

? 1.Is the opinion of the majority—in government or in any other circumstances—a poor

guide? (20xx.3)

? 2.Are people afraid to speak out against authority, whether the authority is an individual,

a group, or a government? (20xx.5)

? 3.Does worrying too much about other people’s opinions prevent us from seeing things

clearly? (20xx.5)

? 4.Do newspapers, magazines, television, radio, movies, the Internet, and other media

determine what is important to most people? (20xx.6)

? 5.Is praising others, even if the praise is excessive or undeserved, a necessary part of life?


? 6.Is it important to question the ideas and decisions of people in positions of authority?


? 7.Is criticism—judging or finding fault with the ideas and actions of others—essential for

personal well-being and social progress?

? 8.Should our perceptions of beauty be influenced by the perceptions of beauty of other

people? (20xx.11)

? 9.Are established rules too limited to guide people in real-life situations? (20xx.6) ? 10. Do we need other people to identify who we are?

? 11. Are people more likely to be productive and successful when they ignore the opinion

of others?


? 1.Is creativity needed more than ever in the world today? (20xx.3)

? 2.Does progress depend on people with new ideas rather than on people whose ideas are

based on the current way of doing things? (20xx.5)

? 3.Can people ever be truly original? (20xx.10)

? 4.Is it always necessary to find new solutions to problems? (20xx.11)

? 5.Is it always better to be original than to imitate or use the ideas of others? (20xx.1) ? 6.Do closed doors make us creative? Should people always prefer the new things, ideas,

or values to those of the past?


? 1.Are people better at making observations, discoveries, and decisions if they remain

neutral and impartial? (20xx.3)

? 2.Do success and happiness depend on the choices people make rather than on factors

beyond their control? (20xx.11)

? 3.Does having a large number of options to choose from make people happy? (20xx.11) ? 4.Should people choose one of two opposing sides of an issue, or is the truth usually

found "in the middle"(20xx.12)

? 5.Are people’s lives the results of the choice they make?

? 6.Do bad choices and good choices equally have negative consequences?

? 7.Are we free to make our own decisions or are limited in the choices we make? ? 8.Is it important to understand people’s motivations before judge their actions?

? 9. Are people’s actions motivated by a desire for power over others? (20xx.5)


? 1.Is creativity needed more than ever in the world today? (20xx.3)

? 2.Does progress depend on people with new ideas rather than on people whose ideas are

based on the current way of doing things? (20xx.5)

? 3.Can people ever be truly original? (20xx.10)

? 4.Is it always necessary to find new solutions to problems? (20xx.11)

? 5.Is it always better to be original than to imitate or use the ideas of others? (20xx.1) ? 6.Do closed doors make us creative? Should people always prefer the new things, ideas,

or values to those of the past?


? 1.Are people better at making observations, discoveries, and decisions if they remain

neutral and impartial? (20xx.3)

? 2.Do success and happiness depend on the choices people make rather than on factors

beyond their control? (20xx.11)

? 3.Does having a large number of options to choose from make people happy? (20xx.11) ? 4.Should people choose one of two opposing sides of an issue, or is the truth usually

found "in the middle"(20xx.12)

? 5.Are people’s lives the results of the choice they make?

? 6.Do bad choices and good choices equally have negative consequences?

? 7.Are we free to make our own decisions or are limited in the choices we make? ? 8.Is it important to understand people’s motivations before judge their actions? ? 9. Are people’s actions motivated by a desire for power over others? (20xx.5)


? 1.Is a person responsible, through the example he or she sets, for the behavior of other

people? (20xx.3)

? 2.Do we put too much value on the ideas or actions of individual people? (20xx.11) ? 3.Should people take more responsibility for solving problems that affect their

communities or the nation in general? (20xx.1)

? 4.Is it always best to determine one's own views of right and wrong, or can we benefit

from following the crowd? (20xx.5)

? 5.Is there any value for people to belong only to a group or groups with which they have

something in common? (20xx.1)

? 6.Are organizations or groups most successful when their members pursue individual

wishes and goals? (20xx.3)

? 7.Do people accomplish more when they are allowed to do things in their own way?


? 8.Should each individual decide what and how to learn? (20xx.4)

? 9.Does the success of a community—whether it is a class, a team, a family, a nation, or

any other group—depend upon people's willingness to limit their personal interests? (20xx.5)

? 10. Do we tend to accept the opinions of others instead of developing our own

independent ideas? (20xx.6)

? 11. Is it more valuable for people to fit in than to be unique and different? (20xx.3)


? 1.Is success in life earned or do people succeed because they are lucky? (20xx.10)

? 2.Has the acquisition of money and possessions replaced more meaningful ways of

measuring our achievements? (20xx.11)

? 3.Is it more important to do work that one finds fulfilling or work that pays well?


? 4.Is it best to have low expectations and to set goals we are sure of achieving? (20xx.3) ? 5.Do people achieve greatness only by finding out what they are especially good at and

developing that attribute above all else? (20xx.10)

? 6.Is the effort involved in pursuing any goal valuable, even if the goal is not reached?


? 7.Can success be disastrous?

? 8.Do people have to be highly competitive to succeed?

? 9. Do people achieve success only if they aim to be perfect? (20xx.11)

? 10. Do people achieve more success by cooperation than by competition? (20xx.10) ? 11. Do people place too much emphasis on winning? (20xx.5)


? 1.Is conflict helpful? (20xx.11)

? 2.Is it necessary to make mistakes, even when doing so has negative consequences for
