篇一 :关于冬天的英文名人名言(九)


I'm telling you, until I shaved my head, I never realized how much heat is lost through the top of the head. I walk out in winter and it feels like I have an ice pack on my head. Unbelievable. Bryan Cranston

When all the world appears to be in a tumult, and nature itself is feeling the assault of climate change, the seasons retain their essential rhythm. Yes, fall gives us a premonition of winter, but then, winter, will be forced to relent, once again, to the new beginnings of soft greens, longer light, and the sweet air of spring.

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篇二 :关于冬天的英文名人名言(十三)


I toured Ontario in the winter of '48, in a touring company of The Drunkard, in which I played the bartender.

Jonathan Frid

Last winter when I was coming home from church one Thursday evening, I saw somebody run around the house again. I told my father of that.

Lizzie Andrew Borden

I have a really basic uniform: in winter, black tights and any old dress that I can throw on. In summer, high-waisted jeans and this shirt, or that shirt, and a cashmere cardigan just in case. Claudia Schiffer

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篇三 :关于冬天的英文名人名言(十二)


I have a very basic leg. But it has a silicon cover on it. I have a flat foot leg, a high heel leg and then I have a leg which, in the winter, I have to ski in and in the summer I swap it into my roller blades.

Heather Mills

Winter in Maine is a time of alternating rest and frenzied activity.

Tom Allen

In this part of the world, only Maine gives winter the welcome and the worship it should have. Tom Allen

California is lucky, the East Coast is lucky because we get great seafood and a lot of produce from Florida, locally in good weather, but in the winter we have to buy it.

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篇四 :关于冬天的英文名人名言(十)


Mitt Romney turned businesses around in the private sector. He saved the Winter Olympics. Scott Walker

If a guy hits .300 every year, what does he have to look forward to? I always tried to stay around .190, with three or four RBI. And I tried to get them all in September. That way I always had something to talk about during the winter.

Bob Uecker

I like cool jackets - a nice fall or winter coat. You can get a lot of use out of it, and you'll wear it frequently, so it can really set the tone of your uniform for the season.

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篇五 :关于冬天的英文名人名言(三)


As winter strips the leaves from around us, so that we may see the distant regions they formerly concealed, so old age takes away our enjoyments only to enlarge the prospect of the coming eternity.

Jean Paul

Autumn arrives in early morning, but spring at the close of a winter day.

Elizabeth Bowen

Winter lies too long in country towns; hangs on until it is stale and shabby, old and sullen. Willa Cather

And some places you been before are so great that you don't ever mind going back. Some places you been before you don't ever want to go back, you know, like Montreal in the Winter.

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篇六 :关于冬天的英文名人名言(十一)


In 2002 the Yamaha was at more or less the same level as the Honda, better in some ways, worse in others. But in the winter of last year between 2002 and 2003, Honda made a big step forward and it seemed as if Yamaha couldn't quite match that improvement.

Valentino Rossi

The work that we do during the winter is very important; we have a new bike and it's important to develop it during this time, and we start with this test.

Valentino Rossi

Every year when I put away my winter clothes and get out my summer clothes, they fit. And I haven't been on a diet since the Reagan administration.

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篇七 :关于冬天的英文名人名言(二)


As sure as the spring will follow the winter, prosperity and economic growth will follow recession.

Bo Bennett

O, wind, if winter comes, can spring be far behind?

Percy Bysshe Shelley

Winter is nature's way of saying, 'Up yours.'

Robert Byrne

The problem with winter sports is that - follow me closely here - they generally take place in winter.

Dave Barry

There are only two seasons - winter and Baseball.

Bill Veeck

No winter lasts forever; no spring skips its turn.

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篇八 :关于冬天的英文名人名言(一)


Now is the winter of our discontent.

William Shakespeare

In the depth of winter I finally learned that there was in me an invincible summer.

Albert Camus

You can't get too much winter in the winter.

Robert Frost

People ask me what I do in winter when there's no baseball. I'll tell you what I do. I stare out the window and wait for spring.

Rogers Hornsby

Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face.

Victor Hugo

People don't notice whether it's winter or summer when they're happy.

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