篇一 :英文演讲介绍名人


Hello everybody . My topic today is my favorite celebrity.And first,let me show you some picture,and can you guess who it is that I will introduce?


As you can see there are two picture.And the first is Apple I and the nest is Apple II.May be you will guess it should be Steve jobs.But the truth is,the man I will introduce is –Stephen Gray Wozniak.Know as “Woz”.


here is a brief introduction about him.

He is an American inventor ,electronics engineer ,and computer programmer who cofounded Apple Computer with Steve Jobs and Ronald Wayne .Wozniak single-handedly designed both the Apple I and Apple II computer in the late 1970s.These computer contributed significantly to the microcomputer revolution. 4st

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篇二 :名人英语演讲稿


Tribute to Diana


Diana was the very essence of compassion, of duty, of style, of beauty. All over the world she was a symbol of selfless humanity. All over the world, a standard bearer for the right of the truly downtrodden, a very British girl who transcend nationality, someone with a natural nobility who was classless.


This is the text of Earl Spencer's tribute to his sister at her funeral. There is some very deep, powerful and heartfelt sentiment. Would that those at whom it is aimed would take heed. The versions posted on several news services had minor errors. This is precisely as it was deliverd.

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篇三 :心灵英语:演讲稿世界名人演讲稿





为了易于各人学习和理解,我尽可能加上名人生平先容和历史违景先容。 罗斯福:国会珍珠港演讲(中英文对照)

Mr.Vice President,Mr.Speaker,Members of the Senate,and of the House of


Yesterday,December 7th,1941--a date which will live in infamy--the United

States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air

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篇四 :双语名人演讲稿林肯的第二次演讲(双语)

At this second appearing to take the oath of the presidential office there is less occasion for an extended address than there was at the first. Then a statement somewhat in detail of a course to be pursued seemed fitting and proper. Now, at the expiration of four years, during which public declarations have been

constantly called forth on every point and phase of his great contest which still absorbs the attention and engrosses the energies of the nation, little that is new could be presented. The progress of our arms, upon which all else chiefly

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篇五 :dare to compete 希拉里演讲整编 名人英语演讲改编稿 适合学生

I have always been a strong supporter of women in sports. And I was introduced by a young woman, and as I went to shake her hand she obviously had been reading the newspapers about people saying I should or shouldn’t run for the Senate. I was congratulating her on the speech she had just made and she held onto my hand and she said, “Dare to compete, Mrs. Clinton. Dare to compete.”

I took that to heart because it is hard to compete sometimes, especially in public ways, when your failures are there for everyone to see and you don’t know what is going to happen from one day to the next. yet so much of life, whether we like to accept it or not, is competing with ourselves to be the best we can be, being involved in classes or professions or just life, where we know we are competing with others.

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篇六 :英语演讲(美元上的名人)

The celebrities on American dollar-bills

Good afternoon, everyone! This is my second individual speech, if only it could get your appreciation.

Firstly, I want to ask you what are these pieces of green paper on the screen? Yes, you know, they are money, they are dollars, the universal currency in the world. But do you know why American choose them to accompany themselves day and night and do you know who are them on earth? Let me introduce them to you one by one according to ascending sequence of the face values of the dollar-bills on which they are printed.

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篇七 :李嘉诚 名人传记平生介绍 演讲稿


2010-09-14 06:32







其实,富贵,很多人都想.却并不是人人都能实现.真正富贵的人,不多.大富大贵更加少.不知是谁说过,小富由俭,中富由勤,大富由天.不知有没有记错,如果没有,我试着理解的是,小富中富可能还可以通过人的不断努力有机会实现,但如果想大富,除了一切主观能动性外,应该更重要,决定性因素还是要看天时命运.可能我这样想会有点所谓的唯心主义,但不得不承认,一个人一生如果始终少了一点运气,可能就是平生不得志.所以,努力固然重要,但命运与运气也应该始终占据着很重要的作用. 在我看来,富与贵虽然同一个层次,但各有不同,表现也不同.富重的是物质,贵重的是地位与权力.富,更偏柔性一些.而贵,多半都会显刚强的一面.这些特征与命理上的十神对应起来,又往往惊人的相似,甚至相同.比如富,十神里面以正财偏财,代表富,以生财的食神伤官也代表财.比如官,以正官七杀代表官,代表威望,代表权力,代表地位.严格上来说,虽然富贵同样是一种好命,但在我看来,是有区别的.一般,富的人难贵,贵的人难富.富贵兼得者,有,但绝对不多,也是屈指可数.不过,富者,一般也能近贵.贵了的人一般也能近富,这倒像是事实.

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篇八 :双语名人演讲稿安南在清华大学的演讲(双语)


The eighth and last Millennium Development Goal is a global partnership for development. This means that developing countries must not be left to develop on their own. They need the help of the richer and more powerful countries through the removal of unfair trade barriers and subsidised competition; through the elimination of the debts which oblige so many poor countries to spend more on repaying and servicing their creditors than they can on the social needs of their own people; and through more generous official development aid which the rich countries have repeatedly promised to provide.

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