

资金准备是留学筹备中非常重要的一个环节,虽然很多留学家庭“不差钱”,但没有人会排斥锦上添花的“奖学金”。奖学金政策不仅可以减少一些负担,也 是个人综合实力的证明。在留学市场走访了解到,今年以来,不少留学地政府、院校和社会机构对于留学生普遍持鼓励的态度,并出台奖学金政策来进一步吸引 各国留学生前往深造,动辄数千到上万美元。不过,要吃上这份“免费午餐”,依然需要费一番心思。

美国大学一直以来都受到中国学子的青睐,于此同时,高额的留学费用也成为不少学子关注的话题。面对激烈的竞争和高昂的费用,不少同学希望通过申请奖学金来减轻家庭负担。只要你各方面条件达标又掌握了奖学金的申请技巧,申请奖学金也就变得“so easy”。 “美国院校本科奖学金一般对于学生的专业、语言能力、入学前的成绩、在校成绩等有着清晰的要求,针对不同专业供不同的奖学金额度。尤其名校,都有非常 多种类的奖学金可行申请。”美国本科奖学金申请其实和专业有很大的关系,申请热门专业还是冷门专业会拿到不同的奖学金额。


一般而言,申请美国读本科托福成绩是必不可少的。学生如果仅有托福的好成绩,很难申请到前50名的好大学,更不可能申请到前30名的好大学,美国本科 奖学金申请也会比较困难。“想要申请美国奖学金的学生,托福至少要100分左右,最好达到105分以上。想申请美国前100名院校的奖学金。”良好的托福成绩是申请奖学金的必要条件。 SAT分数越高可能性越大

SAT考试成绩1600分以上的,按每200分是一个档次。如果考1800分以上就可以申请美国前100名以内的好大学。如果分数接近20xx分,可 以申请前50名的大学。成绩达到2300分,就完全能够申请前20名的大学,美国本科奖学金申请到的可能性也就比较大。 SAT考试的重点是考察学生的学业能力、考试素质以及学业素质,实际上是能力与智商的测试,美国超一流的大学非常看重SAT的考试。想进入前50名的名校必须有SAT的考试,否则托福就足够了。


一般的美国名校要求申请人提供简历和2-5篇小短文。这是考察学生书面表达能力和思想的重要根据,也是申请最难的一个部分。一套好的Essay,往往 能起到起死回生的作用,一些学生考试成绩平平,高中成绩也很一般,在国内可能考不上好的大学,但由于这个学生很有思想,不但在自己的短文中能充分表达出自 己成长的家庭及学校对于自己的影响,而且可以真切表达出自己所选专业的充分动机,因而他就有可能被几所很好的美国学校录取,并且给其奖学金。

“短文写作在美国本科奖学金申请中的作用再怎么强调也不过分,因为只有通过短文写作,才能充分展示自己的独特才能和思想,才能最终说服录取委员会。” 短文的写作对于绝大多数中国学生来说是一个极难的作业,只有经过相当一段时间的训练才能写出独特的文章。



Personal Statement

(Applicant: ZHENG, Yongzhen)

As is known to us, USA is the most developed country in the world which has plenty of education resource and high education quality. At meantime, the free, open and flexible education system in the US differs from that in China. The reason why I choose US universities is that I feel the America education focus on self-development which perfectly meets my ambition. And the US education can help me to improve my creative ability and it provides us free academic studying atmosphere. So studying in America has always been my untiring pursue since I was young.

To make my dream come true, I choose to study Business Administration as my major at university. I choose USA because I think it has the most perfect commercial system and the best education of business. And I have a strong desire to start my own administration career which requires more foundation of knowledge and related ability. The first time I realized I had such talent of administration is when I took part in the school club activities, I could organize those unacquainted members to build a united, struggling, efficient team in a very short time. From then on, I initiated the enthusiasm in management and determined to learn more. Through such experience I gradually understand that the most crucial thing to organize a team is solidarity, without what the advantage of every member in the team cannot be exploited to the full. And we all admit that only if the supervisor is excellent enough can we maximize the predominance and obtain higher efficiency and profit as well. What’s more, I have developed effective communication skills and comprehension skills. To me, management is a sort of art. And I am also good at math and logics and I think I have the gift in dealing with business affairs.

In China, I was graduated from my high school-Yuhuan Experimental School in July 20xx. After graduation from this school, I didn’t go to college directly, as at that time I think I was still confused about my future, I don’t want to make my decision hastily

and travel on a road which I don’t like or may regret; thus, I joined in my father’s company to work as his secretary in order to broaden my experience and to make a wise decision and be responsible for myself. Through the past one year working experience, I feel clear about what I am good at and the outline of my future career and these further enhanced my decision to pursue a degree study in business area.

As we all know, China's market economy is soaring nowadays and it undoubtedly has a promising future. As a result, the demand for advanced financial and business talents will be greatly increased. I want to help my father’s business and become a professional supervisor when I complete study in US. So I think Business Administration will be very helpful in enterprise management, and this will be my first step for my own career. It’s what I dream and I will do my best. And I believe I could achieve a great success after acquiring the admission to your university.

All in all, I believe that the overseas study experience will be a challenge and a fortune. It will improve my independent ability. And I think there will be a more wide space for self-development after graduate from your university. And I sincerely hope that my application will be considered and accepted.
