


甲方:贵州中晟环球大宗商品交易中心有限公司 UUU

地址:贵州省都匀市斗篷山路317号灵智广场 UUU


邮政编码: 558000 UUU电话: 400-029-0077 UUU传真: UUU法定代表人: 余礼贤 UUU

开户行: 银行账号:

乙方: 地址: 邮政编码: 电话: 传真: 法定代表人: 结算银行名称: 结算银行账号:

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第一条 陈述与保证



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1.4.1 乙方以自身名义所作出的任何行为;

1.4.2 乙方未经甲方事先同意而冒用甲方名义所作的任何行为;

1.4.3 乙方对任何适用的法律法规的违反。



第二条 交易中心规则的遵守


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第三条 协议期限及合作方式

3.1本协议期限自本协议生效后至 年 月 日止,本协议期满,经甲方审查若乙方无重大违规、违纪行为的,则本协议自动顺延壹年,以此类推。

3.2本合同生效后,乙方成为甲方综合类会员,乙方的会员席位号为: 。

3.3乙方应在本协议生效后七个工作日内一次性交纳会员席位费人民币 万元,该费用在本协议终止或乙方会员资格被取消时不予退还。

3.4本协议期限内,乙方应每年向甲方支付会员年度管理费人民币 万元整。



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3.7乙方同意将其所得手续费的百分之 由甲方统一提留作为风险准备金,用于极端情况下的偿付保证。

第四条 甲方权利和义务





第五条 乙方权利和义务


5.2乙方应按交易中心规则向甲方交纳风险保证金,初期最低预存风险保证金为 万元人民币。乙方应确保其账户内具有充足的风险保证金。



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第六条 结算条款



第七条 违约责任

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第八条 协议变更及终止





(1) 乙方从事代理交易业务,向交易商作获利保证或承诺共担风险;

(2) 乙方在规定的时间内会员单位没有达到甲方规定的市场开发业绩的;

(3) 乙方在非甲方指定区域开设分公司或者办事点;

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(4) 乙方违反本协议第5.10条或第5.11条的;

(5) 乙方出现其他严重违约行为或严重违反交易中心规则行为的;

(6) 根据本协议其他相关约定终止本协议。



第九条 不可抗力



第十条 保密条款


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第十一条 争议解决



第十二条 其他











日期: 年 月 日

乙方(盖章): 授权代表(签字):

日期: 年 月 日

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#218-4451 No.3 Road, Richmond, B.C., Canada, V6X 2C3

Tel: (604) 304-8419 Fax: (604) 303-6442

會 員 申 請 表 及 協 議 書

Independent Distributor Application and Agreement

會員號碼 (本公司專用)

E & H I.D. Number (Office use only)


會員個人資料(Please print in block letters請以英文大寫填報)

_______________________ ________________________ ________________________________ Applicant’s Last Name姓氏 First Name名字 S.I.N./Identity No. 工卡/身份證明文件

________________________________ ____________________________ ____________________ Business Name公司名稱 (If applicable如適用) Business Registration No.登記號碼 Birthday出生日期 (M/D/Y)


City城市 Province省份 Country國家 Postal Code郵編 Mailing Address郵遞地址

______________________________________________________________________________________ Shipping Address收貨地址 (If different from above如跟郵遞地址不同) City城市 Province省份 Country國家 Postal Code郵編 (____)________________ (____)_____________ (____)______________ ____________________ Home Phone No.住宅電話 Cell Phone No.手機號 Fax No.傳真號碼 Email Address電子郵件



Sponsor’s Name推薦人姓名

_________________________________ Sponsor’s I.D. Number推薦人號碼

E & H Biotech Company Inc. (“E & H”) is a British Columbia, Canada company extending distribution of its products through direct sales MLM strategy. The Applicant is desirous of becoming E & H’s “Independent Distributor” to sell E & H products and services and earn compensation in accordance with its Compensation Plan and agrees to adhere to the terms and conditions of this Agreement.

Terms and Conditions of Independent Distributor Agreement

1. I certify that I am of legal age in the province in which I reside.

2. I have read E & H’s Policies and Procedures, Compensation Plan and Agreement and agree to be bound by them.

3. I shall purchase a starter kit at cost from E & H.

4. There is no fee to register and no mandatory purchase requirement to register as an Independent Distributor with E & H. An Independent Distributor is not required to maintain a product inventory.

5. Husband, wife, son, and daughter may each have their own Distributorships. Yet, under no circumstances may husband, wife, son, and daughter be sponsored in different distributorship lines. Either the husband, wife, son, or daughter must be the sponsor of the other or others. Any attempt at cross-line sponsoring will be disqualified by E & H.

6. Compensation is based on the volume of E & H’s products consumed. In order to be eligible to receive bonuses and commissions, at least 70% of previous product purchased must be sold to customers within a reasonable time before reordering.

7. Only E & H’s printed materials will be used during representations of E & H products, marketing and compensation program. I will protect E & H’s trade names or trademark and will make no claims, statements or representations regarding to potential income, earnings or products beyond what is stated in official corporate materials.

8. I will not use, produce or distribute any literature, recordings (audios or videos) or enrollment aids other than that of E & H. Without E & H’s written approval, I will not use, reprint or re-label the corporate name, logo or trademarks to advertise or promote E & H’s products.

9. I understand that I am not guaranteed any income, nor assured of any profits or success. I shall earn compensation based solely upon the sale of E & H’s products or services or both. Only Registered Independent Distributors may sponsor new Independent Distributors and earn rebates. 10. An Independent Distributor is not an employee, agent, partner or franchisee of E & H and may not incur any liability and/or obligations of any kind in the name of E & H. I will be solely responsible for paying all expenses incurred by myself. I am an independent contractor.

11. I shall not be treated as an employee of E & H for federal, or provincial tax purposes. I shall pay my self-employment taxes and other assessments required by local law, ordinances, and regulations.

12. E & H has proprietary rights to the Distributor network and its list of Distributor names. The personal information of Distributors I receive is confidential and I will not utilize such networks, lists or other contacts to promote the sale or use of products or services other than those offered through E & H.

13. I will assist and train the Independent Distributors in my Downline organization with ongoing support and supervision.

14. I shall abide at all times to the Policy and Procedures, and Compensation Plan published officially from time to time. The last copy of these documents is the one that carries the latest date.

15. The Agreement may not be transferred, amended or otherwise assigned without prior written consent of E & H. Any attempt to transfer or assign this Agreement without the express consent of E & H renders this Agreement invalid and may result in the termination of my Distributorship.

16. An Independent Distributor may return products under resalable and unused conditions for a 100% refund within the first 7 days of purchase. A 70% refund will be provided within 8 to 30 days of the initial purchase. Product refunds are subject to individual provincial regulatory requirements. Shipping, postage, and restocking costs for returns will be paid by the Independent Distributor.

17. Resigning Distributor is not eligible to be sponsored into E & H again for a period of six (6) months following the date of resignation.

18. I understand that E & H retains all rights to change product pricing, sales aids and materials. Terms and Conditions, Policies and Procedures, or the Compensation Plan may be amended by E & H at any time and such amendment shall be binding. Notification of amendments shall be published in official E & H materials and sent to all Distributors.

19. If any provision of the Agreement herein is judged by a court of the jurisdiction to be valid or unenforceable, the remaining terms and conditions will be unaffected and fully enforceable by law.

20. If a dispute arises, the parties shall retain a mediator. If that fails, both parties agree to resolve the dispute through British Columbia arbitration and the parties agree that the arbitrator’s findings are final and binding. The appointment of the arbitrator is subject to approval and ratification of both parties.

21. I understand that if I fail to comply with the terms of this Agreement, E & H may, terminate my distributorship or impose upon me other disciplinary action, including but not limited to, forfeiture of bonuses and commissions, or loss of all or part of my Downline marketing organization. Violation of this Agreement may lead to its termination. As such, I shall not be entitled to receive any further bonuses or commissions.

22. If I fail to pay for products or services when payment is due, I authorize E & H to withhold the appropriate amounts from my bonus or commission cheques, to charge my credit cards, or debit my chequing accounts, if any, which I have authorized E & H to charge.

23. To the extent of any conflict or inconsistency between this Agreement and the Policies and Procedures, the Policies and Procedures shall in all instances supersede and prevail over any term of this Agreement as to the matters addressed herein.

24. The terms of this Agreement shall remain in effect for as long as I am an Independent Distributor with E & H. If it is cancelled or terminated for any reason, I understand that I will permanently lose all rights as an Independent Distributor. I shall not be eligible to sell E & H products and services nor shall I be eligible to receive commissions, bonuses, or other income resulting from the activities of my former Downline sales organization. E & H reserves the right to terminate all Independent Distributor Agreements upon thirty (30) days’ written notice.

25. In the event Independent Distributors or their legal counsels have questions concerning the regulatory status of E & H, they may contact in writing E & H’s corporate office. I understand and agree that no Attorney General, Federal, or Provincial regulator and/or licensing agent ever endorses or approves any product, program, or Compensation Plan of E & H and I shall make no such claims.

26. If an Independent Distributor files a claim or disputes against E & H, an Independent Distributor shall do so on an individual basis and not with any other Independent Distributor or as part of a class action. If an Independent Distributor wishes to bring an action against E & H for any act or omission relating to or arising from this Agreement, such action must be brought within one year from the date of the alleged conduct giving rise to the cause of action. Failure to bring such action within one year shall bar all claims against E & H for such act or omission. The decision of the arbitrator shall be final and binding on the parties and, if need be, may be reduced to a judgment in any court of competent jurisdiction. Each party to the arbitration shall be responsible for its own costs and expenses of arbitration, including legal and filing fees. This Agreement to arbitrate shall survive termination of the Agreement.

27. Upon the death or incapacity of an Independent Distributor, the rights to receive bonuses and marketing position together with responsibilities, shall pass to a successor. Sale, transfer or assignment of a Distributorship to another person shall require approval by written consent of E & H.

28. The place of original of the Agreement is the province of British Columbia, Canada. The terms and conditions of this fully integrated Agreement shall be construed in accordance with British Columbia law. 29. LANGUAGE CLAUSE: The parties acknowledge that they have requested that the present Agreement, as well as all documents, notices, and legal proceedings entered into, given or instituted herein are drawn up in English.

30. Les avoir exige la redaction en anglais de la présente convention, ainsi que de tous documents executes, avis donnés et procedures judiciaries intentées, directement ou indirectement, relativement, à ou suite à la presente convention.

I have read the terms and conditions above and by affixing my signature below I agree to be bound by them and the policies and procedures of E & H.

______________________ _________________

Applicant’s Signature Date of Application 申請人簽署 申請日期 (MM/DD/YY)

________________________ __________________ Witness Signature Date of Signature 見證人簽署 簽署日期



The information you provide on this form, including supporting documentation, is protected under the Privacy Act. The information will be used by E & H for legitimate business reasons and will not be shared with other individuals or entities other than if compelled to do so by the Government of Canada and its respective agencies or the Provincial Governments and their respective agencies.
