
类型一 利弊选择型:正反两方面论述,个人的认识和看法。

思路:第一段 简述某一现象、事件或问题

第二段 第一种看法,举出事例或陈述理由


第三段 第二种看法,举出事例或陈述理由


第四段 个人观点


There is no consensus of opinions among people about_____________/ people hold different views about______________. Some people are of the opinion that/ Some people believe(/argue/recognize/think)that_______________. For one thing_____________.For another_________________.

But other people take an opposite side/ While others point out that_______________./ Other people stand on a different ground/ Others consider__________________. They firmly believe that____________________.

There is some truth in both arguments. As for/to me, I agree to the former(/latter idea)/As far as I am concerned, the former(/latter)opinion holds more weight. There are a dozen of reasons behind my belief. First of all__________________.More importantly__________________-.Most important of all______________---. In summary/ To conclude__________________.

People have different views on job-hopping. Some people would rather always be committed to one work because they think that if one sticks to one work, it will help him a lot improve his professional skills.

However, others prefer to change jobs constantly because they regard job-hopping as a fashion, to the youth in particular,and besides, they believe they can have access to different work experiences.

In my opinion,however,I would like to agree with the former group of people. I think that working in the same field, one can be very familiar with the work, which undoubtedly will enrich his experience in that field, making him an expert. On the contrary,if one hops from one job to another, he cannever accumulate sufficient experience in one field to help him become a master. Although he can get different work exoeriences, that’s hard for him to apply all his experiences to one particular work, making him a jack-of-all-trades.

Therefore it is safe to draw this conclusion: Commmitment to one particular work offers more possibilities.

类型二 观点论证题

第一段 总述,一句话描述当今社会存在的观点,用简单的话扩展:主题句+扩展句

第二段 列出论据,说明观点成立的理由:主题句+举例一+举例二+举例三

第三段 个人观点


Nowadays,with the development of society,____________ has become increasingly serious(/common/popular/prevalent/rampant).Some People believe(/argue/recognize/think)that____________.But other people take an opposite side.They firmly believe that_____________. An example can give the details of this argument. There is some truth in both arguments.But as for me, I agree to the former(/latter)idea. As far as I am concerned, the former opinion holds more weight. There are a dozen reasons behhind my belief. First of all,___________________. More importantly,________________. Most important of all,___________________. In summary,_________________.As a college student,I am supposed to ____________. From above, we can predict______________.

Model Two

Few can doubt the importance of classical books in Man’s character development and personal growth. In my view, reading classics such as Analects of Confucius and Historical records will undoubtedly enhance one’s knowledge on Chinese history and trational culture; besides, it would be an effective way to raise one’s taste as well.

However, young people today hardly read those classics and reasons for this phenonenon may be listed as follows: Firstlt, our education system, to some extent,, seems to have neglected the instruction of classical language and works, which makes reading classics quite difficult. Secondly, in this world of fierce competition, few pwople still have patience to read those time-consuming works. Thirdly, compared with classics, many fast-food reading materials are more popular among the young people who are in pursuit of fashion.

As a college student, I deeply understand the value of the classics. So it is high time that we started reading classics, absorbed I those legacies about culture, history ,arts,and humans. What’s more, we should also advocate the public to love ,read and study the calssics and enjoy the pleasure brought by them.

类型三 现象解释型

第一段 总述,一句话描述当今社会存在的现象或事物,用简单的话扩展:主题句+扩展句

第二段 举例说明现象:主题句+举例1+举例2+举例3

第三段 个人的观点


The above table(/chart/diagram/graph)shows(/illustrates)that______________.It’s obvious(/clear)that__________________. However, this change/situation is easy to understand.

In my opinion(/judgment/point of view), there are several reasons to explain this situation/The reasons for the phenomenon, can belisted as follows______________. First of all,____________.Second,________________.Thirdly/Also/In

addition/Besides/Moreover/Apart from/Last but not least_______________-. Therefore/As a result/ All of these result in_____________. With the development of society,_____________has become increasingly serious(/common/popular/prevalent/rampant). In view of the seriousness of the problem, effective measures should be taken______________. From the figures(/statistics)above, we can see(/conclude/draw a conclusion) that___________.In summary in a word/ In brief in conclusion/To conclude/In fact/Indeed in short/Thus as has been said.

Model 3

The digram above clearly illustrates that in recent 20years, the number of people who are in favor of travelling abroad is increasing. In 1995 only ten thousand Chinese tourists chose to travel overseas. In 20xx, the figure sharply went up to forty thousand approximately and in 20xx it peaked at 120 thousand.

The reasons to explain the increasing figure can be found in many social sectors. But the most important one is China’s material properity . Since 1990s the policy of reform and opening up has been applied in every field in Chinese society. It brings about tremendous changes to people’s life and more and more have stepped out of poverty and are enjoying a comfortable life. As a result a large number of them dream of a better living quality. In this case trips at home and abroad are written on the agenda. Moreover, after they live for a long time in China, the exotic flavor as seen in traditon, culture and scenic spots in other countries seems to have mor eappeal.

As for the impacts, I hold very optimistic views. Firstly, it will offer more opportunities for the Chinese to understand foreign cultures. Secondly, through the cultural communication more foreigners willl be attracted to take a trip in China and in turn it will enhance the tour industry at home. Nut the nagative impacts can not be handled lightly. For example, the impoliteness of some Chinese and their lack of sufficient cultural background on other countries will not only lead to some embarrassment to themselves but sometimes injure China’s image. Yet, I believe with the frquent cultural and antional communications, some Chinese people’s quality will be improves and therefore, travelling abroad will dramatically increase the revenue both at home and abroad.










7. 第一段段首不空格,其余各段空两个单词距离。 废话不要太多(尤其是没用的短语) 写Issue和argument开始一定要紧张起来,不然真的会写不完 尽量围绕一个问题展开了说,而且尽量举例子,举身边的例子 单纯的建议类 文章很多时候是“正,反,合”的形式,合写的是替代方案 因果类套建议类的用“正,反,反”的形式,反的内容是建议类的内容 第一个正,同意的时候要注意有条件的同意,部分赞同地说:多数情况下同意,一


8. 建议类,可行性:同时考虑动作的被动者、主动者、动作自身的可行性:主动者:

财力,愿不愿意,有没有必要;被动者:愿不愿意接受,有没有必要接受;动作:能不能完成 9. 需要注意的论证技巧,实在没有例子写,就反证法、打比喻

10. 合:1、 可以写两类人可以合作协商;2、 方法互补,扬长避短;3、每个人的定义

不同,结论也不一样;4、 不同的领域,时期,年龄,结论不一样;5、 注意度,两者之间寻找平衡点;6、 两者并不矛盾,可以共存

11. give up eating for fear of choking

12. There would be a reciprocal influence of two sides which may jointly facilitate learning.

13. 有些题目反驳点不止一个:论述句子可能有两个切入点,两个关键词说的都有问题。

14. Issue:A好B不好。正文说理的一个方法:二段,A确实好,B确实有问题;三段,



1. 第一段段首不空格,其余各段空两个单词距离

2. 写作指引基本上四种要求(每种反驳时的说法会有所不同):1、what specific

evidence is needed to…2、stated and/or unstated assumptions…3、what need to be answered…4、one or more alternative explanations…(第四种要稍微注意,有的反驳切入点对这种情况不适用,因为你还要提供alternative explanation呢)

3. What specific evidence is needed to:这种题目要提到什么证据进一步提供,比如:

某一方面的资料论者没有提供,需要进一步的调查和数据,其他可能的情况呢,论者有没有排除(尤其是对比论证,当时、人家的各种具体情况可能和现在这里的不同) ,论者想当然的结论和数据有没有来源,有没有证据支撑

4. 谈到类比,尤其是建议效仿另一个地区以前的政策,要考虑:1.人家的成功可能是

别的原因。2. 具有可比性(这是一定要同时考虑时间和空间可比性)吗,人家的方案在本地适用吗?

5. 调查潜在的问题:被调查者(代表性,说真话),调查者(中立客观),调查方法


6. 一旦有广义因果关系,马上就要想到反驳causal relationship不一定成立

7. 公司盈利问题:公司盈利还有很多问题,不仅仅是作者所提到的,包括:

management,corporate culture,market prospect,brand-building,market share。

8. 实在没啥可写的时候,建议类的问题可以说一下采取arguer的建议有什么危害

9. 只要是模仿别人的做法马上有两个反驳点:1、人家成功了可能是别的原因。2、


10. 真正考试的时候,即使很熟悉,还是要认真读题,题库里的题目很多虽然很相似,


11. 经常出现把部分的结论应用于全体的错误,比较容易忽视:某一类人的问题应用于


12. 很多时候单独根据结论不能形成一个反驳切入点,但是如果有的建议是把局部地区、


13. 经常忽略逻辑错误:(1). 同时不一定有因果关系

(2). 居民的年龄结构有很重要的影响:总数多不代表老人多,不代表学生多

(3). 过去不能代表现在,过去和现在不能代表将来
