
1.Unless otherwise agreed bilaterally(双边地) between airlines, the currency of billing will be either 2.The applicable fare or charge in the US Dollars, UK Pounds or Euro.

3.Tickets sold outside country of commencement of travel, billings should be based on the 4.When ticket sold for passenger transportation commencing outside the country of payment in the


The provisions of this rule do not apply to the issue of tickets in exchange for PTA/MCOs or to 6.When amounts are published in tariffs in lieu of(代替)fares or excess baggage charges in the currency of the country of commencement of travel, such USD or EUR amounts will be deemed to(认为)be the or excess baggage charges.

7.The rate and other charges in the currency of rating ofshall be converted to US Dollars, UK Pounds or Euros and if this is not the currency of billing be reconverted to the agreed currency of billing .

8.Thfor the five banking days ending on the calendar day of the month preceding as published by the IATA Clearing House.

9. if billed outside the Clearing House.

10.When the mean average exchange rate for the five banking days of the current month in comparison to the mean average rates for the five days of the previous mouth vary by 10% or more from the previous month’s five days rate, in which case thebilling airline or the airline being billed.


方法12. Rejections, refund, adjustments, “pass on ” Billings and increases in evaluations will be made as adjusted. Unless the rejection is for the purpose of correcting the exchange rates originally used, in order to bring them into line with the foregoing procedures.

13. 多边比例协议:Multilateral Proration Agreement.

14. The MPA was adopted tointerline traffic, as well as to and 15. All airlines operating scheduled air services may become party to these Agreements, Meetings on matters affecting the Multilateral Proration Agreement. except for tickets issued prior to the date of a fare change, the ATBP shall be the fare(s) /

18. If the not available, of the original ticket shall be used.

19.which proration is required. This amount shall be based on the applicable fare or charge collected converted in accordance with RAM Chapter A12. 直通适用运价

1) Any under or over collection should be ignored;

2)Be collected in the currency of country of payment;

3) Fare used in the fare calculation (fare component)

21.Add-on amount, which are not available for transportation as published but which are used in combination with other fares to establish an unspecified through fare and which are 22. Round trip fares shown as one amount on the ticket shall be point of turnaround.

24. If the point of turnaround is not indicated in the fare calculation area, and the amount collected is the direct round trip fare to then that will be the point of turn around.

25.If the point of turnaround is not indicated in the fare calculation area and the amount collected is the direct round trip fare to the points of turnaround shall be determined as follows:

common rated points the point of turnaround

2 points the 1st

3or4 points the 2nd

5or6 points the 3rd less tha n the fare collected

27.This procedure the routing to/from the point of turnaround is permitted at half the round trip fare collected.

28.ATBP. such fare component to form the ATBP.

31.Proration shall be based on the original routing, carrying airlines and fare calculation 32.

is involved in the amount to be prorated. 34. To establish the quotient to be used to determine the value, the quotient shall be calculated unrounded and any residual amount shall accrue to the issuing airline. will be straight rate prorated.

37.The Proviso share, exclusive of any fare surcharge/differential collected separately, must .

38. A Proviso will recognised between points in the fare calculation for which a 39.be used to determine the value of the Proviso. of the Manual in which such Proviso is published.

40.41.The minimum prorate rule percentage will be the percentage amount published on the 42. Where Provisos are applicable on all sectors of the ATBP and the total of such provisos is

43.Carrier not listed in GFPA(航程栏) but listed in FCA(fare栏) 44.Listed more than one carrier :be the carrying airline. 45.Where carriage is by an airline other than that originally indicated, proration shall be 46.Where for a sector no airline or YY is shown in the Fare Calculation Area or in the Good for 47.Where information is contradictory with respect to carrying airlines, the carrier involved in the ATBP, and such detail was entered at the time of issue. 48.basis. 49.Where the carrier concerned does not publish a base amount applicable to the fare type amount is published, the proviso shall be ignored for that sector.

50.for that sector.


52.JR: The revenue collected for interline carriage between airport of departure and airport of destination including valuation charges but excluding other charges. (WC+VC)

53. Joint revenue will be allocated to the sections based on whole percentages. Decimals of a percentage shall be rounded to the nearest whole percentage ignoring all decimal placed 五舍六入法进整)

54.剩余) thus created shall be allotted to (分派缺损) shall be absorbed(承担55.more airlines with the smallest or greatest share.

56.In the event of rerouting each participant in the carriage shall calculate his prorate in 57.When airlines provide for or require shares not in accordance with general rules of proration agreement, such shares shall be balance prorated in accordance with the general rules of agreement.

58.In calculating revenue relating to transportation under the terms of P/R, joint revenue 59. A P/R amount will be subject to the adjustment as applied to class rates.

60.be assumed to accept that the proviso will apply to the domestic full applicable local rate, where applicable. An A/L requiring revenue conditioned by a requirement for its carriage on 61.volume basis, application will be the on basis of the weight is shown on the air waybill.

62. Whenever joint revenue relating to mixed consignments is to be shared, P/R will be applied, when applicable, to the joint revenue and will be those P/R relating to the individual rating producing In the event of two or more sub-total charges being equal highest, P/R relative to the equal highest amount will be applied to the joint 63.In addition to the applicable sales commission, i.e., normal sales commission payable for transportation over the appointing airline’s services and any connecting through air transportation, overriding commission may be paid for sales made in the 64.65. The amount to be billed by the honoring airline to the issuing airline is the fare due to the 66.Where an incorrect fare has been collected, the fare shall be:
