

Q: Good evening honorable judges, guests, and dear audience. Welcome to the Final competition of the fifth English Department “Drama Contest” today. I’m today’s hostess, my name is XXX.!

F:I’m XXX.It’s our great honor to be here! Well, we have succeeded in inviting so many excellent judges and guests who are experts in their own fields of specialization.

Q: And now, let’s meet our honorable judges and guests today: (写出评委的名字)

F:I’m glad to see you all, a lot of you all came a long way to take part in the competition. I really appreciate it. Thank you for being here!

Q: In today’s show, there are ( 数量)groups that come from different classes of our college. But they have the same aim——that is to practice English. F:I hope we can exchange experiences of how to learn English better, These experiences will be very useful for the students in our college, so I hope we will all make good use of this chance.

Q: Dear audience, now I declare that the final competition of the fifth English Department “Drama Contest“ start.

F:Now, Let’s warmly welcome the first grope from XXX, their performance is called《XXX》.

Q: Group No.2 from XXX,XXX, please get ready.


F:The first group have finished their drama, and now let’s enjoy 《 XXX 》from XXX.

Q: And group 3 from XXX,please get ready.

F: Ok, thanks for their wonderful performance!

F: Now, group 3 have finished their drama, next let’s enjoy a dance. Let’s warmly welcome the dance.

Q: Thank you for their terrific dance!!! Now let’s welcome group 4 ——《XXX》from XXX.

F: Group 5 please get ready.

Q: Thanks for their nice drama. Everybody, I want to ask you a question, do you like XXX? I like it, too. Now Let’s welcome《XXX》form XXX . Welcome! F: Thanks for their wonderful performance. We are really appreciate it, now, It’s time for the last group, group 6 to give their performance to us, 《XXX》from XXX.

Q: Thank you! All the groups have finished their interesting dramas, now the most exciting moment is coming. It’s time to give awards.

F: First,I would like to announce the third winner groups are XXX, their score as follow: XX分 ; XX分 ;XX分.

Q:是的,现在宣布获得三等奖的班级是XXX,他们的成绩依次如下:XX分 ; XX分 ;XX分.

F: Now, Let’s welcome the third winners to come onto the stage.And warmly welcome our guest to give awards. 现在有请获得三等奖班级派代表上台领奖。 Q: Next, Let me announce the second winners are XXX, their score as follow: XX分 ; XX分 ;XX分.

F: 获得三等奖的班级是XXX,他们的成绩依次如下:XX分 ; XX分 ;XX分.

Q: 有请获得三等奖班级派代表上台领奖, 并且有请XXX为他们颁奖! F: Ladies and gentlemen, can you feel the most exciting moment? Right now, what I’m going to announce is the first winner: XXX, their score is:XXX,现在宣布获得冠军奖项的是XXX.

Q: Let’s bring the first winner onto the stage with a warm applause. Welcome our XXX to give a award to our winner.

F: Congratulations to all the groups. Now our curtain of the drama contest is falling.

Q: And now let’s welcome XXX to give an ending speech of tonight’s competition. Let’s warmly welcome.

F: Thank you. Thank you for your ending speech.

Q: Toady we receive applause, receive happiness and good wishes. F: Today our contestants showed us their love and interest for English. Q: Thank you all for coming, we’ll look forward to seeing you next year and next contest.

F: The fifth English Department “Drama Contest” say good bye to everyone!













(乙)当帷幕落下的时候,你会留恋他与你的相爱,只因为它是无价 (合)黄石三中高二六班话剧比赛现在开始

(乙) 中华大地,黑夜沉沉,风雨如海;沉睡的雄狮,铁链缠身,蒙受羞辱。封建礼教,一次又一次地侵蚀中华儿女的心灵。在那样黑暗的社会下,人们过的是怎么样的生活呢?下面请欣赏由张晓雪、朱敏等同学带来的话剧《雷雨》 (甲) 21世纪的今天,战争的硝烟早已散去,烈士的鲜血已经拂上了时间的薄纱。他们那高贵的品质我们铭记。他们运用智慧保卫自己的国家,捍卫自己的主权。下面请欣赏历史剧《 廉颇蔺相如列传 》

(乙)在数千年的沧桑历史中,有一个人凭借他个人的才能保护一个无价之宝,捍卫了其国家的尊严。而他正是蔺相如。而今天,乙炔可爱的小青年用独特的方式演绎这传颂千年的智慧,你,hold不hold的住下面请欣赏《 疯狂的和氏璧》





(乙)今天,我们在这里高歌是为那些火热燃烧的青春,今天去歌唱去颂扬 (甲)让我们在告别与缅怀之间承前启后,继往开来,








1、 由于11月25日—11月27日是高三联考,11月27日上午高一高二








2、 3、

黄石三中德体卫艺处 2011-11-21




黄石市教育局 2011-11-20
