篇一 :make用法及短语总结


一、make的复合宾语。英语中make一词用法甚多,是使用频率最高的动词之一,而make作使役动词的用法也很常见。意思是“使成为”、“使作为”、“使变成”, 其后的复合宾语(即宾语+宾语补足语)有以下表达方式:

1. make +宾语+名词(作宾语补足语)

Most pop singers make music their career. 大多数流行歌手把音乐当作他们的职业。 Bill Gates’ Microsoft makes him a phenomenon in the business world.


What makes the ocean such a great place to live?


European football is played in 80 countries, making it the most popular sport in the world. 80个国家踢欧式足球,使它成为世界上最受欢迎的运动。

After all, what makes a new invention such a wonderful thing is that it allows us to do something we could not do before.

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篇二 :make短语总结



1 make a difference 有影响,起(重要)作用,大有作为

Believe that you make a difference.相信你可以制造不同.

2 make fun of 取笑,嘲笑

In this world, some people support you, some people just want to make fun of you. Please putting best into it .这个世界,有些人是支持你的,有些人只是想看你的笑话,请你好自为之.

3 make out of 由...制成,用...做原料;理解;制造

4 make out 辨认出to manage to see sb/sth or read or hear sth

5 make use of 使用;利用

6 make the most/best of 尽量利用,充分使用

to gain as much advantage ,enjoyment ,etc.as you can from sb/sth

7 make up one’s mind下决心;拿定主意

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篇三 :make短语总结




1 make a difference 有影响,起(重要)作用,大有作为

Believe that you make a difference.相信你可以制造不同.


2 make fun of 取笑,嘲笑

In this world, some people support you, some people just want to make fun of you. Please putting best into it .这个世界,有些人是支持你的,有些人只是想看你的笑话,请你好自为之.


3 make out of 由...制成,用...做原料;理解;制造

4 make out 辨认出to manage to see sb/sth or read or hear sth

5 make use of 使用;利用

6 make the most/best of 尽量利用,充分使用

to gain as much advantage ,enjoyment ,etc.as you can from sb/sth

7 make up one’s mind下决心;拿定主意

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篇四 :Make短语总结

Make短语 总结

1.make good use of/make full use of

2.Both husband and wife had to work to make ends meet.使收支平衡。

3.After years as an unsuccessful businessman, he finally made it.成功

4.What a strange person she is!I can’t make her out at all.理解,明白

5.The explanation in the schoolbook makes no sense, because the words are hard.讲不通,没意义,不能被理解

6.The teacher asked the children to make up a story about a trip to the moon.编造

7.The actors were making up when we arrived.打扮

8.Mary had to make up for the time she missed in school when she was sick, by studying very hard.弥补

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篇五 :make 的短语归纳

1. 造成,促成:有或促使有某种特定的效果或者结果的

small details that make for comfort. 令人舒适的小节

2. 帮助提升;推进

makes for better communication. 促进更好的交流

1. 急忙离开;跑走

1. 辨明:辨明或看清,特别是在有困难的情况下

I could barely make out the traffic signs through the rain. 在雨中我几乎看不清交通标志

2. 理解

could not make out what she was saying. 不能理解她在说些什么

3. 写下来;列出

made out the invoices. 开具#5@p

4. 填写(如表格)

5. 【非正式用语】 暗示,建议

You make me out to be a liar. 你暗示我不要说谎

6. 【非正式用语】 试图建立或者证明

He made out that he was innocent. 他试图证明自己是无辜的

7. 进展:在给定的道路上前进;进展

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篇六 :make短语总结




1 make a difference 有影响,起(重要)作用,大有作为

Believe that you make a difference.相信你可以制造不同.


2 make fun of 取笑,嘲笑

In this world, some people support you, some people just want to make fun of you. Please putting best into it .这个世界,有些人是支持你的,有些人只是想看你的笑话,请你好自为之.


3 make out of 由...制成,用...做原料;理解;制造

4 make out 辨认出to manage to see sb/sth or read or hear sth

5 make use of 使用;利用

6 make the most/best of 尽量利用,充分使用

to gain as much advantage ,enjoyment ,etc.as you can from sb/sth

7 make up one’s mind下决心;拿定主意

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篇七 :以make开头的短语和词组


make a Federal case out of sth. 过分强调某事, 过分夸大某事。 make a House (英下院)使出席议员达法定人数。

make a Virginia fence 摇摇晃晃地走。

make a balk of good ground 失去好机会。

make a balls of 把...搞糟。

make a bargain 成交。 达成协议。

make a basket (篮球)投中一球。

make a beast of oneself 行同禽兽, 行为卑鄙。

make a bed 整理床铺。

make a beeline for [口]一直奔向...。 抄近路向...走去。

make a bet 打赌。

make a bid for 出价买, 企图获得。

make a big deal out of 小题大作。

make a big fanfare 大吹大擂。

make a bitch of [口]弄坏, 弄糟。

make a blot for it 赶快逃走。

make a bolt for 急忙向...逃去。

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篇八 :unit_8_How_do_you_make_a_banana_milk_shake知识点总结

Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake?




3、 祈使句的类型

1.turn on(off打开、接通\关掉(电器     2.cut up 切碎

3.pour…into把…倒入                    4. milk shake奶昔

5.add…to把…加到…上                   6.a piece of 一片,一张,一条,一块,一首

7.how many/how much 多少              8.two spoons of 两茶匙

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