篇一 :一球成名观后感两篇


影片中有很多让我为之感动的地方,首先是主人公圣迭亚戈的奶奶在他的父亲不允许他去纽卡斯尔联队踢球时,奶奶用自己多年来积攒的钱为圣迭亚戈买了通往纽卡斯尔的火车票,支持他去实现心目中的理想,就算是一个愿望也好,奶奶临别的时候将一个护身符挂在圣迭亚戈的身上,此时此刻这位农家老奶奶质朴、慈善的神情不得不让每个观众热泪盈眶。 其次,在奶奶通过电视看见圣迭亚戈球场上精彩的表现时,情不自禁的说出:那是我孙子、那是我孙子,这和之前同样通过电视看见迭戈第一场比赛时的爸爸一样,他满怀骄傲的说:那是我儿子,圣迭亚戈,我是他爸爸。可是之前圣迭亚戈并不知道他的爸爸正在收看他的比赛,在得知爸爸因为心脏病而去世后,圣迭亚戈非常伤心,主要原因是他认为一贯反对他的爸爸没有看到他的表现,当最后与奶奶的电话中得知那天爸爸收看了他的比赛,并为他骄傲的时候,圣迭亚戈仿佛得到了比胜利还要兴奋的东西,这种影片中穿插的人与人之间的亲情流露的极其自然而感人。


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篇二 :一球成名观后感







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篇三 :观《一球成名》有感




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篇四 :《一球成名》读后感

《一球成名》观后感近两个小时的影片,告诉我们,要有一个梦想,就是我们的目标,明确的目标。影片里的足球少年桑提戈,童年便在心中勾勒出成为职业球员的梦想。在父亲匆忙带着全家老小偷渡到美国,在穿越铁丝网时圣地亚哥遗失了心爱的足球,却为日后的梦想成真拉开了帷幕。他的成功具备以下几个因素:1、勇往直前,坚持不懈。在实现梦想的过程中会遇到重重阻碍,只有坚持并刻苦练习自己的技能,不管自己现在身处任何位子,只有这样才能在机会在机遇到来的时候,抓住它。2、刻苦锻炼,精益求精。在桑提戈全家已在洛衫矶安顿下来,自己做着两份工作,但是桑提戈依然痴迷足球,一直练着自己的足球。3、良师益友的指导与帮助。就是在自己不断提高自身技能的同时,需要一个伯乐来发现知道自己。就在这时出现了一位曾是英超劲旅纽卡斯尔联队的得力球员格兰,通过桑提戈在比赛中的精彩表现,决定帮助桑提戈,给他介绍足球经纪人。联系过去的老板纽卡斯尔的领队,恳求老板让桑提戈到英国进行面试。在桑提戈发挥不佳的时候,为他在球队老板那里求情。4、团队合作,齐心协力。要讲究团队合作而不是一个人的蛮干来实现自己的梦想。在试用期的训练中,球队老板慢慢的发现了桑提戈的球技,对有着天赋却喜欢一个人单干的桑提戈,他一再强调足球是是一个人的运动,是团队的运动。桑提戈听取了球队老板的教导,在桑提戈其后参加的每场的比赛中,都是和球队里其他队员团结合作齐心合力完成每次进球的。在实现梦想的过程中,会出现各种各样的困难,但是我们不需要任何借口来说服自己退缩。就像桑提戈,自身患有哮喘病、遭到经纪人的爽约、父亲的不支持以及对新英式足球环境的不适应,还有其他队友的“照顾”,直接导致球队老板没有录用他。但最终他还是克服了重重困难和阻碍,取得了成功 ,完成自己的梦想。在具备以上几个条件之后,在经过一定的磨砺,将各种条件结合运用到到自己的实际工作中,是自己不断成长,并最终实现自己梦想,展现自身的人生价值。并懂得感恩,回报那些帮助过你的人,默默支持你的人。回报社会。桑提戈在经过几次比赛的精彩表现后,桑提戈终于签约纽卡斯尔,很快成为球队主力。 并最终随球队一起到伦敦比赛,并最终帮助球队获胜。在父亲去世的时候,任然坚持,并在对利物浦的比赛中打入绝杀球,帮组球队赢得比赛。通过胜利回报了自己的付出,回报了支持他的人和社会。

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篇五 :英语经典名言一万句 疯狂英语名言一万句 中英文对照名言一万句 名言一万句 名人名言 名言警句 英语格言


1、What is language for? some people seem to think it’s for practicing grammar rules and learning lists of words——the longer the words the better. that’s wrong. language is for the exchange of ideas, for communication.


2、The way to learn a language is to practice speaking it as often as possible. (学习一门语言的方法就是要尽量多地练习说。)

3、A great man once said it is necessary to dill as much as possible, and the more you apply it in real situations, the more natural it will become.

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篇六 :羊脂球英文读后感和老人与海英文读后感


Suet ball is a hero to live in the bottom of society, discrimination of prostitutes. Different authors to describe her as a positive character, and with a group of "gentleman" as the person's upper-class bourgeois figures for comparison, which reveals the appearance of pretend, the selfish and hypocritical patriotism even the most basic are certainly No deposit dirty mind. I was particularly impressed that the identity of those with a noble person before and after the interests of the great changes in attitude. When the count of those noble, rich suet ball bosses need help to the detained military officers from Germany, they "amiable.跟她讲calmly reason, touched with the feelings of her, very attentive to compliment her, love her to discuss . praised the sacrifices she will help us all very busy, we would be grateful to her how. "Then, when the ball did not make use of the value of suet, and these people" as if by prior agreement to swap the other way round, it seems like she did not see. "noble Count roll up his wife, "She might be able to avoid much of the" arrogance of the boss's wife to "stare at her," "We all are far away from her, and as her skirts like with any infectious diseases." concise language, a strong contrast to the identity of those with noble benevolence of people pretending to leave, hypocritical affectation and accurate portrait of such a profound manner, the elegance of these people, Yong-rong appearance under cover to expose the ugly face of relentless out so that the reader can not help each of us give a snort of these hypocrites. Maupassant's novel reveals humanity美与丑. When we described that in their世态炎凉, weak social relationships sad at the same time, will naturally think of their own. We are now in the 19th century, social and of course a far cry from the French society, but from those who leave jen Maupassant described the hypocrites who pretend, and that is absolutely merciless, full of bourgeois society hierarchy, made us feeling among people in good faith, how the value of treatment! Full of mutual love and help each other how the social atmosphere of warmth! We are lucky, we do not live in Maupassant described the kind of hierarchy, only the interests of the people are far apart in a sad society. But if we do not know how to treasure them, all to get along with others wearing "masks" of doing things have been wondering whether or not profitable, then surrounded by the Cities around us will also be变淡, in the end we will also live in a cold world. If you planted the seeds of false, it may only be the fruit of薄情寡义. After all, treat people with sincerity is mutual. Will work sincerely to really harvest. I believe in good faith towards each side of the talent will be the happiest, and that you are a small community will be the warmest. Each composed of small community where a large community. Master Maupassant castigate bourgeois hierarchy and cold interpersonal relationships, a correct call on the passion of the society? As long as each of us strive to create a warm small community, it will not even into a bright, beautiful world of passion. Wearing a mask, consisting mainly of a pecuniary interest in interpersonal relationships is suffocating even feel terrible, and we sincerely need to reduce barriers to treatment with the sincerity of friends, such a social environment can people think of warm, like a big family 老人与海英文版读后感

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篇七 :英文读后感-飘英文读后感


Scarlett a very personality figures the two mans she love neither does she know about.To her I was compelled to admire admire her strong and brave admire her to lay down in the environment farm workers previously suffered education admire her to disregard the community to create their own expression of the cause .She is in the whole story all a person full of fighting will full of vitality . I appreciated most it is this " Tomorrow is another day of hers. " . Promising forever full of fighting will will never give up never desperate. I think I'm moved by her.So whenever I meet difficulty the mood is not good I will tell oneself : " Tomorrow is another day. " 'Gone with the Wind' is absolutely a good book that is worth sampling repeatedly the characters are graceful the plot rises and falls exciting boldly and unconstrainedly though the subjective factor because of the author among them the appraisal on U.S.A.'s Civil War is not objective and overall but as to angle of literature this one fine piece of writing generation definitely absolutely worth visiting.

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篇八 :经典英文个性签名 英文名句 英文名诗

1. 记住该记住的,忘记该忘记的。改变能改变的,接受不能改变的。

Remember what should be remembered, and forget what should be forgotten. Alter what is changeable, and accept what is mutable.


“You couldn’t see my tears cause I am in the water.” Fish said to water.

“But I could feel your tears cause you are in my heart.” Answered water.


Your life only lasts for a few decades, so be sure that you don't leave any regrets. Laugh or cry as you like, and it‘s meaningless to oppress yourself.

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