


陆; 今天我们比赛的各位选手可算是各班级中优中选优的强手,我们来自城轨专业四个班的共12组选手将在这里展现他们独特的个人风貌。







岳;See you






主持人:窦仁捷 洪梦颖

(洪)Dear friends, this competition is beginning, please switch off your cell phones or set into mute mode, thanks for your cooperation.

(窦)Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the first English Charm Personal Style Display Competition of our college. We are honored to host this year’s competition, my name is Dou Renjie.

(洪)I’m today’s hostess Hong Mengying.

(窦)On the passionate and youthful stage, we show our life heartily.

(洪)Tonight, let’s use our wisdom, speak English and make dreams come true.







(窦)Tonight, we will have 11 contestants bring us various forms of performance like talk show and topic speech will be showed later,and each performance will be limited in 5 minutes. (洪)今晚将有8组选手表演不同的节目,例如脱口秀、主题演讲,每组限定时间为5分钟。

Tonight, we will have 1 contestant for the first prize, 3 for the second prize and 7 for the third prize.

(洪)今晚我们将产生一等奖一名,二等奖三名,三等奖七名We all look forward to your wisdom, confidence and brilliant performance and wish you all good luck.

(窦)Ok, please welcome our first contestant来自药物分析班的焦晶晶,为我们带来表演电影配音

1、 焦晶晶 电影配音(卑鄙的我)

(洪)I know you like English songs very much, right?

(窦)For sure.

(洪)Then, how about listen to a song later?

(窦) Ok, let’s welcome zhonyixinghe.有请钟意欣禾同学为我

们带来歌曲演绎《the day you went away》

2、钟意欣和 歌曲演绎《the day you went away》


(窦)Hey, what’s the matter with you? We are hosting.

(洪)Oh oh, sorry. You know, I just want to have a show.

(窦)Really?Now I will make your dream comes true.有请3号

选手来自13药分班的蒋艳带来talk show

3、蒋燕 脱口秀(Chinglish)

(洪)Wow, how nice the show is!

(窦)Indeed, I’d like to get one, too.

(洪)Really? The problem is I will give you a speech right now.

(窦)下面让我们有请4号徐永光带来主题演讲we are the

world, we are the future

4、 徐永青 主题演讲(we are the world, we are the future)

(窦)ah, mengying, what’s your altitude about time?

(洪)Time? I think we young men have a lot of time.

(窦)Ok, here comes the PPT about time,让我们欢迎来自药剂一班的郑晓倩为我们带来PPT展示

5、 郑晓倩 PPT(time)

(洪) Thanks for your PPT show. Well, renjie, do you think that the things shall never die?

(窦)What? Never die? It’s unbelievable.

(洪)haha, I will show you what means unbelievable.让我们有请6号选手吴艳给我们带来诗歌朗诵the things shall never die

6、 吴艳 诗歌朗诵(the things shall never die) (窦)Let’s enjoy a movie dubbed by Cheng jiaqiang,ok? (洪)It couldn’t be better. I can’t wait now.

(窦)OK!现在掌声有请7号选手为我们带来电影配音now you see me

7、 程家强 电影配音(now you see me)

(洪)You know A Bite of China is loved by everyone. Because the foods are delicious and tasting.

(窦)Yeah , I agree. So,tonight,a girl will bring us a talk show the taste in the tongue让我们有请范巧云给我们带来脱口秀the taste in the tongue

8、 范巧云 脱口秀(the taste in the tongue) (洪)Well, do you think the world is big?

(洪)Oh ,no no. The feeling the world given me is it is very


(窦)well, anyway, let’s listen to a different opinion.

让我们有请9号选手王颖为我们带来一首优美的歌曲big big world

9、 王颖 歌曲演绎(big big world)

(窦)Do you know the World War?

(洪)Of course! There are two happened in the history.

(窦)Yeah ,but tonight I will show you the Third World War.让我们有请10号选手聂湘江为我们带来PPT show smartphone

10、 聂湘江 PPT(smartphone)

(洪)Everyone has its fear.

(窦)Right. But not every person can speak it out.

(洪)Yeah, it needs courage and confidence.所以,让我们掌声有请最后一位选手陶然为我们带来主题演讲me and my fear

11、 陶然 主题演讲(me and my fear)

(洪)Next our judges will make some comments on the 11 contestants’ performances.让我们有请***老师为选手点评 Thanks for your perfect comments.

(窦)After our judge’s discussion, the most exciting moment is

coming, let me announce the constants who get the prize 获得优秀奖的选手是





(洪)The stage extends as far as the heart goes. the further the dreams, the farther we can go. We hope more students could dare to display themselves through this competition. And our college could be full of confidence.

(窦)Till now, our competition has come to an end. Once again thank you for your coming, see you in next year’s competition. (合)See you, bye-bye
