
【秒杀三字英语短句】1. I am crushed! 我好伤心难过!2. Stay in shape. 你好好维持身材

3. Look into it! 你去查个清楚!4. Break a leg! (表演)祝你成功!加油!5. Speak your mind! 有话直说!6. Stick it out! 坚持下去!7. Break it off! 分手吧!请加入微群#英语来了#(


【秒杀三字英语短句】1. I am crushed! 我好伤心难过!2. Stay in shape. 你好好维持身材

3. Look into it! 你去查个清楚!4. Break a leg! (表演)祝你成功!加油!5. Speak your mind! 有话直说!6. Stick it out! 坚持下去!7. Break it off! 分手吧!请加入微群#英语来了#(http://url.cn/0aDH0Z


英文王子张介英:【秒杀2字实用短句】#英语来了# 1. My bad. 我的错。2. Hands off. 不准碰。3. Enlighten me. 请详述(好让我了解)。4. Too much. 太多了。5. A second. 等会儿。

6. A word. 我想私下跟你说句话。7. Buckle up. 系好安全带。/准备好。8. Let go. 放手。

9. Fire away. 开火。/有问题尽量问。


英文王子张介英【:秒杀2字实用短句】#英语来了# 1. Yes indeed. 的确如此。2. Eyes straight. 眼睛向前看。3. Focus please. 请你专注点。4. Back off. 别插手管事。5. Job done. 事情完成了。6. Likewise here. 我也一样。/我也心有同感。7. Brace yourself. 你准备好(接受挑战)。

8. Pick one. 选一个。

#英语来了#|| 英文王子张介英: [j接力] 9. Speak up! 大声点!10. All set. 全都搞定了。

11. Start over. 重新来过。12. Bottoms up! 干杯!13. Mind you. 让我提醒你。14. Oh please. 你得了吧!15. Anytime anywhere. 随时随地都可。16. Shoot me. 你杀了我吧。

英文王子张介英【:秒杀2字实用短句】#英语来了# 1. Yes indeed. 的确如此。2. Eyes straight. 眼睛向前看。3. Focus please. 请你专注点。4. Back off. 别插手管事。5. Job done. 事情完成了。6. Likewise here. 我也一样。/我也心有同感。7. Brace yourself. 你准备好(接受挑战)。

8. Pick one. 选一个。



#英语来了#|| 英文王子张介英: 【称赞人的英语】gorgeous-靓美养眼 hilarious-热闹有料 fantastic-可赞优秀 excellent-出众超棒 intelligent-聪明机灵 marvelous-很好很强大 brilliant-赞绝了 glorious-出色光辉 outstanding-出众有才 superb-超赞 exquisite-绝好 incomparable-无与伦比

英文王子张介英:【称赞女性打扮的英语用词三】winning-赢得众人目光 sensuous-眼花缭乱的美 delectable-可口 desirable-令人向往, enticing-诱人 lovely-可爱可人 covetable-众人渴望 irresistible-无法抗拒 dreamy-梦幻般 adorable-可爱 engaging-有魅力 teasing-撩拨人 magnetic-有磁性 fetching-引人迷恋#英语来了#

英文王子张介英:【称赞女性打扮的英语用词三】winning-赢得众人目光 sensuous-眼花缭乱的美 delectable-可口 desirable-令人向往, enticing-诱人 lovely-可爱可人 covetable-众人渴望 irresistible-无法抗拒 dreamy-梦幻般 adorable-可爱 engaging-有魅力 teasing-撩拨人 magnetic-有磁性 fetching-引人迷恋#英语来了#


英文王子张介英:【"我一点都不在意",英语肿么说?】1.I don't care at all. 2. It doesn't bother me at all. 3.I don't give a tinker's cuss. (后面偏向粗口,慎用) :4.I don't give a shit.

5. I don't give a damn. 6. I don't give a crap. 7.I don't give a f*ck. 8. I don't give a rat's ass #英语来了#

【"我一点都不在意",英语肿么说?】1.I don't care at all. 2. It doesn't bother me at all. 3.I don't give a tinker's cuss. (后面偏向粗口,慎用) :4.I don't give a shit. 5. I don't give a damn.

6. I don't give a crap. 7.I don't give a f*ck. 8. I don't give a rat's ass #英语来了#

【称赞女性打扮的英语用词三】winning-赢得众人目光 sensuous-眼花缭乱的美

delectable-可口 desirable-令人向往, enticing-诱人 lovely-可爱可人 covetable-众人渴望 irresistible-无法抗拒 dreamy-梦幻般 adorable-可爱 engaging-有魅力 teasing-撩拨人 magnetic-有磁性 fetching-引人迷恋#英语来了#

【【秒杀2字实用短句】#英语来了# 1. Yes indeed. 的确如此。2. Eyes straight. 眼睛向前看。3. Focus please. 请你专注点。4. Back off. 别插手管事。5....】||一粒尘土lily :likewise

【#鱼类#My favorite fish is the ___. 我最喜欢的鱼是___】#英语来了# 1. catfish 鲶鱼

2.cod 鳕鱼 3. sardine 沙丁鱼 4. salmon 鲑鱼 5. herring 鲱鱼 6. piranha 水虎鱼

7.shark 鲨鱼 8. bass 鲈鱼 9. trout 鳟鱼 10. sturgeon 鲟鱼 11. flounder 牙鲆 12. eel 鳗鱼 13. carp 鲤鱼 14.goldfish 金鱼

【秒杀2字实用短句】#英语来了# 1. Yes indeed. 的确如此。2. Eyes straight. 眼睛向前看。

3. Focus please. 请你专注点。4. Back off. 别插手管事。5. Job done. 事情完成了。6. Likewise here. 我也一样。/我也心有同感。7. Brace yourself. 你准备好(接受挑战)。8. Pick one. 选一个。

【秒杀2字实用短句】#英语来了# 1. Yes indeed. 的确如此。2. Eyes straight. 眼睛向前看。

3. Focus please. 请你专注点。4. Back off. 别插手管事。5. Job done. 事情完成了。6. Likewise here. 我也一样。/我也心有同感。7. Brace yourself. 你准备好(接受挑战)。8. Pick one. 选一个。

【秒杀2字实用短句】#英语来了# 1. My bad. 我的错。2. Hands off. 不准碰。3. Enlighten me. 请详述(好让我了解)。4. Too much. 太多了。5. A second. 等会儿。6. A word. 我想私下跟你说句话。7. Buckle up. 系好安全带。/准备好。8. Let go. 放手。9. Fire away. 开火。/有问题尽量问。

|| 英文王子张介英:【Not 开头的秒杀2字英语实用短句】#英语来了#1. Not really. 不见得。

2. Not exactly. 不是全然如此。3. Not necessarily. 未必。4. Not entirely. 不全然。5. Not us

英文王子张介英:【实用短句】 1. I took it pretty hard. 我(因为此事)挺难过的。2. Don't rub it in. 别在伤口上撒盐。3. This is a cosy room. 这个房间很舒适。4. It's my gut feeling. 这是我的直觉。5. I have butterflies in my stomach. 我忐忑不安。6. I'm in my element. 我觉得如鱼得水。



1. You are on!说定了。

2. I acknowledge the truth of your statement. 我承认你所说的事实。

3. we were deceived into believing that he could help us. 我们上当了。

4. now , we are out of time.现在,我们时间不够了。

5. I am over you.我跟你之间完了。

6. what would you do in my place?你要是处于我的位置,你怎么做?

7. just right place , right time.天时地利。

8. let us get to the point.让我们言归正传。

9. cut the crap.少说废话。

10. what is the point?重点是什么?

11. don’t push me around.不要摆布我。

12. stop ragging on me!不要取笑我。

13. let us scratch the plan.我们取消那个计划吧。

14. what he says makes sense.他说的有一定道理。

15. It all begins to fall into place.一切开始明朗了。

16. How do you account for it?你怎么解释它?

17. Follow my nose. 凭直觉做某事。

18. Come to the point! 有话直说!

19. Don't give me that! 少来这套!

20. It's no big deal! 没什么大不了的!

21. We’re all for it! 我们都赞成!

22. Just because. 没有别的原因。

23. It isn't the way I hoped it would be.这不是我所盼望的。

24. I won't buy you story.我不信你那一套。

25. The picture flattered her。她比较上照。

26. You don't know what you are talking about。你在胡说八道。

27. That's all I want to hear。我已经听够了。

28. I wish I could bring you to see my point。你要我怎么说你才能明白呢。

29. If you think he is a good man, think again。如果你认为他是好人,那你就大错特错了。

30. Traditionally, Italian presidents have


31. Don't take it to heart.别往心里去

32. We'd better be off.我们该走了

been seen and not
