

杨:Dear ladies and gentlemen 。Distinguished guests ,and honorable judges。Welcome to Chemical department English Talent Competition。good evening ,


杨:This conpetition enjoys a wide-spread participation among our school.And today,our teams are from Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Academy,Foreign Languages Academy and Architecture and Civil Engineering Academy. 李; 今天晚上我们的比赛可谓是高手云集,群雄争霸,来自化学化工学院,土木与工程学院,外国语学院的7支参赛队将在这个舞台上展现他们独特的英语魅力。

杨:There are so many students to participate。I believe that this competition can be very exciting,I can't wait to see their excellent performance.



1. 语音语调(20分)


2. 内容主题(20分)


3. 表演力(20分)


4. 观众反响(20分)


5. 亲友团(20分)






李:来自外语院的同学,给我们带来《歌曲串烧》,有请。 互动,游戏

杨: 葛朗台称雄一世。积累了万贯家产,到最后一分钱也没有带进坟墓,除了一种虚幻的满足感,可谓是一无所获,这是巴尔扎克笔下的葛朗台,那么今晚土建院的同学也给我们带来了改编后的《欧也妮〃葛朗台》,他们会给我讲述一个什么样的故事呢?下面就有请第五支参赛队,土木工程与建筑学院的同学带来的话剧表演《欧也妮〃葛朗台》,有请 李:大学里,接触最多的就是一个寝室的同学了,虽然来自五湖四海。虽然说着不同的方言,但是一年多的朝夕相处,让我们的心连在一起。下面是来自化工院10级化工专业的六位女生给我们带来的《rhythm of life 》,让我们一起来感受他们寝室的快乐与感动,


嘉宾表演:由化工院英语协会的会长张乐,副会长李庭为大家带来歌曲《someone like you 》,同时在大屏幕上会为大家展示化工院英语协会。






杨:now it comes to the end of today’s competition 。It‘s so difficult for us to say goodbye 。


杨;See you





尊敬的各位领导,各位嘉宾,亲爱的同学们,大家晚上好! Good evening ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to the the 7th Marine Engineering English Talent Show.


I’m Robert from the school of foreign languages.

N: I’m Natalie, also from the school of foreign languages. Well, Robert, you see I feel it’s really my great honor to host this year’s competition.


At this very moment, everyone is enjoying the flourishing scenes of prosperity, and now we warmly welcome the coming of the final competition. of 7th Marine Engineering English Talent Show.

As we know ,this competition is hosted by marine engineering Youth League Committee and organized by the marine engineering association. And the theme of this competition are Build A Strong Country On Ocean

and My Dream of China in accordance with the The eighteenth National Congress of the CPC.

Through this event,we students can Cultivate love for our motherland, and ocean,To show our excellent level of English,and further develope our language skill.


Now It’s my great honor to introduce today's distinguished leaders and guests.

他们是来自轮机工程学院团委的李凯书记,来自xx学院的XX老师 还有我们本次大赛的评委老师,

Then here are our judges for this competition

他们是来自外国语学院的潘琪老师,来自外国语学院的李晓明老师,来自来自外国语学院的martin老师,来自外国语学院的外教ross 老师,

Welcome MS Panqi,welcome MS Li xiaoming,welcome Mr Martin,and Welcome Mr Ross,thank all of you for coming!


Please extend our warmest welcome to them!


In today's Final, there are 8 excellent contestants who are the winners of the preliminaries ,and there is no doubt that In the next game, we will enjoy them even more brilliant show, so let us wait and see!


Here are some rules for the competition,There are altogether 3 parts for today’s final competition. They are MY SPEECH., Talent show,and words guess .we will have a rank according to the total score of the players when all parts are finished. So Let’s start the first part:MY SPEECH. And please welcome contestant No. 1.xxx. His topic is


Now the judges can ask him/her some question.

Thanks for the great performance of contestant No.X

Now let’s welcome contestant No.X ,his/her topic is


I believe that they 8 contestants did left an deep impression on us just now.Now let’s start our second part, talent show! what kinds of fantastic performance can they bring us? Let’s have a look!

Now,let’s welcome our contestant No.X! Please give a warm to contestant No xx,he will sing a song called XXX) /he will give us a special song named

/he will play a drama named /called

/Next,let’s listen some soft music,a solo from XXX

Thanks for contestant No X ‘s performance.

/Beautiful songs are always coming after another.Next,let’s enjoy a song medley given by contestant No X.


They are all easy questions. If you know the answer, please raise your hands as soon as possible and answer it in English.

The first question is

1.Who is the author of the Drama Hamlet?

------William Shakespeare

2.In the mid-1950s, Rock and Roll music began to be popular. It’s still popular today. Among all of the contemporary Rock and Roll singers, who is known as ”King of the Pop”

A. Bob Dylan B.John Denver C. Michael Jackson D. Backstreet Boys

3.In Halloween on October 31st, which game is played by children to ask for something to eat or play with?

------Trick or treat

4.What is the largest ocean in the world?

------the Pacific ocean

5 Two fathers and two sons went to fishing. Everyone got one fish, but only three in the basket. Why?

------There are only three persons, grandpa, father and son.


After two rounds , let’s take a look at the scores our contestants have got. Contestant No.1 has got .. points! Contestant No.2 has got .. points! Great job! (Excellent! You’ve really done a nice job! Wonderful! Marvelous!bravo!...) Let’s see contestant No.3


Now let’s start our last part, words guessing! what kinds of fantastic performance can they bring us? Let’s have a look !

Now,let’s welcome our contestant No.X and his /her partner! Please give a warm to contestant No xx and his/her partner!


The last round of our competition has come to an end and we are

accounting their final scores.Now,please welcome our eight contestants to the stage and share with us how they feel about the game.




下面进行最后一项,请 主持人XXXX 来宣布八位选手的最终排名。 优秀奖。。。(得分)有请某某老师为其颁奖








R: Yes. Now I formally announce: the outstanding prize goes to……and .....

N: Congratulations! Let’s welcome……to give the prizes.

R: Yes. Now I formally announce: the third prize goes to……and .... N: Congratulations! Let’s welcome……to give the prizes.

R: The second prize goes to……and ......

N: Congratulations! Let’s welcome……to give the prizes.

R: Now here comes to the most exciting moment. The first prize goes to……

N: Congratulations! Let’s welcome……to give the first prize.




Ladies and gentlemen, the 7th marine engineering english talent show is accomplished!

Thank you all for coming, and we’ll look forward to seeing you next year! bye !