篇一 :商务英语翻译论文开题报告


The translation of business letter and contract




Key words:


Contents :

Introduction :

Chapter one: The translation of Business letter

1.1:The brief introduction of business letter


1.1.1:The importance of business letter and translation 英语商务信函及其翻译的重要性

1.1.2:The elements of english business letter


1.2:The language character of business letter


1.2.1: 英语商务信函的词汇特征



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篇二 :论文英语翻译摘要例文


摘 要





Translation can be defined that the merit of the original work is so completely and accurately transfused into another language. In the process of translation, in order to achieve equivalence of high level, the transform of parts of speech must be used by translator. This paper emphasizes the importance of the transformation of parts of speech in English to Chinese or Chinese to English translation based on different characteristics of English and Chinese. And it is demonstrated with examples that in translation between English and Chinese the parts of speech of words is often conversed to make the version move coherent and idiomatic. Furthermore, taking Chinese learners’ errors in transform of parts of speech the paper suggests some countermeasures.

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篇三 :英语翻译论文开题报告范文




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篇四 :本科毕业论文英语类范文

宁波大学成人教育学院 题 目:

毕业论文 浅谈翻译里的中西方文化差异及其影响 China and Western cultural differences and their implications in Translation 第 1页 共15页

目 录

摘要 .............................................................. 4

关键词 ............................................................ 4

Abstract .......................................................... 4

Key words ......................................................... 4

正文 .............................................................. 4

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篇五 :英文翻译论文格式

论文题目(黑体 三号 加粗)

(宋体 小四)作者(加粗)***学号** 指导老师(加粗)***

(华中师范大学计算机科学系 邮编 430079)(宋体 五号)

英文题目 (TimesNewRoman 小三 加粗)

Author:Zhang Xue-Yang supervisor:Zhang Xue-Yang (宋体 五号)

(Department of Computer Science, Central China Normal University,Wuhan, 430079)

Abstract: (宋体 五号)

Key words: (宋体 五号)

摘 要(黑体 五号 加粗):********(宋体 五号)

关键字(黑体 五号 加粗):********(宋体 五号)

1 (宋体 四号 加粗)

1.1 (宋体 小四 加粗)

正文(宋体 五号)……

1.1.1(宋体 小四 加粗)

(1) 正文(宋体 五号)

①……正文(宋体 五号)






1.2 (宋体 小四 加粗)

正文(宋体 五号)……

1.3 (宋体 小四 加粗)

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篇六 :英语、英文论文格式、范文、模版

Idiom Translation under the Chinese

and English Cultures

Class XXX Number XXX Name XXX

Abstract: Nida, a famous translator, says, "For truly successful translation, it is much more important to familiarize two cultures than master two languages, because words are assigned meanings in its particular cultures."(Background information) This is to say, translation is closely related with not only languages but also cultures. Studies of the cultural distinction in idiom translation are still relatively weak in the field of translation in China. Exclusive research on the translation of Chinese and English idioms is still incomplete. In the last twenty years, idiom translation has mostly emphasized the level of inter-lingual communication, but cultural differences were rarely involved in it.(Identify problem) This thesis analyses the cultural differences in Chinese and English idioms, then studies English-Chinese\Chinese-English idiom translation methods(Research subject) from the angle of culture(Method) and points out some warnings concerning idiom translation: pay attention to context and choose the right version in line with the style and meaning of the original passage(Results); culture is a whole way of life, when new culture emerges, new idioms also appear, therefore idiom translation should develop with the time.(Conclusion)

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篇七 :语言和文化(英文毕业论文范文)

英语11002班 胡 畔 1010291061

Cultural Comparison of Animal Idioms in

Chinese and English Culture

Abstract: Language and culture are like two wheels of our human beings. Language is a vehicle that helps record and interpret culture. And culture becomes alive by means of language. However, culture is not only unique to human, but also something concerning animals. As an essential part of the language and culture of a society, idioms are characterized by their concise expressions, rich and vivid. English and Chinese idioms carry the different national cultural characteristics and cultural information. In order to improve our intercultural communication competence, this paper will mainly analyze some idioms on dogs in terms of the Chinese and English religious influence, historical influence, geographical environment influence etc, and explore the possible reasons which can account for these differences.

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篇八 :英语专业毕业论文范文1

关于论文结构和格式规范的有关问题,请认真阅读“外国语学院英语本科毕业论文撰写要求”,同时可查阅“MLA格式学位论文写作规范(供查询用)”。(建议:以本范文作为模板,把自己论文的相应部分复制后,以 “选择性粘贴”—“无格式文本”的方式,粘贴到范文的相应位置,以保持与范文格式完全一致。)






题目: 论转换法在英汉翻译中的应用

学 院 外国语学院

专 业 英语

班 级 英语0802 (注意原山经、原山财班级名称不同) 学 号 2008110107

姓 名 刘 潇

指导教师 李文涛







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