篇一 :英语观后感1

Faithful dog, eight public and Feedback

There was a Akita dog named Hachiko, near the train station to find it in the 'master'

A chance encounter, destined to the fate of the beginning of a yoke, because the cargo workers do not pay attention, so that the public lost eight on the road, he met with it so, with the play, frolic together, eight public and not will be picking his school to teach the dog how it looks like picking, but it still will not, leaving the original mistress of the public against the eight, and daughter saw him picking the scene eight public education, in the call to another Adoption of the phone, she said "it has been adopted," and that moment I felt as if I were relieved, the hostess finally agreed. Conversion lens is Hachiko grow up, he can go to work, it also want to go to the expense of the pit under the fence to climb out, look for him, he had no option but to send it back to eight public and in its Grilled put a hole where the stone, preventing it out, but the time to work, it still jumped out to the site outside waiting for him to go home, and when he came out from the site and see when the full eight surprised the public, After that it agreed with him on eight public work, together with eight public and so with him to work every day, every night the guardian of time waiting for him outside

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篇二 :英语教学观摩课观后感


墩头镇吉庆初中 张维燕





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篇三 :《民理教学录像观后感格式1.doc作业



观后感 题目: 观《新疆木卡姆艺术》有感 小组 代 表人:

院系专业班级: 体育学院体育教育(2)班 联 系 电 话:

指 导 教 师: 玛达尼亚 填 表 日 期: 20xx年5月11日



填 写 说 明












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篇四 :《crash撞车》英语影评、观后感

My View of CRASH

A great film, and here are some pieces of my thought.

First, racial discrimination is involved in this film. People are rated by color or their race. Some of the white are always high up in the air in a mixed and open big city such Los Angeles just like Anthony, the black burglar, once said. Yeah, this is the fact that no one can deny. But what makes this dramatic is the different idea between Anthony and the other burglar, little brother of an black detective, who doesn’t think they are treated differently. In my opinion, in order to eliminate prejudice to black people, not only white people but also the black themselves should change their attitude. Anthony didn’t agree with that so he saw race discrimination everywhere, which left him in great shadow and push him to rob the “wicked” white people. But after he saw a white policeman help a black director out of trouble, he changed his mind. He got on a bus that he would never take before and found that the white and the black could sit together peacefully. He found that the world full of sunshine and he even liberated the trafficked people. Sometimes inequality comes from outside. Sometimes it is born of our mind. This idea is not about only Anthony or racial discrimination, but is also appropriate for everyone in every situation.

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篇五 :一堂英语议论文写作课的观后感


----- 长边中学 陈丽蓉 近段时间,有关英语考试改革的话题引起了社会的热切关注。英语新课程改革已实施多年,但受到中考与高考“指挥棒”的影响,大部分英语教学还是把掌握英语语言基本知识和基本技能放在教学目标的首位,即过分重视语法知识和词汇知识的讲解和传授,而忽视了对学生实际运用语言能力的培养。英语考试改革旨在降低英语考试比重,但更重要的是改变英语的教学方式。作为英语老师,我们应该顺应时代的要求,把“激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣,使学生树立自信心,养成良好的习惯和形成有效的学习英语策略,发展自主学习的能力和合作精神。”摆在教学目的的第一位。



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篇六 :河南省第七届小学英语优质课大赛观后感


张红丽 2012-3-31





洛阳的乔亚兵老师首先播放了一个与本节课句型有关的英文歌曲,营造了一个愉悦、宽松的课堂氛围。在课堂上她始终处于乐观向上的精神状态,对学生不是高高在上,而是用自己的肢体语言调动每一位学生的情感,让学生在“玩中学”“学中玩”。乔老师在课前、课文处理、巩固和拓展时采用了Sing a song, Chant, play games等活动手段,激发了学生学习英语的兴趣和激情。而且本节课导入自然、简

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篇七 :《肖申克的救赎》英语观后感the Shawshank Redemption

姓名:李俊 班级:英本二班 学号:1050210085

The Shawshank Redemption

--How is a man reborn? This film, The Shawshank Redemption, is a special work. In this film there are no love stories, no handsome actors, no scenes which our actors fight vehemently, even no actresses.There are only some grubby guys in the prison. We watch them saying, working,and listen to them calling names by using the F-word. But at the end of the film we will find ourselves are deeply struck by this film. As we can see, it`s this film that encourages us most, gives us hopes to overcome difficulties in lives, lights our pathes to the success. Actually it`s not a crime and gangster film about lives in prison, but a heartening story just like the film Forrest Gump.

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篇八 :英语写作影评作业格式.doc

The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement

2004 - G - 113 Mins.

Director: _____________________

Producer: _____________________

Written By: _____________________


Anne Hathaway, Julie Andrews,

Hector Elizondo, Callum Blue, Chris Pine

Review by: _____________________

NO:(班号) _____________________

I. Synopsis or summary of the plot:

II. Main characters:

III. Vocabulary: the words you have learnt chapter by chapter (be honest)

? pronunciation

? explanation in English

? a sentence in English (not copied from the dictionary)

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