英语报刊 英语文章 评论 读后感

这是一篇来自美国报刊《USA TODAY》的体育报道评论。

内容是关于20xx年x月x日星期四(北京时间)结束的NBA东部半决赛:波士顿凯尔特人队VS费城76人队战况的实时分析。比赛以凯尔特人的失利告终,总比分3-3。 首先,文章标题:Celtics will need to rediscover offense to advance.言简意赅,指出了凯尔特人(Celtics)乃报道的主角,主角要做什么呢?那就是NEED TO后面的内容了。从这个标题就可以看出,文章的作者绝对是凯尔特人队的球迷或者至少是站在此队的立场来发表此篇评论的。同时,指出了主队存在的问题和相应的策略,即:防守(OFFENSE)。而且,用Rediscovery来表示主队其实有防守,但是不重视。这点又暴露了作者的立场和对主队的信任。最后,用WILL表示对主队的期望,希望在接下来的生死战中好好做好球队防守。短短的一个标题里面,包含了大量的显性和隐性的信息。倘若要求我们用中文词语来表达同样的意思,这可能要用上比这多得多的字数来实现,最简单的比如:时态,这里是WILL,一个单词就解决了,那么中文就得用“将要”来翻译才能把意思表示清楚。英语报刊的标题,一般很精短,仔细一斟酌,我们就能明显的感觉到英语在这种场合的表达优势。


在下文中,为了更好的阐述主队防守的不足,作者拿出了最有力的证据:官方实时数据。在刚刚败北的比赛中,主队只在犯规(foul shots)罚球中表现差强人意,23中20(20 of 23)。但是投篮命中率只有1/3(33%),三分球14中3(3 of 14)。对比之下,对手76人队却很好地把握了机会。虽然他们的防守强度也不高,但是对付主队已经足够了。言外之意,对主队的防守的质量实在不敢恭维。


(odd-numbered games),但是比赛可不是像中奖一样靠运气。再者,76人这样一群年轻力盛、欠缺经验的小伙子也不是省油的灯。所以,为了保险起见,主队波士顿凯尔特人必须从主观上坚定自己的立场和意志,那么从拿起你强悍的防守开始吧。

正文末尾写出了两队球员的相关对照。这也是很多英文体育评论的小小潜规则,这样可以得到更多NBA超级球星粉丝们的青睐。就像麦迪(Tracy Mcgrady)造就了35秒得

到13分(包括4个3分球和一次3+1的罚球)的史诗神话一样,在文章末尾加上一句麦迪的名言可是能增加不少的阅读量的。但是这篇文章却有AI(Allen Iverson)和奥尼尔(Shaquille O'Neal),了解NBA的朋友都知道这两位已经退役了,根本没有上场。这也是文章的小插曲,为文章增加了不少的笑点和趣味性。也体现出美国人骨子里面的玩笑天分。即使是评论篮球战术也少不了开玩笑。





Book Report

These days I have finished reading an English book which named Guliver’s Travels. The author, Jonathan Swift builds the character who are crazy about traveling. The novel abounds in satire, exaggeration and weirdness.

The stories in Liliput and Brobdingnag attracted me, however, what impressed me most is Guliver’s traveling in Houyhnhnms. There are not any words like lying or deceive in their language. The Houyhnhnms don’t know what the word doubt is.

Guliver had a good time in Houyhnhnms and he almost join this society. As a consequence,his contact with yahoos formed a tremendous contrast. Communicating with yahoos, Guliver was always suspected, which let him down. Therefore, he was sick of human.

I frequently admire Guliver, because he was so lucky to enter into Houyhnhnms. Houyhnhnms are the perfect situation where we are going after and looking forward to. There you need not worry about whether others’ words are true or false. However, in our real world, there are more and more things that we do not want to see taking place around us. For example, some people gain other’s hard-earned money by cheating, some people abduct and traffic children in order to clean up, other people abandon their parents

for money. It’s no wonder why our parents and teachers told us to raise our awareness when we were young. Though the world is not perfect owing to these people, we still need to try our best to help others. When people get in troubles, we are supposed to provide them with help.

The first time I saw the book, I just thought that it is the same as Robinson Grusoe. But when I opened it, I immediately knew that this novel is quite different from Robinson Grusoe. On the one hand, the novel has some flavor of fairy tale. On the other hand, the soul of the novel is satire.

The author described the features, which are greed, partisan, hypocrisy, brutal, anger, mad, resentment, envy, lust, sinister and ambitions, of English society at that time. In this novel, horses become the symbol of rationalism while human was stood by yahoos who have many annoying habits. Things the author emphasized are not only the phenomenon of English society at that time but also all bad phenomenon of the whole human’s society. As all the readers can see, the author was not satisfied at our society. As far as I am concerned, though our society cannot be perfect, we are supposed to spare no effort to make some changes in order to make the world better. First of all, we can appeal to people around us to create a better world together. What’s more, when we

see some phenomenon which is bad for our society, we should stop it with no doubts and we must persuade people to contribute their shares to make the world better. Last but not least, we are supposed to try our best to do it because we are able to set ourselves some examples to others.

Only in this way can we gain a better world.