20xx年度中央电视台“希望之星”英语风采大赛 江苏赛区总决赛比赛细则(初中组)





1. 演讲时间90秒/人,围绕“Talk with the World, share our dreams!”主题展开,自拟小标题,要求主题明确,以英语演讲为主,选手还可以运用其它形式来辅助演讲,如:英文歌曲、肢体动作、魔术等等多种小表演手段;表演要包含有英文成份,恰如其分地与演讲内容结合,以达到丰富演讲内容,增强演讲表现力,充分展示个性的目的。

2. 对于个性演讲中的辅助表演部分,比赛现场不提供任何乐器,不提供各种播放设备;不提供电源。选手可以自备便携式乐器,但自行负责保管。

3. 个性演讲评分时将以评判选手演讲内容优劣为主,考察选手的英语语言表达能力以及表演设计的独特新颖性。具体评分要求:演讲内容主题突出、观点明确、结构清楚、逻辑性强(60分);演讲语言表达清晰明确、语法错误少、语音语调纯正流利(30分);辅助表演的表现形式多样、独特新颖(10分);评判总分为100分。 第二环节:故事接龙






每位选手现场抽题,读题后计时开始,比赛时间是90秒/人,含思考准备时间30秒。 回答问题:








初中组 选拔赛


1. These cakes ---- delicious! Can I have ---- one?

A. tastes; another B. taste; another C. tasting; other

答案:B 原因:感官v不用进行时 taste表示尝起来怎样 请给我另一个用 another

2. There are many foreign students in this university, ---- 24 Japanese ones.

A. including B. included C. includes

答案:A 原因:including 表示主动;包含

3. Not only I but also he ----.

A. plays B. play C. are playing

答案:A 原因:采取就近原则

4. ---Are you going to the picnic with us tonight?


---You won’t be late, --------?

A. can you B. will you C. won’t you

答案:B 原因:反义疑问句,句子结构一般为:1.陈述部分肯定式+疑问部分否定式可记为前肯后否定. 2.陈述部分否定式+疑问部分肯定式可记为前否后肯定. 如果句子是: xx是xx,不是么 译过来就是: A is xx,isn't A?

5. That boy,----father is a footballer, is very good at sports.

A. that B. which C. whose

答案:C 原因:定语从句 强调"谁的" 用whose

6. Excuse me, but may I ask you ----?

A. what business you’re in B. what business are you in

C. in what business are you

答案:A 原因:表示推测"一定不是她"要用 can't

7. In the last few years thousands of films ----all over the word.

A. have produced B. have been produced C. are being produced 答案:B 原因:in the last few years与现在完成时连用 与主语构成被动关系 所以用被动语态 即have been done

8. Jim went swimming with his parents yesterday afternoon. ----.

A. So did Mary B. So Mary does C. So was Mary

答案:A 原因:表示marry也一样 时态为昨天 so did xx

9. ---Look at the old lady in red. Is that Mrs. Lee?

---No, it ---be her .She has gone to Canada.

A. mustn’t B. won’t C. can’t

答案:C 原因:表示推测"一定不是她"要用 can't

10. You’d better ---- late for class, Jim.

A. don’t be B. not to be C. not be

答案:B 原因:would better to do sth 的否定形式在 to前加not即可 would better 接动词原形 不接to do

11. ---Do you mind my smoking here?

--- ----Can’t you see the ―No Smoking‖ sign?

A. I’m afraid you can’t B. Of course not. C. It doesn’t matter. 答案:A 原因:表示不赞成

12. I wish that I ----to the concert last Wednesday.

A. went B. had gone C. could have gone

答案:B 原因:表示过去的过去 用过去完成时

13. Hawaii is ----place to be, ----it’s summer or winter.

A. a so; whether B. a such; if C. such a; whether

答案:C 原因:so 固定语序,such??that 从句 句意为无论 把that 换成whether

14. ----in a long queue, we waited for the store to open to buy a New ipad.

A. Standing B. To stand C. Stood

答案:A 原因:表示状态

15. ---It’s very hot here. --------

---Of course.

---Thank you.

A. Could you open the window?

B. What’s the weather like today?

C. How about you?

答案:A 原因:根据语境推出


Five and a half years ago my father was suddenly rushed 【adj.匆忙的,贸然的】 to the hospital for an operation 【n.操作,经营;手术】 .We had -–16— idea that he was seriously 【adj.认真地;严肃地;严重地】ill until we were told that the operation did not go well. My father remained unconscious. Due to the laws of our state, we were forced to keep him on a ventilator for 72 hours, though it was ---17--- his wish that medical treatment should stop if he was too ill.

At the end of the next day, I was ---18---in the waiting room and watching others walk their fathers around【adv.大约;旋转;到处,四处;在周围】who had had operations. Normally【adv.正常地;通常地,一般地;按说;论理】, I am very happy for others that are recovering【vt.恢复;重新获得;找回;<正>恢复(适当的状态或位置)vi.恢复健康(体力、能力等) n.恢复开始时姿势】. But that evening, I guess I was a little ---19---because I finally realized【vt.实现;了解;(所担心的事)发生;以?价格卖出 vt.& vi.变卖,赚得】I would never be ---20---to hold my father’s hand and walk down the hall again.

I had to jump up and run down the hall to ---21---everyone. This was not in my nature but I just had to be alone. After running for what seemed like a long time, I went into a restroom and ---22---for at least【adj.最小的;最少的( little的最高级);最不重要的,地位最低的 adv.最少,最小 n最小;最少量】 five minutes. When I came out of the stall【n.货摊;托辞;畜栏;(房间内的)小隔间 vt.& vi.(使)熄火,(使)停止转动 vi.拖延 vt.搪塞;暂缓;搁置;停顿】, there was a ---23---by the sink【vi.淹没;下落;退去;渐渐进入 vt.使下沉;使下垂;

砸入地面;使败落 n.水池;洗涤槽;污水坑】. I went to ---24---the water to wash my face and she came to ---25---me though I didn’t know her. She held onto

【prep.到……之上;对……了解;[数]映射到……上 adj.映射的;自身的;映成的】 me until I ---26--- stopped crying. Then she grabbed【vt.& vi.抢先,抢占 vt.夺取或抓住;抢夺,霸占;匆匆拿走;〈俚〉吸引注意力 vi.抓住,攫取;夺取 n.不法所得;被抓住的人;抓取装置】 a paper towel, wet it ---27---handed it to me. She looked at me. Smiling, and then left. She never said one word but she ---28---my heart.

She taught me that you do not ---29---to be a conversationalist【n.健谈的人】 to comfort【n.安慰;舒适;使人舒服的事物;给予援助或安慰的人或事 vt.安慰,使舒适;使(痛苦等)缓和】someone who is hurt. Never hesitate

【vi.犹豫,踌躇;不愿;支吾;停顿 vt.对……犹豫;不情愿】to hug someone who may need it. You can make a –30---in someone’s life without【adv.在外部;户外;缺少;没有或不显示某事物 prep.没有,缺乏;在外面 conj.除非,如果不】 ever saying a word.

16. A. no B. bit C. some D. much


17. A. against B. through C. for D. to


18. A. sitting B. playing C. chatting D. reading


19. A. angry B. pleased C. happy D. calm


20. A. sure B. afraid C. able D. sorry


21. A. catch up with B. take care of C. get away from D.pay attention to


22. A. cried B. shouted C. screamed D. sighed


23. A. father B. son C. stranger D. relative


24. A. turn on B. turn off C. turn up D. turn down


25. A. advise B. criticized C. call D. hug


26. A. meanwhile B. suddenly C. soon D. finally


27. A. but B. and C. or D. so


28. A. closed B. lost C. touched D. broke


29. A. need B. promise C. refuse D. forget


30. A. choice B. mistake C. difference D. decision 答案:C

