
Good afternoon, everyone. Welcome to our school. 亲爱的家长们,下午好!欢迎来到美丽的天妃小学。

From Dec. the 21st to the 31st, we held the 8th English Festival of our school. 20xx年12月21日至31日,我校举办了第八届校园英语节。

As we know, English is more and more important in our life now. 众所周知,现在英语在我们的学习和生活中显得越来越重要了。

During the 11 days, we had many interesting English competitions from Grade 3 to Grade 6. 在这为期11天的英语节中,全校三至六年级都开展了丰富多彩的活动。

Now we are going to enjoy many wonderful shows. 下面,就由各个年级的一等奖获得班级为我们带来精彩演出。

First, let’s welcome Class 1 Grade 3. They are going to sing songs How are you? and ABC song. 首先有请三(1)班大合唱:How are you? 和 ABC song。

Thanks to Class 1 Grade 3. Now let’s listen to the story the lion and the mouse, from Class 2 Grade 5. 感谢三(1)班同学的美妙歌声,下面请听五(2)班同学带来的故事配音:狮子和老鼠。

Thanks for the funny story. It’s Grade 6’s turn now. Their story is about how water cycles. Welcome the dubbing show Little water drop. 五(2)班的故事很有意思,接下来该轮到六年级了,他们要给我们讲讲水是怎么循环的,请听配音表演:小水滴的故事。

Thank you very much! English songs are very lovely. Lu Lingyi from Class 1 Grade 6 will sing the song Proud of you for us. 听了两个英语故事,下面有请六(1)班陆凌怡同学为我们带来动听的英语歌曲:Proud of you,为你而骄傲!

We are proud of you. That’s so nice. Thank you, Lu Lingyi. Now let’s listen to the story the fox and the goat from Class 4 Grade 5. 唱得真好听,我们也为你而骄

傲。下面请听五(4)班的故事配音:the fox and the goat狐狸和山羊。

Thank you, guys. At last, welcome Class 5 Grade 4, they are going to sing songs What would you like? And Friends. 感谢五(4)班同学,最后请听四(5)班为我们带来合唱:What would you like? 和 Friends。

Thank you for your coming and listening. 感谢您的到来和聆听。

English is very important and it brings us a lot of fun. 在小学阶段,英语是一门非常重要的学科,同时它也给我们带来了很多的乐趣。

To learn English well, your kids need your help, too. 要学好英语,您的孩子需要您的关心和鼓励。

Wish your kids learn English well in the future. 预祝您的孩子将来能轻松快乐地学好英语。

Wish you have a good day and happy every day. 也祝大家快乐每一天。 Thank you! Bye.







E2:Warmly welcome to the 2009 Initiation Party organized by College of Foreign Studies Liaoning University.

中一:欢迎大家来到20xx年辽宁大学外国语学院迎新晚会的现场。我是09级主持人?? 中二:我是09级主持人??

E1:我是 级主持人

E2:我是 级主持人。


E1:Let’s warmly welcome again––the presence of the honorable leaders and the distinguished teachers!





E2: Yes, everybody should have a dream. For the dream, we experienced the “Ten years of sweat and swot”. For the dream, we resisted many temptations in this colorful world and we stuck to it. And for the dream, we came here––the campus of Liaoning University, to learn to obtain the academic and also cultural spirit of this Palace.

中一:今晚鲜花簇拥,群星璀璨,歌舞以庆,欢迎来自五洲四海,祖国八方的莘莘学子。 中二:闪光的校训,朗照的明灯,让我们秉承这份光荣的前行:“明德精学,笃行至强”。 E1: Under the leading of this concise and pithy school motto we are sparing no effort to strengthen ourselves not only with the power of knowledge, but also with the charm of moral character. We believe, with our efforts, our dreams will finally come true. And this shining campus is the place where we can fly our dreams.



E2: We are the new generation living in a high civilized and fast developing century, in a thriving and firmly united country, and in a stable and harmoniously-building society. We should feel lucky and grateful for that.


E1: Here, we will closely sense the developing pace of the era; we will meet the distinguished teachers who will strongly influence us in our whole life. Here, is the place where mind revolution will happen to us. Youth is an ever-lasting theme. For all of us young, the four years in the university will be one of the most important periods in our life.






E2: In these four years we will all act a very critical role in leading the youth culture. We represent the most passionate group; we have the freshest ideas. We grow; we are also learning to bear the burden on our shoulder that the era gives us.


中二:嘹亮的号角在耳边回响,求学的钟声已经敲响。青春!让我们朝着梦想的方向飞翔。 E1:Tonight, right here, we are going to burn the night with your youth, your passion, your vitality, your talent, your song and dance, your joy and your laugh!!


E2: Ladies and gentlemen, now is the show time! Let’s get it started!






E1: Tonight is the end of the past, what we need to remember is the happiness that we share together.

E2: Tonight is the beginning of a new day, what we need to prepare is to embrace the new day with our passion.






E1: The winter season is stretching her arms to embrace us into a refreshing and silver world, and we are holding the best wishes to welcome the coming new days.




E2: I wish all of you happiness during the winter season and throughout the coming New Year. 中一:朋友们,辽宁大学外国语学院09年迎新晚会到这里就全部结束了,再次感谢各位的到来。让我们记住这共度美好时刻。

E1: Ladies and gentlemen, our party is coming to the end. Thanks again for your coming. E2: My dear friends, good bye! (一起道别)