英文辩论比赛策划书The Planning Scheme of College Students English Debate Competition

The Planning Scheme of College Students English Debate


The objectives of the activity:

1: To offer a platform to the English lovers to show themselves, and improve their oral English.

2:To enrich extracurricular life, to create an active atmosphere in campus, to show the vitality of youth, to improve one’s speculate thinking, logic thinking, and the verbal ability as well as to reflect a positive and vibrant mental status of university students. At the same time, It aims to strengthen exchange ability, to cultivate excellent debater, as well as to develop the ability of team collaboration among different departments, so that they can feel the collision of thinking and the art of language together.

4. The procedure of the activity

(一)First,it will be broadcast by propaganda department within the whole colleges.

(1)Advance publicity

Before the ceremony,we will stick some slogans and have posters on the wall.Besides,the activity will be publicized on the

broadcasting station.

(2)Then we will get together all members including various departments,clubs as well as monitors and League branch secretary of each class to conduct a meeting,which will inform the generation situations and something need attention of this activity.

(3)Lastly,it will be made a name via the Internet.

You can register for this activity before the deadline of........

(二)The procedure of the debate

(1)The arrangement of intermediary heat

Our contest will adopt elimination system which consists of preliminary contest and finals.

(2)The arrangement of contest procedure

The ceremony of the contest:the time and place is undetermined Preliminary contest:the time and place is undetermined Finals:the time and place is undetermined

Notice:(1)If time and place will be changed,we will make a further notice.

(3)Prizes of the contest:There will be two Excellent Group Awards and personally two best debaters.

The organizer will also set up other prizes according to

situations in the field.

(5)The ceremony of the contest


Honored guests:undetermined

Participates:teams participating in the contest and staff.


1, the host address and introduce the guests

2, the guest made a speech

3, the judges on behalf of the oath

4, the contestants on behalf of the oath

5, announce the contest is beginning now

6, draw tetragonal 、opposition and motion

1, personal needs to choosing a career is more important for college students

Society needs to choosing a career is more important for college students

2, social, emotional intelligence is more important than IQ

In today's society, the intelligence quotient is more important than EQ

3, society, cooperation is more important than the competi


In today's society, competition is more important than cooperation

4, nowadays,we advocate"do a line, loves a line"and

In this day and age, we should advocate "loves a line, do a line"

5, where shall we go is more important than who we together with,

who we together with is more important than where shall we go.

The specific procedures of the debate:

a) The first debater from pro gives a presentation about their opinion (3 minutes)

b) The first debater from con gives a presentation about their opinion (3 minutes).

c) The second debater from pro debates against the third debater from con one on one (1.5 minutes).

d) The second debater from con debates against the third debater from pro one on one (1.5 minutes).

e) The third debater from pro debates against the second or third debater from con one on one (1.5 minutes).

f) The third debater from con debates against the second or

third debater from pro one on one (1.5 minutes).

g) The first debater from pro gives a summary of their first part debate (2 minutes).

h) The first debater from con gives a summary of their first part debate (2 minutes).

i) Free debate (5 minutes each side).

j) The forth debater from con gives a conclusive presentation (3 minutes).

k) The forth debater from pro gives a conclusive presentation (3 minutes).

The timing rules:

a) There are two timekeepers to count down the time limits for each side. Meanwhile, they should gesture the debaters and the judges.

b) The time counting begins from the standing up to sitting down of debaters until the time is up.


a) Each debater is forbidden to emotionally excess. Don’t beat the desk or behave rudely.

b) Each debater cannot ask any questions unrelated to the debate.

c) Each debater should stand up to speak, other debaters are not allowed to interrupt or directly rebuttal under the stage during one’s illustration

d) The conclusions made by each debater should be related to the debate and in accordance with the competition rules. e) The audience should keep quiet and not ask any questions unrelated to the competition.

Personnel allocation

Host 1 judges 5

2 timekeepers for each side 4 in total

Disciplined maintenance staff 4

Hostesses 2

Site person in charge 3

The resource needs

Human resources: the teachers and students of Department of Foreign Language Studies University

Material resources: activities desks a lectern, 2 timers, projector

, cameras,(can be borrowed) White, judges scoring tables, scoring rules, pens, mineral water, glue sticks, scissors, prizes



Registration players too little: Notification recommend each class

Player arrives late: notified players before the game begins 20 minutes before the scene


第二篇:On College Students English Learning Survey

On College Students English Learning Survey

LI jinghong











Communications, Sichuan, China






confidence, learning attitude, learning methods,

learning habits and college students how to learn English well.

Key words:

Study habits, learning methods, learning path, learning time

The study



attitude, learning time, learning methods, affect

their learning

efficiency, correct habits time attitude methods for individuals to learn English well is a great help,

everyone has his own hand.

Use a dictionary and grammar guide constantly. Keep a small English





















use it, in your mind, in a sentence.

Try to think in English whenever possible. When you

see something, think of the English word of it; then think about the word in a sentence. Practice

tenses as much as possible. When you learn a new verb, learn its various forms.


We three people to

produce the questionnaire on English learning, all the issues related to


written questionnaire. Then at the Sichuan V

ocational and Technical College of Communications

campus avenue to the students to investigate. After finishing the investigation questionnaire, data

collection, data analysis, the final conclusion


Investigation of gender. Understanding of gender differences in English learning; Ihether

collegestudents carry different material pattern. Analysis showed that : the back too many

(54.7% ), back (54.4% ), little back (31.7%), did not back off (24.2%). Apparently, individual

learning methods and strategies in English learning plays an important role, in addition, learning

environment and conditions cannot be ignored; Iollege students feel the confidence of learning

english. Analysis showed that:55.8% of the students think that have no bottom,49.7% believe that

no confidence in, have a little faith accounted for 27.9%, confident accounted for 25%, once again

confirmed that the students on confidence of learning English the importance of learning; College

students think English is the most difficult aspect. Analysis showed that:18.5% of the students

think is tense,24.3% of the students think that it is grammatical,25.6% of the students think that it

is the word,14.5% of the students think that it is a translation,10.2% of the students think that it is

read,6.9% of the students think that it is the sentence. Visible most students feel tense and

grammar very difficult to understand. College students think English class on their English results


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have improved. Survey results show that,33.6% of the students think that is very helpful,27.2% of

the students think that in general,21.8% of the students think that it is no help, while 18.1% of the

students think that no help; College students in learning English is reading habits. The survey

results show that:32.4% of the students have the morning reading habits,67.6% of the students

have no morning reading habits;College students is a good way to contact with English, according

to the survey:64.5% students is through books,10.3% of the students is through songs,9.2% of the

students through the film,16% of the students are from lectures to exposure to English, many

students learn English in different ways, will influence students English achievements.Except

learning in English class, the students' learning English every day on average time spent.

Investigation results show that college students in learning English, a daily average of the time

were: one hour following (51.9% ),1

2 hours (39.9%),3

5 hours (7.2%),5 hours (1.1%).

Visible, students' learning time is generally less. On average one hour a day for the following

English learning time is not enough. Learning time is not the key to learn English well, it is a

necessary condition; What is the purpose of College english. Survey showed that:44% of the

people think is to the needs of the community,50.4% of the students to meet the examination and

to learn English,5.6% of the students are interested in learning. Students in English which side has

more advantages,33.5% of the students in the hearing has advantages,15% of students think in

reading the opposite edge,24.7% of the students think the opposite has the advantage in

composition,26.8% of the students in the other side has the advantage of visible in most of the

students in reading, negative need to upgrade, make readers the world; College students each

month to see how many English movies. Survey showed that:78.7% students each month, see step

three above,21.3% students each month at three the following;Classmates think that higher

education English teaching;35% of the students think the quality of teaching is good,32.3% of the

students think generally,32.7% of the students think it is not good, visible in this view of everyone

is equal; College students think English training institutions effect how. 64% of the students think

it is useful to maintain a neutral attitude,17% students,19% students with no use for institutions.

Visible with required institutions or there are a lot of useful, therefore, training institutions or very

useful; this description, training is a kind of trend, and in the economic conditions permit, we are

willing to accept this kind of different teaching, those who believe that there is no need of the

students have not realized the importance of this training, not sure training institutions positive


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role. College students mental state when the best,29% of the students think in higher education

better,64.8% of the students think in a better training institutions of the state,6.2% of the students

think where are all the same. Visible in the training institutions more English learning state;

Whether college students participated in the training institutions, according to the survey,38.4%

of the students did not participate in the training institutions,61.6% students participated in the

training institutions, training institutions now visible is a popular learning method; College

students weekly reading amount, according to the survey,5.6% of the students don't read English

weekly,36.4% students weekly one hour more than five hours a week,46.3% read five hours ten

hours following,11.7% weekly reading more than ten hours, visible students reading English

learning is very positive;College students usually English writing frequently, survey shows:

36.4% students usually do not writing,58.5% students occasionally write, only 5.1% of the

students often write, visible for writing or not much interest in;


Through the questionnaire survey and on students' English learning attitude and strategy and try to

analysis, the author thinks, universities, University English teachers should be in the following

several aspects of reflection, deepen the teaching reform, training of qualified personnel.

1) Pay attention to learning objective, culture learning motivation.

2) The establishment of incentive mechanism, strengthen the learning effect.

3) Pay attention to emotional control, promoting learning motivation.

4) To overcome the negative attitude, the formation of active learning habits.

5) Promote the learning exchanges, strengthen listening practice.

6) Reinforcement learning strategy, cultivating autonomous learning ability.

7) Raise individual cognitive styles, multiple intelligence role play.

8) Expand the learning channel, optimization of learning resources.

9) Changing the teaching concept, reform teaching mode.

10) Creating a learning environment, to create a good atmosphere.


The research on College Students' attitude and despite the strategy and other aspects of the

investigation, combined with the related theory, analyzed and put forward the proposal, but there

is no combination of students' English learning attitude and strategies and learning effects

investigated the relationship between. Therefore, in combination with the learning effect


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conclusion basically is from theoretical analysis, namely: To explore the learning attitude and

Strategy -- the standard learning effect is based on the theory, the extent to which need to be

further research in practice.
