

在复合句(包括主句和从句)中, 修饰主句中某一名词或代词的从句叫做定语从句. 定语从句必须放在被修饰的词之后.被定语从句修饰的名词或代词叫做先行词. 如:

·The man who lives next to us sells vegetables.住在我们隔壁的那个人是卖蔬菜的. ·You must do everything that I do.你必须做我所做的一切.

其中man 和everything 均为先行词,分别受到其后的定语从句who lives next to us 和that I do 的修饰.

初中阶段要掌握的是由that, which, who, whom 等关系代词引导的定语从句.关系代词可在从句中作主语,宾语或表语.通常which指事物,who指人(作宾语时用whom), that 既可指人也可指物. 但在使用时有所区别.

(一) 下列情况,.

1. 先行词是等不定代词或由词时. 如:

·All that is worth doing should be done well.一切值得做的事都应该做好.

2. . 如: ·There is little money that I can spend on books. 我几乎无钱买书.

·The only thing that she could do was to go to the police for help. 她唯一能做的事就是去求助于警察.

3. . 如:

·We will never forget the first lesson (that) our chemistry teacher gave us. 化学老师上的第一课我们永远难忘.

4. . 如:

·What is the smallest thing that can be seen under a microscope? 显微镜下能看见最小的东西是做什么?

5. . 如:

·The visitor spoke highly of the children and the performances (that) they saw at the Children’s Palace. 来宾们高度评价他们在少年宫见到的孩子们及其表演.

6. 当主句为who 或which开头的特殊疑问句时, 为避免重复, that. 如:

·Which of us that knows any English doesn’t know the meaning of UFO? 我们懂英语的人中谁不知道UFO的意思?

7. 当关系代词在定语从句用. 如:

·Tom is not the boy (that) he used to be. 汤姆已不是过去的那个男孩了.

8. . 如:

·There is something that I must deal with right now. 我有事必须马上处理.

9. 等时, 用that, 如:

·The real problem with pollution is people- the way(that) people think about their environment. 污染的实质问题是人-人们在考虑其自身环境时就是这样想的.

(二) 下列情况, .

1. . 如:

·Let’s discuss the question, which we are interested in. 咱们讨论下这个问题, 这个问题我们大家都很感兴趣.

2. . 如:

·His house, for which he paid 10,000 Yuan ten years ago, is now worth.30,000 Yuan.他的房子现在值三万元, 十年前他是花一万元买的.

(三) 下列情况, 定语从句须用who(whom)引导.

1. 当先行词. 如:

·Any who breaks the law will be punished. 任何人犯了法都会受到惩罚.

2. 先行词为. 如:

·Those who hadn’t bought the ticket for the train crowded in the waiting hall. 那些未买着票的人拥挤在候车室里.

3. , 但如直接位于介

词后作宾语时, 只能用whom. 如:

·The guest (who/ whom) I ‘ll first introduce to you is a little girl. 我首先要介绍给你们的客人是一位小姑娘.

·I met a few friends of mine, among whom one was my old classmate.

我遇见了几位朋友, 其中一位是我的老同学.


I. Use which, that, who, whom to fill in the blanks:

1. Who is the man _______ was talking to our English teacher?

2. All ______ is good for you should be done well.

3. Mr. Smith, _______ gave a talk several months ago, will come again.

4. The only thing _______ she could do was to ask the police for help.

5. This is the house in ________ we have lived for 10 years.

6. We will never forget the first lesson _______ our English teacher gave us.

7. Yesterday I bought a dictionary,_______ cost me more than 100 yuan .

8. What is the smallest thing _______ can be seen with our eyes.

9. My uncle has come back from abroad, ________ I haven’t met for along time.

10. I’ve never heard of the people and things ________ you talked about just now.

11. That is the girl from ________ he borrowed it.

12. Anyone _____ breaks the law will be punished.

13.She missed the last bus, ______ made her walk all the way home.




在复合句(包括主句和从句)中, . 定语从句必须放在被修饰的词之后.被定语从句修饰的名词或代词叫做先行词. 如:

·The man who lives next to us sells vegetables.住在我们隔壁的那个人是卖蔬菜的. ·You must do everything that I do.你必须做我所做的一切.

其中man 和everything 均为先行词,分别受到其后的定语从句who lives next to us 和that I do 的修饰.

初中阶段要掌握的是由that, which, who, whom 等关系代词引导的定语从句.关系代词可在从句中作主语,宾语或表语.通常which指事物,who指人(作宾语时用whom), that 既可指人也可指物. 但在使用时有所区别.

(一) 下列情况,.

1. 先行词是等不定代词或由不定代词时. 如:

·All that is worth doing should be done well.一切值得做的事都应该做好.

2. 时. 如:

·There is little money that I can spend on books. 我几乎无钱买书.

·The only thing that she could do was to go to the police for help. 她唯一能做的事就是去求助于警察.

3. . 如:

·We will never forget the first lesson (that) our chemistry teacher gave us. 化学老师上的第一课我们永远难忘.

4. . 如:

·What is the smallest thing that can be seen under a microscope? 显微镜下能看见最小的东西是做什么?

5. . 如:

·The visitor spoke highly of the children and the performances (that) they saw at the Children’s Palace. 来宾们高度评价他们在少年宫见到的孩子们及其表演.

6. 当主句为who 或which开头的特殊疑问句时, 为避免重复, that. 如:

·Which of us that knows any English doesn’t know the meaning of UFO? 我们懂英语的人中谁不知道UFO的意思?

7. 当关系代词在定语从句用. 如:

·Tom is not the boy (that) he used to be. 汤姆已不是过去的那个男孩了.

8. . 如:

·There is something that I must deal with right now. 我有事必须马上处理.

9. 等时, 用that, 如:

·The real problem with pollution is people- the way(that) people think about their environment. 污染的实质问题是人-人们在考虑其自身环境时就是这样想的.

(二) 下列情况, .

1. . 如:

·Let’s discuss the question, which we are interested in. 咱们讨论下这个问题, 这个问题我们大家都很感兴趣.

2. . 如:

·His house, for which he paid 10,000 Yuan ten years ago, is now worth.30,000 Yuan.他的房子现

在值三万元, 十年前他是花一万元买的.

(三) 下列情况, 定语从句须用who(whom)引导.

1. 当先行词. 如:

·Any who breaks the law will be punished. 任何人犯了法都会受到惩罚.

2. 先行词为. 如:

·Those who hadn’t bought the ticket for the train crowded in the waiting hall. 那些未买着票的人拥挤在候车室里.

3. , 但如直接

位于介词后作宾语时, 只能用whom. 如:

·The guest (who/ whom) I ‘ll first introduce to you is a little girl. 我首先要介绍给你们的客人是一位小姑娘.

·I met a few friends of mine, among whom one was my old classmate.

我遇见了几位朋友, 其中一位是我的老同学.
