


(一)最新作文得分统计:四级新题型考试后,一项内部阅卷统计显示——考生作文标准得分36分—下为30%,36分—63分为40%,63分—85分为20%,85分以上为10%。70%的考生得分为63 以下。


1. 长度问题: 四级作文一般120~150词为宜:

① 第一部分3~4句; ②第二部分6~8句 ③ 第三部分3~4句

2. 格式问题 3 结构正确 4.卷面整洁

5.字体工整 6. 语法无误 7. 中心(句)突出

8. 内容完整


1. 词汇方面: ①拼写错误(分可原谅错误----难词和不可原谅错误----简单词)


2. 句子方面:①语法错误: 主谓不一致; 时态问题; 语态问题 ② 句型单一

3. 篇章方面: ①常用三段式 ② 三个主题句 ③ 有闪光点 ④疯狂使







①遣词造句要地道 ②开头结尾破常规 ③适当应用修辞法 ④ 恰当使用警言句






例1、中心思想 interview is good

分论点①interview forces us to study harder(第一方) ② interview is good to employer company(第二方—对方) ③interview is good to society(第三方)




1任务: 解决文章语言问题(6th~30th 分钟)

2 成功语言体现的几个方面:

(1) 长句、短句错落有致 (2) 倒装、强调适当穿插

(3) 主动、被动合理应用 (4) 比较结构巧妙应用

3 选择的适切性

(1) 考虑读者与作者的关系(写给朋友与公司是不能用同一种方法来写)

(2) 语言的正式程度(幼儿与成人、口语与书面语不同)

四 四级考试作文的结构要求



e.g.: Nowadays tens of thousands university students are graduated from school, and they all want to be successful in this modern world.


e.g.: Do you know any university students who do not want to succeed in the society? What does it take for them to succeed in the modern society? ③用引语

e.g.: "Success comes not only from perspiration and inspiration, but also from sati factory performance in interview." commented Dr Kenly in his book.


e.g.: In the modern society, almost all university students look forward to success ⑤驳论式(推荐使用:先说错的,后说对的,然后解释为什么)

e.g.: As the modem society puts more emphasis on personal difference and personal values, it provides more opportunities for students to seek success. However, the fact is that not everyone can succeed. Success calls for certain opportunities, but more importantly, it calls for many personal qualities.

2 正文段的写法

(1)第一部分: 本段主题句

(2)第二部分: 三组支持的论据(以下R=理由):

① R1 + R2 + Example2 + R3

② R1+ Example1;R2 + Example2; R3 + Example3


3 结论段的写法:

(1)总结的写法: 简单的重复前文内容

(2)评论的写法: 自己的观点





1 expert testimony 专家证言(不一定专家与证言对号)

2 statistics 统计数计法(不要老用very, 数据不一定正确,但要真是、


3 example 举例法


②身边事例(For example, Here is an example, I got from sb./sth.+定语从句,which works quite well in this case)

③举例万能公式: if + if not + so---?增加文章长度

④ 所举事例必须是积极而非消极的

4 personal experience 个人经历(谢积极经历而非消极经历)

e.g: 如果有电脑,我就玩游戏;如果没电脑,我就认真学习,所以电脑不好。 改为:如果有电脑,他们就天天玩游戏,没人和我一起学英语。 5 logic and reasoning 逻辑推理法

① why (分析问题段): R1; R2 + E; R3. 或 R1 +权威事例; R2+ 身边事例 ② How (解决问题段) 宏观观点+ 他人观点 + 自己观点

6 known facts 常识法

7 analogy 类比法

二 四级作文常用句式:

1 there be 结构: ① 时态变化 ② 单复数变化(就近原则)

(1) be动词变化

There is(was) a concert last night.

There are(is an ) English book, a dictionary and some(+other ) books on the desk.

(2) There are many people (+who ) like to go to movies. There were many friends (+who )visited our school.


(1)词的否定: need 和 have 的否定:

①needn’t / haven’t ② don’t need to/ don’t have to ③ have no

(2) 否定转移 :与思维、大脑有关的动词需要用否定转移

(3) 部分否定: 指all, both, every与not 构成的成分

——I don't(x) remember (not) all the details.

全部否定: 指肯定式的谓语动词+ 否定意义的词(rare, scare, seldom, never,

neither, none, hardly, barely)

——I have never seen such things before.

(4) 双重否定: 其功能表①肯定 ② 加强语气

She is too sensitive not to notice that.


by no means (句中) in no way (句尾)

in no wise (句尾) on no account (句首,且倒装)

eg: The problems are by no means difficult to solve.

On no account are you to cheat in the coming exams. (6) 常用于否定的词组:

at all by many means

in any way in the least

eg: I am not tired in the least.

(7)含有否定词不含否定意义: can’t but do sth.; can’t help doing

不含否定词但否定意义 :free, fail to do, lack, short

3 比较结构

eg: The climate in Shengyang is colder than (+that in )other cities. (1) 同级比较




(2) 比较级


(3) 固定句型:







C:句子的主要成分+the+比较级+of the two


D:句子成分+more than+?

—— He is more than a singer; he is a famous composer.

——A science is more than a large amount of information on some subject. ------I am more than sad to hear that.

------More than 70% of people are man.

(4) 选择比较:



4. 因果结构


——My secretary didn't attend the meeting because he was ill.

——I won't tell you about it since you've not interested.

——We went without him as he wasn't ready in time.

--In that he is very busy, he feels unable to do it.

-She didn't get the job on the ground that she was young.

-Not that I don't like the novel, but that I have no time for it.


—Everyone work hard, so that the work was finished ahead of achedule. -I was asleep, with the result that I didn't heat the telephone.

-He studied hard, so he passed the exam.

(3) 动词短语

—前因后果 : lead to, contribute to

—前果后因: credit to, attribute to

—混合因果: be bound up with, be associated with,

5 目的结构: with the purpose of





6 条件结构:



7 并列结构:

—— Winter had gone and spring is here.

——Not only is he himself interested in the subject but also his son is beginning to show an interest in it.

—— We had to cope with the action from the enemy as well as the shortage of food, clothing , and almost everything.

8 It 句型结构

(1) lt+be+名词/形容词 +(for+名词/代词) + 动词不定式

Nice , difficult, interesting, essential, important, easy, hard, possible, useful, lovely, wonderful, pleasant 等。


