


1-5 CAACA 6-10 BACAB 11-15 BBACA 16-20 BCBCA


21-25 ADDCB 26-30DCBDB 31-35 DAACC 36-40 BCEDF


41-45 CBADB 46-50 ADCBC 51-55 DABDA 56-60 CBDAD


61.normally 62. off 63. takes 64. changed 65. a 66. to get

67. up 68. filled 69. activities 70.about/of


1. 第二个to 改为with

2. check改为checking

3. and与cup之间加a 或cup改为cups

4. In 改为On

5. study改为studying

6. weekends改为weekend

7. drove改为drive

8. to删掉

9. away后加from

10. likes改为like

【参考范文】 like to give you some tips to help you adapt yourself to the new situation.

Firstly,as students,we must work hard at all lessons and try our best to get good grades. In this way,we are likely to attend an ideal university for a better future.

Secondly,we should get along well with our classmates and teachers,which will help us to build good interpersonal relationships.Thirdly,we have to learn how to live as well as how to study. The ability to survive in society is also of great importance for us. After all,we'll have to live on our own in the near future.

I_hope_you_will_find_these_ideas_useful. I’m looking forward to hearing from you.



睢县第三高级中学 20xx—20xx学年度高一月考英语

1-5AA B A.C 6-10.A DCCD11-15. BDABC

第一节 完形填空




17.选A。reach for意为“伸手去拿”,另三项不合语意。

18.选B。at first“起初”与下一句的“then”形成对比。

19.选D。可从第七个空格后的一句话中得到启示;A、B有悖于could have…所揭示的语气,C不合语意。

20.选B。“把……忘在某地”英语习惯说leave something somewhere。



23.选A。 turn around“转身”符合语境。turn back=return意为“回来(去)”,与紧接着的walk back在逻辑上是矛盾的。

24.选C。根据空格前的go around the table可以推断出。





28.选C。suggest, hope 不接sb. to do , let后接不定式时不带to。




33.选B。how I could pay the bill是文中的我此刻最大的“忧愁”。且下一句中又再现了worry这个词。

34.选D。put down在此意为“记下”。

35.选C。由send me a bill可以推知记下的应是姓名和地址。

第三部分 阅读理解 (共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)

36-- 39 BAAA 40.--43 BCDCB 44-47.D .C B A 48----51 BCDB 52----55 DCAD


1. lifestyle 2. urgent 3. minus 4 solve5 bored 2. boring

6.volunteer 7 distance 8 graduation (graduating) 9 suffers

第二节 短文改错

I first met Li Ming at a friend birthday party five years ago. Then I invited Li Ming over in my

friend’s to

place. We listen to my CDs together and soon become best friends. Three years ago, Li Ming’s


parents invited I to spend two wonderful week in Qingdao with them during the summer

me a 或weeks

holiday. Li Ming and I loved walking along the beautifully beaches there. Last year I was ill but

beautiful and

had to stay in hospital for a week. Li Ming came ∧ see me every day. Then his father has


changed jobs and they moved to another city. Since then we haven’t see each other much. but


we’ve kept writing to each other.

第三节 书面表达(满分25分)

Dear Mummy and Daddy,

I have been here for a week now. Everything here is new to me. There are 1,800 students and 32 classes with 200 teachers and staff in our school. The teachers in our school work hard. Chinese, math and English are our required courses. Besides these we have many selected subjects to choose from, too. I’m in Class 3, Grade 1. There are fifty students, thirty-five boys and fifteen girls in my class. My English teacher is our head teacher. She is very kind to us but she is very strict and serious about her work. We all think that she is a great teacher. Please don’t worry about me. I’m old enough to take care of myself, and I’ll do my best in all of my subjects.


Li Hua
