篇一 :秘密花园,英文读后感 the secret garden

The Secret Garden

Nobody seems to care about Mary. She was born in India, but she lived with her parents in England. Mary never thought of other people, but only of herself. In fact, she was a very selfish, disagreeable, bad-tempered little girl. The city which they lived broke out a terrible plague. The disease had already killed many people in the city, and in all the houses people were dying. Over night, Mary’s parents were died. The few servants who had not died had run away in the night. No one had remembered little Miss Mary. She was all alone in a big empty house. Several days ago, little Mary was taken to her uncle- Mr. Archibald Craven. Mr. Craven was a bad-tempered man and had no friends. He lived in a big lonely old house. There’s a big park round the house, and all kinds of gardens. In her uncle’s home, a little girl named Martha as her servant to help her. Martha was an enthusiasm and helpful girl. The servant girl has a little brother who named Dickon. Brother and sister are so simple and honest. Their warmth made Mary fell relax and happy. Gradually, Mary has made a little change. One day, from Martha, she heard a story. Mr. Craven married a sweet, pretty girl, and he loved her very deeply. The girl had a big garden. There were many roses in it. When she died so suddenly, Mr. Craven locked it and buried the key. Nobody can get in it. So, it’s a secret garden. One day, she took a walk in the ground, she found the key wonderfully. She entered the garden secretly and took care of it with Dickon. In the next few days, Mary spent almost all her time in the garden. The fresh air made her hungry, and she was becoming stronger. One night, Mary heard the crying clearly. So she run out to find who was crying in this house. In a exquisite bedroom, she found a sickly boy-Colin. He was Mr. Craven’s son. Mary thought that Colin was a good boy. So she requested Colin to the secret garden. In this discard garden, Mary, Colin and Dickon had good time. They helped the garden come alive again. What’s more, sunshine, fresh air, flowers and grasses made Colin healthy. In the secret garden, where the roses were at their best, and the butterflies were flying from to flower in the summer sunshine, his head held high and a smile on his lips, walk young Colin.

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篇二 :秘密花园英文读后感

Secret Garden

These days I read a book called "secret garden" . As early as a child I read the book of the animated version, it has vivid characters and the story has been so warm, I can not forget. Pick up these days, I finally had that book, revisit childhood memories.

This story has given an account of a little girl Mary who was self-abased has become a lively , open and clever girl's process. During the period , she has known Diken and Colin. Colin was a disabled ,but he has finally overcome difficulties and seen the sunshine again with the help and encouragement of Mary and Diken . That lets me feel Mary is a nice girl , because she can correct mistakes, she is also eager to help people . When she knows Colin is a disabled , she didn't laugh at him , and comforts him on the contrary ,did things for him , and shared happiness and sadness with him. Diken is a kind-hearted boy , because he went to give food to Colin when Colin had rehabilitation , he certainly is also a lively and active child. But Colin is completely different with him , Colin always gets angry, if he feel not satisfactory will be furious.But he also has merit. He is a persistent child , insists walking every day. They three just like family, have a harmony cheerful life of three people.

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篇三 :秘密花园英文读后感

On The Secret Garden

I. Introduction

The secret garden was written by France Hodgon Burnett, a famous novelist, fairytale writer and playwright in American during nineteen century and twenty century. The book was the most popular and successful works in her novels. It was published in 1911 and made in to a film for there times. This made us attracted by the writer. It told us a secret about the garden: Mary and Cerlin were exclusive and negative, but when they met Dickon a boy seemed magical they became respectful and positive, and enjoyed the secret in the garden. At last they had a fantasy ending that made us feel happy.

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篇四 :《秘密花园》读后感-英文版

The young heroine called Mary in the secret garden, is a plain, grumpy, tired of everybody's little girl. During a plague, her mother and father were captured life she became an orphan. Then another little hero after the met became a friend of dickon and Mary, cheerful, getting beautiful, made us feel very different from Mary. This book made me understand the value of friendship. Active Deacon, with his sincere heart touched hate Mary for everything, moved seriously ill for life is reported to have any hope of Colin, he rekindled the flame of life. If I is Mary, I will more of disgust all of people or thing, because in this family in, I of father is a day not home of people, and I of mother also only will daily to participate in various of ball, and care I of exists, life in such of family in, I was alone lonely gradually of character withdrawn, has who not into such does? I like the book the secret garden, want friendship with dickon as valuable, so my life is full of sunshine and joy. The appearance of this book, I learned that friendships can change everything, even his life.

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篇五 :《秘密花园》读后感


这个假期,我读了《秘密花园》一书,这本书讲述的是小女孩玛丽的故事。 人人都说主人公玛丽是全世界长得最不讨人喜欢的小女孩。这话说的一点也不假。她小脸细长,身材单薄,一头稀稀拉拉的头发,还板着一张易怒寡欢的臭脸。由于她小时候缺乏父母的爱,使她成为世界上最随心所欲、蛮横霸道的小霸王。她的表弟柯林少爷,一个五官精致、脸色苍白、脸上的肉都凹下去的小男孩。他们俩都对生活充满了失望,而不被大人们所喜爱。一天,他们碰到了迪肯——一个仆人的弟弟, 从而改变了他们的生活。迪肯是一个对生活充满渴望、充满激情的小男孩,与玛丽、柯林年龄相仿。他带着他们俩在草原上玩耍,做游戏,玛丽、柯林很快就喜欢上这个小朋友,他们渐渐对生活产生了热爱。玛丽在和迪肯的一次次游戏中,渐渐长成了一个结实健壮、开朗活泼的孩子。玛丽、迪肯又用“魔力”把柯林也变成了一个健壮开朗的男孩,他们三个齐心协力整理花园,栽种花草,给花草浇水施肥。不久,花园里开满了鲜花,长出绿油油的小草,引来蜜蜂、蝴蝶等小生灵,与他们一起快乐的玩耍。小玛丽变的可爱了,懂事了,整天洋溢着开心的笑容;小柯林变的健康了,英俊了,走起路来生龙活虎;让度假回来的克雷文先生又惊又喜,因为他那个瘦弱的孩子,已经成长为一个英俊健康的少爷。

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篇六 :《秘密花园》读后感


华维文澜中学 周雪丽




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篇七 :《秘密花园》读后感




先说说玛丽亚。玛丽亚刚开始是一个十分任性,暴虐,不为别人着想的人,而且,她的自理能力很差,身体也不好。而自从她进了花园后,她开始为别人着想,变得温和,她学会了挖地,胃口也大了很多。而这一切,都是因为笛卡尔,小动物和秘密花园对她的影响。 说完了玛丽亚,再说说克林少爷。克林特别爱发脾气,而且还特别杞人忧天,他老是认为自己有病了。可是,当克林进入秘密花园后,他变得乐观,坚强。甚至胃口也大了很多,变得健康,而且能奔跑了!我觉得乐观是一样十分重要的东西,乐观也同样会给人勇气,给人继

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篇八 :《秘密花园》读后感600字







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