篇一 :BBC蓝色星球纪录片英文观后感

The review of the blue planet by BBC

Our earth actually is a blue planet, which is covered with 71 percent of the world by brine. How vast such superficial content! Therefore, the mysterious field is composed of

numerous parts, such as various marine animals and many different plants. This means a truth that we can’t neglect the effects alerted on the ocean by the creature and some terrestrial beings along the coast.

Food links, complex food net, describe relationship running through the animal-kinds, from plankton to the hugest sort, blue whale, approximately. To my surprise, blue whales, such a formidable giant, rely on millions of krill. Such gargantuan harvests depend on the continuing fertility of the ocean. There exists much amazing association between two species like this. Generally, grey whales are much bigger than killer whales. But 15 killer whales can trace an adult female grey whale several kilometers just for her baby. They chase the young until he can’t swim any longer because of toil. Whales breathe with lung, as is known. These killer whales try their best to press the baby grey whale to make his head in the sea. At last, the young whale dies of oxygen-poor. His mother can not do anything about it and continue her journey north for food, leaving the child’s body behind. She has no choice to give up the one who she had conceived for thirteen months. Moreover, the living in the water is usually classified according to their ambient living

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篇二 :海豚湾纪录片观后感(英文)

The Cove

When I was a child,I always read plenty of stories which told me that dolphins were the close friends of human beings . In my memory, dolphins were very lovely and clever. Their voice is so sweet that I can’t help loving them. However ,when I watched the documentary—The Cove , I felt very sorrowful and angry . The documentary records of the Japanese killed dolphins. In the middle of September, more than 23,000 dolphins slaughtered in Taiji Wan. The scene that dolphins’ blood incarnadines the water is shocking. All words are pale in the face of this shocking scene . How cruel the people who kill dolphins are ! The dolphins always help people out of danger. Whycan’t we protect them from slaughter. I make a determination that I will not eat whale meat.

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篇三 :海豚湾纪录片观后感(英文)

The Cove

When I was a child,I always read plenty of stories which told me that dolphins were the close friends of human beings . In my memory, dolphins were very lovely and clever. Their voice is so sweet that I can??t help loving them. However ,when I watched the documentary??The Cove , I felt very sorrowful and angry . The documentary records of the Japanese killed dolphins. In the middle of September, more than 23,000 dolphins slaughtered in Taiji Wan. The scene that dolphins?? blood incarnadines the water is shocking. All words are pale in the face of this shocking scene . How cruel the people who kill dolphins are ! The dolphins always help people out of danger. Whycan??t we protect them from slaughter. I make a determination that I will not eat whale meat.

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篇四 :纪录片观后感


在百度搜索“环保 纪录片 震撼”,发现很多人推荐《家园》(HOME),并形容其为“唯美”“震撼”“或许是纪录片拍摄的极限”,将信将疑,找了个带中英文字幕的DOWN下来一看,果然被雷倒了:首先是构图,每一幅图都是精品;其次是配音,英文发音特别纯正浑厚;第三是配乐,女高音直达灵魂的深处。另外,本片以地球的发展史为主线,脉络清晰,从四十亿年前地球也即太阳系的诞生说起,一直谈到近20万年人类的诞生,继承了地球40亿年的丰富遗产,却在最近的50年内让地球失去了它精妙的平衡;本片解说词切中要害,饱含对地球的热爱以及地球遭受破坏的感伤。影片最后介绍了一些政府及非政府组织在环保方面的举措。放在家里52寸的液晶电视上观看效果很好。其中有说西伯利亚的永久冻土带已经遭受温室效应的影响,永久冻土已经不再“永久”,而且,冻土下面的甲烷正在并即将大量释放,而甲烷的温室效应是二氧化碳的20倍!整个地球处在一个临界状态,人类正在遭遇一个不可知的未来。热爱地球,关注环保,要悲观已经太晚,行动起来,从素食、节俭开始!(想想52寸的液晶电视、笔记本电脑都是不环保的呀L)


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篇五 :BBC纪录片《我们的孩子足够坚强吗》观后感





这部英国人搞的三集纪录片播出之前已经在网络上炒得火热了——中国初中精英老师大战英国熊孩子,这得多好玩儿哦。这种文化的碰撞总能立刻抓住人们的目光,何况是一个发达国家主动来尝试发展中国家的文化呢?而这种表面的“尝试”,暗地里又意味着一种比较,没有谁会希望自己国家的文化输掉。 第一集在开篇也明确提到,引入中国老师,确实是要比较一下中英教育模式的差异,而比较的方式就是考试。听上去还是非常合理的。我们看到这所学校的校长和我们的一样的怕输心态:“如果我们发现中式教育是最好的教育方法,我会非常失望。”


然而看完第一集后,我不禁哭笑不得,心情十分复杂:虽然还有两集才会揭示最后的结果,不过我对这个结果已经深表怀疑了;另外,这部纪录片点子很好,第一集整体拍得也不错,但总有些情节和人物怪怪的,生硬如同出自一个蹩脚的编剧,而不像是生活中会切实存在的;翻翻网上评论,似乎已经开始集中于探讨中西教育模式了。我愣了一会,回过味儿来:与其说这是一个教育纪录片,倒不如说是一场真人秀。 像真人秀倒也没什么不好,这种抓人眼球的题材肯定也要采用一些赚人眼球的手法,而借此我们也可以看看文化的碰撞到底可以到达何种程度——不过要明确的是,如果这样拍,那最后的考试结果其实已经是有偏的了,它就不能作为评判中英乃至东西方教育模式优劣的证据,而且这部纪录片对教育界、决策者和广大观众所能提供的现实意义也就极其有限了。教育性和娱乐性不可得兼,就像不能把科普书当成教科书一样。

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篇六 :英文电影赏析观后感 英文版


The famous movie named The Lion King ,which becomes the most successful movie in Walt Disney and gains public attractions. In the movie, the little prince whom made the African savannah awaken was born when the sun rising from the horizon. As the the king's brother scar hated Simba because Scar wanted to become the king.Scar attempted many ways to kill Simba.The most impressive thing was a time when Simba was immediately killed by Scar , but Mufasa saved Simba's life .His father's death frustrated him. Finally Simba conquered many difficulties and defeated Scar. Simba was officially announced to own the regime within the chorus of his mother and his friends.The Lion King shows us a new grand world, letting us to experience the adventures of the love and the moving of life.

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篇七 :英文电影观后感,与人生相关

福建农林大学 公共选修课课程论文


论文题目:《飞屋环游记》——爱与梦飞行 学 院: 专业年级: 学 号: 学生姓名:








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篇八 :英文电影观后感

The show

After watched the movie, my feeling is very large .For happiness, we all have the right to pursue it, and no one can deprive us of the pursuit of happiness. In the film, the hero very poor, still did not give up the pursuit of happiness, that is worthy of our learning. As contemporary college students, we want to go to the pursuit of happiness. Is not only our personal happiness, but also people is happiness, happiness of the country. Students, our shoulders the historical mission of building powerful motherland, so, we should not live up to everyone is expectations, study hard, and the pursuit of happiness.

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