篇一 :当幸福来敲门中英对照台词

The Pursuit Of Happyness 《当幸福来敲门》

-Chris: Time to get up, man. get up: 起床 该起床了。

-Christopher: All right, dad. 好的,老爸。 -Chris: Come on.


-Christopher: Should be here soon. I think I should make a list.

list: 名单


-Chris: What do mean? For your birthday gifts? 干嘛?想要的生日礼物? -Christopher: Yeah. 对呀。

-Chris: You know you're only getting a couple of things, right?

a couple of: 几个


-Christopher: Yeah, I know. Just to look at and study so I can choose better.

知道啊,我只想列出来看看,研究一下,好好选选。 -Chris: Okay, well, that's smart. Yeah, make a list. Can you spell everything you're thinking of?

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篇二 :电影当幸福来敲门经典台词

20xx年2月22日 看了这部《当幸福来敲门/The Pursuit of Happyness》,克里斯·加德纳是一个生活拮据的医疗产品小推销员,妻子不堪生活艰苦而离开了他,他带着五岁的儿子开始了极其困苦的生活,有时甚至因付不起房租或旅馆费用,又在收容所排不到床位,而不得不带着儿子住在地铁站的卫生间里,但是这些都没能让克里斯·加德纳倒下。他一边干着没有收入的证券公司实习生的工作,一边继续销售着他的医疗产品,经过六个月的打拼,他终于通过了实习期,成为一名有收入的证券经纪人。

当看到由威尔·史密斯(Will Smith)扮演的男主角克里斯·加德纳(Chris Gardner)终于得到那份来之不易的证券经纪人工作时,看着他眼中的泪水,我也泪流满面。

这部电影改编自著名黑人投资专家克里斯·加德纳的自传,影片中的小孩扮演者真的是威尔·史密斯的亲生儿子,因此影片演绎的极富真情实感。影片名字“The Pursuit of Happyness”的Happyness,这个单词是故意拼错的,意在:Happiness(幸福)中没有y(why为什么),而是有i(我),即“幸福中没有为什么,而是有我”,这也是我看到克里斯·加德纳送儿子去幼儿园里跟那个管理员的谈话中感悟到的。

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篇三 :当幸福来敲门语录


克里斯·加德纳Chris Gardner

You have a dream, you got to protect it.


People can't do something by themselves; they wanna tell you you can not do it. 当人们做不到一些事情的时候,他们就会对你说你也同样不能。

You want something. Go get it!


There is an I in "happiness",There is no Y in "happiness",It's an I


I'm the type of person,if you ask me a question, and I don't know the answer,I'm going to tell you that I don't know.But I bet you what: I know how to find the answer, and I'll find the answer.

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篇四 :当幸福来敲门经典台词


Chris Gardner:You have a dream, you got to protect it. 克里斯·加德纳:如果你有梦想,就要守护它。

Chris Gardner:People can't do something by themselves; they wanna tell you you can not do it.


Chris Gardner:You want something. Go get it! 克里斯·加德纳:有了目标就要全力以赴。

Martin Frohm: What would you say if man walked in here with no shirt, and I hired him? What would you say?

马丁:如果我雇佣了一个没有穿着衬衫走进来的人,你会怎么说? Chris Gardner: He must have had on some really nice pants. 克里斯·加德纳:他一定穿了一条很棒的裤子。

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篇五 :当幸福来敲门的经典台词

Chris Gardner:You have a dream, you got to protect it.

克里斯·加德纳:如果你有梦想,就要守护它。 。

Chris Gardner:You want something. Go get it!


Martin Frohm: What would you say if man walked in here with no shirt, and I hired him? What would you say?


Chris Gardner: He must have had on some really nice pants.


There is an I in "happiness",There is no Y in "happiness",It's an I


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篇六 :电影《当幸福来敲门》经典台词


《当幸福来敲门》经典台词 You got a dream, you gotta protect it. People can't do something themselves, they wanna tell you can't do it. If you want something, go get it. Period.


Don't ever let somebody tell you can't do something, not even me.


There is an I in "happiness", there is no Y in "happiness", It's an I


I'm the type of person, if you ask me a question, and I don't know the answer, I'm gonna to tell you that I don't know. But I bet you what: I know how to find the answer, and I'll find the answer.

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篇七 :当幸福来敲门台词


Son:Where are we going?


Son:Dad,where are we going?

Dad:I don’t know.

Son:it’s not a time machine.Dad,it’s not a time machine.The guy said it

was a time machine.It’s not a time machine.He was wrong.

Dad:What guy?

Son:The guy. He was at the park. He said it was a time machine. Dad:Yes,it is.

Son:No,it’s not.

Dad:It is.

Son:No,it’s not.

Dad:All we gotta do is push this black button right here.Wanna push it? Son:Okay.

Dad:Come on .Come on ,man.Right here.Wait a minute.Where you

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篇八 :当幸福来敲门 经典句子


主演:威尔.史密斯 饰:克里斯·迦纳(Chris Gardner)




--Don't ever let somebody tell you, you can't do something, not even me. All right?别让别人告诉你你成不了才,即使是我也不行。

---All right

--You got a dream, you gotta protect it. People can't do something themselves, they wanna tell you, you can't do it. If you want something, go get it. Period


----I'm the type of person, if you ask me a question, and I don't know the answer, I’m gonna to tell you that I don't know. But I bet you what: I know how to find the answer, and I'll find the answer

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