


















Hi, I’m Gilbert Arenas and this is my story,


When I entered the NBA,


the first 40 games of my career I sat on the bench. 职业生涯的前40场,我是在板凳上度过的。

They said I was gonna play zero minutes.


You know I just think they didn’t see the talent that I had. 我想,他们根本没看到我的天赋。

They thought I was a zero.


Instead of sitting there being bitter,

I just practiced, practiced.

但是我并没有坐在那里怨天尤人,而是不断的训练,训练。 If no one believes in you,

anything you do is a positive.

在没有人相信你的时候,你的任何努力都会为自己加分。 It wasn’t even about basketball any more,


It was about proving them wrong,


Now the reason I wear No. 0 is because it lets me know that I need to go out there and fight every day.












Who can make the match to fear?


Who can call the king under the basket?


Who can continuously three time include total champion MVP?


Who can win the fifth total champion ring?


The world is mine!






4、运动之美 世界共享


6、一切皆有可能!(Anything is possible)

选秀失败算什么(________nothing matter)

坐板凳算什么(________no big deal)

享受每一次挑战(challages so what)

没什么能挡住我的路(nothing stop ___________everything)



The Second Coming广告版歌词

They say a family that prays together stays together

人们都说一个大家庭住在一起,大家一起祈祷 And one that walks apart just falls apart 而一个脱离家庭的人必将陨落

So together we stand divided we fall

所以说我们肩并肩必定胜利,而分道扬镳必将失败 United we form voltron and take on all

我们联合起来就能组成坚不可摧的力量并击倒一切 Yes, The birds left the nest


I'm all grown up but gotta fly with the rest

我已经长大,但我不准备一个人,我要和大家一起飞走 Best of the best is what we strive to be 我们努力是为了成为最强中的最强

A legacy is what we trying to leave


Ya dig?


Now say goodbye to the past


The future's here at last


The new beginning


The truth is speaking


You should listen



NBA 球员励志广告


they said:i wouldn't get drafted


they said:i wouldn't make the team


they said:i wouldn't be a starter


then they said: my team was too small


that i wasn't a leader


that we missed a playoffs


that we couldn't get passed the first round


they said ,they said, they said


you keep talking


i keep shooting

i love this family

i love this pig

i love this money

i love this game






爱我或恨我。恨我的比赛,恨我的自大,恨我的后仰投篮和我对比赛的饥饿。恨我是一名老手、一名总冠军,恨这些吧。用你的心来恨吧。这些恨是我所喜欢的……因为同样的理由 ——思想有多远,我们就能走多远!













KEEP MOVING,永不止步(安踏)




I believe I can fly(别克汽车广告歌)







阳光伴我行,舞出我天地!(加州阳光彩条T恤) 敢想敢为!(贵人鸟)








农夫山泉,有点甜!好水喝出健康来!(农夫山泉) 让一切自由连通!(联通)











1、德国大众:“小即是好。” ——经典广告语

2、可口可乐:“享受清新一刻。” ——经典广告语


4、耐克:“说做就做。” ——经典广告语

5、麦当劳:“你理应休息一天。” ——经典广告语

6、迪比尔斯:“钻石恒久远,一颗永留传。” ——经典广告语

7、通用电气:“GE带来美好生活。” ——经典广告语

8、米勒牌淡啤酒:“美妙口味不可言传。” ——经典广告语



11、美国联邦快递公司:“快腿勤务员。” ——经典广告语

12、苹果电脑:“19xx年。” ——经典广告语


14、百事可乐:“百事,正对口味。” ——经典广告语

15、麦氏咖啡:“滴滴香浓,意犹未尽。” ——经典广告语

16、象牙香皂:“100%的纯粹。” ——经典广告语

17、美国捷运公司:“你知道我吗?” ——经典广告语




1. Good to the last drop.滴滴香浓,意犹未尽。(麦斯威尔咖啡)

2. Obey your thirst. 服从你的渴望。(雪碧)

3. The new digital era. 数码新时代。(索尼影碟机)

4. We lead. Others copy.我们领先,他人仿效。(理光复印机)

5. Impossible made possible.使不可能变为可能。(佳能打印机)

6. Take time to indulge. 尽情享受吧!(雀巢冰激凌)

7. The relentless pursuit of perfection.不懈追求完美。(凌志轿车)

8. Poetry in motion, dancing close to me.动态的诗,向我舞近。(丰田汽车)

9. Come to where the flavor is. Marlboro Country.


10.To me, the past is black and white, but the future is always color.


11. Just do it. 只管去做。(耐克运动鞋)

12. Ask for more. 渴望无限。(百事流行鞋)

13. The taste is great. 味道好极了。(雀巢咖啡)

14. Feel the new space. 感受新境界。(三星电子)

15. Intelligence everywhere.智慧演绎,无处不在。(摩托罗拉手机)

16. The choice of a new generation.新一代的选择。(百事可乐)

17. We integrate, you communicate.我们集大成,您超越自我。(三菱电工)

18. Take TOSHIBA, take the world.拥有东芝,拥有世界。(东芝电子)

19. Let’s make things better.让我们做得更好。(飞利浦电子)

20. No business too small, no problem too big.


21.M&Ms melt in your mouth, not in your hand.(M&Ms) 只溶在口,不溶在手。(M&M巧克力)

22.Good to the last drop. (Maxwell) 滴滴香浓,意犹未尽。(麦氏咖啡)

23.Time is what you make of it. (Swatch) 天长地久。(斯沃奇手表)

24.Make yourself heard. (Ericsson) 理解就是沟通。(爱立信)

25.Start ahead. (Rejoice) 成功之路,从头开始。(飘柔)

26.Things go better with Coca-Cola. (Coca-Cola) 饮可口可乐,万事如意。(可口可乐)

27.Connecting People.(Nokia) 科技以人为本。(诺基亚)

28.A diamond lasts forever. (De Bierres) 钻石恒久远,一颗永流传。(第比尔斯)

29.Mosquito Bye Bye Bye. (RADAR) 蚊子杀杀杀。(雷达牌驱虫剂)

30.A Kodak Moment. (Kodak) 就在柯达一刻。(柯达相纸/胶卷 )




Passage 26

When liquid carbon dioxide is put under pressure, it will __1___ its solid state , whose common name is Dry Ice.

Many years ago scientists successfully produced the snowy, white “Dry Ice”, ____2__ produced temperatures dipping as ___3__ as --- 109 degrees Fahrenheit, and envisioned dozens of ___4__ uses of it. Before putting “ Dry Ice” to use, _____5___, they had yet to discover how to keep this solid from melting back into its ___6_____ liquid state.

Fortunately, the solution ___7___ the scientists problem, which possibly dawned on them over cocktails ___8___ happy hours, __9___ in the fact that when “Dry Ice” mixes with liquids having very low freezing temperatures, for example alcohol, the solid turns into gas instead of melting . While turning into gases, it absorbs more heat than an identical amount of ice __10___ from water.

The primary use of “Dry Ice” is __11___ perishables fresh, especially during shipment. Today, products such as fish and meat can ___12___ thousands of miles ,and arrive at their destinations fresh. Eggs can remain fresh indefinitely if r_____ with solid carbon dioxide. Flowers shop owners can prevent flower buds from opening for up to three days by placing them in a “ Dry Ice” atmosphere. “Dry Ice” temporarily freezes the aging p_____ of flowers.

1. A. reach B. arrive C. stay D. keep

2. A. while B. when C.which D. where

3. A. high B. low C.deep D. much

4. A. real B. true C. practical D. effective

5. A. therefore B. thereby C.otherwise D. however

6. A. original B. often C. usual D. ordinary

7. A. with B. for C. to D. by

8. A. at B. in C. with D. for

9. A. lie B. lay C. lain D. lies

10. A. made B. making C. is made D. to made

11. A. to keep B. keeping C. to be kept D. kept

12. A. be shopped B. be shipped C. be shippeded d. be ship

Dirty teeth can kill old people

made by some American scientists.

teeth and respiratory diseases. Though the study the researchers got clear evidence of the link. Eight was the germs in their dental plague.

“Welink between dental problems and pneumonia. We are the first to make the discovery,” said Dr. Ali El-Solh, who led the research team.

El-Solh’ paper appearing in a medical journal reported the research.

El-Solh and his team 49 old patients in a hospital. They all have a high risk of 1

pneumonia. The research team found several kinds of germs in each patient’s mouth. Of the 49 patients, 28 had pneumonia-causing germs I their dental plague while 21 did not have them. The researchers kept a good record of them.

The patients were watched for pneumonia. Over a period of time, fourteen patients, of whom ten had had respiratory disease-causing germs in their teeth, developed pneumonia. After

same kind of germs in the lungs as those in their dental plague.

, dirty teeth can kill old people, it’s a scientific fact.

1. A research B news C discovery D foundation

2. A with B between C to D on

3. A big B large C small D little

4. A which B why C the cause D the cause of which

5. A have found B will find C found D will have had

6. A tried B tested C examined D discover

7. A carelessly B after C nearly D closely

8. A being tested B tested C testing D searching

9. A link B connect C relation D relationship 10.A Don’t believe it B Believe it C Believe it or not D Believe or not

Dolphins Protect Humans

Lifesaver Rob Howes, his 15-year-old daughter and other two lifesavers were swimming 300 feet off Ocean Beach. __1__ their surprise, several dolphins swam to them and circled them. Later they found that the dolphins just wanted to protect them from a shark.

“They swam to us, pushed all four of us together and then formed a__2__circle around us,” Howes told a reporter.

Howes tried to swim away from the circle group, __3__two of the bigger dolphins

pushed him back.. Just at that time, he__4__that a nine-foot great white shark__5__

toward the group.

“The shark was only about 2 meters away from me. The water was very clear. The

shark was as clear as the nose on my face,” Howes said. “Please imagine, the shark was only two meters away. The dolphins__6__us up to protect us, ” he said.

The lifesavers spent the next 40 minutes in the circle and the dolphins stayed there with them. When the shark swam away, the lifesavers could safely swim back to__7__shore. The__8_happened on October30, but the lifesavers kept the story to themselves until now.

Environment group Orca Research said dolphins often attack sharks to protect themselves and their__9__. That is why they looked after the lifesavers and protected them from attack. “They could__10_the danger to the swimmers and taken action to protect them,” Orca Research told.

1.A. With B. To C. In D. For

2.A. strict B. tight C. strong D. urgent

3.A. but B. therefore C. thus D. because

4.A. recovered B. discovered C. found D. covered

5.A. has swum B. has been swimming C. was swimming D.swam

6.A. circled B. was circling C. had been circling D. had circled


7.A. a B. an C. the D. /

8.A. event B. matter C. incident D. accident 9.A. young B. youngs C. youth D. youngster

10.A. sense B. sensed C. have sensed D. have been sensed

Passage 41


Santa Claus’ workshop in the North Pole produces millions of gifts every year for children all over the world. However, Santa Claus may have to move his workshop from the North Pole because global warming is thawing the ice his reindeers’ feet. This the reindeers unable to transport the gifts to children in various parts of the world.

“The platform for Santa’s workshop is melting,” said Stefan Norris, an environmental scientist. “The Arctic Ocean be ice-free in summer by 2100, the build-up of heat-trapping gases in the atmosphere.”

“Santa may have to move from the North Pole our children’s lifetimes,” Alan Boldt, a Danish official, said. “In order to Santa’s workshop based on the North Pole, we should build some kind of electrical facilities.” Some people suggest that we should build a huge floating ice rink for the workshop before the Pole thaws. Santa’s workshop on the North Pole should be a subject for the United Nations. Danish people could build windmills to provide Santa with power.

The Danish claim that Santa’s real home is in Greenland, but many people doubt it. As everybody knows, Greenland belongs to Denmark.

Some people once asked the Danish a joking way whether they are forcing Santa to learn Danish.

“he already speak Danish?” Boldt replied confidently.

Finland has had most from Santa. It has about 500,000 visitors a year to its Christmas center in Rovaniemi in Lapland. Maybe Santa has already moved to Rovaniemi.

1. A. under B. nether C. beneath D. below

2. A. makes B. made C. is making D. will make

3. A. could B. can C. will D. would

4. A. because B. due to C. as D. since

5. A. in B. during C. within D. through

6. A. move B. remove C. rescue D. rebuild

7. A. To save B. Saving C. Save D. Being saving

8. A. by B. in C. with D. through

9. A. Hasn’t B. Has C. Doesn’t D. Does

10. A. benefits B. success C. goodness D. advantages


A huge tsunami took place in the Indian Ocean in December 2004.It killed over 220,000 people in Asia and East Africa.But it __1___ wild beasts and birds.This fact adds __2___ to the belief that animals possess a “sixth sense” for disasters.

Sri Lankan wildlife officials said that the giant waves ___3___ over 30,000 people.However, they had been found in Sri Lanka’s damaged coast.


“No elephants are dead.No rabbit are dead.I think animals can sense disaster.They have a sixth sense.They know ___4__ things will happen,”H.D.Ratnayake,a Sri Lanka’s official,said.

The waves washed floodwaters __5___ 2 miles inland at Yala National Park in the southeast.The park is Sri Lanka’s biggest wildlife ___6___ and home to hundreds of wild elephants.”There has been a lot of evidence ___7____ dogs barking or birds migrating before volcanic eruptions or earthquakes,” said Lierop,an animal specialist.”Wildlife,___8___ birds,seem to be able to pick up certain phenomenon,and escape from disasters.There have been no specific studies because you can’t really__9__ it in a lab or field setting,”he said.

Animals certainly rely __10__ the known senses such as smell or hearing to avoid danger,but you cannot exclude the possibility that they have a “sixth sense.”The Indian Ocean tsunami adds weight to this belief.

1.A.lost B.missed C.gave up D.let go

2.A.evidence B.power C.weight D.proof

3.A.killing B.have killed C.had killed D.killed

4.A.when B.that C.whether D.if to B.up to C.on to D.get to B.district C.area D.reserve

7.A.about B.of C.on D.with

8.A.specially B.except C.besides D.especially

9.A.experiment B.finish D.test B.on D.with

Passage 48

Animals? ?Sixth sense?

A huge tsunami (1)_______ in the Indian Ocean in December 2004. It killed over 220000 people in Asia and East Africa. But it (2)_______wild beasts and birds. This fact adds weight

(3)______ the belief that animals possess a “sixth sense” for disasters.

Sri Lankan wildlife officials said that the giant waves had killed over 30000 people. However, they had killed no wild animals. No dead animals (4)_________ in Sri Lanka’s (5)_______coast. “No elephants are dead. I think animals can sense disaster. They have a sixth sense. They know

(6)______things will happen,” H. D. Ratnayake, a Sri Lanka’s official,said.

The waves washed floodwaters (7)______to 2miles inland at Yala National Park in the southeast. The park is Sri Lanka’s biggest wildlife (8)_____and home to hundreds of wild elephants. “There has been a lot of evidence about dogs barking or birds migrating before volcanic eruptions or earhquakes,” said Lierop, an animal specialist. “Wildlife, especially birds, seem to be able to pick up certain phenomenon, and escape from disasters. There have been no specific studies because you can’t really test it in a lab or field setting,” he said.

Animals certainly rely on the (9)_______ senses such as smell or hearing to avoid danger, but you cannot exclude the possibility (10)______they have a “sixth sense.” The Indian Ocean tsunami adds weight to this belief.

1. A. is taken place B. was taken place C. took place D. takes place

2. A. lost B. killed C. missed D. released

3. A. on B. to C. for D. upon 4

4. A. have been found B. have found C. had been found D. have been found

5. A. damaged B. destroyed C. spoiled D. ruined

6. A. which B. where C. that D. when

7. A. forward B. up C. backward D. on

8. A. reserve B. habitat C. perch D. home

9. A. knowing B. unknown C. known D. unknowing

10.A.whether B. when C. that D. which passage 46. 完形填空:

High Blood Pressure

When blood travels around you body, it exerts pressure on the walls of the blood vessels. This pressure is called blood pressure.

In a healthy person, this pressure is just enough for the blood to reach all the cells of the

body. Blood pressure in millimeters of mercury. A typical normal blood pressure is

120/80mm Hg. The first number represents the pressure when the heart contracts while the second number represents the pressure when the heart relaxes.

Blood pressure greater than 140/90mm Hg is considered high. Generally, blood pressure will go at certain times, for example, when you smoke a cigarette or witness a car crash. It will return to normal the exciting event has passed. But when blood pressure is high all the time, it is a disease called high blood pressure, which can damage blood vessels and organs, the heart, eyes and brain.

It is estimated more than 50 million Americans have high blood pressure. high blood pressure can be extremely dangerous, it usually causes no symptoms. So, many people don’t even realize they have . High blood pressure can only be detected accurate and

repeated measurements of a person’s blood pressure. That’s one reason why it’s so important to have regular medical check ups. Now high blood pressure can be treated

and effectively. However only about of high blood pressure sufferers take the necessary steps to keep their blood pressure within a normal range.

( )1. A. measured B. is measured C. has measured

D. have been measured

( )2. A. to B. out C. in D. up

( )3. A. which B. when C. where D. when

( )4. A. included B. including C. has included

D. have included

( )5. A. that B. which C. if D. whether

( )6. A. Although B. However C. Even D. There fore

( )7. A. they B. them C. it D. its

( )8. A. to B. with C. in D. at

( )9. A. save B. safe C. safely D. safety

( )10. A. one-quarter B. a quarter C. quarter

D. one quarter


Passage 42

Now, the world just can’t live without oil. We use it at a rate of 67million barrels a day. We use oil to generate electricity, to power cars, to make plastics. Sooner or later, however, we ____1____use up the oil of the earth.

How soon? According to some scientists, maybe in ten years, maybe in B0 years. Can we use coal and natural gas instead of oil? Yes, but only temporarily. Coal and natural gas are also nonrenewable energy sources. When they’re gone, they’re gone for ever.

We, ____2_____, have two possibilities to choose __3_____. First possibility: We will live like cave people, wear animal skins and warm ourselves with wood fires. Second possibility: we ____4____ renewable power sources. What are renewable kinds of power sources? Here are some of them.

Solar Cells

Can the roof of our house generate electricity? It can if it is covered with solar cells, ___5____ can convert sunlight directly into electricity. There’s a problem, however, about the solar cells _____6_____ today: hey are inefficient. Using these solar cells, only 10 percent of the sunlight can be converted into electric energy. Now researchers are trying to develop better solar cells. They will convert 10 percent of sunlight or more ___7___ electricity.

Wind Power

The science behind wind power is ___8___. Wind revolves blades, which in turn, ___9___ an electric generator. Already, wind produces one percent of California’s electric power. Wind is a renewable energy source. Already, wind produces one percent of California’s electric power. According to some experts, in the future, wind-generated electricity will cover half the electricity ___10______ in North America.

1、A will B should C shall D may

2、A however B but C therefore D so

3、A by B of C from D. with

4、A reclaim B use C tap D open

5、A what B who C which D that

6、A to use B being used C use D using

7. A. in B. into C. for D. with

8、A simple B important C brief D helpful

9、A drives B drive C driving D has drived

10、A require B requiring C to require D required


High-tech Ambulance

Researchers are new technology for US Army ambulances. importantly, they will have virtual doctors inside them.

ambulances may not be able to communicate with doctors at hospitals. A patient may die in an ambulance because the paramedic has no way to get instructions from a remote doctor. said Jim Effinger, a paramedic.


The U.S. Army is funding the research. It hopes that high-tech ambulances will be used in the battlefield. It names them PREC-M

The PREC-M uses an international satellite communication , the PREC-M looks like any people can find the difference. On its top there will be several and GPS domes. It has several cameras inside and outside a standard ambulance. Aboard the PREC-M, a patient’s vital signs and other data are sent in real-time to the closest there, doctors can instruct paramedic in the field. They can also prepare an operation room. Operation can start immediately after the seriously injured at the center.

A single PREC-M costs about $250,000. The cost is more than three times the cost of an average ambulance.

1. Error detection

1) 2) “when we’ve got apatient. And we’ve really got to a doctor,”

3) 2. Cloze

1) A. inventing B. developing C. researching D. finding

2) A. much B. less C. more D. much more

3) A. Normal B. Regular C. Ordinary D. General

4) A. remote B. near C. local D. common

5) A. bridging B. for bridging C. to be bridged D. to bridge

6) A. In appearance B. At appearance C. For appearance D. On appearance

7) A. However B. Yet C. Still D. Nevertheless

8) A. satellites B. satellite C. planet D. planets

9) A. At B. From C. In D. Inside

10) A. arrive B. arriving C. arrived D. arrives

New Identifying Technologies

You often bring identity cards, work cards, driver licenses or bankcards with you. These can prove your identity. you forget to or lost them all? How can you prove your own identity? Don’t worry. New technologies have ways to you.

Your body itself has identifying markers.Your fingerprints,facial types,eye color and even voice are those markers. They won't change don’t need to keep them in your pocket. You will not forget to carry them along. You will never lost them. So, they are the best identifying markers.

Who can check these markers to identify you? A computer can. The computer has already all the data about your eyes, facial types, voice, body movement, and so on. First, the computer takes your picture with a camera. Or it listens to your voice and records it. Or it will ask you to walk and takes pictures. Then it reads the message the pictures or the recording. Next, the computer matches your information with the records already in it. Finally, It makes a decision. Its decision is very accurate,


is very accurate.

This identifying system has many other uses. For example, it can help the police to identify suspects. It is helpful to the police when they are working outside the office. The police can send a suspect’s pictures to the computer the spot thought a cell phone. They will get the computer's decision in a few minutes. Then, they will decide what action to take next.

(1) A.What if B.What will C.How if D.How will

(2) A.carry B.carry them along C.carry along them D.carry along

(3) A.identify B.identifies C.identified D.identifying

(4) B.along C. throughout D.on

(5) A.However B.Thought C.Yet D. Besides

(6) A.stored B.keep D.memory

(7) A.of C.from D.on

(8) A. which B.that C.those D.what

(9) A.almost B.particularly C.speaial D.especial

(10) B.on C.of

Obesity and Hunger

In U.S., obesity is the second-leading cause of death. Many people enjoy good food and

eat too much. In contrast, 33million Americans suffer hunger.

Esther Ramos, 30,has a job, but can hardly support her family. She waits in the line at the West Side Campaign Against Hunger food pantry in New York once a month. From the pantry, she gets three day’s__2____of meals for free. This is a for hungry poor. Ramos represents a number of the working poor. The U.S. hourly minimum wage is $5.15. This is a major to proper nutrition.

At the same time, of the population is either overweight or obese. Americans have taken the battle of obesity heart. Some 50 million of them will spend more than $30 billion on weight loss products this year. But only 5 percent will succeed in

keeping the weight . In image-conscious America, some try to eat less. But don’t have three square meals a day. They can only buy cheaper junk food. Fresh food is more expensive than junk food. So ___9___ fruit and vegetable.

The U.S. government announces the percentage of poor people in the total population. It is as high as 11.2 percent, or about 33 million. The government hopes to cut that percentage to 6 by 2010.

America is an interesting country. So many are obese and so many are hungry. In fact, 400,000 Americans die every year poor nutrition and obesity.

1. A. for B. of C. from D. through

2. A. worthy B. worth C. worthwhile D. worthily

3. A. present B. donation C. donating D. donator

4. A. grew B. growing C. increased D. reducing

5. A. two-thirds B. two-third C. two thirds D. two third

6. A. in B. into C. by D. to

7. A. away B. from C. off D. out

8. A. others B. other C. another D. other one

9. A. are B. is C. will be D. be


10.A. of B. from C. to D. for

P 36. The Magic of sound and sometimes it people. Our ears can withstand(经受住) sound within 20 to 80 (震耳欲聋的)noise.

We can do an experiment high sound can 弯曲) or break even an iron sheet and a guinea pig (豚鼠)will die if it stays in a 150-decibel room for several minutes.

The noise from a plane 140 decibels while the sound of a violin is at most a few decibels. Therefore,/(moreover) musical instruments can’t harm your health. If a person works in a high-decibel environment for a long time, his or her heart et alone his or her hearing. some sounds arewe humans cannot hear. Dolphins, whales and bats can produce ultrasonic waves(超声波的), which does no harm to our health. In nature there is one more kind of sound waves humans cannot hear either. These sound waves are called infrasonic waves(次声波的). When we move, the air will infrasonic waves. Are infrasonic waves harmful ? If its intensity is very low, it won’t damage a person’s health. If its intensity( 强度) exceeds 160 decibels, it is harmful. When wind blowsover the sea, it will produce infrasonic waves of several decibels. Only typhoons can produce infrasonic waves of over 100 decibels.

Health Problems in E-Time

The internet brings people information, knowledge and joy. If you are an internet lover, don’t the internet. It may damage your health if you work on it long hours every day. The following are its negative effects.

First, it may damage you’re your eyes. good your monitor is, whether it is low-radiant or LCD, your eyes will definitely feel uncomfortable after a day’s work on the Internet.

movements of your hands on the keyboard will make your fingers and arms ache.

Thirdly, it may damage your mouth. While working on the Internet, your mouth is the most . Even if you are “talking” with your friends, your mouth still stays idle.

Fourth, it may damage your stomach. You are glued to the computer the whole day. To save the long run.

I believe the Internet is now a part of your life, but you should have a balanced relationship with your computers and other high-tech product. Experts suggest that you rest for 5 or 10 minutes your legs and arms, bending to relax your muscles and look straight ahead to your eyes. If you are near-sighted, will become dry by the dust around computer, thus diet, you should eat food rich in protein and vitamins, such as eggs, fish and fresh fruit. These will immune 9


(1) A: on B: to C: of D: about

(2) A: Whatever B: No matter C: As D: however

(3) A: continuing B: durative C: constant D: lasting

(4) A: apparatus B: organ C: part D: portion

(5) A: in B: during C: through D: through

(6) A: extend B: extending C: stretch D: stretching

(7) A: that B: what C: thus D: which

(8) A: wrecking B: demolishing C: damaging D: crabbing

(9) A: So as B: As for C: Even for D: So for

(10) A: boost B: improve C: increase D: enhance

(1) If you are an internet lover, don’t forget the positive effects of the internet.

(2) The followings are its negative effects.,Even if you are “talking” with your friends, your

mouth still stays

Passage 50 Train Crash

A freight train struck a parked train near a small town in South Carolina in January 2005. The freight train carried chlorine gas.As a result of the crash, chlorine and a toxic cloud settled the small town. Eight people were killed and 240 others were injured.

All the deaths were caused by chlorine gas except one person. He was the engineer of the moving train. He died in the crash. Most of the were treated in hospital and discharged in critical conditions, needed urgent treatment.

The police ordered all 5,400 people within 1.6 kilometers of the crash to evacuate because chlorine . They were not sure when gas leak might be stopped.

The crash took place at 2:30 a.m. with sixteen cars The crash made the house nearby the small town. A resident named Douglas Brown was still awake。His house was only two streets away from the crash got up and drive to the site. According to him, a chemical fog lay over the crash site. He said,“It smells most terrible. It makes your tongue numb, your throat sore and your eyes dry.

1、A. leaked out B. leaked C. released D. spewed

2、A. above B. through C. over D. across

3、A. inhaling B. gasping in C. sniffing D. breathing

4、A. injured person B. injuring C.injuring person. D.injured

5、A.Nevertheless B.Although C.Accordingly D.Therefore

6、A.who were B.that were C.who had been D.having been

7、A.continued leaking B.was continuing leaked

C.continued to leak D.was continuing leaking

8、A.derailing B.derailed derail be derailed

9、 range B.afar C.nearby D.(a)round

10、 B.scene D.area



1. Good to the last drop.


2. Obey your thirst.


3. The new digital era.


4. We lead.Others copy.


5. Impossible made possible.



6. Take time to indulge.


7. The relentless pursuit of perfection.

不懈追求完美。 (凌志轿车)

8. Poetry in motion,dancing close to me.


9. Come to where the flavor is.Marlboro Country.


10.To me,the past is black and white,but the future is always color.



11. Just do it.


12. Ask for more.


13. The taste is great.


14. Feel the new space.


15. Intelligence everywhere.


16. The choice of a new generation. 新一代的选择。(百事可乐)

17. We integrate, you communicate.



18. Take TOSHIBA, take the world.


19. Let's make things better.


20. No business too small, no problem too big.

没有不做的小生意,没有解决不了的大问题。 (IBM公司)


1、 中国网 宽天下 (网通)

2、我能 (全球通)

3、要爽由自己 (可口可乐)

4、奥运年 频道年 (CCTV-5)

5、冠军风采 波导拍 (波导彩客)

6、我就喜欢 (麦当劳)

7、impossible is nothing (阿迪达斯)


8、饮料分男女 (他她饮料)

9、没错,我就是M-ZONE人 (动感地带)

10、谁用谁知道 (蚁力神)

11、穿什么就是什么 (森玛服饰)

12、世界心动时刻 (花冠)

13、既来之则乐之 (乐之饼干)

14、随需应变 (IBM)

15、药材好 药才好 (宛西制药)  

16、心致 行随 动静合一 (君威)

17、心有多大 舞台就有多大 (中央电视台)

18、有了厦华等离子 真想再活500年 (厦华电视)

19、趣味相投 N多快乐 (网易)

20、一切皆有可能 (李宁)  

21、百变,所以美丽 (百丽皮鞋)

22、想吃,就跟我来 (雅客糖果)

23、柒牌男人,就应该对自己狠一点 (柒牌)

24、静心送给妈,需要理由吗 (静心口服液)

25、厚道人做厚道酒 (春夏秋冬酒)

26、自然好味道 (蒙牛)


通用汽车公司 [英文] 戴姆勒-克莱斯勒公司 [英文]三井公司 [英文] 伊腾忠商社 [英文] 埃克森公司 [英文] 通用电气公司 [英文] 皇家荷兰壳牌集团 [英文] MARRUBENI公司 [英文] 国际商用机器公司 [英文] AXA公司 [英文]


沃尔-马特百货公司 [英文]三菱公司 [英文] 丰田汽车公司 [英文] 住友司 [英文] 花旗集团 [英文]

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国家农场保险公司 [英文] 汇丰控股有限公司 [英文] 西尔斯-罗巴克公司 [英文] 德国电讯公司 [英文]

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加福尔公司 [英文] SBC通讯公司 [英文] 维亚哥公司 [英文] UBS公司 [英文] 雪夫龙公司 [英文] 大都会寿险公司 [英文] 洛克希德马丁公司 [英文] 联合技术公司 [英文] NICHIMEN公司 [英文] GTE公司 [英文] 圣斯伯里公司 [英文] 联合包裹服务公司 [英文] 现代公司 [英文] 16

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沃尔特.迪斯尼公司 [英文] 隋福威公司 [英文]

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诺华制药公司 [英文] 爱立信公司 [英文]

埃尼尔公司 [英文] 德累斯登银行 [英文]

佳能公司 [英文] 里昂信贷公司 [英文]

西格纳公司 [英文] 英格雷姆麦克罗公司 [英文]

中国银行 [GB] 中国工商银行 [GB]

墨西哥石油公司 [英文] 国民威斯敏斯特银行 [英文]

KANSAI电力公司 [英文] 商业银行 [英文]

萨拉.李公司 [英文] 卡特彼勒公司 [英文]

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弟阿格公司 [英文] 埃特纳人寿与意外伤害保险公

司 [英文]

国际造纸公司 [英文] 富士银行 [英文]

旭互助寿险公司 [英文] PG&E 公司 [英文]

可口可乐公司 [英文] 纽约人寿保险公司 [英文]

拉勃银行 [英文] 西班牙电讯公司 [英文]

三星电子公司 [英文] AMR公司 [英文]

戴尔电脑 [英文] 三和银行 [英文]

伊里公司 [英文] 埃贡公司 [英文]

北方电讯 [英文] 道氏化学公司 [英文]

SNCF公司 [英文] 皮诺特-普林特普集团公司


联合保健公司 [英文] 斯坦德集团公司 [英文]

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约翰汉科共同寿险公司 [英文] 苏比维鲁公司 [英文]

诺威治联合公司 [英文] 哈利博顿 [英文]

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大伊智贯鱼银行 [英文] 电子数据系统 [英文]

阿歇丹尼尔斯.米德兰公司 [英

文] AMP公司 [英文]


NICHIMEN公司 [英文] 伊东-八鹿岛公司 [英文] 赫希斯特公司 [英文] USX公司 [英文] 蔡斯克鲁普公司 [英文] CNP保险公司 [英文] 阿尔卡特-阿尔斯通集团公司 [英文] 南方贝尔公司 [英文] 三菱重工公司 [英文] 百事公司 [英文] 巴克莱银行 [英文] 西日本铁路公司 [英文] 第一联合公司 [英文] 曼内斯曼公司 [英文] 住友银行 [英文] 普里伊萨格公司 [英文] 旭化学工业公司 [英文] 施乐公司 [英文] 莱曼兄弟控股公司 [英文] 圣戈班公司 [英文] 雷声公司 [英文] 东日本铁路公司 [英文] JUSCO公司 [英文] 旭化学工业公司 [英文] BCE公司 [英文] J P.摩根公司 [英文] 布里斯托尔-迈耶斯-施贵宝公司 [英文] 富来第马克公司 [英文] 阿贝国家公司 [英文] 金松公司 [英文] 德意志巴恩公司 [英文] 中分电力公司 [英文]

安田互助人寿保险公司 [英文] 瑞士再保险公司 [英文] 卡西诺集团公司 [英文] 德意志邮政公司 [英文] 创意系统公司 [英文] 马自达汽车公司 [英文] 阿尔卡公司 [英文] 阿尔伯特逊公司 [英文] 沃尔格林公司 [英文] 联邦百货商店公司 [英文] 拜里斯切国家银行 [英文] 拉格公司 [英文] 明尼苏达矿业与制造业公司

[英文] 巴西石油公司 [英文] 标准人寿保险公司 [英文] 帝国化学工业公司 [英文] 德州公用 [英文] CVS公司 [英文]

伯灵顿北桑塔佛公司 弗来明公司 [英文] 三星人寿保险公司 [英文] 日本烟草公司 [英文] 丹侬集团公司 [英文] 丽都公司 [英文] 大成公司 [英文] 三洋电气公司 [英文] 迪尔公司 [英文] 浦菲泽公司 [英文] 伯格.布鲁斯威克公司 [英文] 诺基亚 [英文]

柏林银行公司 [英文] 迈卡尔公司 [英文]

斯卡迪纳集团公司 [英文] 孝尔斯.迈耶公司 [英文] 加拿大皇家银行 [英文] 蒙特迪生公司 [英文] 埃默逊电器公司 [英文] 圣保罗IMI公司 [英文] 梅百货商店公司 [英文] 斯塔托尔公司 [英文] 乔治亚-太平洋公司 [英文] 伯克夏哈撒韦公司 [英文] 新闻公司 [英文] 中国化工进出口公司 [英文]日本捷运公司 [英文] 夏普公司 [英文]

伯特尔斯曼公司 [英文] 阿克佐诺贝尔公司 [英文] 华盛顿共同基金 [英文] 加拿大帝国商业银行 [英文]泛加输油管道 [英文] 弗劳尔公司 [英文]

固特异轮胎与橡胶公司 [英文] 伊斯特曼.柯达公司 [英文] 清水公司 [英文] 意大利联合信贷 [英文] 奥托邮购两合公司 [英文] 全国保险企业公司 [英文] KINGFISHER公司 [英文] 新闻公司 [英文]

拉加德里集团公司 [英文] 多伦多自治领银行 [英文] 法律通用保险公司 [英文] IBP公司 [英文]


巴西银行 [英文] 东京海事与火灾保险公司 [英文] 劳.加兹普罗姆公司 [英文] 豪尔法克斯建筑会社 [英文] 法国邮政公司 [英文] 微软 [英文] 比尔鲍.维兹卡亚银行 [英文] 德尔海兹“利莲”公司 [英文] 日本石油公司 [英文] 高岛野公司 [英文] 米切林公司 [英文] 曼公司 [英文] 登索公司 [英文] 温-迪克斯百货公司 [英文] 马克斯与斯宾塞公司 [英文] 丰田通笑公司 [英文] 美国家庭产品公司 [英文] 可口可乐 [英文] 斯密斯克林比凯姆公司 [英文] 葛阑素威康公司 [英文] 利比蒂互助人寿保险公司 [英文] 因特撒银行 [英文] 汉莎航空集团公司 [英文] 达那公司 [英文] 国立澳大利亚银行 [英文] 三井FUDOSAN公司 [英文] 太阳互助人寿保险公司 [英文] 公用联合公司 [英文] 阿拉斯通公司 [英文] 雅培制药公司 [英文] 麦克唐纳公司 [英文] 美国西部公司 [英文]

维亚康姆公司 [英文] 东方电力公司 [英文] DENTSU公司 [英文] 菲利浦石油公司 [英文] 安豪泽-布施公司 [英文] 英国邮政局公司 [英文] 电路城集团 [英文] 安田火灾与海事保险公司 [英文]

北方钢铁联合公司 [英文] 联合太平洋公司 [英文] 法国天然气公司 [英文] 惠而浦公司 [英文] 武中公司 [英文] 法国航空公司 [英文] 加拿大电力公司 [英文] 艾里莉丽公司 [英文] 旭玻璃公司 [英文] 大日本印刷公司 [英文] 埃德卡中心股份有限公司 [英文]

太阳公司 [英文] DDI公司 [英文] 王子造纸公司 [英文] 乐喜金星电子公司 [英文] 福顿公司 [英文] 中国石油公司 [GB] KAWASHO公司 [英文] 西北航空公司 [英文] 办公用品仓储商店 [英文] 德古萨公司 [英文]

诺斯罗普.格鲁曼公司 [英文]圣保罗考司 [英文] 理尔公司 [英文] 大宇宙商店 [英文]


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TOYOTA 丰田:车到山前必有路 有路必有丰田车

NISSAN 日产:古有千里马 今有日产车

shift fiture! 超越未来! 2002

AUDI 奥迪 :突破科技 启迪未来!

奔驰汽车 :匠心独运 扣人心弦

领导时代 驾驭未来!

BMW 宝马 :驾驶乐趣 创新极限

登峰造极 宝马当先!

新 7 系 :生活艺术 唯你独尊

新 3 系: 我的路 我做主! 2 与新生代同行!

FORD 福特” 举世福特尽精英! 2 世界 看我的! 3 一路领先! 嘉年华 1.8 :一路激情共精彩

CROWN 皇冠: 最辉煌选择!

CRAMY 佳美 :最佳美选择!

AVALON 亚洲龙 :惊世车坛杰作 实践丰田承诺!

LEXUS 凌志: 潇洒外形 豪迈个性!

现代 :与您共进现代路!

追求卓越 共创幸福!

elant 伊兰特: 流动的激情

SONATA 索纳塔 :1 你的品味你的车

2 衡量价值新典范!

2004 年广告语: 驾驭自由风!北京现代

jaguar 积架(美洲豹) :1优良血统 尊贵出众!

2 源自本能!

ROVER 路华: 君子风范 演绎内涵!

SAAB 绅宝 :自由自在自神彩! 2004 心自驰 与谁同! 前景了然于胸 一切尽在掌控!


澎湃动力 御驾独尊!

ISUZU 五十铃 :信心就是五十铃!

江铃汽车 :好车共享 实惠百姓

三星汽车 :无限动力 飞越纪元

江铃汽车 :千里江铃一日还!

金杯汽车 相伴一路 成功一生 2 值得信赖 !

金龙客车 科技创新 服务感心

YUTONG 宇通客车 领先科技 纵横无间


庆铃汽车 与新时代物流共进!

吉利汽车 沟通于心 服务于行 (服务理念) 2 见证成就第一步! 红旗 风云共舞 天地同行!

一汽大众 汽车价值的典范

欧美佳 平稳征服人生曲折

OPEL 欧宝 德国科技 轻松拥有

中华轿车 超越期望 超越自我! 2 明志 致远 中华轿车

PASSAT 帕萨特 成就明天! 2001 天地共造化!

REGAL 君威 胸罗万象 波澜不惊! 2 比你更关心你!

2003 心致 行随 动静合一

2004 在动静中容智慧 于无声处见君威!

BUICK 别克 心静 思远 志在千里 2 顺畅 豁达 放怀天下! EXCELLAN 凯越 全情全力 志在进取!

ACCORD 雅阁 激活新力量! 2 起步与世界同步!



①If you want just condition of warm in your room, please control yourself .


②Please don't feed the animals. If you have any food, please give it to the guard on duty.


③Ladies are requested not to have children in the bar.


④Fur coats made for ladies from their skins.


⑤Teeth extracted by the latest Methodists.


⑥Drop your trousers here for best results.


⑦Specialist in women and other diseases.


⑧Welcome to the cemetery where famous Russian artists are buried daily except Thursday.

俄国公墓:欢迎访问这个公墓,许多著名的俄国艺术家每天埋在这里,但星期四不埋 。


⑩The manager has personally passed all water served here.




















下,在灵感一来的时候,在茅塞顿开的时候,在下笔如有神的时候,就通了。 以下是摘自《全球最新广告语精萃》的精彩广告语:




现在的房产广告都不很实在,都是些情感抒发!经典是常出现的用语。 尊重人,造成之本(北京世纪城)




















其他的网站只是贴出你的简历。我们把它交到合适的雇主手里。(美国·南亚 Thingamajab.com职业介绍网站)




