


乙:Dear honored guests, ladies and gentlemen, teachers, and fellow classmates. Good morning!


乙:Welcome to the final of the “First Freshman English speech contest” 甲:我是主持人?.

乙:I am ?

甲:为全面贯彻教育方针,丰富校园文化生活,提高新生素质修养,由校团委主办,青年发展与咨询服务中心承办的第一届“新生英语比赛”决赛即将拉开帷幕! 乙:In order to implement educational policy comprehensively and enrich the cultural life on campus, the “First Freshman English Speech Contest” hold by school Youth Corps Committee and is going to begin. 甲:现在我宣布,武汉大学第一届新生英语演讲比赛正式开始!

乙:Now, the First Freshmen English Speech Contest” of Wuhan University begins!


乙:At the very beginning, let me introduce tonight’s distinguished guests. They are Mr. Wen Yundong from 不会翻译了!!!


乙:Let us show our appreciate with our warmest applause. Next, let’s welcome Mr. Wen to deliver a speech.


乙:Thanks for Mr. Wen’s wondereful speech.


乙:Please welcome our players!


乙:There is 3 parts in today’s competiton. The first stage is prepared speech without given topics. Every player has 4 minutes to present your speech.

甲:接下来,就有请1号选手 ,她的主题是

乙:Next, let's welcome contestant No. 1, her topic is

甲:感谢1号选手的演讲,下面有请2号选手 ,她的主题是

乙:Let’s thanks for her speech. Next, let's welcome contestant No. 2, her topic is

甲:感谢2号选手的演讲,下面有请3号选手 ,她的主题是

乙:Let’s thanks for her speech. Next, let's welcome contestant No. 3, her topic is

甲:感谢3号选手的演讲,下面有请4号选手 ,她的主题是

乙:Let’s thanks for her speech. Next, let's welcome contestant No. 4, her topic is

甲:感谢4号选手的演讲,下面有请5号选手 ,她的主题是

乙:Let’s thanks for her speech. Next, let's welcome contestant No. 5, her topic is

甲:感谢5号选手的演讲,下面有请6号选手 ,她的主题是

乙:Let’s thanks for her speech. Next, let's welcome contestant No. 6, her topic is

甲:感谢6号选手的演讲,下面有请7号选手 ,她的主题是

乙:Let’s thanks for her speech. Next, let's welcome contestant No. 7, her topic is

甲:感谢7号选手的演讲,下面有请8号选手 ,她的主题是

乙:Let’s thanks for her speech. Next, let's welcome contestant No. 8, her topic is

甲:感谢8号选手的演讲,下面有请9号选手 ,她的主题是

乙:Let’s thanks for her speech. Next, let's welcome contestant No. 9, her topic is

甲:感谢9号选手的演讲,下面有请10号选手 ,她的主题是

乙:Let’s thanks for her speech. Next, let's welcome contestant No. 10, her topic is

甲:感谢10号选手的演讲,下面有请11号选手 ,她的主题是

乙:Let’s thanks for her speech. Next, let's welcome contestant No. 11, her topic is

甲:感谢11号选手的演讲,下面有请12号选手 ,她的主题是

乙:Let’s thanks for her speech. Next, let's welcome contestant No.12, her topic is


乙:Thanks for all twelve players’ fantastic talking. Let’s hear our judges’ comments.


乙:Thanks! Now, the tense moment is coming. Which six of them have the qualification to get to the second round?

甲:他们是: 、 、 、 、 和 ,让我们恭喜这六位进入第二轮的同学。

乙:They are 、 、 、 、 and . Congratulations!


乙:Next is the second round which requires contestants to talk with a given theme. Players need to choose your topic in order. Everyone has?minutes to put your speech.

甲:接下来,就有请*号选手 ,

乙:Next, let's welcome contestant No. *


乙:Let’s thanks for her speech. Next, let's welcome contestant No. *


乙:Let’s thanks for her speech. Next, let's welcome contestant No. *


乙:Let’s thanks for her speech. Next, let's welcome contestant No. *


乙:Let’s thanks for her speech. Next, let's welcome contestant No. *


乙:Thanks for all six players’ fantastic talking. Let’s hear our judges’ comments.


乙:Thanks! Now, the tense moment is coming. Which two of them have the qualification to get to the last round?

甲:他们是: 和 ,让我们恭喜这两位进入最后一轮的同学。

乙:They are and . Congratulations!



乙:The last round,the two students will debate around the topic“ ”.Now I would like to introduce the rules for this debating contest: Firstly, each one will be given one minutes for stating the two debaters’ own opinions.Secondly, they are given 7 minutes for free debate,and finally 1 minute for their the last sum-up.

Up to now, I think all of you have known the rules very well. And then the two contestants will begin your debate according the order and the topic you have got.



乙:All the two contestants have shown great debating ability in this round. I'm sure we're all deeply impressed by the intelligent debaters. Thanks for your hard work and let's give them a big round of applause. Let’s hear our judges’ comments.



首先,我将宣布三等奖,他们是*、*、*,欢迎他们站上舞台,接受颁奖 现在我将揭晓二等奖,他们是*、*,欢迎他们站上舞台,接受颁奖

你们能感觉到这一刻的紧张激动吗?现在,我将宣布这次比赛的冠军,他是* 欢迎他上台接受颁奖。

乙:And now let’s have a short breath and wait for the final results Ladies and Gentleman ,after our judges` discussion,the exciting moment is coming.

First ,I would like to announce the third winners:* 、* 、*

welcome to the stage and let`s to give the prize.

AND then tne second winner is :* 、*

welcome to the stage and let`s to give the prize.

Ladies and Gentleman can you feel the most exciting moment ,right now ,what I am going to announce is the first winner:*

welcome to the stage and let`s to give the prize.

甲:祝贺所有获奖的参赛选手,同时感谢我们的到场嘉宾和评委。谢谢你们能来。 20xx年新生英语演讲比赛将拉下帷幕,让我们期待明年的精彩比赛


乙: Congratulations to all the contestants and our thanks to all guests and judges.Thank you for comiong!

Till now ,Speech Competition has to an end.Let`s look forword to the next year`s competition!

Thanks again!



X: Ladies and gentlemen,

X&C: Good evening,

C: welcome to 20xx“E&M Cup”English Speaking Contest ,I’mCMJ,

X: I’m XMD

C: your host for today .Thanks for being here tonight!

X: hey,do you know the history of this contest?

C: certainly,our contest has been held for several years,it has become a brand characteristic activity of our department.

X: brand characteristicof course.aiming at providing a stage for the participants to show their talents in language and public speaking,and also,we’d like to exchange ideas on important issues.

C: also As we know, the 60th anniversary is coming,to celebrate this grand occasion,we would like students to show their feelings and best wishes to alma mater.

X: Okay now let me introduce the distinguished judges.

Let’s give the warmest applause to them!

C: Before we start the contest, we would like to introduce the rules in Chinese. 本次比赛分为两个部分,第一部分分为三个环节。

第一环节:定题演讲:每组选手首先进行有准备发言,题目为“Alma mater in my heart”,



第三环节:即兴演讲:赛题保密,选手回答问题之后现场抽签获得题目,准备1分钟,演讲2分钟 。

第二部分为复活赛: 以即兴演讲的形式进行










C: wow,this must be exciting and challenging.

X:yes,I really can’t wait,Now, let’s come to our first part.welcome the first group to have their speech.<小标题?>



Now we’d like to give out the score of the first group.



The first part of our contest is concluded.according to the score in the first part,the top six will go to the final competition in 20th April.

Now let’s come to the second part----the reviving match,the groups which take part in the reviving match are possible to have access to the final competition.

Let’s welcome the group number one.


X: I’m honor to announce the winners of the reviving match are group#&#,you also have access to the final competition,congradulations!

C: now let’s welcome *** to make a summary.

C: Thank you! Now all the contestants have presented their speech. That was truely a wonderful show today .

X: We would like to once again to thank all the contestants for their amazing performance! We also thank the judges for all your hard work (and all the audience for your attendance?) Thank you!

C: Now, the 20xx”E&M cup”English Speaking Contest for today is concluded. Our final competition is to be held in 20th April, next friday, see you next time!


1、 主持人致开幕词,介绍评委(3分钟);

2、 主持人宣读初赛程序、规则、注意事项等通告(3分钟);

3、 比赛正式开始;

4、 比赛全部结束后,主持人宣读各队初赛总成绩,公布第一批进入决赛的名单(3分钟);

5、 复活赛

6、 主持人宣布成功复活的队伍名单

7、 评委代表总结(3分钟);

8、 主持人致闭幕词(3分钟);
