间派出其授权代表检验和审计所有由供货方占有或控制的与其在本协议中的任何义务或供货方根据本协议要求的任何付款有关的文件和材料。供货方应根据持续适用的公认会计准则维持所有有关账册和记录,保存期间为(i) 根据本协议完成产品交付或服务后的三(3)年内;或 (ii) 适用法律所要求的最大年限,两者之中取其长者。为此目的,“有关的文件和材料”是指质量、生产记录,不包括财务记录。

Buyer will have the right at any reasonable time to send its authorized representatives to examine and audit all pertinent documents and materials in the possession or under the control of Supplier relating to any of Supplier's obligations under this Agreement or any payments requested by Supplier pursuant to this Agreement. Supplier shall maintain all pertinent books and records relating to this Agreement in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles consistently applied, and shall keep the books and records (i) for a period of three years after completion of services or delivery of Products pursuant this Agreement, or (ii) the maximum period required by applicable law, whichever period is greater. For these purposes “pertinent documents” refers to quality and production records, financial records are specifically excluded.

24. 不可抗力 Force Majeure.


Neither Party will be liable to the other for any delay in delivery or failure to perform caused by a force beyond its control, including, but not limited to, natural disasters, wars, acts of God, or interruption of utilities or transportation. In such event, the affected Party will promptly notify the other Party of the nature and anticipated duration of the delay or failure and Buyer will be entitled to terminate any orders placed by Buyer.

25. 赔偿 Indemnity.


Supplier agrees to defend, indemnify and hold Buyer harmless from all claims, liabilities, losses, damages, settlement expenses, and costs (including reasonable attorney's fees) incurred by Buyer in connection with the bodily injury or death of any person, or the loss of damage to any property, resulting from any negligent or wrongful act or omission by Supplier in the performance of this Agreement. During the Term, Supplier will maintain comprehensive general public liability insurance (including personal injury and property damage coverage and products liability coverage) with insurers and in amounts reasonably satisfactory to Buyer to cover such claims and liabilities with Buyer named as an additional insured.

26. 各方地位 Status of Parties.

a. 供货方是独立的合同方,不是买方或者其任何控股公司、子公司或关联公司或企业的员工、代理人、合伙人或合营方。

Supplier is an independent contractor. Supplier is not an employee, agent, partner of or a joint venturer with Buyer or any of its holding, subsidiary or associated companies or undertakings.

b. 供货方将为履行本协议项下的义务提供必要的相关人员、物质和设备。所有履行本协议项下的服务的人员将是供货方的雇员或合同方,并且始终处于供货方的专属领导和控制,并且他们的报酬和福利、社会保障和收入所得税抵扣,失业和劳工补偿保险以及类似事务将由供货方完全负责。供货方将保证其员工在买方的场地或周围始终遵守买方的安保和安全规则,并且将维护、赔偿并使买方、其参股的附属企业和他们各自的董事、员工、代理人、继承人和受让人不承担任何和所有由供货方员工对他们提出的实际的和声称的任何性质的索赔。

Supplier will furnish all personnel, materials and equipment necessary to perform its obligations under this Agreement. All personnel performing services under this Agreement will be Supplier's employees or contractors and under Supplier's exclusive direction and control at all times, and Supplier will be solely responsible for their compensation and benefits, social security and income tax withholding, unemployment and workers' compensation, and similar matters. Supplier will assure that its employees observe Buyer's security and safety rules at all times when they are on or about Buyer's premises and will defend, indemnify and hold harmless Buyer, its participating subsidiaries, and their respective directors, employees, agents, successors and assigns from any and all actual and alleged claims of whatsoever nature made against them by Supplier's employees.

27. 转让 Assignment.


Supplier will not subcontract or assign, in whole or in part, any purchase orders or releases or any of its obligations or rights hereunder without Buyer’s prior written consent and any attempted assignment without such consent will be void and unenforceable. Buyer may assign its rights and obligations under this Agreement upon written notice to Supplier.

28. 解约Cancellation.

a. 若发生本协议项下的实质违约(如下文定义)或预期实质违约,守约方可将违约性质书面通知违约方。如果违约方未在此通知发出后四十五(45)个工作日内纠正违约行为或采取合理的令通知方满意的措施着力于纠正违约行为(或在预期违约的情况下向通知方提供充分的履约保证),守约方可在任何时间经书面通知另一方而终止本协议。本协议项下的“实质违约”包括但不限于,实质性且无理由违反交货时间表,实质性的质量或服务下降,未按订单要求数量提供产品,未提供本协议项下的产品保证以及未支付本协议下的到期款项。为此目的,质量的“实质违约”是指产品缺陷比率超过附件A规定的最大允许废率。

In the event of a Material Breach (as hereinafter defined) or anticipated Material Breach of this Agreement, the non-breaching Party may serve written notice on the breaching Party describing the nature of the breach. If the breaching Party fails to cure the breach or to take steps toward cure which are reasonably satisfactory to the notifying Party (or to provide adequate assurance of performance to the notifying Party in the case of an anticipated breach) within 45 working days after such notice is given, the non-breaching Party may terminate this Agreement at any time upon written notice to the other. As used herein, a “Material Breach” includes, without limitation, material and unexcused failures to meet delivery schedules; a material decline in quality or service; failure to supply Products in the quantities called for in purchase orders, failure to provide the warranty coverage provided for herein and non-payment of sums due hereunder.For these purposes a “material breach” of quality means a defect rate exceeding the Maximum Allowed Scrap as defined in schedule A.

b. 供货方收到本条款下的解约通知(及四十五(45)个工作日纠正期届满,如有),应立即停止工作并取消任何产品原料的未履行的订单。除了在收到截止至解约日供货方向买方交付产品的发票和证明文件后进行付款以外,买方于解约时无需对供货方承担进一步的义务。Upon receipt of a notice of termination under this Paragraph (and the expiration of the 45 working day cure period, if applicable), Supplier will immediately stop work and cancel any outstanding orders for material for Products. On termination, Buyer will have no further obligation to Supplier hereunder except to pay, upon receipt of invoices and supporting documentation from Supplier, for Products delivered to Buyer as of the Date of termination.

c. 本合同终止或期满对于本合同条款17、19、25和31中规定的义务无影响,这些条款在本合同终止或期满后仍将保持完全的效力。

There is no affect to the obligations in the terms 17,19,25 and 31under this contract if it is terminated or expired, these terms will remain completely effect after this contract termination or expiration.

29. 条款效力,标题 Effect of Terms, Captions.


This Agreement is incorporated into and made a part of all of Buyer’s purchase orders and releases and supersede the terms contained in any pre-existing agreements between Supplier and Buyer relating to the same types of products and/or services and any conflicting terms and conditions contained in other documents (including, without limitation, Supplier's sales forms and Buyer's purchase orders and releases) and/or posted on Internet web sites. Captions herein are for convenience only.


The terms and conditions contained in this Agreement will apply to all purchases made by Buyer from Supplier and renewed agreement to be executed upon expiration of this Agreement unless specifically modified or waived in writing by specific terms stated on the face of another agreement or purchase order or renewed agreement or release, regardless of any course of dealing or industry practice to the contrary.

30. 弃权,可分割 Waiver, Severability.


The failure of either Party at any time to exercise any of its rights under this Agreement will not be deemed to be a waiver of those rights or any other rights hereunder. If any portion of this Agreement is or becomes invalid under any applicable law or regulation, such portion will be deemed stricken and the rest of the Agreement will remain in full force and effect.

31. 专利,商标和技术秘密 Patents, Trademarks and Know-how.


This Agreement does not grant or convey to either Party any right, title or interest in or to the patents, trademarks, trade names, designs, inventions or know-how of the other.

32. 适用法律 Governing Law.


The PRC laws shall govern the validity, interpretation and enforcement of this Agreement.

33. 争议解决 Dispute Resolution.


Prior to pursuing any legal remedy as a result of a dispute under this assessment, the aggrieved Party will notify the other in writing of the dispute and will promptly pursue negotiations in good faith through dialogue between the business persons designated in this Agreement as responsible for administering the same. In the event that such negotiations fail, the Parties agree to submit the dispute to a competent court located in the business place of Buyer for judgment.

34. 约束力 Binding Effect.


This Agreement will be binding on Buyer and Supplier and their respective successors and any duly authorized assigns. Supplier warrants to Buyer that it is under no contractual or other legal obligations, constraints or disabilities that would prevent it from performing this Agreement or limit its performance hereunder. Any changes in this contract do not have force adeffect unless the two sides come to a written agreement and signed by the authorized representative .

35. 语言 Language.


The Parties to these presents confirm their wish that the present contract and all other documents and communications pertaining hereto be drawn up in Chinese and English. The Chinese version of this Agreement will prevail if there is any conflict between the Chinese version and English version of this Agreement.


In witness whereof,the duly authorized representatives of the Parties have signed this Agreement in duplicate

