




甲乙双方就 工程施工保证金事宜,为明确双方的责任及权利,经双方协商签订如下协议:









甲方(签章): 乙方(签章):

签订地点: 签订日期:



Agreement on Deposit of Monthly Settlement

(Supplement to Agreement on Handover and Settlement of Intl. Goods)

For matters not regulated in Agreement on Handover and Settlement of Intl. Goods, the following contents are made and agreed by both parties based on friendly negotiation:

1.   乙方同意向甲方支付月结保证金,作为月结信用担保。
Party B agrees to pay deposit for monthly settlement as credit guarantee.

2.   甲方根据乙方在甲方经营场所单月货物操作量高峰值应付账款,另加20%的余量,  向乙方收取                元(大写金额)人民币作为月结保证金,最低限额贰万元人民币。
Deposit amount to be paid by Party B to Party A will be the highest monthly payment plus 20% extra. So total deposit is RMB        , minimum amount RMB20000.

3.   乙方可采取现金、支票、贷记凭证等方式向甲方支付月结保证金。甲方在收到保证金后,应在7个工作日内向乙方出具上海浦东国际机场货运站有限公司月结保证金收据,银行汇款帐号:上海浦东发展银行空港支行 076389 – 4135002616
Party B can pay deposit by cash, check and credit voucher. Upon acceptance of deposit Party A should issue receipt within seven working days.
Party A’s bank information: Shanghai Pudong Development Bank Shanghai Konggang Sub-Branch, Account No.: 076389 - 4135002616

4.   乙方在经营过程中,如果拖欠甲方应收账款,逾期一个月的,甲方有权从其保证金中扣除乙方该月应付的金额,乙方需在一个月内补齐保证金,逾期不交的,甲方有权取消乙方月结资格,对乙方采用现金结算或其他相应措施。
If Party B fails to pay Party A Receivables more than one month, Party A has the right to deduct the corresponding amount from Party B’s deposit. Party B should supply the deducted amount within 30 days, otherwise Party A can cancel Party B’s monthly settlement qualification and ask Party B to pay cash or take other measures.

5.   乙方支付保证金后,在经营过程中,如果乙方在甲方经营场所的货运量发生明显变化,原有保证金不能满足一个月的实际应付账款额度,甲方有权根据乙方货物操作量,对月结保证金额度做相应调整。
If Party B cargo volume operated via Party A’s site has obvious increase and the original deposit can not cover one month payment, Party A should have the right to adjust Party B’s deposit amount.

6.   乙方不负责保证金在甲方存续期间的利息盈亏。双方合同终止后,乙方有权凭借甲方出具的原始收据凭证及乙方盖有公章的退款申请办理月结保证金本金退还手续。
Party B is not responsible for profit and loss of deposit during custody period. After agreement termination, Party B has the right to withdraw deposit corpus by providing the original receipt issued by Party A and deposit withdraw application with Party B’s company chop. 

7.   本协议作为“国际航空运输进出港货物交接及费用结算协议”的补充,与原协议具有同等法律效力。
As supplement to Agreement on Handover and Settlement of Intl. Goods, this contract has the same legal effects.

8.   双方的法定代表人或委托代理人签字、单位盖章,自双方签字确认后生效。
This contract will be effective and executed after Legal Representatives or Authorized Representatives from two parties sign and seal this agreement.

9.   本协议正本采用中英文两种文字混合,一式2份,双方各执1份,两种文字具有同等法律效力。两种文字如有不符,以中文文本为准。
This Agreement is executed in 2 (two) originals (mixture of English and Chinese), 1 (one) for each Party. The two languages have the same legal effects, and Chinese version will prevail if any conflicts existing between two language contents.

