

1,A:Ladies and gentlemen ,attention please!

2.A+B:Wellcome to our English coner this afternoon!

3,B:Good afternoon,boys and girls. welcome to our English Corner . It's my great honour to be one of the hosts this afternoon. .My name's XX.And standing here beside me is my partner,XXX.

4,A: :Thank you ,XX. Good afternoon,ladies and gentlemen.I'm honoured to host English Corner this afternoon .This is the first time I've ever been a host since I came to this university. I hope all of you will have a nice time here. 5,B:To start with,we would like to briefly introduce the whole process of today’s activities. The first part is learning English from listening to music,we will learn some useful words in English.the next one is our porformance.and the last one is our games part.

6,A:Meanwhile, we will play some games including ( make a guess , English words and Stick person)Anyone who win the game will have a gift. Now,we will begin our activity.

B:OK,everybody. Let’s get into the first part of our activity. I think most of us like listening to music.We can not only relax ourselves but also learn some useful things.

A:Next we will listen to an English song called Love the way you lie and after listening we will learn some words

7,A:Next we will have some performance brought by all of you.Let’s welcome the first group.Now It's our show time!we hope all of you can enjoy youself! ①The fisrt performance is a song brought by 403:Auld long syne Let’s welcome

②The song is really wonderful!Next we will appreciate an English poem called when we are yong

8,B:The poem is really impressive.Now,boys and girls ,we will come to an exciting moment.

A:well ,you are right.we will find a lucky man, who will be the lucky man now,Let’s my partner take a paper from the box

B:After it,we will hear a song Drenched~曲婉婷 welcome!

9let’s play a game.Let’s welcome my partner ** to make an exemple.welcome B: the next game is right here waiting for us.有请***帮我们介绍一下第一个游戏的具体玩法 next game is …

10.After the game we will continue our performance


男生:英文歌Me and you

11A: Then let’s have a break and play a game, we call it(make a guess)Be active!

12.The final performance is a song The day you went away .Welcome!

15,A:ladies and gentlemen,the English Corner will come to the end .I'm certain that we have got a nice time here.We hope all of you have learn something here.

B:It's our great honour to share this afternoon with all of you.Thank you for coming.Thank you for joining us.See you !

A:See you!




经典是一个永远不会过时的话题,那一幕幕经典成了我们儿时最温馨的回忆。今天我们将走进我们的记忆深处,让我们在接下来的活动中一起探寻昨日的足迹,体验经典曾带给我们的温存。 第一项:下面我们进行本次活动的第一个节目—你放我猜,节目开始后,我们会取的几段经典电影的片段,先由观众猜出电影的名称,随后邀请两组搭档,一组为外教和观众,另一组为两位观众,两组一起模仿其中的经典片段对白,并配以适当的动作,由现场观众评判哪一组模仿的像,输的一组需挤破一定数量的气球

谢谢两组搭档带给我们的经典演出,当然我们也准备了一些奖品要送给他们。我们再次用热烈的掌声谢谢他们 2.第二项:下面我们进入本次活动的第二个节目—“我爱记歌词”首先现场抽取6位同学,分为三组,每组唱一首歌,先由一个人唱到经典处,随后另一个人在无歌词的情况下唱出接下来的部分。输的一组将接受惩罚(跳江南style) 美好的时光总是过的很快,谢谢6位同学带给我们的精彩演唱,同样我们也为他们准备了一份精美礼品。谢谢他们。 3.第三项:下面带给大家的是一个游戏— 抢椅子:我们将现场邀请6位观众,摆放好5张椅子,游戏开始后会播放很high的音乐,让6位观众伴着音乐围着椅子转,音乐骤停时抢坐椅子,未坐到者淘汰,随后继续游戏,最后两个人抢坐椅子,抢到者获胜。而参与游戏者同样会收到来自学习部的奖品一份


今天的“昨日重现”只是我们记忆的一个缩影,相信大家心里一定有很多的温存回忆想和大家一起分享。那我们进入本次活动的最后项Free talk环节:大家围绕昨日重现的主题,纷纷讨论自己以前值得回忆和怀念的故事,跟大家分享。
