篇一 :雅思高分作文范文- 教育类

1. It is generally believed that education is of vital importance in individuals’ development and well-being of societies. What should education consist of to fulfill both these functions?

With the rapid development of modern society, education is becoming more and more crucial to both individuals and societies. The issue over what education should consist of has considerably aroused people’s wide concern. In this essay, I seek to explore this complicated topic from diverse perspectives and what influence could be brought.

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篇二 :教育类 雅思大作文素材




1 让步反驳

2 起承转合加让步总结



Enhance intellectual abilities ,widen scope of knowledge , adapt oneself to the development of society


Maintain a healthy lifestyle as well as physical and psychological well-being

道德方面:符合社会道德标准:adhere to code of conduct


cultivate logical thinking培养逻辑思维

Develop Our Creative Mind培养我们创造性思维

tap one’s potential挖掘某人的潜能

undertake the due obligations承担责任

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篇三 :雅思写作教育类话题及范文


“For success in a future job, the ability to relate well to people is more important than studying hard in school”



Different jobs have different requirements. Some professions like medical research and art performance demand more technical know-how than social skills, so I disagree with the opinion that the capability to socialize outweighs studying diligently in school.

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篇四 :积累雅思大作文教育类话题




? 学校的责任与重点

? Some people say university students should pay for their tuition fees. Some other say

the government should pay for the tuition fees. What is your opinion?

在回答这个题目的时候,考生需要注意以下几点:1. 不要用现实社会现状来当做理由和论据。可能很多学生会说现在全世界大多数国家的大学学费是需要学生来支付的,这其中必有道理。其实,这个题目的目的就是让考生去表达出自己的想法,然后加以证明即可。2. 不要纠结government. 根据朗阁雅思考试研究中心专家们的经验,很多考生可能都会说到学费可以由大学拉赞助,以奖学金的形式支付给学生。这里考生把重点放到了政府和学生之外的第三方。这种讨论并没有错,只是有一些非常规,不太符合雅思的要求。一般的雅思话题都有两个完全的对立面。如果考生认为应该由第三方来解决的话,那么可以把这一条放在最后的结尾,当成一个建议来说,而不是放到主体段,否则会干扰考生的观点。3. 很多学生会想到很多贫穷的家庭付不起学费这个观点。这个观点看起来似乎合情合理,但其实不然。因为学生负担不起并不代表政府就有义务来支付。如果按照这个逻辑,那很多家庭买不起车,政府难道还要帮每个家庭买车吗?所以,这个论证的关键在于强调教育是基本权利的问题。

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篇五 :雅思教父刘洪波:教育类雅思作文高分范文及点评











Most countries spend lots of money on education as they start to recognize its importance. In your opinion which two following subjects are the most important for your people and which one is the least important?


Literature Sports

Mathematics Economy

Physics History

Music Geography

It has been said that investing in education is investing in one’s future: this is true for both individuals and nations. It is always somewhat subjective to say which is more important, the humanities or sciences, as both have value. However, I would like to make a case for the importance of math and economics in this day and age.

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篇六 :雅思写作大作文-教育类范文



The best way for the government to solve traffic congestion is to provide free public transportation 24 hours a day 7 days a week. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Model Answer:

“Getting somewhere” is a concept—despite its original meaning of “succeeding in something”—that plagues the general public around the world. To cope with the

traffic, governments are believed to be able to help by providing free public transport around the clock.This essay disapprove of the practicality and validity in the practice.

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篇七 :教育类雅思作文高分范文及点评





Most countries spend lots of money on education as they start to

recognize its importance. In your opinion which two following subjects are the most important for your people and which one is the least important?


Literature Sports

Mathematics Economy

Physics History

Music Geography

It has been said that investing in education is investing in one’s future: this is true for both individuals and nations. It is always somewhat subjective to say which is more important, the humanities or sciences, as both have value. However, I would like to make a case for the importance of math and economics in this day and age.

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篇八 :雅思写作教育类话题范文:Purpose of education

雅思写作教育类话题范文:Purpose of education


Some say the purpose of education is to prepare individuals to be useful to society; othes say the purpose of education is to achieve personal ambitions.

Discuss both views and give ur own opinion.

Sample answer

What education serves for has been immersed in conflict for decades. Some firmly believe that it aims to produce efficient and capable promoters for the social progress, whereas others argue that to achieve personal fulfillment should be its ultimate goal.

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