篇一 :《开讲啦》威廉王子登上中国综艺节目演讲


时下,网上流行一句话说三遍,用来表达这件事很重要,不想英国的威廉王子也深谙此道,日前,他受邀参与录制央视《开讲啦》“英国行”特别节目,再次发表演讲呼吁人们关注非洲盗猎走私大象,而这已是威廉王子年内第三次公开发表有关象牙走私内容的演讲了。 今年早些时候,上海外滩最大的广告牌上,威廉王子就署名刊登“没有买卖,就没有杀害”的广告。


“At this rate, children born this year, like my daughter Charlotte, will see the lastwild elephants and rhinos die before their 25th birthdays.”



Ladies and Gentlemen,

Never before have we had so many different ways to talk to one another. In the distant past,written documents would be carried by hand across thousands of miles from China to WesternEurope. Today, we access knowledge from all over the world, through our mobile phones and ata tap of the key. Wherever you are watching this program, whether in this hall, at work, withyour friends, or at home with your families: 谢谢,很高兴和你们见面。 Thank you forwelcoming me into your homes.

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篇二 :大学英语演讲稿大学英语演讲稿大学英语演讲稿大学英语演讲稿

大学英语演讲稿大学英语演讲稿大学英语演讲稿大学英语演讲稿:面对压力面对压力面对压力面对压力 来源: 听力课堂 作者:sunjianfei 更新日期:2010-12-28 浏览: 647次 Good morning , boys and girls. I am pu lijuan and glad to give you a speech about stress. Psychologist tell us that stress is a state of worry caused by the problem of living , such as too much work or study , heavy responsibilities . Statistics show that stress comes from every detail in our life . Financial problems , poor health , being laid off may be the stress that most adults now are suffering . As students in the university , we are also under our special stress . While study , having to take various tests and submit a project against a deadline may put a great pressure on us . And the things that make us felt stressed may be our parents’s greater expectations on us than we could reach . Later , when we are likely to graduate , some other problems will also annoy us . I think we will worry a lot about our ability to compete in the job market and how we can best use what we’ve learned at college in our future job

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篇三 :考风考纪演讲稿考风考纪演讲稿考风考纪演讲稿考风考纪演讲稿 孟子有云

考风考纪演讲稿考风考纪演讲稿考风考纪演讲稿考风考纪演讲稿 孟子有云:“车无辕而不行,人无信则不立。”诚信对于人而言,就像是车子的轮子一样,没有诚信的人是无法在人生的道路上走下去的。诚信是一种美德,一种品质,为我们中华民族世代所信奉。诚信是立身处事的准则,是人格的体现,是衡量个人品行优劣的道德标准之一。 从“言顾行,行顾言”到“言必行,行必果”。还有“君子坦荡荡,小人长戚戚” 。这些古代遗留至今的名句无一不说明我国对诚信的看重是由来以久的。随着时代的发展,我国人民的物质水平不断提高,然而,作为传家宝的诚信却在不断丢失!人与人之间,企业与企业之间,任何地方似乎都充斥着诚信危机。人人自危,互相不信任!这是什么原因,难道是我国的教育有问题吗! 中学生作为天之骄子都受过良好的教育,应该为社会作出一个诚信的榜样吧!至少我是这样认为的。然而我们不断重复的树立诚信意识,严肃考风考纪的呼声,而现实却另人深思。在这次会上,诚信呼声如此之高,可见在校园内诚信缺失的程度了!考试作弊,这是小学生都知道不能做的可耻行为,但是我们中学生呢?不知从何时起,考试的严肃性在

中学的考场里已被淡化,作弊在校园里泛滥成灾,在这个过程中诚信被我们所遗忘! 究竟是什么原因驱使中学生们以丧失诚信的代价去作弊。我认为有一下四种情况:一种是平时不努力学习,快考试了临时抱佛脚,但又怕考试过不了,故选择了作弊求稳;另一种是学习成绩好的同学,考虑到自己的小利益,为了更有竞争力,故选择了作弊求胜;还有一类是认为考试没有什么实际意义,只是一个形式而已,所以也就选择了作弊应付;最后一类是看到别人都作弊,认为自己不做就吃亏了,所以也就选择了作弊跟风! 其实无论是什么原因,选择作弊就是出卖自己的人格。这是一种极短视和不负责任的行为。你既然怕考试不过,为什么平时不努力学习呢!父母亲辛辛苦苦挣钱供我们读书,难道是让我们在学校里吃喝玩乐,不学无术的吗!考试你可以糊过去,但你没有真才实学,能骗别人一辈子吗?你又对的起你的父母吗?对于那些学习成绩不错,出于利益而作弊的同学更另人感到悲哀和同情!你似乎有自尊心,又有荣辱观,但实际上你简直就是利欲熏心的社会动物。你不仅没有诚信,连最起码的羞耻心都没有。你通过这样的方式拿到的入场券你能用的舒坦吗!你对的起老师和同学对你的信任吗?你欺骗了所有的人,但这不重要,关键你欺骗了你自己的灵魂!至于那些因为对学校考试制度不满的同学,你们有自己的想法,又敢于表达出来,平时不上课,考试前连佛脚也不报,就准备考试抄了!似乎很有个性啊!那何不更个性彻底一点,直接通过罢考来表达自己对考试制度的不满啊!你又做不到,因为你们是面对现实的,那为什么又不面对我国目前教育的确存在一些问题的现实呢!确实,我们的考试制度存在一些问题,专家们都在讨论如何改进,但这到另学生满意肯定会有一个过程。难道这就可以成为我们考试作弊的理由吗?难道你用丧失人格的方式来抗议吗?你其实可以完全换一种方式来表达自己的想法,我认为我们通过自己的努力取的好成绩以后再说考试制度的问题时会更有说服力的!那些害怕吃亏的同学就更是不分轻重了!一个是丢了诚信,丧失人格;

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篇四 :赵小兰--开讲啦---英文演讲稿

What are my career goals? I didn’t have it, which was a good thing because our community at that time was so small. So for me when I graduated from school. I was serious I had my simple goals, one is to get a job, two, it is basically to get an apartment, so I can be independent.

And then I went to Harvard Business School. I graduated from Harvard Business School, and because my family was in business. I decided to go into banking, to get some experience in banking. I didn’t understand so much about what banking was all about, but I learned. I worked for Citi Group, and when I was in the middle of working in Citi Group for 4 years, I had an opportunity to work at the White House because Citi Group had a special program. They selected outstanding performers within the bank and then gave them opportunity to support them for an intern in the government. I was selected as a White House fellow. I worked at the White House for one year. It was a difficult time, not easy, but I was so excited. It was so interesting because there was no Chinese, no Asian at the White House at that time, so I felt I was blazing a new trail for other Asian Americans. And I was learning a lot to be a better leader in the future. I worked for the White House for a year.

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篇五 :“和谐社会”的英文演讲稿(在耶鲁大学演讲英文版)

Let me begin by thanking you, Mr. Levin, for your kind invitation and the opportunity to come to Yale to meet young friends and teachers of this world-renowned(1)university.

Coming to the Yale campus, with its distinctive(2)academic flavor, and looking at the eager young faces in the audience, I cannot but recall my great experience studying at Qinghua University in Beijing 40 years ago. Indeed, what happens during one s school year will influence his whole life. I still benefit greatly from the instruction and my interaction with other students. Yale is renowned for its long history, unique way of teaching and excellence in academic pursuit. If time could go back several decades, I would really like to be a student of Yale just like you.

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篇六 :大学英语课前演讲口语展示英文演讲稿关于英语发展史,

Hello,every one.As we know,many countries,such as England,American,Canade,New Zealand ,the mother tongue is English.Now,it has become the first interntial language.Today,I will share you with the developing history of English.

Lots of people thing the history of English will divide into three


The old English is from 450 to 1100. Before Christ, the Celts

inhabited Britain. In the 5th and 6th Centuries A.D. the Germanic tribes came to the land, and they formed the Anglo-Saxons society.Together they bring their Germanic language,which gradually replaced Celts’ own language . Then the English was enriched with Greek and Latin.Then,the French control the Brith,so the nodles speak French,the poor speak English,so English also include some French words.And the de-,dis- in-,inter-,pre-,pro- also from French. Now the English has develop lots of kinds like Aemrican English,Australia English.Even though,some learn English country has their own English style,like India,Korean,Japan,and our Chinglish.Cheng long,a famous star in a Hollywood movie,say”LONG TIME NO SEAN”.It has very popular in the world.But it is the CHINESE grammer.Do you know the word “SHANGHAI”some Chinese in American say shanghai when some other hurt or cheat or rob them. Then it had include in Oxford

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篇七 :科比在《开讲啦》演讲的英文原稿






一旦进入赛场,我马上会像换了一个人一样,在球场上全神贯注。 我现在35岁了,算是走到了职业生涯的后半程,像这样一些受伤也是司空见惯了。一旦受伤,你就觉得世界停止了,不管是膝盖受伤,肩膀受伤等等。我知道很多人因此而把整个职业生涯都葬送了,有的人甚至一蹶不振,甚至无法返回赛场。当那个时刻发生的时候,我会看着镜子中的自己说,“科比你会怎么样?如果你经历这样的伤痛你会怎么样?“你知道我每次看到别人受伤,我见到很多人受伤后回不来,我看着镜子中的自己喃喃自语说,”是不是应该退出了?是不是应该停止打球了?“我自己都不知道还能否返回赛场。我现在坐在这里告诉你,我要完全康复回到球场。但我不敢打包票,因为很多时候我也



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篇八 :奥巴马就职演讲 中英文演讲稿(中英文对照)

My fellow citizens:


I stand here today humbled by the task before us, grateful for the trust you have bestowed, mindful of the sacrifices borne by our ancestors. I thank President Bush for his service to our nation, as well as the generosity and cooperation he has shown throughout this transition.


Forty-four Americans have now taken the presidential oath. The words have been spoken during rising tides of prosperity and the still waters of peace. Yet, every so often the oath is taken amidst gathering clouds and raging storms. At these moments, America has carried on not simply because of the skill or vision of those in high office, but because We the People have remained faithful to the ideals of our forbearers, and true to our founding documents.

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