篇一 :《小王子》读后感(英文版)

Little Prince

This is a fairytale whose distribution volume is only second to The Bible. It’s been translated to versions of many other languages. And I gather there must be something special, something really great about it. It’s this conviction that drove me to read it at the first beginning. Well, with due respect to the author, I failed to see how this fairytale be worthy of our attention, despite the fact that many readers claimed this book to be designed for adults.

Anyway, as a well-acknowledged book, it must possess unique feature to maintain it’s position. And it’s reputation and popularity will by no means be destroyed by what an unknown man says. I will talk about the main contents of the book, and the inspiration it renders as usual.

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篇二 :《了不起的盖茨比》英文读后感

Pursuit for dreams

—after reading The Great Gatsby

I have heard of the famous novel The Great Gatsby for many years. However, until recently have I got the time and mood to read it. As soon as I finish reading, I find my previous unwarranted assumption of it totally wrong.

This is a story about Gatsby and his pursuit for the ‘American dreams’. During the World War One, the poor soldier Gatsby fell in love with an upper class girl named Daisy. But due to the wide gap between them, Daisy decided to marry Tom, a man of her class, instead of Gatsby. Broken-hearted Gatsby then held the conviction that money was of the greatest importance. He strongly believed in the ‘American dreams’, which as we all know, advocates that one can achieve whatever he or she likes through continuous efforts. He strived for five years to become a millionaire and bought a villa near Daisy’s to attract her. He was too addicted to his fantasy to realize that Daisy was no longer the lovely girl she used to be. Eventually, he was killed because of her crime.

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篇三 :傲慢与偏见读后感(英文版)


Love and marriage is a constant topic among human, In Pride And Prejudice, Jane Austen told a story about five marriages for us in her rational and humorous writing tone, which explains the truth of marriage: love. Marriage should be based on love, while it can’t have access to happiness when just based on money or appearance. And a deeper knowledge is needed when we start our affection . Exclude vanity and prejudice, and think about each other's moral character objectively, and we can know someone better and more exact---- only good moral character deserves real love.

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篇四 :飘读后感英文

My Impressions after Reading”Gone with the Wind”


Recently,I have just finished reading a famous novel written by Margaret mitchell—“Gone with the Wind”,which is one of the most popular works among American novels.It took the auther about 10 years to finish this great novel,the only novel in her life. The story happened during the Civil War eve.Scarlett O'Hara,a 16-year-old girl,who was living in Tala manor in Georgia,was loving her neighbor Ashley Wilkes.However,after the war have broken out, Ashley Wilkes married his yonger cousin Melanie. Scarlett was so angry that she decided to marry a man she didn?t really love---- Charles Hamilton.Not long after that, Charles Hamilton joined the Army and died of illness in the war.So Scarlett had to act as a widow.Afterwards,at a donating dance party,Scarlett is acquainted with a captain named Rhett Butler. Then the flames of war approached Atlanta.Everyone was busy leaving away from the war.Scarlett managed to escape from Atlanta with the help of captain Rhett.Having come back to Tala manor,Scarlett made up her mind to rally her homeland at any cost when she saw that the former manor had been ruined.Later,her second husband died in the fight,she was a widow again.Durling that time, Rhett had been loving Scarlett sincerely and warmly.Seeing that Rhett could help her rally the manor,Scarlett married

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篇五 :富兰克林自传英文读后感

The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin

In this term, I read the book The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin, in the book, he showed us what his childhood was like and what he came to value as meaningful and worthwhile techniques of communication, conduct, and self-improvement. Franklin was not in favorable growth environment, and it should be a relatively plain appearance. In 1706 he was born in North America, the home Top 15 of 17 children. His Father is involved in wax and soap as a small businessman, Franklin entered the school for about two years before dropping out of school because of family distress. Then he went to work as an apprentice in his brother’s printing shop, the apprentice days was very difficult, but he did a good use of the apprenticeship leisure time to study hard, and read a lot of books in politics, science, history and literature. He was also proficient in the use of French, Italian, Spanish and Latin by himself. In 1726 Franklin manages a printing factory, it was a great success which created a legend of the American dream, and he printed a huge impact "Pennsylvania". He invented the lightning rod, dual-purpose glasses, new stove and new lights. He pioneered the North American colonies the slogan that is "not join are the death" and drafted out the drafting of" Declaration of Independence "published in 1771 which changed the fate of countless people, and this book gave a description of its process of growth and exhorted the people to be positive.

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篇六 :老人与海英文读后感

Reading Report of The Old Man and the Sea

The Old Man and the Sea was written by an American writer named Ernest Hemingway. It has been translated into tens of languages, and the writer was so proud of his work.

Santiago, the hero of the story, had gone eighty-four days without taking a fish back. At first, a boy named Manolion had been with him, but Santiago couldn’t catch even one fish. The boy had gone at his parents’ orders in a lucky boat which caught three good fish the first week, and the couple thought that it was definitely and finally bad to let their boy stay with the old fisherman. On Santiago’s eighty-fifth day of fishing, he went out alone, leaving the smell of the land behind and rowing out into the clean early morning smell of ocean. To his surprise, he caught a tuna which he had never seen before and it was hard to believe that the tuna was bigger than his boat. Later, the blood from the tuna left a trail for all sharks as wide as a highway, so fighting against sharks was unavoidable. The result was that sharks ate up all the meat of the tuna and Santiago only brought the tuna skeleton back. He was so tired that he slept deeply as soon as he got home, dreaming of lions.

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篇七 :圣经读后感(英文)

Thoughts about the Bible

The Bible is God's holy Word. It is God's message to us, and it is the most important book in the entire world.

The Bible is the classic works in Christianity, and it provides the British literature with inexhaustible materials. So the Bible has deep influence on British literature. British writers use stories of the Bible by three main methods. First, they quote persons names or stories of the Bible as the characters names or plots of the creations from the Bible directly. Sometimes they make some changes on the original stories. Sometimes they quote stories directly from the Bible as the writing materials. Second, they make use of symbolic meaning of the Bible by some technical such as simile, metaphor and symbolism, so that the stories could exert a great influence on contrasting with the new products. Third, the Bible influences British literature on styles and artistic characteristics. The books retell most of the narratives of the Bible in 411 stories. The books have been marketed in the United States for many years by placing the first volume, which covers the first part of the book of Genesis, in doctor's offices with postage prepaid post cards included for readers to order the set or ask for more information. Originally written in English, the books have been translated into French and Spanish, and a new revision has been made based on the New International Version (NIV) translation of the Bible.

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篇八 :希腊神话读后感英文

Greek myth story has handed down for about more than three thousand years. Brilliant and grand scenes, vivid and distinct personalities, exquisite and flexural plot, so it was overwhelmed by all over the world readers. The Greek myth story is the same as the Bible that has a comprehensive influence to the whole human religious, philosophy, thoughts, customs, natural science, literature and art. When we contact with the western culture, we will meet some literary quotation that almost comes from the Greek myth story, and almost all the classical western literary can find the plot or characters that involved or directly originated from Greek mythology. Just as the Bible we need understand, we also should know the myth stories. That not just a literary works, also a production of culture of that time and an exhibition of the social surroundings and problems of the current western countries. If we want to know western culture, we need to read this book. It is a summary about gods and heroes story of the ancient Greek nation. It mixed up the real life with the fantasies.

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