



















现职务:统领形象<美><妆>培训师总监:小 强


身 高: 172 cm 婚姻状况: 单身

体 重: 55KG 现居城市: 北京

户 籍: 吉林省长春市 性 别: 男

民 族: 汉族

l政治面貌: 团员




?曾接受过 中国营销实战训练











第二篇:Seven Habits

Seven Habits[七个习惯] (Stephen Covey)

20xx年03月05日 星期四 09:36

Leadership and Management. Explanation of Seven Habits of Stephen Covey. ('89) 领导力与管理。 Stephen Covey的Seven Habits[七个习惯]解析。(‘89) - 中文

The Seven Habits model of management and leadership guru Stephen Covey is a theory that is applicable to our personal life, our social life and our working life. However the Seven Habits framework is highly applicable for leaders and managers. According to Covey, our paradigms affect how we interact with others, which in turn affects how they interact with us. Therefore Covey argues that any effective self-help program must begin with an "inside-out" approach, rather than looking towards our problems as "being out there" (an outside-in approach). We must start with examining our own character, paradigms, and motives.

由管理大师Stephen Covey 提出的的七个习惯是一项可以广泛应用于个人生活、社会生活以及职业生活的实用理论。 尽管如此,七个习惯理论还是更多地为领导者和管理人员所运用。 根据Covey,我们的行为范式影响着我们与人交往,最后,又反作用影响着别人与我们的交往。 因此,Covey认为,任何有效的帮助我们提高的方法都应该是“自内而外”的,而那些把问题归咎为外界环境的“自外而内”法是不可行的。 改变和提高,必须从检阅自身的性格特征、行为习惯以及心智动机开始。



1. Be proactive. This is the ability to control one's environment, rather than the opposite, as is so often the case. Managers need to control their own environment, by using self-determination and the ability to respond to various circumstances.

1. 积极主动。 这是一种控制环境的能力,而不是让环境来控制我们。 管理人员需要运用自我决断的能力以及对不同环境的应变能力来有效控制自己所处的环境。

2. Begin with the end in mind. This means that the manager must be able to see the desired outcome, and to concentrate on activities which help to achieve that end.

2. 以终为始。 管理人员必须能够预见期望的结果,然后再集中精力于那些帮助实现结果的要务上。

3. Put first things first. A manager must manage his own person. Personally. And managers should implement activities which aim to achieve the second habit. Covey says that habit

2. is the first, or mental creation; habit 3 is the second, or physical creation.

3. 要事第一。 管理人员必须要能够管理自己, 也即自我管理。 管理人员所做的事情,都要能够围绕第二个习惯。 Covey认为,以终为始是第一位的,是心智创造的过程。 要事第一是第二位的,是实际创造的过程。

4. Think win-win. This is the most important aspect of interpersonal leadership, because most achievements are based on shared effort. Therefore the aim needs to be win-win solutions for all.

4. 双赢思维。 这是人际关系领导力的最重要方面,因为大多数的成果都是建立在双赢基础上的。 因此,管理人员在实践中需要寻求能够实现双赢的办法。

5. Seek first to understand and then to be understood. By developing and maintaining positive relationships through good communications, the manager is understood by others, and he can understand the subordinates.

5. 知彼解己。 管理人员要通过有效的沟通,建立积极的人际关系,理解同仁和下属,自己也


6. Synergize. This is the habit of creative cooperation: the principle that

collaborating towards attaining a purpose often achieves more, than could be achieved by individuals working independently.

6. 统合综效。 这一条是创造性合作习惯, 合作努力往往要比单枪匹马获得更多。

7. Sharpen the saw. We should learn from our previous experiences. And we should encourage others to do the same. Covey sees development as one of the most important aspects for being able to cope with challenges, and for aspiring towards higher levels of ability.

7. 不断更新。 我们要向过去的经验学习, 同时要鼓励其他人也这么去做。 Covey视过往经历为我们应对挑战、发展更高能力的一项最重要的资源。

In his 2004 book: "The 8th Habit: From Effectiveness to Greatness", Covey introduces an additional eighth habit:

20xx年, Covey出版了新书 《第八个习惯:从高效到卓越》 (The 8th Habit:From Effectiveness to Greatness),又引入了第八个习惯:

8. Find your voice and inspire others to find theirs. Striving towards "greatness", means to act with integrity as an individual and to help others to do the same. According to Covey, this habit represents the 3rd dimension of his model. Greatness is the overlap of:

8. 找到你自己的心声,并激励他人去寻找他们的心声。 向“卓越”的目标努力,意味着你不再仅仅着眼于自己做一个高效能人士,而是要整合所有的个体,帮助别人共同实现卓越目标。 根据Covey,这一习惯代表着他的习惯模型的第三维度。“卓越”意味着三个维度的交叠:

Personal greatness. Applying? the 7 habits in the forms of: vision, discipline, passion and conscience.

? 个人卓越。 通过如下种种个体形式来应用七个习惯: 愿景、纪律、激情和良知,等等。 Leadership greatness. Applying? the 4 roles of leadership, which are modeling the 7 habits:

? 领导卓越。 运用七个习惯塑造领导力,并贯彻于如下四种领导角色中:

Path finding. Creating the? blueprint.

? 道路开拓者。 构建宏伟组织蓝图。

Aligning. Creating a? technically elegant system of work.

? 力量联合者。 开发高效组织系统。

Empowering. Releasing the? talent, energy, and contribution of people.

? 授权者。 充分发挥聪明才干之士的作用。

Modeling. To build trust with? others. The heart of effective leadership. ? 建模者。 构建组织内人与人之间的信任。 高效领导力的核心所在。

Organizational greatness. This? is greatness turned into a vision, mission and values. This brings clarity, commitment, translation, synergy, and enables accountability. ? 组织卓越。 将卓越的目标贯彻到组织愿景、使命和价值中去, 为组织带来清晰前景、明确任务、忠诚员工、协同效应,并在组织内产生一种责任感和使命感。

Book: Stephen Covey: Seven Habits of Highly Effective People -

参考书: Stephen Covey: Seven Habits of Highly Effective People [中译本《高效能人士的七个习惯》,中国青年出版社,2004] -

Book: Stephen Covey: The 8th Habit: From Effectiveness to Greatness –

参考书: Stephen Covey: The 8th Habit: From Effectiveness to Greatness [中译本《高效能人士的第八个习惯》,中国青年出版社,2005]