
Adapter: Tzu-ting Hsiao 蕭紫娗, Naomi 冨里國小

NARRATORS: Once upon a time, there was a ram. The ram lived on a farm where he was fed a lot of food. One day, a maid at the farm came to bring dinner for the ram.

[MAID enters.]

MAID:Hello, Ram! Make sure you eat all of your food.

RAM:No problem!

MAID:Good. You will be our dinner tomorrow!

RAM:What? I am too skinny to be your dinner !

MAID:Ram, don’t you know?

RAM:Know what?

MAID:We keep animals on the farm so we can eat them!

RAM:Eat them? Can this be true? No way! I am not hungry anymore! MAID:Well, eat up anyway, Ram. Tomorrow is the day!

[MAID exits.]

RAM:What am I going to do? I do not want to be dinner. I have to get out of here! My friend Pig lives on the next farm. I will go and see Pig.

[RAM walks over to PIG.]

PIG:Hi, Ram! How are you doing? What a nice day! Isn’t it?

RAM:Not anymore! Now I know why we are fed so well at the farm. Do you think it is because they like us?

PIG:Of course!

RAM:No! It is because they want to eat us for dinner!

PIG:What? Oh dear! What can we do?

RAM:We must go away! We will go off into the woods. We will build our very own house in the woods!

PIG:Then we will not have to worry about the maid and her dinner!

RAM:Yes! Do you want to come?

PIG: Sure! Let's go!

Song: When we are all together


[RAM and PIG are in the woods.]

RAM:What do you think? Is this a good spot?

PIG:Yes, I think so. Let’s start. It will take a long time to build a good house.

Song: When we are all together

[GOOSE and HARE enter.]

GOOSE:Good day! What are you doing?

RAM:Good day to you, too! We are building our very own house in the woods. HARE:Wow, that sounds great! May we live there, too?

PIG:If you help us. What can you do to help?

GOOSE: Do you see my long beak?

RAM& PIG: Yes, we do.

GOOSE:I can stuff moss in the holes with my long beak. Then our house will be warm and cozy.

PIG: Good. And you? What can you do to help?

HARE: Do you see my strong teeth? Here!

RAM& PIG: Oh, yes, we see your strong teeth.

HARE:I can chew wood with my teeth to make pegs. Then the house will be strong and safe.

PIG:Warm and cozy...strong and safe...this sounds good!

RAM:It sure does! The more help we have, the faster we can build our house! HARE:All right, we will all work together now.

Song: When we are all together

[ROOSTER enters.]

ROOSTER: What are they doing?

PIG:Hello, rooster. What are you doing in the woods?

ROOSTER:Well, everyone is talking about why you left, Ram. They say the maid is going to eat you for dinner. So I came to see you and find out what you are doing.

Goose:We are working together to build our house in the woods.

ROOSTER: Your very own house in the woods! That’s great! May I help you? PIG:Well, what can you do to help?

ROOSTER: Listen! Cock-a-doodle-doo! I can crow and crow in the morning to wake everyone up.

RAM:That is good! If no one wakes me up, I might sleep all morning!

PIG:Me, too.

GOOSE:Me, three.


[Owl enters.]

OWL: Ah~ What happened?(Owl wakes up for crowing) Hello! My friends, what are you doing here?

RAM:We are working together to build our very own house

OWL: Really? May I join you?

HARE: What can you do to help?

OWL: I have big eyes. I can be your guard.

ALL: Guard? From what?

OWL: From the big bad wolf, so he can’t crawl down the chimney and hurt you. PIG: That’s really helpful! Then we won’t be scared when we are sleeping. ALL: Yes, that’s true!

GOOSE:Good! Then we will all start now and build our home!

PIG:Okay, I will cut the wood. (PIG pretends to use an ax.)

RAM:Thanks, Pig. I will carry that. (RAM pretends to carry the wood.)

HARE:Here, Ram. I chewed some pegs for our house.

(HARE pretends to hand over the pegs.)

GOOSE:Here, let me stuff some moss in the holes.

(Pretends to stuff moss in the walls of the house.)

Song: When we are all together

RAM:Wow, what a house!

PIG:We are a good team.


Song: When we are all together

[Everyone enters the house.]

GOOSE:I’m so tired. Let’s get some rest.

[Animals sit down and pretend to sleep.]

[WOLF 1 and WOLF 2 enter. They whisper to each other.]

WOLF 1:Mmm, look at all those yummy animals.


All in one place, too! That makes it easy for us.

WOLF 1:We will get all these animals for dinner!

WOLF 2:Great! I am so hungry, I could almost eat them all!

[WOLF 1 runs to the animals.]

OWL: Wake up! Rooster! The wolf is coming! Wake everyone up! ROOSTER:Cock-a-doodle-doo! Get up! The wolf is coming! Get up! Cock-a-doodle-doo!

[Animals get up.]

WOLF 1:All of you yummy animals are mine!

RAM:Get out of here! Stay away from us!

PIG:(shows teeth) Take that! Argggh!

GOOSE:Peck, peck.


HARE:(running around) Leave us alone!

OWL: Woo~(Owl’s sounds)

WOLF 1:AH! (runs back to WOLF 2)

WOLF 2:What’s the matter?

WOLF 1:There are monsters in that house! I am out of here!

WOLF 2:Do not leave me! I am coming with you!

[WOLF 1 and WOLF 2 exit.]

RAM:We did it!

PIG:We saved our new house!

HARE:Good job, everyone!

ROOSTER:Now we can live together in our very own house in the woods! ALL ANIMALS, together:Forever!

Song: When we are all together





Act I


Theme: The Children of Forests

場景:布拉旦部落 女人素有織布高手之稱

Scene: In the 布拉旦(Buradan) tribe. Women are known for weaving cloth.

小孩1: (唱歌) 奶奶~奶奶~你臉上是什麼東西啊?好醜~~

Kid1: (sing)Grandma~ Grandma~ What is this on your face? It’s so ugly.



Grandma: Oh, sweetie! This is Tattoos, a symbol of bravery. Long long time ago, there was a major event, a very brave event. Let me tell you that great ancient story about our tribe.


End of Act I


Act II


Theme: The Curse of Death



~~~~~ 啊……. 希利克鳥(卜鳥)不安的


Scene: In the 布拉旦(Buradan) tribe. In the dark forest, the 希利克(Sirik) bird is crying uneasily along with the sadness and anger of forest. A bad omen.


Mother: Oh, my daughter! What happened to you? Why have you left us? Oh, my Lord! Please save my daughter!


Father: Oh, my daughter! What happened to you? Why have you left us? Oh, wake up, my daughter!



Sorceress: Oh, our Ancestors’ Spirits! Please save our young girls! They were so

pure and naive! Please have mercy on them!


Father/Mother: Oh, Sorceress, please save our daughter!


Sorceress: It’s too late.


Father/Mother: Please~~ Please


End of Act II




Theme: The Dream of Breaking the Curse of Death.


Scene: In the dream, the Ancestors’ Spirits are everywhere.


Young girl: Where am I? I have never been here before! Where am I?


Demon: Ha! Ha! Ha! I am the Demon. I am the one who make all girls in the tribe die. Ha! Ha! Ha! Die!


Young girl: Help! Help! Can somebody help me?


Demon: Ha! Ha! Ha! Die!


Young girl: Help! Help! Somebody, help me!

祖靈:快來我這裡!快來我這裡!不要害怕~少女~快來我這裡!惡魔快走。 Ancestor’s Spirit : Come! Come to me! Don’t be afraid~ my girl~ Come! Come to me! Go away, Demon!


Demon: Wow~~, what is this on your face? What is this magic power! Wow~~~

少女:謝謝祖靈!謝謝祖靈!我要趕快告訴村子裡的人有關紋面的事情。 Young girl: Thank you, Ancestors’ Spirits! Thank you! I must tell my villagers in the tribe about the power of the tattoos.


End of Act III


Act IV


Theme: The Spell of Tattoos


Scene: In the 布拉旦(Buradan) tribe.The children of forests are witnessing the Tattoo Ceremony.


Mother: She is my daughter.


Father: She is good at weaving cloth.


Mother: Please tattoo the image on her face.


Sorceress: Sure.

女巫:現在拿起這個筆來,在你臉上畫下圖案,啊~啊~啊~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Sorceress: Pick up the pen and draw the image on your face. Ah~Ah~Ah~


Sorceress: Pick up the needle. Pick up the wood hammer. Engrave on your face. Dab on your face. Leave the eternal image on your face. Forever.

少女2:好痛!好痛!好痛!~ ~

Young girl2: It hurts! It hurts! It hurts!

父母親:不要怕!你不要怕!~ ~ 我們是太魯閣的子民~我們是最勇敢的。 Father/Mother: Don’t be afraid! Don’t be afraid! We are the children of Taroko. We are the bravest.

女巫:現在拿起木灰,在你臉上抹下,祖靈將與我們同在。嗚!嗚!嗚!~ ~ ” Sorceress: Now dye your face with charcoal ashes. The Ancestors’ Spirits will be with us. “Woo! Woo! Woo!”


Sorceress: You are so brave to put on the facial tattoo. The Ancestors’ Spirits will protect us. Taroko! Taroko! We are the children of forests. Taroko! Taroko! The Ancestors’ Spirits will be with us.


End of Act IV


Act V


Grandma: This is the story of Taroko Tattoos. It saved and protected us. So now you know why I said it’s the most beautiful and brave tattoos.


Kid1: Oh~ I see. I want to tell my friends about this story. I want them to stop making fun of the tattoos on grandma’s face.


Grandma: Ha~ha~ha~ you are such a good girl.


End of Act V
