
The effects Chinese has on English

Abstract: As a consequence of globalization, English , as an international language has been greatly influenced by other languages, especial by Chinese .

Keywords: Chinese English Chinglish

Most people are aware of modern English a great impact on Chinese, but also less known to English Chinese have no small impact. Especially in recent years, with Chinese economic development and enhance the international influence, accompanied by the increase in international exchange and moved to the surge in overseas Chinese, Chinese to the increasing influence of English. Chinese vocabulary is not only from direct reference to the English, and some had to be made fun of the Chinese people have gradually been accepted in English, as the habit of argument in English. According to Global Language Monitor has the statistics, the new words in English, about 20% of the English vocabulary from the Chinese or Chinglish. Oxford English Dictionary in English with Chinese as the source of a thousand words articles, covering areas such as diet type, biology, philosophy of religion class, politics and so on. Chinglish word from the Chinese and the English combination of the two English words generated, is the "Chinglish" means, it and "tsunami",

"avian flu" and other people will be released by the Global Language Monitor's top ten for the world's most popular word.

Chinglish in the endless stream of unique humor to bring a joke, but also for many foreign cities, hotels, restaurants embarrassing topic. Of course, Chinglish is not entirely wrong, there are some simple and practical Chinglish to be an English idiom, the rich world of the English language, English language development as a new form. For example, Long time no see (好久不见) is a typical composition according to Chinese custom of English phrases verbatim, but simple and practical expression, has been widely accepted.

Guanxi (关系), this is the most shameful one word of Chinese output. Relationship with the English meaning or relation very different, which indicates that relationships with Chinese characteristics. Westerners are rarely needed in the social life, "Latin American relations through the back door" and therefore did not express this "relationship" of the word, can only be imported from the Chinese - to think of it a bit embarrassing. Chinese "relations" (关系) in China, the term is a typical feature of Chinese words into English. An example is illustrative, if Bill Gates introduced a young man to another computer company to work, if this is the U.S. company, then the boss will want to Gates that the United States

introduced to the people, the quality of a certain good, to stay If this is the Chinese company, China Gates, the boss will think this is introduced to the people, not that I do not hire him too to the people face it? Words such as directly into English with Chinese characteristics, regardless of whether the source of pride, but it does enrich the expressiveness of the English language and appeal to the English input of fresh blood.

Similar effects of these there are many Chinese, for example as follows: Kung fu or Kong fu(19xx年来自“功夫”)

Yin yang (16xx年来自“阴阳”) Kowtow (18xx年来自“叩头”) Tofu (18xx年来自“豆腐”,据说是从日语间接进入英语) Lychee or litche (15xx年来自“荔枝”) Gung ho or gung-ho(同心协力、合作)(19xx年来自“工合”) Mahjong or Mah-jong (19xx年来自“麻将”) Feng shui (17xx年来自“风水”) Tai chi (太极拳)(17xx年来自“太极”) Yamen (17xx年来自“衙门”) Kaolin (17xx年来自“高岭”) Kylin (18xx年来自“麒麟”) Longan (17xx年来自“龙眼”) Pe-tsai (17xx年来自“白菜”) Suan-pan (17xx年来自“算盘”) Tao (道家学说的道)(17xx年来自“道”) Cha (茶) Typhoon (17xx年来自“台风”) Dim sum (19xx年来自“点心”) Wok (19xx年来自“镬(炒锅)”) Chop-suey (炒杂烩菜)(18xx年来自“杂碎”) Won ton(馄饨) Chow mein (19xx年来自“炒面”)Dazibao (大字报)Putonghua (普通话)Yangko (秧歌)Maotai (茅台酒)Pipa (琵琶)Erhu (二胡)Zheng (筝)Taikongren (太空人)and so on.

Then, come to the life. Kowtow , TaiChi , Kung fu, confucianism those are signal of Chinese tradition , as with Chinese culture ,they sail to far away and blossoming all over the world.

At last, in respect of learning and working. The first proverb I can say in English is "Good,good study ,day day up." I use to thought it was a wrong saying . But ,now many native speaker also say so. The words first was said by our Chairman Mao , while , it has become a famous byword in the world.

There are too many words to recount introduced from Chinese. So ,lwe can conclude that Chinese has a great effect on English ,and with the time flying ,the fluence will get bigger and bigger !

地质学院 资源勘查工程09-2班 李海立 20xx01170812










一学期的健美操学习,尽管我做的不是很出色,但它对我有很大的帮助,也许我没有做的像专业人士那样标准,但过程中的乐趣与收获才是难得的无价之宝。 健美操课虽然结束了,但是我觉得我们对于健美操不应该以拿到学分为终极目标,在以后的生活中,我们应该把健美操当做一种锻炼和休闲的方式,我将保持这种习惯,坚持锻炼,跳出健康,跳出美丽。

