




一、选择题(每题2分,共30分) 1.下列元素符号书写正确的是( ) A.NA B.MG C.AL D.S 2.下列化学式书写正确的是( )

A.碳酸钠Na2CO3 B.氯化钠Na2Cl C.氧化镁MgO2 D.硫酸HSO4 3.下列化学式的读法错误的是( )

A.NaOH(氢氧化钠) B.HCl(盐酸) C.Al2O3(氧化铝) D.H2O(水) 4.1

H、2 H、3 H、H+




、H2是( )

A.氢的五种同位素 B.五种氢元素 C.氢的五种核素 D.氢元素的五种不同粒子

5.下列有关钋(210 84Po)的说法正确的是 ( )

A.钋原子的核外电子数是126 B.钋原子核内中子数与质子数之差是42 C.钋是金属元素,最外层电子数小于4 D.钋元素的相对原子质量是210 6.下列物质中含有相同的化学键类型的是( )

A.NaCl、HCl、H2O、NaOH B.Cl2、Na2S、HCl、SO2 C.HBr、CO2、H2O、CS2 D.Na2O2、H2O2、H2O、O3 7.3He可以作为核聚变材料,以下关于3He的说法正确的是( ) A.比4He少一个电子 B.比4He少一个质子

C.与4He的同分异构体 D.是4He的同位素

8.按周期表中碱金属元素从上到下顺序排列,下列描述错误的是( ) A.原子的最外层电子书逐渐增多 B.原子的电子层数逐渐增多 C.原子失去电子的能力逐渐增强 D.元素的金属性逐渐增强 9.元素的性质主要是有( )决定的

A.相对原子质量 B.质子数 C.质量数 D.最外层电子数和原子半径

10.0.5molH2里有( )

A.0.5个氢气分子 B.1个氢气分子 C.6.02×1023个氢原子 D.3.01×1023个氢原子 11.98g硫酸(H2SO4)分子数与( )gHCl分子数相同 A.98 B.36.5 C.49 D.73

12.配制100ml浓度为0.5mol/L的NaOH溶液需称取纯净的NaOH( )g A.5 B.10 C.2 D.20 13.下列物质属于强电解质的是( )

A.三氧化硫 B.铜 C.碳酸 D.氯化钠 14.下列溶液中酸性最强的是( )

A.PH=4 B.PH=10 C.PH=2.5 D.PH=7 15.下列物质能水解的是( )

A.NaOH B.HCl C.KCl D.NH4Cl 二、填空题(每空1分,共25分)


成。原子核中 与 之和叫做质量数。24 12Mg中,质子数 个,中子数 个,电子数 个。

17.纯碱是生活中最常见的物质之一,其化学式为Na2CO3。0.5molNa2CO3的质量为 g,其中含有 molNa+ 和 32-。

18.可逆反应:N2+3H2 2NH3。当采取下列措施时,对正、逆反应速率的影响是:(1)增大N2的浓度,正反应速率 ,(2)减小NH3的浓度,正反应 ,(3)增大反应容器的压强,正反应速率 ,逆反应速率 ,(4)升高温度,正反应速率 ,逆反应速率 。 19.在纯水中,[H+[OH-],在酸溶液中,[H+[OH-],在碱溶液中[H+[OH-],溶液的酸性越强,。

20.NaAC、NH4Cl、NaCl的水溶液分别呈 三、按要求完成下列各题(每题3分,共15分) 21.写出盐酸和氢氧化钠反应的化学方程式


23.将化学方程式CuSO4+2NaOH====Cu(OH)2+Na2SO4改写成离子方程式 24.写出一个符合离子方程式Ag++Cl-====AgCl↓的化学方程式 25.写出FeCl3在溶液中水解的化学方程式







3. experiment A. express B. excuse C. expert D. external 二、单选

6. He _____ a lazy man when he was young.

A. used to being B. used to be C. was used to be D. was used to being 7. You can ___ choose an optimistic attitude __ choose a pessimistic attitude. A. or, either B. either, or C. but, also D. and, both 8. I have _____.

A. nothing delicious to eat B. delicious nothing to eat C. eat nothing delicious D. to eat delicious nothing 9. We arrived at the airport late ____ the traffic jam. A. because B. because of C. since D. as 10. They were made ____ the bridge in half a year.

A. finish to build B. to finish building C. finishing to build D. to finish to build 11. It is no use ____ him ____ the matter.

A. arguing with, about B. argue, for C. to argue with, for D. to argue, against 12. It?s really nice ____ you ____ me with me with my math. A. for, to help B. for, helping C. of, to help D. of, help

13. Although I have reminded him many times, he always forgot ___ the light.

A. to switch on B. to switch off C. turning up D. turning off

14. I?d like _____ at home rather than _____ that movie theater. It?s old and dirty everywhere. A. to stay, go to B. to stay, going to C. staying, going to D. staying, to go to 15. He hasn?t passed the exam. Nor ____.

A. is his sister B. does his sister C. has his sister D. his sister has

16. The Egyptian kings had Pyramids(金字塔) ____ for them on the west bank of the river. A. build B. to build C. building D. built

17. Physical exercises are _____ great importance for old people. A. with B. out of C. of D. by

18. _____ is impolite to cut in line when you are waiting for a bus. A. This B. The C. It D. Which 19. She prefer ____ to _____ TV.

A. to read, watch B. reading, watch C. read, watch D. reading, watching

20. He isn?t bad, ____ I think he is kind and honest.

A. in the contrary B. on the contrary C. but D. furthermore 21. Although they are twins, they have ____ with each other.

A. something in common B. something commonC. nothing in common D. nothing common 22. I?m not looking for a job. ____, I am not going to look for a job. A. But B. So C. Furthermore D. And 23. He always gets to school early, _____.

A. so did I B. so do I C. so was I D. so did they 24. It was on the farm _____ he spent his childhood. A. where B. in which C. in that D. that

25. It ____ was that many houses have been built for the Yushu?s people after the earthquake. A. reported B. is reported C. reporting D. is reporting 26. I said nothing about it, _____ his wife being there. A. for B. because of C. since D. because 27. _____ he will go or not hasn?t _____.

A. If, been decided B. That, been decided C. Whether, decided D. Whether, been decided 28. They had a wonderful holiday, _____ the bad weather. A. without B. despite C. no matter D. don?t think

29 In the morning we usually keep the windows ____ so that we can breathe fresh air. A. opened B. to be open C. open D. opening 30. He could do nothing but ____ at home.

A. stay B. to stay C. staying D. stayed 三、完型填空。

Most middle school students wear uniforms. Some students like uniforms, ersdon?t. However, recently, a Japanese government survey(政府调查) that more students in Japan like uniforms now school uniforms are more fashionable than they were before.

I surveyed some Japanese students about they thought of school uniforms. I asked them “ Are fashionable uniforms popular or not” There were lots of different opinions.

Hiromi said “I like school uniforms because I don?t need every day. I think that fashionable uniforms are ?Fashionable uniforms are too expensive.?”

Miki said that she didn?t like fashionable uniforms because she didn?t want to spend so much uniforms. She thought that the uniforms should be changed .They should be cheaper and easier to get.

Mitsuaki said “ I don?t like school uniforms because I want to look I also agree that

fashionable uniforms make many students uniforms in high school. If students like fashionable uniforms, it is good.” 31. A. and B. but C. or D. so

32. A. shows B. tells C. speaks D. talks 33. A. before B. when C. because D. so that 34. A. why B. how C. where D. what

35. A. choose B. to choose C. choosing D. chose 36. A. good B. bad C. well D. old 37. A. question B. word C. thing D. problem 38. A. in B. for C. on D. at

39. A. the same B. different C. happy D. same

40. A. want to wear B. to want to show C. to want wearing D. to want wear 四、阅读理解。


In general people talk about to groups of colors: warm colors and cool colors. Scientists think that there are also two groups of people: people who prefer warm colors and people who prefer cool colors.

The warm colors are red, orange and yellow. Where there are warm colors and a lot of light, people usually want to be active. People think that the people who prefer red are exciting social(善交际的) people, and like to be with others who like red. The cool colors are green, blue and purple. These colors, unlike warm colors, are exciting. Where there are cool colors, people are usually quiet. People who like to spend time alone often prefer blue.

Red maybe makes people exciting, but one scientist says that time seems to pass more slow in a room with warm colors than in a room with cool colors. He suggested that a warm color such as red or orange is a good color for a living room or a restaurant.

People who are relaxing or eating don?t want time to pass quickly Cool colors are better for offices of factories as the people who work there want time to pass quickly . Scientists don?t know why people think some colors are warm and other colors are cool.

However, almost everyone agrees that warm colors remind people of warm days and cool colors remind them of cool days. Because the sun is higher during summer, the hot summer sunlight appears yellow.

41. When people talk about two groups of people, they mean two kinds of people who ___ respectively. A.are warm colors and cool colors B. are green, blue and purple C.like warm colors and cool colors D. are yellow, red and orange 42.The people who like warm colors_____.

A. don?t like to be with others B. like to stay at home by themselves C. are very hard to get on with D. are very easy to get on with others

43. Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A. Maybe warm colors make people think of warm days. B. The writer thinks cool colors are good for offices of factories.

C. Time seems to pass more slowly in a room with warm colors than in a room with cool colors. D. The persons who are relaxing don?t want time to pass slowly.

44. Why do some people who like warm colors and others like cool colors? A. Because the people who like warm colors are active. B.The writer doesn?t tell us the reason, so we don?t know why. C. Because warm colors are nice and cool colors are not nice.

D. Because the people who like cool colors prefer staying at home alone. 45. Which of the following may be the best title for this passage?

A. Cool Colors. B. Two Groups of Colors. C. Colors and People. D. Warm Colors.


What will man be like in the future-in 5000 or even 50,000 years from now? We can only make guesses, of course, but we can be sure that he will be different from what he is today. For man is slowly changing all the time.

Let us take an obvious example. Man, even five hundred years ago, was shorter than he is today. Now, on average, men are about three inches taller. Five hundred years is relatively short period of time, so we may assume(假定) that man will continue to grow taller. Again, in the modern world we use our brains a great deal. Even so, we still make use of only about 20% of the brain?s capacity. As time goes on, however, we shall have to use our brains more and more, and eventually we shall need larger ones! This is likely to bring about a physical change too: the head, in particular the forehead, will grow larger.

Nowadays our eyes are in constant use. In fact, we use them so much that very often they become weaker and we have to wear glasses. But over very long period of time it is likely that man?s eyes will grow stronger.

On the other hand, we tend to make less use of our arms and legs. These, as a result, are likely to grow weaker. At the same time, however, our fingers will grow more sensitive because they are used a great deal in modern life.

But what about hair? This will probably disappear from the body altogether in course of time because it does not serve a useful purpose any longer. In the future, then, both sexes are likely to be bald(光秃).

Perhaps all this gives the impression that future man will not be a very attractive creature to look at! This may well be true. All the same, in spite of all these changes, future man will still have a lot in common with us. He will still be a human being, with thoughts and emotions similar to our own. 46.. The passage mainly tells us that____. A. man?s life will be different in the future

B. future man will look quite different from us

C. man is growing taller and uglier as time passes D. man?s organs? functions will be one the wane

47. The reason for believing that future man will be different is that he ____. A. is always growing B. never stops changing C. hopes for a change D. will live a different life 48. Man?s forehead will grow larger because____ A. he makes use only 20 % of the brain?s capacity. B. his brain has grown larger over the past centuries. C. the other 80% of his brain will grow in due time.

D. he will use his brain more and more as time goes on. 49. What will be true about a human being in the future? A. He will be hairless because hair is no longer useful. B. He will have smaller eyes and wears better glasses.

C. His fingers will grow weaker because he doesn?t have to make use of them. D. He will think and feel in different way. 50.It is implied that ____.

A. human beings will become less attractive in the future.

B. less use of a bodily organ may lead to its degeneration(退化、衰退) C. human beings hope for a change in the future life D. future life is always predictable.


How should one invest a sum of money in these days of inflation(通货膨胀)? Left in a bank it will hardly keep its value, however high the interest rate.Only a brave man, or a very rich one, dares to buy and sell on the Stock Market.Today it seems that one of the best ways to protect your savings and even increase your wealth is to buy beautiful objects from the past.Here I am going to offer some advice on collecting antique (古董) clocks, which I personally consider are among the most interesting of antiques.

I sometimes wonder what a being from another planet might report back about our way of life.“ The planet Earth is ruled by a mysterious creature that sits or stands in a room and makes a strange ticking sound.It has a face with twelve black marks and two hands.Men can do nothing without its permission, and it fastens its young round people?s wrists so that everywhere men go they are still under its control.This creature is the real master of Earth and men are its slaves.”

Whether or not we are slaves of time today depends on our culture and personality, but it is believed that many years ago kings kept special slaves to tell the time.Certain men were very clever at measuring the time of day according to the beating of their own hearts.They were made to stand in a fixed place and every hour or so would shout the time.So it seems that the first clocks were human


However, men quickly found more convenient and reliable ways of telling the time.They learned to use the shadows cast by the sun.They marked the hours on candles, used sand in hour-glasses, and invented water-clocks.Indeed, any serious student of antique should spend as much time as possible visiting palaces, stately homes and museums to see some of the finest examples of clocks from the past.

Antique clocks could be very expensive, but one of the joys of collecting clocks is that it is still possible to find quite cheap ones for your own home.After all, if you are going to be ruled by time, why not invest in an antique clock and perhaps make a future profit? 51.According to the passage, collecting antique clocks___________.

A.can hardly keep the value of your savings B.will cost much of your savings C.may increase your wealth D.needs your bravery

52.By quoting (引用) the remark (话) of a being from another planet, the author intends to ________________.

A.suggest human beings are controlled by a clock B.describes why clocks can rule the planet Earth C.tell readers what clocks look like D.compare clocks to human beings 53.Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a way to measure the time?

A.Counting the beating of one?s own heart. B.Making use of candles, sand and water. C.Observing shadows cast by the sun. D.Keeping all the slaves busy day and night. 54.The underlined phrase stately homes in paragraph 4 means ____. A.state-owned houses B.houses in very good condition

C.grand houses open to the public D.houses where statesmen meet regularly 55.The purpose of the passage is ________________. A.to introduce the culture of antique clocks B.to offer some advice on collecting antique clocks C.to compare different ways to make a future profit

D.to explain convenient and reliable ways of telling time 五、词义搭配(10)

56. familiar A. cover a large area of period of time 57. personal B. brave, fearless 58. courageous C. know; identify again. 59. perform D. knowing sth. very well

60. establish E. fasten or bind with rope, wire, etc. 61. spread F. belong to a particular person. 62. capable G. act a play 63. recognize H. set up

64. affect I. having the ability

65. tie J. have an influence on 六、补全对话。

Phyllis: What?s the matter, Anne? Anne: Yes. I have a chance to get another job and don?t know what to do. Phyllis: If it is a better job than you have now, take it. That?s my idea.

Anne: . I like the job I have now very much. The people in my office are very nice and

my work is interesting.

Phyllis: What about the salary? That would influence me if I were me.

Anne: If I accept the job, I?ll get more money right away. What should I do? I have

to let them know my decision today.

Phyllis: . I?ll be anxious to know what you do. I?d like to try to get that new job, if you

decide not to take it. A: It isn?t as easy as that, Phyllis. B: Do you have a problem? C: Would you get more money?

D: You?ll just have to decide for yourself, Anne. E: Yes, the salary is better. 七、单词拼写。

71. White is always ___________(把……联系起来) with purity and peace in the West, and with funerals and death in Asia.

72. Her singing will_________(有助于) greatly to the success of the party. 73. She has a very close ____________________(关系) with her sister. 74. A man got into a train and found himself sitting ____(对面的) a woman. 75. Mr. Smith is not very ______________(宽容) of your mistake. 八、词形转换。

76. Her job is to deal with customers? __________________(complain) 77. I want to avoid any _________________(pleasant) with the neighbors. 78. I didn?t know why he believed his ____________________(explain). 79. The box has a ___________________(high) of 50 cm.

80. How to ________________(strong) policy is an important problem. 九、改错。



A B C D A B C D 十、作文。 Learning how to apologize

写作要点:1、道歉的重要性。 2、如何道歉。





古浪五中 张子杰











高一虽然已经教过了几轮,但是每一年的感觉都不一样。从不敢因为教过而有所懈怠。我还是像一位新老师一样认真阅读新课标,钻研新教材,熟悉教材内容,查阅教学资料,适当增减教学内容, 认真细致的备好每一节课,真正做到重点明确,难点分解。遇到难以解决的问题,就向老教师讨教或在备课组内讨论。另外,我还积极阅读教学教参书籍及教学论文,如《中学数学教学参考》等,认真学习各种教学方法,并尝试运用到实践教学中去,当然,还有很多是不成熟。






四、存在的困惑: 1.书本习题都较简单和基础,而我们的教辅题目偏难,加重了学生的学习负担,而且学生完成情况很不好。课时又不足,教学时间紧,没时间讲评这些练习题。






