篇一 :展望未来,放飞梦想(3分钟英语演讲稿)

Greeting everybody!It's my honor to share my topic here with you. Today I'd like to talk about my dream.

When I was a little girl,I often thought about my future.Will I be rich or will I be successful?In fact,I never considered what job will I get.A writer?A

reporter?Or like now,a speecher? I don’t know.Well,I think I’m an ordinary person.So I just want to have a house of my own when I grow up.In my imagination,it may not be very big,but it must be comfortable and warm

enough.If the weather is good,I will sit on my sofa and read books or listen to music on the balcony in the sun.If it is rainy,I’ll sit there and watch the

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篇二 :关于梦想的2分钟英文演讲稿


My dream

I enter tile university after years of hardstudy and preparation. But life in the university is not as satisfactory as what I had expected. I become lazy and don't want to study.I become silcent. I become puzzled. I don't know what I can do in the future. Then I become unhappy. Four years in the university is only a short period when compared my whole lifetime. Now it has passed a half. In this year, many people ,such as my parents,my friends, ask me what I want to do and tell me to map out a plan for my life. I don't want to follow their suggestion, and I want to go my style. So I think carefully. I have been a young volunteer for five years.It's very happy and significant. Then I have a dream.I want to join the University Student Volunteers Go West Programe. I think I can be a teacher in the west.I want to try my best to help them and help me. I want to see the world cearly. Now I can't reach its demand and it's very diffcult,but I will work hard in the next two years. There is an old saying"where there is a will,there is a way."I think my dream can come ture.Now in the university I mature,and in the university I prepare for the real world.

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篇三 :20xx关于梦想英语演讲稿



Good morning/afternoon, Dear teachers and my friends. I'm a student from No.2 middle school of Qugou. My name is Zhao Bingjie. I'm very glad to stand here to make a short speech for you. Today my speech topic is "embrace the dream". Many people have a dream about the future besides me. I had a beautiful dream since I was a young little girl. I really want to be an outstanding writer like Guo Jingming in the future, because I liked reading very much when I was a child. So, I practice writing articles in my free time, by doing that I feel very comfortable. I love my dream and I will try my best to make my dream come true. It's about my dream, what about you? Do you have a dream? Do you think everyone has their own dreams? In fact, you are wrong. Many people never thought about future and what they will be like. They never have a dream . It's not good for them. Only have dreams, then we can know what we should do for our dreams and try our best to make them true. So, it's important and necessary to have a dream. Someone once said that success comes from a dream. So, fellow students, let's have a dream, and embrace the dream. Then, we will have a beautiful tomorrow! My speech is over, thanks for your listening.

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篇四 :英语演讲稿“青春_梦想”


Distinguished judges, teachers, dear friends

Hello, everybody! My name is, I come from. Today, I am very glad to stand here and share with you my most sincere speech‘Flying youth, master our future!’

Life is a process of growing up. Saying goodbye to childhood, we step into another important time of life‘the youth’.However, who can really say what the youth is ? A period of time? A belief? An attitude to life? Or anything else? We don’t know.

A famous poet said ‘ youth is a lovely song ,where nothing is impossible ; youth is a meaningful book, you’ll be never bored of it ;youth is a rapid river ,it keeps on flowing day and night ;youth is a cup of tea ,it shows you different kinds of tastes in your life. ’

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篇五 :关于梦想的英语演讲稿

Good evening, dear audience :I am happy that I can have such kind of opportunity to stand here to give you a speech. What I am going to talk about today is “my dream to shine”.

We all want to believe that we are capable of great feats , we can call the potential to reach our fullest dream.

“no young man believes he will ever fade”, it was a saying of my old friend , and a fine one . We look round in this world, full of life, and motion, and ceaseless progress, as in setting out on delightful journey, we strain our eager gaze forward . There is a feeling of Eternity in youth, just right which makes us amend for everything.

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篇六 :英语演讲稿 梦想


Ladies and gentlemen, good evening.I am very glad to be here for you and make a brief speech.

Today the topic of my speech is dream.

In the movie The American Dream In China, into Cheng Dongqing there is such a word that I was deeply touched. What is a dream, dream is a kind of makes you feel the persistence is happiness. The real meaning of this sentence explains the dream, what we want, worthy of we insist on .And insisting on it can let us feel happiness in this process. Do you have such a dream? If so, then congratulations! If not, don't lose heart. There is another one in this movie lines, that is falling into the water will not die, being in the water leads to the death, you can keep swimming , as soon as possible to find your own dream.

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篇七 :英语演讲稿--梦想Dream

当瓦特制造了第一台蒸汽机,当牛顿在被一颗苹果砸中后发现了万有引力(universal gravitation),当马克思写出了《共 产 党宣言》,当毛泽东在天安门城楼上庄严宣布中华人民共和国成立,当马丁·路德·金用热血呼喊出“I have a dream”时,这个世界就改变了。被一个叫做梦想的,看不见,摸不到,却拥有无穷力量的东西,改变了。





The world changed when James Watt invented the first steam engine, when Isaac Newton discovered the universal gravitation after hit by an apple, when Karl Marx wrote The Communist Manifesto, when Chairman Mao solemnly declared the establishment of the People's Republic of China on the Tian'anmen Rostrum, when Martin Luther King cried out “I have a dream”. The world was changed by something called dream, which is invisible, untouchable but strong enough.

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篇八 :20xx追逐梦想英语演讲稿



I have a dream today.

I have a dream that one day every vally shall be exalted, every hill and mountain shall be made low, the rough places will be made plain, and the crooked places will be made straight, and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together.

Wow, what a dream it has been for Martin Luther King. But the changing world seems telling me that people gradually get their dreams lost somehow in the process of growing up, and sometimes I personally find myself saying goodbye unconsciously to those distant childhood dreams.

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