篇一 :decade语录

1楼kuuga:即使自己一个人陷入了黑暗,也想让某个人微笑,我深信这一点!如果说他是为了守 护人类笑容的话,我就要守护他的笑容!你知道吗,他的笑容也不赖啊! kiva:那家伙,是相信这个规则的!人类和 fangire 是可以共存的!即使是梦我也相信,是 你放弃了这个规则,因为输给自己的软弱,而否定了这个规则,但是小渡他可以为了自己信 任的事物而战斗!那才是王!是王的资格! ryuki:我们有时的确会为了自己而战,就是这只手。。但是。。也能用这手握住对方的手! 这时就算我们很弱小,很愚蠢,我们都不是一个人! blade:这个男人并不是为了工资提升等级,更不是为了社员之间的生存斗争而工作,是为 了进化, 无论成败, 一起工作的伙伴相互鼓励帮助, 一起进化下去, 他正是为了这个而战斗! 555:"Orphonoch"还是人类都无所谓,这家伙只是想保护对自己重要的东西罢了!(龙虾 Orphonoch:就那小相机?)正因为小,所以才必须好好爱护吧! agito:确实是很愚蠢,有为了追随已经死去的女人的影子甘愿放弃一切的人,又为了不把心 爱的人卷入危险而选择一个人躲避的人, (雄介: 也有为了朋友挺身而出的人) 正因为愚蠢, 不摔个两下受个伤是不会明白的! 有时会迷失方向, , 就算走错路也好, 这才是真正的旅程, 不需要你来领路! den-o:这家伙不只是个异魔神那么简单,这家伙是个。。笨蛋。。。但是没想到也有温柔 的一面,他很小心地使用附体者的身体,即使没有实体,这家伙也是真真正正存在着的!不 管怎么说,我是明白的啊,桃塔罗斯! kabuto:这男人在和谁都无法交流的世界里,一个人孤独的战斗,守护大家是比谁都强大的 男人!就算长着一样的脸,你却连这男人的脚趾头都不如! hibiki:海东:但是响鬼他老人家这样说过,“只要你怀有正直之心,可以控制鬼的力量的话, 就成为鬼,亲手了结我!”只要有这份善心的话,你就不会让鬼夺取心灵的,你要继承的, 并不是鬼的力量,而是响鬼他的精神啊! 暗之世界:每个人都在寻找着自己的世界,那里不是虚假的,是有阳光照射的地方!人们就 是为了到达那里,才继续旅行的!而且也不惧怕旅行!没有任何人有权利玷污或者是利用那 个旅程! 海东的世界:(海东:你错了,你所创造的是地狱!)士:没错,你让人们闭上眼睛,捂住 耳朵,失去自己的心!人只应该按照自己的意志而生活,不管在那个世界,这种意志都不会 枯竭! 真剑者世界:殿下,要是不胜利而归,老爷子是会哭的哦。老爷子也在用自己的方式拼命战 斗,守护着你们的归宿! rx:

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篇二 :定性研究和定量研究的区别论文The Difference and Combination of Quantitative and Qualitative Research

The Difference and Combination of

Quantitative and Qualitative Research

Abstract: Quantitative research and qualitative research are two basic paradigms and methods, each with different concept, nature, fundamental theory, and research process. Recently, there are more and more arguments about the tow methods and more and more scholars promote the combination of them in researches. This thesis demonstrates the differences between the two methods and also analyzes the combination of them and its significance in researches.

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篇三 :exercise sheet for 12 argumentative essay-2 reading and learning UNIVERSITY IN EVERY TOWN




Zoe Lei




Zoe Lei




Zoe Lei




Zoe Lei




Zoe Lei

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篇四 :The Main Difference Between My College Life And My Middle School Life

The Main Difference Between My College Life And My Middle School Life

It is generally accepted by college students that the main difference between middle school and college life lies in the degree of independence. As for me, I prefer the more independent life in university for the following three reasons. First and foremost, since the very day I entered the university, I have learned to live on my own and cultivated the habit of solving problems by myself. Without parents company, I have learned to arrange my daily meals for myself, wash clothes, set financial plans and make decisions relying on myself. Besides, college life is academically different from that in middle schools. Teachers in university only give students due guidance at due time, which renders college students more freedom to set academic goals. What’s more, we can choose any courses we are interested in and the teachers whose teaching styles are to our preference. Last but not least, we enjoy more free extracurricular time. We can make good use of the free time to broaden our views and make more friends.

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篇五 :The Main Difference between My College Life and My Middle School Life

The Main Difference between My College Life and My Middle School Life

Before students enter the university, they all want to know the main difference between college life and middle school life. According to my experience, college life has more freedom than the life in middle school. As for me , I prefer the more free life in university for the following three reasons. First, our studying becomes unconstrained. At the middle school, we spend most of our time studying. We have many courses and a lot of work waiting for us to complete. We try our best to study because we all want to go to better universities. But in university, it’s different. We have more time not only for studying but also for many other things. Scores are not the only standard for our life. Besides, we have more freedom in our daily life. In middle school, we always controlled by our parents and teachers. However, we can arrange our time without parents’ company in college life. Last but not least, we enjoy more free extracurricular time. The only thing we can do in middle school is studying. We have no spare time to do what we want to do. But it’s totally different in our college life. We have more free time to take part in various kinds of activities, such as dancing, playing different kinds of balls, which make our life more colorful and meaningful.

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篇六 :范文4The Main Difference Between My College Life and My Middle School Life

The Main Difference Between My College Life and My Middle

School Life

As we all know, life in college differs from that in the middle school in many aspects. From where I stand, I would say that the main difference between my college life and my middle school life lies in the fact that college provides a more flexible study environment while the latter a rather stereotype style.

Owing to the sharp differences between the two styles, certainly I prefer the college life to the middle school one. There are two major causes resulting in my viewpoint. For one thing, college life makes ampler room for me to study, to entertain myself, and to communicate with other students, which undoubtedly does great good to enhance my knowledge. For another, it is the flexible study model that gives me a great deal of time to touch on other studies, such as arts, history, linguistics and so on, which will help me broaden my horizon and further improve my understanding about society and life.

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篇七 :Analysis on the Causes of the Break of Father's American Dream in The Triumph of the Egg (中文版)



——舍伍德·安德森《鸡蛋的胜利》解析 《鸡蛋的胜利》是美国著名的小说家舍伍德·安德森传世佳作之一。舍伍德·安德森生于美国俄亥俄州卡姆丹镇,后移居到克莱德镇,而且他的很多小说就以克莱德镇为背景进行创作,《鸡蛋的胜利》就是其中一篇。舍伍德·安德森能洞悉人们是如何追求美国梦的,也明了他们梦想是如何破碎的。在这篇小说的主人翁是“父亲”,一个本性天生乐观、热情,后来变得习惯性地沉默与失意的男人。安德森通过对“父亲”由原来胸无大志到后来雄心壮志再到最后梦想破碎的简单的描写,点明了本文的主题:美国梦的破灭;而文中的“鸡蛋”则可以说是美国梦的化身。那么,美国梦到底指什么呢?是什么刺激了“父亲”美国梦的产生?有时什么使得他的美梦破产了呢?本文将针对这些问题对《鸡蛋的胜利》进行解析。

首先,我们来探讨一下什么事“美国梦”?所谓的美国梦是指一种信任只要在美国经过努力不懈的奋斗便能获得更好生活的理想,亦即人们必须透过自己的工作勤恳、勇气、创意和决心迈向饭桶, 而非依附于特定的社会阶级和他人的援助。通畅这代表了人们在经济上的成功或是企业家的精神。在《鸡蛋的胜利》一文中,“父亲”的美国梦就是出人头地,能有所成功。所以,为了实现他的美国梦,他展开了他的冒险之旅:养鸡和开饭馆。但是,因为各种各样的原因,两个计划都失败了。一系列沉重的打击使得“父亲”的激情彻底消退,这也标志着他的美国梦彻底破灭。

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篇八 :Memcache-eAccelerator-APC-Xcache-Redis 五种php缓存加速器特点浅析


Memcached 是一个高性能的分布式内存对象缓存系统,用于动态Web应用以减轻数据库负载。它通过在内存中缓存数据和对象来减少读取数据库的次数,从而提供动态、数据库驱动网站的速度。 我想说:discuz官方论坛使用的正是Memcached内存优化方案,但是建议个人站长不要跟风,因为它的确不适合我们,Memcached作为高速运行的分布式缓存服务器主要用于分布式缓存,很多站长认为它会优化 PHP,其实不是这样的,所以很多站长使用Memcached优化方案后觉得速度上和没安装Memcached前没什么区别,就是因为这个道理。discuz官方很可能是集群部署方案,采用Memcached接口当然是没有问题的。


eAccelerator是一个自由开放源码php加速器,优化和动态内容缓存,提高了php脚本的缓存性能,使得PHP脚本在编译的状态下,对服务器的开销大大消除。 它还有对脚本起优化作用,以加快其执行效率。使PHP程序代码执效率能提高1-10倍。


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