

24、眼镜蛇毒液 25、rhythm(节奏)对生物影响 28、全球以后暖化

30、伦敦大雾使人至命 30、噪音对人的影响 34、火山爆发

38、海滩侵蚀与海沙流失 56、热带雨林的蝴蝶 65、海底探测船

66、阿拉斯加的鲑鱼的保育 67、英国的绿色农场 67、动物的思考和直觉

35、厄尔尼诺现象 35、欧洲森林的保育 36、孩子对热带雨林的认识 65、蝴蝶农场 36、地图发展史 63、海地热资源


24、澳洲医疗 25、运动与英国青少年健康 40、人类运动体能极限

42、电压对人体的心理实验 42、人类视觉暂留实验 43、澳洲的皮肤癌

56、权力机关冒险心理研究 32、盲人以符号传递感情 67、医生与药品推销


24、面试技巧 29、公司的管理 31、通信技术发展史

32、旅游业与经济 34、工作职务与权力 39、老龄职工对公司的作用

39、创业与革新的不安 43、弹性工作时间与旅行社 56、国际贸易与运输业

63、市场营销方式的变化 32、外语对商业的影响


26、染料语颜料 27、两种房屋构造的功能 29、南非黄金的开采

35、桥梁检测 37、两种摩天大楼 33、中国和日本的塔



25、小孩与成人语言学习 26、音乐语言教学书籍介绍 27、小学生的智商研究

27、语言改革问题 28、大学教学方法的改进 30、同声翻译

33、英国校园暴力 33、母亲受教育程度与孩子 34、天才

37、青少年性格与家庭 63、语言学研究


31、非洲某国交通改善 40、37个城市交通报告 41、公共交通工具的发展



26、美国电影发展史 31、移民史 31、通信技术发展史

36、地图发展史 38、古代钱币的介绍 39、未来汽车的发展

40、计时器的发展史 40、数学发展史 41、公交工具发展史



28、减少闪电危害的方法 36、mores发明的电报密码 37、骑自行车募捐活动





文献类型标识是标示各种参考文献类型的符号。参考文献的著录应执行GB 7714-87《文后参考文献著录规则》及《中国学术期刊(光盘版)检索与评价数据规范》的规定,论文著者应用以下文献类型标示码,将自己引用的各种参考文献的类型及载体类型标示出来。根据GB 3469-83《文献类型与文献载体代码》规定,常用文献类型以单字母标识,电子文献以双字母标识。 标识




(3)论文集[C](collected papers)




(7)报纸[N](newspaper article)



(1)磁带[MT](magnetic tape)





(1)联机网上数据库[DB/OL](data base online)

(2)磁带数据库[DB/MT](data base on magnetic tape)

(3)光盘图书[M/CD](monograph on CD-ROM)

(4)磁盘软件[CP/DK](computer program on disk)

(5)网上期刊[J/OL](serial online)

(6)网上电子公告[EB/OL](electronic bulletin board online)



著录格式 1、期刊:著者.题名.刊名[J].出版年,卷(期)∶起止页码









10、专著、论文集中的析出文献:论文著者.论文题名[A].论文集编者(任选). 论文集题名[C].出版地:出版者,出版年∶起止页码



文原文表述(也可在原文题名之后的括号内附上中文译文),切忌仅用中文表达外文原义。 举例 不论何种文献类型,须用阿拉伯数码外加方括弧标注其在文中的位置,其序号与所在文中序号一致。[1]



[2] Dobbs J M, Wong J M. Modification of Supercritical Fluid Phasebehavior Using Polor Coselvent [J]. Ind Eng Chem Res, 1987, 26: 56


[4] Mesquita A C, Mori M N, Vieira J M, etal. Vinyl Acetate Polymerization by Ionizing Radiation [J]. Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 20xx, 63: 465



[2] Kortun G. Reflectance Spectroscopy [M]. New York: Spring-Verlag, 1969

[3] Rees, Helen. Echoes of History: Naxi Music in Modern China(历史的回声: 当代中国的纳西音乐)[M]. New York: Oxford University Press, 20xx



[2] Eiben A E, vander Hauw J K. Solving 3-SAT with Adaptive Genetic Algorithms [C]. Proc 4th IEEE Conf Evolutionary Computation.Piscataway: IEEE Press, 1997: 81-86



[2] Chrisstoffels L A J. Carrier-facilitated Transport as a Mechanistic Tool in Supramolecular Chemistry [D]. The Netherland: Twente University. 1988


[1] Hasegawa, Toshiyuki, Yoshida, etal. Paper Coating Composition [P]. EP 0634524. 1995-01-18


[3] Yamaguchi K, Hayashi A. Plant Growth Promoter and Productionthereof [P]. Jpn, Jp1290606. 1999-11-22



[1] ISO 1210-1982,塑料——小试样接触火焰法测定塑料燃烧性[S]

[2] GB 2410-80,透明塑料透光率及雾度实验方法[S]













1. It was conceivable that, if three promising concepts (molecular imprinting,

magnetic separation, and optical detection) were combined, a novel fluorescein

isothiocyanate (FITC)-labelled magnetic MIP could be constructed that exhibits

high sensitivity and selectivity.

2. As a reference, non-imprinted polymer coated beads (Fe3O4@SiO2-Dye-NIP),

which did not contain the template, were also prepared in parallel with the

Fe3O4@SiO2-Dye-MIP by using the same synthetic protocol.

3. The polymer layer had a thickness of about 5.7 nm and appeared to be uniform

(top inset), which could be attributable to the intrinsic characteristics of the

controlled/living polymerization mechanism of RAFT.

4. The EDS analysis was also conducted to confirm the existence of imprinted


5. When the microspheres are placed in an external magnetic field, efficient

magnetic separation is observed in a short time (about 85 s).

6. The results showed that none of the compounds being evaluated gave any

significant interference.

7. A piece of polypro-pylene membrane was soaked in the polymerization solution

for 5 min

8. It showed that the fluorescence intensity was accelerated along with the increase

of reaction time till 6h and then decreased.

9. Short reaction time produced few specific sites, whilst long reaction time would

cause higher crosslinking degree of polymer which may block the imprinted


10. Molecular recognition selectivity is an important parameter in evaluating

imprinted material

11. These kinds of thermosensitive protein-imprinted beads can be used to control the

uptake and release of the target protein from a mixture of proteins.

12. Molecular non-imprinted beads (NIP beads) were generated in the same way as

the MIP beads but without addition of the template protein.

13. elemental analysis was performed with the Vario Micro cube elemental analyzer

(Elementar, Hanau, Germany) to monitor the surface composition of the beads.

14. The afore mentioned results demonstrated that two-layer structures of the coated

MIP beads have different adsorption characteristics compared with the MIP beads.

15. An MIP-NiO magnetically controlled glassy carbon electrode (GCE), hereafter

denoted as MIP-NiO/GCE, was used as the working electrode.

16. As a result, the NiO nanoparticles were able to be isolated from the solution by an

adscititious magnet. (外加的)

17. To evaluate the effect of the buffer solution, the performances of the MIPs sensors

were examined by readsorption (or rebinding) of chlortoluron in the following(:1),


18. The catalytic current decreased until almost constancy with increased readsorption


19. Consequently, the readsorption time of 10 min was used in all subsequent assays.

20. Some compounds of chlortoluron analogs such as isoproturon, difenoxuron,

veburon, and fluometuron were tested by mingled with chlortoluron separately in

the competition procedure. (混合)

21. Table 1 shows that the recoveries of this sensor were from 96.9% to 104.7%,

which signifies good practicability. (表示) 22. The presence of Cr(III) is thought to originate from the chemical interactions of

Cr(VI) ions with GOF/Fe3O4 (发源于)

23. 2. the GOF/Fe3O4 showed an excellent absorption performance for the removal of

Cr(VI) ions with maximum absorption capacity (258.6 mg/g) and fast adsorption

rate (100 mg/L, 20 min) at pH 2, which significantly outperformed the reported

2D graphene-based adsorbents and other conventional adsorbents. (胜过;做得


24. There are a great deal of efforts to enhance the structural stability of the composite

membranes, such as establishing covalent or ionic linkage between active layer

and the substrate, or forming an adhesive layer to link the active layer and the


25. There were evident differences about the membranes' structure when comparing

with the composite membranes at higher monomer concentrations

(7#and11#membranes), where more nodular structures were generated and finely

dispersed on the surfaces of dopamine/TMC composite membranes. (非常地)

26. It is known that dopamine is inclined to self-polymerize in alkali condition. (倾

向于. . . 有意. . .)

27. It can clearly be seen that the water flux was decreased rapidly-to-slowly and

ultimately reached a steady state.

28. Some DFT calculations highlight that among all of the isomers of the tetramers,

the one having the coniguration of a porphyrin is the most stable. (突出,强调)

29. The particles issued from the oxidation of dopamine in solution. (由…产生)

30. This is in line with the known insolubility of eumelanins. (in accordance with;

in keeping with)

31. the detachment appeared to reach a threshold after the membranes were subjected

to thefirst wash (临界值)

32. As for the deposition of poly(DOPA),the presence of depronated carboxylic

groups might give rise to thestronger electrostatic repulsion between the already

deposited filmand the poly(DOPA) nanoaggregates in the solution. (引起,导致,


33. Further sys-tematic study on the surface properties of polymer substrates in

relation to the binding strength is needed. (关于,有关,涉及)

34. small polydopamine particles could notbe really disassembled in 0.1 M HCl (分


35. Phosphorylation is one of the most ubiquitous post-translational protein

modifications in living cells。

36. so investigation into the phosphorylation mechanism is of keen interest in the field

of proteomics

37. Therefore, the design and synthesis of novel magnetic IMAC materials for

in-depth analysis concerning phosphoproteome research is extremely important

38. so it is characterized by strong magnetic responsiveness, outstanding

hydrophilicity and ultrahigh surface area.

39. With the motivation of understanding these bioprocesses, much effort has been devoted to the development of methods to identify the specific sites of phosphorylation

40. Figure 3a shows the MALDI-TOF MS of 0.2 nmol mL–1 tryptic b-casein digest without any prefractionation

41 Core-shell structured microspheres have recently been subject to extensive research for the combined functionalities of cores and shells which endow them with great application potentials in various fields.

42 Wide-angle XRD patterns show that the microspheres have diffraction peaks similar to that of the parent Fe3O4 particles,

43 Numerous research results have indicated that MCs are extremely toxic and are produced in cyanobacterial blooms widely occurring in many eutrophic waters(沃化水,含太多养分的水)

45 .Other disadvantages are related to high cost and tedious synthetic procedures which have impeded the large-scale production.

46 based on the literature survey, that the initial growth stage of magnetite nanoparticles was not clearly elucidated

47 .From all aforementioned observations

48 .we believed that the chemical conversion should be accounted as an important factor for the hollowing process.

49 .An intensive contrast between the black margin and the bright center of the particles indicates the existence of hollow structure in the resulting spheres

50 .Due to macroporous carbon’s exceptional properties, there are great opportunities for it to be used in various advanced applications

51..limit the further utilization of macroporous carbon on an industrial scale.

52 implying good miscibility between PBZ and dioxane.

53 resulting in a substantial amount of time and energy consumption

54 . The void structure was the consequence of the solvent removal and evaporation of the molecular fragments as a result of carbonization,
