

夸耀这个孩子如何如何聪明 ,那个孩子如何漂亮。不但有助于孩子有的放矢的学习,把别人的优点化为自己的长处。反倒会使没有受表扬的孩子滋生出满腔的怨怼,使那受表扬者繁殖出莫名的优越。这时一个悄悄的提醒就有可能扭转乾坤。


语文课开始了,语文课代表一如既往的带领大家领读。但是每次同学们都忙的像个蚂蚁一样。催作业声 打搅声 讨论题目声 凡所应有 无所不有。老师来了 一人小小的提醒道,但是许多人依旧在做自己的事情。 老师面对早已司空见惯的场面再也不能忍受了。既然你们不朗读说明你们对这一块很有信心。那今天我们就来抽人背诵。老师的那团熊熊烈火似乎有些压抑。同学们也开始停下手中的事。立马从书包里拿出语文书。这无疑是临时抱佛脚,老师没有多说什么。 李煜 背诵观沧海 看得出他有些无奈。东临碣石,以观珠海。。。后面的同学小声的提醒道是以观沧海最终终于修成正果了。中间的过程是多么艰辛啊。老师说这就是你们平时朗读的结果吗?你们这样还怎么去参加中考,你们难道一点也不紧张吗?如果你们连语文默写都扣分又怎能考高分呢?这是颠扑不破的真理。再背一遍。李煜认为老师分明是为难他,而且被老师一说教室的气氛低落了许多。在他背诵的过程中教室的人都在看着语文书。当他卡主时没有一人提醒。老师看到他这样的情形,便让他坐下了。李煜心理满腔的怨怼。时候他仔细的看每一首必备的诗,一字一句都看的细致入微。第二天课上老师让我们默写,昨天那个默写都磕磕绊绊的人今天竟能拿满分。他终于明白老师的用心良苦。



那个呼呼大睡正在与周公相会的便是众人皆知的“黑人”。由于他黢黑如铁的面容所以大家便为他取了个绰号“黑人”黑人看起来形销骨立但是肚子上全是赘肉,为了除去那些赘肉他总是在家里默默的做仰卧起坐,但他肚子上的赘肉仍然没有减少反而更多了。因为他可是有名的吃货。余音袅袅的朗读声惊扰了他与周公的相会。睡眼朦胧的他迷迷糊糊的,双手揉了揉眼。黑人的英语特别好,但是游戏方面也不错。一上课便熠熠发光。果真是上课是条龙 ,下课是条虫。在我看来,他便像稗草一样顽强,在哪都能顽强的活着。野兽出没!!!3班的

同学争先恐后的向食堂奔去就如游弋的鲤鱼。虽然我们早已司空见惯了,但每当他们经过窗前同学们都会说,哇。。。。看野兽耶再加上惊奇的表情比起惊奇更多的是嫉妒。我们如笼中鸟而他们已经获得自由了。但我们获得自由时则是不愠不火。吃饭咯。。。路过他身旁早已堆满了牛排不知他是怎样将那些牛排攫为己有的。虽然平时他经常说吾不吃嗟来之食但是…….他早已药石罔效了。至于那些手到擒来的牛排他肯定吃的一块不剩。他的吃相也是食堂的一大景观。我想他肯定是大快朵颐。有时这种伟大景观也是会传染………我依旧记得他走时那激动人心的画面,大家都唱起那首红遍大江南北的歌,老黑 老黑 我们去哪里啊………


黑板是一个教室必不可少的道具。黑板记录着老师一言一行,一颦一笑。黑板是老师智慧与汗水的解决。黑板甚至见证着我们成长的过程。它提供了一个交流 探索 挖掘的平台,人人平等 绝无例外。黑板上的一字一笔让我们着迷 让我们好奇 让我们无法自拔。这是对知识的渴望,对学习的热情,对中国文化的赞叹不已。时过境迁,我们离开了但黑板依旧传承着中国深奥的学问。

今天老师反常的站着,他满头白发,面容黢黑如铁,身体挺直如笔管。让我笃信他肯定因为昨日不堪入目的试卷而烦恼着。一眼望去满满的红灯笼。有些胆大的同学看到老师鸦雀无声便偷偷摸摸的讲起悄悄话来。老师的面容扭曲变形,双手紧紧的握在一起。面对这一景象他再也忍无可忍了。一只手狠狠的敲打着桌子发出极响的声音,这声音就像皲裂般的土地一样让人震惊,更让人手足无措。老师简单的说了几句。你们知道你们昨天的试卷做的有多烂吗? 我想知道是什么促使你们考成这样。你们马上就要升初中了!!!说完便又镇静了下来。那几位调皮捣蛋的学生也像吃了镇定剂似的纷纷低下头。十分钟过去了,老师也一句话也没说。大家也无所事事,两眼凝视着书本但却无任何肢体语言,有些人一直盯着老师的一举一动,老师就像鲤鱼在水中游弋一样。那些同学肯定是眼花缭乱。还有些同学盯着满是红灯的卷子,看看自己到底是有多惨。回家也好有个心理准备。那颗心悬了好久,久久不坠落。

整节课,老师始终处于沉默状态。虽然他一句未说但是我们早已充满愧意。沉默是金从此便成为了我们的格言。我永远忘不了那天黢黑如铁的你在黑板上的一笔一划。书山有路勤为径 ,学海无涯苦作舟。每一字都深深的刻在我心中。即使黑板的记忆已经深深的擦去了,但是只要想起沉默是金我便想起黢黑如铁的明灯。


第二篇:第五次作文 (2)

Taking Part-time Jobs over Only Studying

In each college, we always can see students take part-time jobs in dining halls, supermarkets, libraries and so on. Even though many people think the main task of college students is to study, and it's a waste of time to take part-time jobs. However, I don't think college students only study better than taking part-time jobs. On the contrary, college students can make some money, make more friends, and prepare for their future better by taking part-time jobs.

First but the most, taking part-time jobs gives college students money as a gift, but if they only study at school, they gain nothing expect for the good grades, instead they cost a lot of money so that they lack it. Most of the college students take it for granted that their parents have the responsibility to look after them all the time. Thus, even though when they are old enough to make money, they still depend on their parents. What's worse, they never cherish the laborious work of their parents. What's more, they just want to pay more attention to their study, and are afraid that taking part-time jobs will have some bad influences on their study. As a matter of fact, we can spare some time to take part-time jobs, because we are freer than before. Not only can you make some money, but also it can make your parents relaxed. Therefore, taking part-time jobs is a good way to help us make money, but only studying can't.

Secondly, taking part-time jobs contributes to your confidence, but

studying only may don't have this effect. Even though there are all kinds of ways to help you set up confidence, you can find the confidence from taking part-time jobs over studying. Maybe you can be praised by your teacher or classmates because of your excellent performance, but it's not powerful. Besides, if you only study, you can't confront so many difficulties as taking part-time jobs. Society is a very complex system, order to become more confident, just try to take some part-time jobs rather than studying only.

Last but not least, only studying may lead you to be an ordinary person, but taking part-time jobs paves a promising road for you. In theory, you are a giant, but in practice, you might be a dwarf. Many college students are always addicted to their studies without taking part in any activities. Even though they make good grades at school, they are puzzled when they step into society because they find their knowledge is useless or not so relative to their jobs.If they take part-time jobs, they will get more practice and have a full preparation for their future. Taking part-time jobs derives you to be an incompetent person with the ability of flexibility, communication, and persuasion. What's more, you can access much information about the current condition. It may help you make good plans for your future. Meanwhile, you can adapt to society in advance. However, if you only study at school, you won't know anything about the current condition, so you need to take part-time jobs to create a

bright future for yourself.

On the whole, taking part-time jobs is really better than only study. In order to have a promising future, making more money, and be more confident. Please try to take some part-time jobs in your spare time. However, the base is that you have finished your homework first, and you are safe enough. Meanwhile, try to balance the relationship of them.
