篇一 :《巴黎圣母院》英文读后感

Listen to the Symphony of Stone

By Mojor [高二(8)班 朱俊超] It’s a sad story about a beautiful and kind-hearted goddess callde Esmeralda and a ugly but virtuous bell ringer called Quasimodo. They perform a haunting legend.

The Cathedral of Notre Dame is one of the most famous books written by Hugo.It’s a great novel with powerful thinking and artistic charm, and full of humanitarian and romanticism. A great novel lies not only in its twists plot, but also in the way to make characters and reflect the fact.Then it can make people a great hit. " The Cathedral of Notre Dame " has achieved this point! Its plot is unusual and stress,characters are exaggerated,the kind and the innocent were ruled under autocracy of the medieval feudal, they suffered

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篇二 :巴黎圣母院英文读后感

About the Notre Dame cathedral

《 Notre Dame cathedral》 is one known far and wide romantic faction strength which Victor Hugo writes . I read this great book these days.

In this story, I saw not only friendly relationships and beautiful character, but also the flow selfish desire. Regardless of is good beautiful Asmelada, or has the ugly semblance, Cacimodo with one pure mind, they represent the great amount the lower level populace which suppresses. Perhaps is sinister Coloud, he is appears by the theocracy face, all load bearing one kind of

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篇三 :《巴黎圣母院》英语读后感


《 Notre Dame cathedral》 is one known far and wide romantic faction strength which Victor Hugo writes . I take advantage of this summer vacation free time, read this great work.

Notre Dame cathedral's story, actually was one at that time social epic poem, since brimmed with really. Friendly. Beautiful, also the flow selfish desire and is false. Regardless of is good beautiful Asmelada ,or has the ugly semblance, Cacimodo with one pure mind, they represent the great amount the lower level populace which suppresses; Perhaps is sinister Coloud, he is appears by the theocracy face, all load bearing one kind of author's ponder.The author in this work, for with the clown, was beautifully friendly and wickedly does the best annotation, or take above three people as the example, the rebel Asmelada has the beautiful semblance and the chaste good mind, as well as pitiful destiny, but Cacimodo, he withstood destiny deceive nicely, the innermost feelings is his

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篇四 :巴黎圣母院英文读后感

Notre Dame Cathedral

Notre Dame Cathedral is a world famous masterpiece. In my eyes, the high reputation of it probably because the protagonist, Quasimodo. A badly ugly bell-ringer, growing up in a church, following Dom Claude Rollo the Archdeacon completely submit the Archdeacon.

At the beginning, I thought Quasimodo didn’t have the sense of right and wrong. There was a period of time when my aversion to Quasimodo was increasing rapidly. However, I gradually find that he is so much innocent and pure. At the last part of the opus, Quasimodo unexpectedly found that the Archdeacon he following also fall into deep love with the gipsy-girl. To avoid others getting the girl, the Archdeacon attempted to kill the knight but didn’t succeed. The Archdeacon thought it should be destroyed if he can’t own himself. Finally, the Archdeacon cruelly killed the charming girl. Meanwhile, Quasimodo pushed the Archdeacon into abyss. What moved me most is the last few of paragraphs. When people found the corpse of the girl, they discovered another one, a malformed man corpse. He held the girl so tightly that he turned into powder when they were separated.

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篇五 :《巴黎圣母院》英语读后感


《 Notre Dame cathedral》 is one known far and wide romantic faction strength which Victor Hugo writes . I take advantage of this summer vacation free time, read this great work.

Notre Dame cathedral's story, actually was one at that time social epic poem, since brimmed with really. Friendly. Beautiful, also the flow selfish desire and is false. Regardless of is good beautiful Asmelada ,or has the ugly semblance, Cacimodo with one pure mind, they represent the great amount the lower level populace which suppresses; Perhaps is sinister Coloud, he is appears by the theocracy face, all load bearing one kind of author's ponder.The author in this work, for with the clown, was beautifully friendly and wickedly does the best annotation, or take above three people as the example, the rebel Asmelada has the beautiful semblance and the chaste good mind, as well as pitiful destiny, but Cacimodo, he withstood destiny deceive nicely, the innermost feelings is his misery is graver, but Coloud maintained the benighted social rights and interests, he had brutally. Void mind and evil passion. Good person physique hateful, but the evil person actually says the appearance shore however, bright set off, social unfair manifest.

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篇六 :英语读后感作文:《巴黎圣母院》英语读后感

英语读后感作文:《巴黎圣母院》英语读后感 《 Notre Dame cathedral》 is one known far and wide romantic faction strength which Victor Hugo writes . I take advantage of this summer vacation free time, read this great work.

Notre Dame cathedral's story, actually was one at that time social epic poem, since brimmed with really. Friendly. Beautiful, also the flow selfish desire and is false. Regardless of is good beautiful Asmelada ,or has the ugly semblance, Cacimodo with one pure mind, they represent the great amount the lower level populace which suppresses; Perhaps is sinister Coloud, he is appears by the theocracy face, all load bearing one kind of author's ponder.The author in this work, for with the clown, was beautifully friendly and wickedly does the best annotation, or take above three people as the example, the rebel Asmelada has the beautiful semblance and the chaste good mind, as well as pitiful destiny, but Cacimodo, he withstood destiny deceive nicely, the innermost feelings is his misery is graver, but Coloud maintained the benighted social rights and interests, he had brutally. Void mind and evil passion. Good person physique hateful, but the evil person actually says the appearance shore however, bright set off, social unfair manifest.

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篇七 :巴黎圣母院 读后感



《巴黎圣母院》是雨果第一部具有思想力量和艺术魅力的现实主义作品,充满了人道主义和浪漫主义色彩,小说以15世纪路易十一王朝统治下的马黎为背景,以不同寻常的紧张情节,夸张的人物形象,描写了善良的无辜者在中世纪封建专制制度下,遭受摧残和迫害的悲剧。 它是一部浪漫、催人泪下的书。具有强烈反封建教会的精神,揭露了法国中世纪路易十一政教合一王朝的黑暗,批判了路易十一的残忍,他统治的王国,实际上是个人间地狱,到处都有魔鬼的奸笑和被压迫者的哀号,爱斯梅拉达就是其中一个无辜者。

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篇八 :巴黎圣母院读后感






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