篇一 :野性的呼唤 读后感 英文

A lost world of life

—— About The Call of the Wild

Could you remember the excerpt of The Call of the Wild in our Extensive Reading I? Could you still remember the plot? Do you know where the call is from? That’s the very beginning of the Call of the Wild.

I choose this book for two reasons, that the beginning attracts me and that I once read a book about wolf family of three generations, which is an interesting story about the nature.

About the author, Jack London (Jan 12, 1876—Nov 22, 1916)

Jack London (1876-1916) is an American worldwide renowned novelist, journalist and social activist. His representative works include the Call of the Wild, Martin Eden, Son of the Wolf, White Fang, etc.

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篇二 :野性的呼唤读后感英文版

Call of the wild is a very good book, not like a fairy tale that lovely lively, sometimes even let a person feel horrible, actually this is not its shortcomings, but its advantages. Most of the students in the class love horror story, I am no exception, you should read the title is a bit goose bumps? ! Let me simply said once: buck (note: buck's protagonist, it is a dog) in snow and ice inside dogsled, less than a month can thin for 15 jins, have to sell buck buy other dogs. And the temperature was: Antarctic minus 50 degrees Celsius, everyday want to pull of 12 hours of the sled. From these two places is enough to see a little terror, not like behind than lipingwere intimidating!

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篇三 :英文版野性的呼唤读后感

An Analysis of The Call of the Wild

About the author, Jack London (Jan 12, 1876—Nov 22, 1916)

Jack London (1876-1916) is an American worldwide renowned novelist, journalist and social activist. His representative works include the Call of the Wild, Martin Eden, Son of the Wolf, White Fang, etc. He is said to be a natural child. In 1889, he began working 12 to 18 hours for a day at Hickmott’s Cannery. In 1894, he spent 30 days for vagrancy in the Erie County Penitentiary at Buffalo. After many experiences as a hobo and a sailor, he returned to Oakland and attended Oakland High School. He contributed a number of articles to the high school's magazine. His first published work was an account of his sailing experiences. His novels successfully reflect the contradictory views of man’s nature and destiny in and against the wild.

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篇四 :野性的呼唤英文读后感

The call of the wild

There are many reasons for me choosing this book to read but the most important reason is that this book tells a story o “dog and human”. I have a special feeling about it, because i had spent a long quality time with a dog for about 12 years . Although he had dead for three years ,i still often think about him. I always believe that dogs are our friends,and they are very loyal, brilliant and special animal differed from other creatures.

The call of the wild was written by Jack London who was a famous ,widely read ,and best-known writer in America in twenty century. This book tells us an experience of extraordinary dog-Buck who is a massive ,strong regal dog with a rich coat of fur. At the beginning of the story, Buck is a pet of a rich judge`. And he spends his days leisurely. Unfortunately, he is stolen by a gardener and sold to the north to work as a sled dog. Everything in his surround is the opposite of comforting familiarity of house. He has to face varieties of fierce and dangerous situations independently. With time goes by, Buck learn how to fight against attacks by other dogs and struggle for good ,at the same time ,he becomes stronger and stronger. But he is hopeless in the face of the clubbing and starvation by men. Changes happen to him.when he is gonging to be beat to death,john Thornton save him and take care of hin until recovering. They become best friend. Unfortunately again,his master is killed by Indian,he becomes homeless. Simultaneously, he faces the challenge of being accepted by the wolf pack and he chooses to take leadership of the wolf pack.

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篇五 :《野性的呼唤》读后感














巴克原来是一头有着圣伯纳德犬和苏格兰牧羊犬混血血种 ,养尊处优的贵族犬 ,受着米勒法官的宠爱。可是不幸降临了,人们在北方发现了一种贵重的黄色金属——黄金,一拨又一拨的人涌向寒冷的北方淘金,他们需要大量的狗来拉雪橇。园丁的助手曼纽尔为了得到钱来养活家人,偷偷地把巴克卖了出去。一开始,一个红衣人在巴克挣扎时用大棒来“教育”它,而与弗朗索瓦在冰天雪地里的野外生存体验让它明白了“大棒和獠牙的法则”:为活而活,无论是偷盗还是强抢;与对手互相斗争绝不留情,否则死的就是自己。它有一个死对头名叫斯皮茨,它总是找它的麻烦。对于斯匹茨巴克总是处处忍让,尽量避免发生正面冲突。终于,怒火爆发了,巴克在战斗中杀死了斯皮茨,完成了野性回归的第二步。经过一段时间,巴克已经彻地完成了蜕变,已经没有任何仁义道德可言。它适应了北方残酷的生存法则,融入了充满兽性的弱肉强食的世界。它开始挑衅,为当上领头犬,并把狗群压制性管理得井井有条。主人不断的变化,但最终还是找到了一个真正关心巴克的约翰·桑顿。这是一段都么美好的日子!人与狗朋友般和谐相处。可同时,巴克也和林子里的狼交上了朋友,几次想奔到丛林里的巴克都被与约翰的情感所束缚。一次回家,巴克惊讶的发现约翰与他的朋友全部被耶哈兹人杀害了。愤怒的它再次激发了被压制的野性,撕裂了所有凶手的脖颈。再无牵挂的巴克奔入了令他魂牵梦萦的丛林,找到了狼朋友,凭借强横的实力当上了自由自在的狼王。不过它每年都回去约翰丧生的地方默哀。

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篇六 :野性的呼唤英文读后感

The Call of the Wild

It is a book written by Jack London , one of my favourite American writers , who intends to reflect the characteristics of humanity especially in the the period of gold rush by the image of an dog called Buck. Before entering the college , I have read the chinese vision of the book. And recently , I watched the film based on it . It is really wonderful . So I choose the book again. As far as I am concerned , the book can be divided into 3 parts in general.

In the firsr place , Buck lived in a happly life . He is the lovely pet of the Miller . He can get sufficient food everyday. We can even say that he has the same status as our human. To some degree , I am jealous of him as he does not have to worry about anything . All that he needs to do is to be loyal to his master . It is an easy thing . However , happy time is always short .

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篇七 :野性的呼唤英文读后感

Rules of Living

The call of the wild is a story about a dog. However, the story also vividly describes the life in the primitive North where people rushed for gold and fortune.

Buck, a dog which was belonging to a judge, was kidnapped and sold to North. Then he became a member of a dog-team pulling a sled. In the days of pulling the snow-sled, he learned the rules of living—obedient to the law of nature and obeys the master. Only in this way, Buck can live. And finally, he found a basic instinct hidden inside him, which enabled himself to survive the difficult environment. At the end of the story, Buck returned to the embrace of nature. This is all about The call of the wild.

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篇八 :野性的呼唤英文读后感

The call of the wild

Background of the story

In the 19th century ,the west of America was under cultivation .Hundreds of adventurers were moving to the west .At the same time ,it was said that gold had been found in large quantity in Northern California ,so thousands of people went to the west for gold .There were so many people ,but in the freezing cold North ,transportation was the biggest problem .At such situation ,dogs and sleds was the best choice ,so in the North ,dogs and sleds was the main transport tools then .Of course ,millions of dogs were needed urgently ,from then on ,there were plenty of dogs like Buck began their unfortunate difficult journey life.

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