


班级:电气 A 姓名:江涛

转眼间,四个星期悄然过去了, 电气工程导论的课时也上完了。对于我们刚跨过高考大门的大一新生,这门课是很重要的。大学不比高中,目标没有高中那么明确,高中唯一的目标就是考大学,而大学的目标是由自身的发展方向所决定的,没有唯一的。大学的学习任务不是想高中那样知道就好,而是要会运用于我们的生活实践中,具有极强的实践性。还有我们对电气工程及其自动化这门专业课,可以说是零认知。这门电气工程导论课程,它对我们



通过电气工程导论课程,我了解了电气学科的涵盖范围。 电气工程及其自动化是工程科学的一个分支,主要研究电气系统的应用和发配电设备与机械的控制及通信。电气工程学科包括五个相对的学科,分别是电力系统及其自动化技术、电机与电器及其控制技术、高电压与绝缘技术、电力电子技术、电工新技术。还有本学科是研究电磁领域的客观规律及其应用,其学科的共性基础理论有:电路理论、电磁场理论、电磁计量理论等,与基础科学(如物理、数学等)中的相应分支具有密切的联系,和还具有其各分支学科的专业理论。


通过电气工程导论课程,明确电气工程学科学习的方向、侧重点。电气工程专业有八个重要基础专业课,分别是:电路分析、自动控制原理、模拟电路数字电路、程序设计C语言、微机原理、单片机电力系统分析、电力电子技术。有四个重要的选修课,分别为:PLC可编程逻辑控制器、电力系统继电保护、电力系统自动化、楼宇自动化。其中:重要的专业基础课——电路分析包括12个板块分别是:电路的基本概念及基本定律 、电阻电路的等效变换 、电路的基本分析方法 、线性电路的基本定理 、含有运算放大器的电阻电路 、正弦交流电路的稳态分析 、含有互感的电路 、三相电路 、非正弦周期电流电路 、双口网络 、一阶电路的时域分析、二阶电路的时域分析。理论性较强、最抽象的课程——自动控制原理,其控制理论可分为三种,分别为:经典控制理论(稳定性、频域)、现代控制理论(时间域方法 )、智能控制理论(新兴的交叉学科 、 模糊逻辑控制、神经网络控制、专家控制、学习控制、分层递阶控制及遗传算法等 )。软件控制硬件要学程序设计C语言与微机原理、单片机两个课程。


通过电气工程导论课程,我知道了电气工程的专业特点。电气工程专业特色是: 强、弱电结合,电工、电子技术相结合,软件与硬件相结合,电力、电子、控制、计算机多学科综合,具有交叉学科的性质。使毕业生具有较强的适应能力。



通过电气工程导论课程, 知道了电气专业毕业生考研的学科。我们专业考研的学科有五个,分别为:电机与电器、电力系统及其自动化、高电压与绝缘技术、电力电子与电力传动、电工理论与新技术。其中电机与电器的研究领域包括:电力系统中的大型发电机、电动机,有着广泛应用的中小型电机。电力系统及其自动化涉及电力生产的全过程(包括发电、输电、配电、用电等),其研究内容衍生的各项技术成果广泛应用于发电厂、变压器、输电线路和配电装置中,涉及控制、优化、经济、稳定等多项指标。高电压与绝缘技术主要运用于:电力系统防雷保护设计、绝缘子在线监测、防污闪、水果保鲜、真空断路器设计、脉冲储能技术及军工产品等,其研究内容与多个学科交叉,如脉冲与等离子方向、超导技术方向、



通过电气工程导论课程,认识今后电气工程可能的。我们毕业之后,可在发电厂、变电站、地区电业局、县供电、各级电力公司(如国家电网和南方电网)电力集团(如中国华能集团公司、中国大唐集团公司、中国华电集团公司、中国国电集团公司、中国电力投资集团公司)等从事生产、管理工作;以及在电气装备制造行业,如电控设备厂、开关厂、电机厂、变压器厂等,从事与电气工程有关的设备制造、系统运行、自动控制、信息处理、实验分析、技术开发、经济管理等工作;可担任产品设计、生产及工程施工一线的高技术人员、电气工程师、智能楼宇管理师等。也可在有关的研究院、所及学校进行科研和教学工作。 电气工程的就业前景




随着我国经济的不断发展,现代化工业的不断发展使电气自动化技术方面的人才市场有着相当大的潜力。尤其是广东地区,自动化生产技术不断提高,自动化产品不断普及,智能楼宇和智能家居的应用,智能交通的不断发展。 据估计,随着国外大企业的进入,在这一专业领域将出现很大缺口,那时很可能出现人才供不应求的现象。为电气自动化技术专业提供了广阔的发展前景。



具有较扎实的自然科学基础,较好的人文社会科学基础和外语综合能 力;

掌握本专业领域必需的较宽的技术基础理论知识,主要包括电路理论、 本专业所必需的数学、电路、电机、电子技术基础、 微机原理和自动控制等基础理论、基本知识,掌握计算机运算、 实验、工程制图等基本技能;


掌握电力系统继电保护、自动控制技术和有关的设计及 调试方法;

具有计算机在电力系统中的应用和电力工业生产运行管 理的基本知识和基本能力;

了解国内外本专业领域的技术发展动向, 具有进行科学 研究和新技术开发的初步能力。




The internal structure of categories includes prototypes, attributes, family resemblances and gestalt. The robin, parrot and ostrich are different kinds of birds and they belong to the same category, because they have something in common. For examples, they have feathers, two legs, two wings and a beak and that they lay eggs. Collecting both the shared and the distinctive properties seems to provide a feasible way of describing the internal structure of categories.

Attributes are regarded as obligatory or not is suggested by Aristotle. He contrasted the essence of things with the accidence. The notion of essence gave rise to what has been called the categorical view or classical view. According to this view, a category is defined by a limited set of necessary and sufficient conditions. These conditions are conceived as clear-cut, discrete features. In the case of the category bird, this means that a creature is only a bird if it has two wings and two legs, a beak, feathers and lays eggs. If, on the other hand, a creature has all these essential features, this is also sufficient for classifying it as a bird.

The next part is about an example of good birds and bad birds. Intermediate and bad examples of the category bird differ from these prototypical examples in two ways: either they deviate to a moderate degree with regard to one or more attributes or some attributes are missing altogether.

Family resemblances mean a network of overlapping similarities. In other words, each item has at least one, and probably several, elements in common with one or more other items, but on, or few, elements are common to all items. What is decisive is that family resemblances can explain why attributes contribute to the internal structure of the category even if they are not common to all category members, if they are not essential features according to the classical view.

Looking at both sides of the coin we can summarize the attribute structure of prototype categories as follows: Prototypical members of cognitive categories have the largest number of attributes in common with other members of the category and the smallest number of attributes which also occur with members of neighboring

categories. This means that in terms of attributes, prototypical members are maximally distinct from the prototypical members of other categories. Bad examples share only a small number of attributes with other members of their category, but have several attributes which belong to other categories as well, which is of course, just another way of saying that category boundaries are fuzzy.

The next part is about attributes and dimensions. Dimensions can be divided into width and height dimensions, context dimension, material dimension, handle dimension and so on. Then we come to internal category structure and gestalt. When we meet some new things, we must perceive it as whole, not different parts. The idea of perceived whole comes close to the notion of gestalt as advocated by gestalt psychologists. The most important of gestalt principles are: principle of proximity, principle of similarity, principle of closure and principle of continuation. The first means individual elements with a small distance between them will be perceived as being somehow related to each other. The second is individual elements that aqre similar tend to be perceived as one common segment. The third is perceptual organization tends to be anchored in closed figures. The fourth is elements will be perceived as wholes if they only have few interruptions.

The next part is cognitive status of categories, prototypes, attributes and gestalt. There are two hypothesizes: classical model of categorization and the experiential prototype hypothesis of categorization. The first is too strong. The second means that categories are not homogeneous, but have a prototype, good and bad members, and have fuzzy boundaries. The motto of Gestalt theory: The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

External structure contains context and culture model. When we viewed in terms of attributes, context seems to have a two fold effect: first, the context can change the weight of attributes that seem to be relevant for a certain category; second, the context can emphasize attributes that are not prominent and even introduce new attributes which would not be mentioned at all in non-contextualized attribute-listing experiments. For cognitive linguistics the notion of context should be considered a mental phenomenon and situation should be defined as the interaction between

objects in the real world. Cognitive model: all the experienced and stored cognitive representations/contexts for a certain field by an individual.Cultural models can be seen as cognitive models that are shared by people belonging to a social group or subgroup.
